U.S. Army Human Resources Command, WWW.HRC.ARMY.MIL
My Record Portal Login
CAC Login  Use your CAC
CAC Login  Use your DS Logon


Your Login equals your enterprise name (AMID Login). EXAMPLE:

For those having issues accessing this site via CAC, please use your AMID login. Should you need to reset the password, please follow these steps:

1. Navigate to: https://icamportal.us.army.mil/

2. Click LOG IN

3. Under the Your Account tab, click Change Your Password

4. Follow the on screen instructions to change your password

5. Click SUBMIT

6. You will receive a password change notification email from [email protected]

My Record Portal is HRC's self-service portal for Active, Guard, Reserve, Retiree and Veteran Soldiers.

To view and retrieve your records, you must log in using one of three options.
  1. Login using your enterprise name (AMID login) and password. 
  2. If you have a Common Access Card (CAC), you can use it to log into the Portal.
  3. If you do not have a CAC, create a Level 1 DS Logon account. Click here to go to the DS Logon Help Center. Under the REGISTRATION tab, click on question #2 (I am a veteran) and follow the instructions.
    1. Once you have a Level 1, you need to request a Level 2 DS Logon account.
    2. Click here to go to the Help Center, click on the tab DS LOGON ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT. Then click on the second question "How do I upgrade to Premium (Level 2)"
*** IRR Soldiers - you need a Level 2 DS Logon account to complete the Virtual Muster.

If you are having technical issues with the My Record Portal site, follow the instructions below.

Send an email to the HRC Help Desk at [email protected] to request customer support. HRC Help Desk will create a trouble ticket using the information you provide in the email message. You need to include the following information:

  • User's Name
  • Location
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • State clearly the problem you are having related to web. If you are getting an error message, be sure to provide the exact error message.

After you have logged in, click on the icon that identifies your service record. You will see your information. On the left side of the web page, under the heading "Navigation," you can click on the word "Documents" to view the documents in your record. To print, click on the document of your choosing. Once it's open, click on the printer icon, located on the far left side of the menu bar at the top of the page.

If you have DS Logon issues the HRC Help Desk cannot assist. You will need to contact DMDC directly. DMDC website is www.dmdc.osd.mil/identitymanagement/consent

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