The AAA-ICDR is not only dedicated to fair, effective, efficient, and economical dispute resolution, but as a leader in ADR, we are also devoted to education and transparency. Every year the AAA-ICDR compiles case data from the previous year to be easily accessible and readily available to the global ADR community.

As the largest international provider of dispute resolution services, the ICDR is also the most cost-effective arbitral organization, according to a recent Time and Cost Study. The report analyzed reported ADR cost data in comparison to other international arbitration organizations.

An independent economic research firm, Micronomics, studied the time differences between litigation and AAA arbitration. The conclusion: arbitration resolves disputes faster than the courts, therefore costing businesses less. 

Industry Research & Insights

Arbitrators have firsthand knowledge of what can make for an efficient and speedy arbitration. In a survey of over 400 AAA arbitrators, uncooperative parties were listed as one of the most common causes for delay in disputes. Our AAA Arbitrator Survey Finds How Parties and Counsel Increase Costs and Lower Efficiency of Their Cases, as well as the recommended techniques in managing time, costs and expectations.

Additionally, 40 experienced commercial arbitrators listed out their top tips of what they would recommend to CEOs and CFOs to maximize the benefits of commercial arbitration in The Top 10 Ways to Make Arbitration Faster and More Cost Effective.

Common Misperceptions

Alternative Dispute Resolution remains a popular conflict-management process, however misinformation and misperceptions can persist. These studies debunk common myths associated with arbitration.

Case Studies

In 2020 the fallout from COVID-19 caused widespread disruption to many businesses, organizations and lives. An AAA-administered election faced potential delay amid pandemic-related closures, restrictions and health concerns. The AAA found creative solutions to ensure the election was held on time, and is detailed in our Pandemic Conditions Obstruct Long-Awaited Union Election Case Study.

When the courts were closed during the 2020 pandemic, a billion-dollar, multi-party bankruptcy case that had been ordered to begin court-ordered mediation also faced potential delay. The $1 Billion Bankruptcy Court-Ordered Mediation – and COVID-19 Has Closed the Courts Virtual Mediation Case Study describes how the AAA was able to facilitate a multi-party, two-mediator mediation virtually. 

The AAA has experience in creating comprehensive arbitration management for complex case projects. This construction case study: Project Delay Leads to Terminated Contract, Complex Claims and Counter-Claims: Resolved through Arbitration, demonstrates how two parties and the arbitrators involved were able to resolve a complex case.

Detailed in AAA Healthcare Payor Provider Dispute Resolution: A Model for Streamlining the Arbitration Process, this whitepaper shows how the arbitral process can be streamlined for this segment of the healthcare industry.

Articles & Publications

Cybersecurity Protocols and ADR. Fall 2019 Today’s General Counsel.

Arbitration Insights: Dispute Resolution Makes Its Case, Worldwide. September 2019 Corporate Counsel Business Journal

The International Centre for Dispute Resolution’s Mediation Practice and Experience. September 2019 Oxford University Press

Arbitration Insights: Efficient and Impartial Employment Dispute Resolution. July 2019 Corporate Counsel Business Journal

International Arbitration Roundtable. June 2019 Financier Worldwide​

Arbitration in the Americas. Jan-Mar 2016 Corporate Disputes Magazine

International Arbitration ICDR New Rules. Clyde and Co. 1/3LY Interview