Check the Weather  

New! Hosted Global Wind and Precipitation Maps


Learn more about our sophisticated wind and precipitation maps.


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Hail Tracking


Hail causes hundreds of millions of dollars in damage each year.
CustomWeather offers several tools to enable businesses to prepare.

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Product Update: CustomWeather Historical Data now includes Daily Actual Sunshine Hours and Average Possible Sunshine Hours


CustomWeather offers the most comprehensive collection of historical climate data available. Get in touch to learn more about how this valuable data collection can help your business.

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Learn More About Our Proven Weather API


XML or JSON formatted  •  Geolookup  •  Weather data for over 80,000 locations  •  Over 85 different languages  •  Interactive Maptiles, Radar and Satellite images  •  Ability to refine forecasts down to 100 meter resolution worldwide  •  Clients can request data via HTTPS for secure data encryption


Our seasoned meteorological and technical teams are ready to support your business with the best in weather intelligence.

Learn more               Dark Sky Transition Info

Wind Nowcasting


“Under Business-As-Usual, the large scale integration of wind energy will be plagued by excessive levels of electricity market balancing. This will almost surely have adverse implications for CO2 emissions.” – Dr. Kevin Forbes, Catholic University of America


Dr.  Forbes demonstrates that CustomWeather’s hourly, historical forecasts, in conjunction with statistical techniques, can reduce wind energy load forecast errors significantly.

Read the research                Learn more

Forecasting Precipitation, Temperature and Evapotranspiration


Merced Irrigation District meets the irrigation demands of about 140,000 acres. MID has partnered with CustomWeather to support their ability to manage deliveries, flood control and environmental requirements.

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Weather for Your World

CustomWeather provides syndicated content for complete global weather coverage including sophisticated weather forecasts, maps, tracking and alert services covering over 80,000 locations worldwide.



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Real Time Weather Monitoring


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