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U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program contractors receive training on the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual. The manual provides detailed guidance on how to demonstrate that a site is in compliance with a radiation dose- or risk-based regulation. MARSSIM focuses on the demonstration of compliance during the final status survey following scoping, characterization and any necessary remedial actions. MARSSIM was developed collaboratively by the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program contractors perform gamma walkover surveys along the 100-year floodplain near Coldwater Creek, in areas along Highway 367 that were previously inaccessible due to excessive foliage and thick brush. Gamma walkover surveys are completed to identify areas where there may be elevated areas of Manhattan Engineer District, early Atomic Energy Commission radiation that require further investigation.
Lock and Dam 25 is located in Calhoun County, Illinois, and Lincoln County, Missouri, at approximately Mile 241.4 on the Upper Mississippi River above the mouth of the Ohio River near Winfield, Missouri. Proposed project features include construction of new 1200-foot, pile founded, lock located in the auxiliary miter gate bay, and construction of an upstream, ported guard wall totaling 1200 feet, and a 650-foot downstream approach wall. The existing 600-foot lock remains in place and will become auxiliary lock chamber to be used primarily by recreation traffic. The project also includes associated channel work, relocations and site-specific environmental mitigation. The majority of the Upper Mississippi River locks were designed and constructed in the 1930’s and the lock chambers are 600-ft. long. The 600-ft. lock chamber cause significant average delays to navigation because of double lockages required for tows larger than 600-ft.The new1200-foot lock will significantly reduce delays and increase safety. The combination of ecosystem and navigation in a single U.S. Army Corps of Engineers program required many years of coordination with both the navigation and ecosystem partners and it will alter the future of the Upper Mississippi River System to ensure it remains the vital transportation and ecosystem corridor for the next 100 plus years.

Did you know...

The St. Louis District is responsible for maintaining a navigation channel nine feet deep and 300 feet wide on 300 miles of the Mississippi River from Saverton, Missouri, to Cairo, Illinois. We are also responsible for maintaining a navigation channel on the lower 80 miles of the Illinois River as well as the lower 36 miles of the Kaskaskia River. Strategically situated at the crossroads of three major river systems, the St. Louis District is also located at the critical transition point on the Mississippi River where it is a “locking river” north of St. Louis and the “open river” from St. Louis on south.

Latest News Releases

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to increase activity on Jana Elementary property
ST. LOUIS – The public will start to see an increase in activity on Jana Elementary School property in the next few weeks as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) St. Louis District prepares to...
“REC Fest” Spring Festival Returning to the National Great Rivers Museum
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Rivers Project Office invites you to R.E.C. (Recreation, Education, and Conservation) Fest – the largest recreation and safety festival in the Riverbend! Kick off the...
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers shares methods, findings from Jana Elementary School sampling at technical forum
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) St. Louis District discussed its findings and its extensive sampling and testing efforts conducted at Jana Elementary School under the Formerly Utilized Sites...
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers releases first of three final reports on sampling results from Jana Elementary School
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District released the first of three final reports today detailing the results of its findings from extensive sampling and testing at Jana Elementary School...
Open House to be held at Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge on May 10
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), St. Louis District and federal partner the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) are constructing a habitat rehabilitation project for Yorkinut Slough in the...

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