Blogs are conversational and interactive, as opposed to the traditional, static, business-end of a website, providing support, research, education and insight, authority and passion as well as newsworthy content.

In October 2012, there were approximately 77 million Tumblr and 56.6 million WordPress blogs. Blogger is the most popular blogging service used today.

Check out the blogs below for more information on travel, tourism, the outdoors, the agriculture industry as well as the information and technology sector of state government.

Executive Management

Bureau of Human Resources

South Dakota Careers Blog
Looking to begin or advance your career in a diverse and rewarding environment? Check out the South Dakota Careers blog and consider a career with the State of South Dakota. This blog features experiences from a summer intern, training reviews, job openings and other updates from the South Dakota Bureau of Human Resources.

Bureau of Information and Telecommunications

BIT Blog
The BIT blog provides an alternative medium to help move our customer forward and also provides information on how our clients can improve their strategic IT needs. The intent of this blog is to bring value to the customer's needs through directives, humor and timely information. We also strive to provide brand recognition and customer input by engaging our clients with open dialogue and a genuine, conversational voice.


Education Blog
Official blog of the South Dakota Department of Education
SD Cornerstone
South Dakota State Library's e-newsletter

Game, Fish and Parks
GFP Blog
The GFP blog is used among the agency’s other digital communications tools to continue to tell the story of what our staff do and how that work contributes to our mission of conserving, managing, protecting and enhancing South Dakota's wildlife resources, parks and outdoor recreational opportunities. The blog provides another way in which our agency can continue to provide transparency, dialogue, community and customer relations through an open platform. Each blog post contains a photo or video with information and a location that is pinned to a map. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Revenue Blog
The Revenue blog provides information to educate taxpayers. We plan to utilize internal resources to plainly answer taxpayer questions and provide professional service.

Open Government


Headlines, Road Conditions, and more

Social Media

Facebook, Flickr
Twitter, YouTube and more

Kristi Noem

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Gov. Noem and her team
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