Military Spouses of Strength is a national nonprofit organization with a mission

to improve the health and overall wellness within the military community.

It is no secret that over 14 years of war and sacrifice, service members, military spouses, and military children face unusual struggles that they have battled, often silently. September is National Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month Make a difference in the military community and  Get Involved!




Mind, Body and Spirit


Duelism, from the Latin word duo, means the division of into two aspects; duality. The mind and body are not identical, therefore need separate things. Aristotle and Plato, are just two ancient philosophers who elaborated on this point of view. Duelism is a theory or system of thought that regards a domain of reality in terms of two independent principles, especially mind and matter. Duelism is also explained Biblically as the universe contains opposed powers of Good and Evil, balanced equals. Therefore, as our Mind and Body are two defferent beings, they have different needs. It is then important to take care of each, individually.


Taking care of our physical bodies is an important element in taking care of our whole selves. We need to listen to our bodies when they tell us they are in pain or not feeling well. We must excersise and eat well in order to maintain them.


Our bodies cannot work hard for us, if we don’t work hard on them. Our emotional well being is also an important factor. When our mind is in despair, it affects our physical selves. Although stress is a mental state, it can leave us with physical ailments. Tension headaches and stiff muscles are just minor ways that stress can affect our bodies.


Our mental health affects our physical body. Our physical body affects our mental health. As such, it is highly important to take care of both, as individuals.


How can we achieve this balance?  MSoS is here and will be providing resources and support to help with Mind, Body and Spirit that supports mental health for military families, caregivers and veterans.  Stay in touch, Get Involved and join us to stay informed of the most recent programs and support offered by MSoS!

Tell us your story


A very therapeutic resource is sharing your story with others. Through blogging, you can share your story with others anonymously or openly. 

Your donation will directly impact the availability of support, resources, awareness initiatives, programming and operating costs needed to help support the needs of military families before, during and after they come home.




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