IDPs in Syria

Refugees in Syria

The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

People in Need in Syria JSON 
Last updated 31 Dec 2022
Source - Syria Humanitarian Response Plan
IDPs Population in Syria JSON 
Last updated 31 May 2022
Source - UNHCR, OCHA
IDP Returnees in Syria JSON 
Last updated 31 Aug 2022
Source - Syria Humanitarian Response Plan 
IDPs in Syria by Governorate JSON 
IDPs in Syria by Governorate
Location name Source Data date Population
Aleppo UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Homs UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Ar-Raqqa UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Idleb UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Hama UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Rural Damascus UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Damascus UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Quneitra UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Dar'a UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Tartous UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
As-Sweida UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Lattakia UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Al-Hasakeh UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022
Deir-ez-Zor UNHCR, OCHA 31 May 2022

Loading Registered refugees and Asylum seekers in Syria

["population",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"Registered refugees and Asylum seekers in Syria","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"totalPopulationType","population_group":["1;4"],"hide_households_tooltip":"1","limit":"","fromDate":"01\/04\/2017","color":"#3c8dbc","frequency":"year","chartType":"column","async":"1","enable_json":"1","enable_csv":"1","type":"country","widget_id":383058,"position":"left","locale":"en","title":"Registered refugees and Asylum seekers in Syria","subtitle":"","country":{},"geo_id":112,"sv_id":0}]
Refugees and Asylum seekers by country of origin JSON  .CSV 
Country of origin Source Data date Population
Iraq UNHCR 31 Dec 2022
Afghanistan UNHCR 31 Dec 2022
Sudan UNHCR 31 Dec 2022
Others UNHCR 31 Dec 2022
Yemen UNHCR 31 Dec 2022
Somalia UNHCR 31 Dec 2022

Refugees and Asylum seekers by Age and Gender JSON 
Source - UNHCR
Self-organized Refugee Returns to Syria 2016-2022 JSON 
Last updated 31 Dec 2022
Source - UNHCR 
Self-organized Refugee Returns to Syria by Year JSON 
* The numbers reported are only those verified or monitored by UNHCR and do not reflect the entire number of returns, which may be significantly higher.
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    Create date: 21 February 2023 (2 months ago)
  • Overview of Syria operation

    The decade-long crisis in Syria continues to affect millions of lives. According to the 2022 Humanitarian Needs Overview, some 14.6 million people need humanitarian assistance, a 9 per cent increase from the previous year. There are an estimated 6.7 million people internally displaced across the country. In addition, as of end-June, some 20,200 refugees and asylum-seekers were registered with UNHCR in Syria. UNHCR provides protection and assistance to refugees, internally displaced people, returnees and stateless people based on identified needs and vulnerabilities.

    Funding Status (2023)
    Total appeal
    Date of Funding Data 31 January 2023 (3 months ago)
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    UNHCR: Over 5 million may need shelter support in Syria after quake

    © UNHCR, 10 Feb 2023

    This is a summary of what was said by Sivanka Dhanapala, UNHCR Representative in Syria – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at today’s press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. He was speaking from Damascus. Read more


    Everyone has a right to safety, and to access food – UNHCR’s Grandi’s message from Syria

    © UNHCR/Hameed Maarouf, 14 Sep 2022

    DAMASCUS, Syria – UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, urged much more support to address the staggering humanitarian needs in Syria after a visit to the country that ended today. Read more


    From internally displaced to businesswoman: a story of resilience, hope and gratefulness

    © UNHCR/Saad Sawas, 15 Jul 2022

    After having fled her home with her family eight years, ago, Amina, mother of six, decided recently to return with her children to her home in Ar-Rastan city, Homs Governorate. The sole breadwinner of her family, Amina, a bright, optimistic and energetic 43-year old, decided to start her own busine... Read more

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    ["links",{"title_language_ar":"","title_language_en":"External Links","title_language_es":"","title_language_fr":"","subtitle_language_ar":"","subtitle_language_en":"","subtitle_language_es":"","subtitle_language_fr":"","order":"","view":"listType","limit":"5","async":"1","type":"country","widget_id":383073,"position":"right","locale":"en","title":"External Links","subtitle":"","country":{},"geo_id":112,"sv_id":0}]

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