A collage of four pictures. From top left and clockwise: a formation fo Service members in uniform carrying State flags; a World War II Veteran in uniform at a Veterans cemetery holding a U.S. tri-fold presentation flag; a post 9/11 Veteran, double leg amputee sitting in a 3-wheel recumbent racing trike fist-bumping a young boy; and a Marind Service member in uniform with his two children, wife, and mother.

VA Fiscal Year 2022-2028 Strategic Plan

The VA FY 2022-2028 Strategic Plan describes the major efforts the Department will undertake through the next five to seven years to deliver tailored and desired outcomes for Veterans. The plan’s goals, objectives, and strategies describe essential VA focus areas that are intended to contribute to Veteran well-being, encourage independence, and enhance Veterans’ quality of life.

Access the Strategic Plan (PDF, 139 pages)

The Supplement (PDF, 12 pages) addresses next steps for preventing and ending homelessness among Veterans.

Winning image of the 2022 Veterans Day poster competition

Agency Financial Report (AFR)

VA’s AFR presents VA’s financial results and audited financial statements for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. The Management Discussion and Analysis also provides information on the status of VA’s Strategic Objectives, Agency Priority Goals, Major Management Challenges and High Risk Areas. The AFR is submitted to the President and Congress and is available to the public.

Access the AFR

Annual Budget Submission

The Department prepares a budget request and a performance plan that is submitted to Congress each year. Together the plan and budget articulate what VA plans to achieve with the resources requested.

Access the annual budget submision

Annual Performance Plan and Report (APP&R)

The Annual Performance Plan and Report presents the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) accomplishments and challenges in providing health care and benefits to Veterans and their eligible dependents in accordance with VA’s mission. It contains both proposed performance in the form of targets for future years as well as recent results.

Access the 2021 (PDF, 111 pages), 2020 (PDF, 90 pages) and 2019 (PDF, 139 pages) APP&Rs

Annual Evaluation Plan (AEP)

VA’s Annual Evaluation Plan (AEP) highlights significant studies that will inform evidence-based policies identified in the forthcoming Learning Agenda appendix to the VA Fiscal Year 2022-2028 Strategic Plan. The evaluations focus on at-risk, marginalized and vulnerable Veterans facing homelessness, opioid use disorder and challenges in access to care and benefits.

Access the 2022 (PDF, 32 pages), 2023 (PDF, 45 pages), and 2024 (PDF, 58 pages) AEPs

Diversity and Inclusion Strategic

The Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan serves a living road map to guide our efforts in creating and sustaining a high-performing workforce to achieve superior results in serving our Nation’s Veterans. The Plan’s implementation will foster a diverse workforce and inclusive work environment that ensures equal opportunity through national policy development, workforce analysis, outreach, retention, and education to best serve our Nation’s Veterans.

Access the Diversity and Inclusion plan (PDF, 32 pages)

Government Accountability Office (GAO) High-Risk Improvement Plans

In this 2022 update (PDF, 322 pages), the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) documents recent progress made since publishing the VA’s 2021 High Risk List Action Plan: Managing Risks and Improving VA Health Care (PDF, 314 pages). The Action Plan is VA’s plan for addressing the five broad management issues described by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in its 2015 High Risk Series Update, which include: policy and processes, oversight and accountability, information technology, adequate training, and resource allocation. In this update, VA provides status on actions taken, future planned actions with detailed project milestones, refined goals and objectives, a resource assessment, information on work related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and a response to critiques made by GAO.

Inspector General Audits and Investigative Reports

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent oversight organization operating under the Inspector General Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-452).

OIG audits and evaluations, health care inspections, administrative investigations, contract reviews, and Combined Assessment Program (CAP) reviews recommend improvements to VA programs and operations. OIG criminal investigations enforce Federal criminal laws to bring individuals and entities engaging in criminal activity against Veterans and VA to justice.

The OIG also provides VA leadership an annual update, Major Management Challenges, on the most serious management problems facing the Department. These challenges are described in the Department’s AFR.

Access OIG’s audits and investigative reports