Obtain a Permit

Corps permits are also necessary for any work, including construction and dredging, in the Nation's navigable waters. The Corps balances the reasonably foreseeable benefits and detriments of proposed projects, and makes permit decisions that recognize the essential values of the Nation's aquatic ecosystems to the general public, as well as the property rights of private citizens who want to use their land. During the permit process, the Corps considers the views of other Federal, state and local agencies, interest groups, and the general public. The results of this careful public interest review are fair and equitable decisions that allow reasonable use of private property, infrastructure development, and growth of the economy, while offsetting the authorized impacts to the waters of the US. The adverse impacts to the aquatic environment are offset by mitigation requirements, which may include restoring, enhancing, creating and preserving aquatic functions and values. The Corps strives to make its permit decisions in a timely manner that minimizes impacts to the regulated public. 

District Specific Permit Information

Region-specific information about applying for a permit, the permit process, and important permitting information for Regulatory Districts.

District Topic
Albuquerque  Alternatives Analysis
Alaska  Drawing Guidance
Chicago  How to submit an application
Detroit  Application Information (Sourcebook)
Ft Worth  Application
Honolulu  Application
Huntington  Application 
Jacksonville  Application Information (Sourcebook)
Kansas City  Application
Little Rock  Application
Louisville  Application
Memphis  Application Information
Mobile  Application Information (Sourcebook)
National   Application 
  Application Information (ENG Training Module)
New England  Application Information (Sourcebook)
New York  Application Information
Norfolk  Application
Rock Island  Application
San Francisco  Application
  Sample Application
St. Louis   Application
Tulsa Application
District  Topic 
Alaska  Jurisdiction (Field Guide)
Buffalo  Jurisdiction
Chicago Jurisdiction
Detroit  Jurisdiction
Philadelphia  Jurisdiction
Sacramento  Jurisdiction (Delineation)
San Francisco  Jurisdiction
Vicksburg  Jurisdiction (Delineation)
Wilmington  Jurisdiction
District  Topic 
Los Angeles  Permit Process 
Mobile  Permit Process 
National  Permit Process 
  Permit Process (Red Book) 
New Orleans  Permit Process 
New York  Permit Process 
Omaha  Permit Process 
Portland  Permit Process 
Rock Island  Permit Process 
Sacramento  Permit Process 
Savannah  Permit Process 
Seattle  Permit Process 
St. Paul  Permit Process 
Vicksburg  Permit Process 
Walla Walla  Permit Process 
Wilmington  Permit Process 

Forms and DocumentsFormsDocumentsForms

District  Topic 
Baltimore Documents
Charleston Forms
Ft. Worth Regulatory Information
Galveston Documents
Nashville Forms
National Regulatory Guidance Letters
New England Forms
New York Forms
Norfolk Forms
  Regulatory Information
Philadelphia Forms
Pittsburgh Forms and Documents
Seattle Forms and Documents
St. Louis Documents
Walla Walla Documents

Regional and Programmatic General Permits

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) Regulatory Program involves the regulating of discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States and structures or work in navigable waters of the United States, under section 404 of the Clean Water Act and section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. A proposed project’s impacts to these areas will determine what permit type is required.

An individual, or standard permit, is issued when projects have more than minimal individual or cumulative impacts, are evaluated using additional environmental criteria, and involve a more comprehensive public interest review.

A general permit is issued for structures, work or discharges that will result in only minimal adverse effects. General permits are issued on a nationwide, regional, or state basis for particular categories of activities. There are three types of general permits – Nationwide Permits, Regional General Permits, and Programmatic General Permits. General permits are usually valid for five years and may be re-authorized by USACE.

Nationwide permits are issued by USACE on a national basis and are designed to streamline Department of the Army authorization of projects such as commercial developments, utility lines, or road improvements that produce minimal impact the nation’s aquatic environment. More information on nationwide permits can be found here.

A regional general permit is issued for a specific geographic area by an individual USACE District. Each regional general permit has specific terms and conditions, all of which must be met for project-specific actions to be verified.

Programmatic general permits are based on an existing state, local, or other federal program and designed to avoid duplication of that program. A State Programmatic General Permit (SPGP) is a type of permit that is issued by USACE and designed to eliminate duplication of effort between USACE districts and state regulatory programs that provide similar protection to aquatic resources. In some states, the SPGP replaces some or all of the USACE nationwide permits, which results in greater efficiency in the overall permitting process.

The table below provides a list of regional or programmatic general permits used by USACE districts across the nation.
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General Permits for Alaska District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Discharges of Dredged of Fill Material in the Municipality of Anchorage GP for residential and community developments 31-Oct-20 Municipality of Anchorage in wetlands identified in the Anchorage Wetlands Management Plan and certain undesignated wetlands 404
RGP RGP-09 Kasilof River GP for seasonal placement of commercial mooring buoys 6-Feb-25 Kasilof River 10
RGP RGP 07 Rural Development GP for residential and community developments 30-Sep-24 State of Alaska excluding Anchorage, Palmer, Wasilla, Fairbanks, Juneau/Douglas, Homer, Seward, Kenai, Soldotna, Bethel, Nome, Annette Island, Denali Nat Park, and the coastal boundary of the Aleutians West Coastal Resource Service Area which extends from Unalga Pass in the East to Attu Island in the west, encoumpassing all land and water areas to the 3-mile offshore territorial limit.  This includes Unalaska, Atka, and Nikolski but not Adak Island 404
RGP RGP-10 Bethel RGP for development work in the City of Bethel, Alaska 7-Feb-22 Within the city limits of Bethel, excluding certain restricted areas 404
RGP RGP-01 Nome RGP for development work in the City of Nome, Alaska 23-Aug-22 Within the city limits of Nome, Excluding certain restricted areas 404
RGP RGP 06 Wrangell Industrial Park Subdivision RGP for industrial development in the Wrangell Industrial Park Subdivision 31-Aug-24 Wrangell Industrial Park Subdivision, Block 61, Lot 5A and 6A; and Block 66, Lots 7-13 404

General Permits for Albuquerque District

Type of General Permit

Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities  (10/404/103)
RGP RGP 14  Fort Carson Army Garrison and Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site Erosion Control and Other Minor Activities 2-Oct-24 Ft. Carson Army Garrison & Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site, Colorado 404
RGP RGP 15  City of Colorado Springs Permanent Extended Detention Basin (EDB) Maintenance Activities 29-Feb-24 City of Colorado Springs, Colorado 404
RGP RGP 16-01  Utility Line Maintenance, Repair, or Removal 29-Nov-21 New Mexico 404
RGP RGP NM-14-01   Stream Stabilization and Water Quality Improvement Projects in Urban Ephemeral Channels 6-Sep-24 New Mexico 404
RGP RGP NM/West Texas 17-01  Emergency Repair and Protection Activities 14-Jun-22 New Mexico & West Texas (Pecos River west to the Texas state boundary) 404
RGP RGP 12  Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado 12-Oct-21 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 37  Stream Stabilization Projects In Colorado 20-Oct-22 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 96  Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado 31-Jul-21 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP-11  Construction and Operation of Exploration and Production Wells for Oil and Gas 21-Jan-24 Texas 10/404
RGP RGP-11 Construction and Operation of Exploration and Production Wells 21-Jan-24 Portion of Texas within Fort Worth District, Tulsa District, and Albuquerque District 10/404
RGP RGP-11  Construction and Operation of Exploration and Production Wells for Oil and Gas 21-Jan-24 Texas except Galveston District Boundary along Texas coast 10/404

General Permits for Baltimore District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities  (10/404/103)
PGP Maryland State Programmatic General Permit 5  (covers most minor regulated activites in the State of Maryland) 30-Sep-21 Maryland 10/404
RGP Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load GP  (regulated activities associated with meeting nutrient and load reduction targets in the Chesapeake Bay watershed) 30-Jun-20 Chesapeake Bay watershed in Maryland and District of Columbia 404
PGP Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit 5  (covers most minor regulated activities in the Commonwealth of PA) 30-Jun-21 Pennsylvania 10/404

General Permits for Buffalo District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP 79-000-3 Construction and Maintenance of Boathouses 10-Feb-24 District portion of New York State 10/404
RGP 81-000-1   Minor Dredging to Improve Recreational Use 8-Dec-21 District portion of New York State 10/404
RGP 86-000-1  Stone-filled Timber Crib Docks, Decks, and Associated Features 8-Dec-21 District portion of New York State 10/404
RGP 87-000-1 Open Pile or Floating Docks, Decks, and Associated Features 8-Dec-21 District portion of New York State 10
RGP 87-000-13  Fill Existing Boat Slips Excavated from Upland Locations 10-Feb-24 District portion of New York State 10/404
RGP 97-000-1   Minor Stream Channel Work in Cooperation with Soil and Water Conservation Districts or the Natural Resources Conservation Service. Bank stabilization with onsite materials, minor channel realignments and removal of recently-formed gravel bars 22-Jan-23 Select counties in the District portion of New York State 404
RGP 99-000-1  Structures and work in waters to remediate damages as a result of a major storm event.  (Activated 07 Nov 2019). RGP must be activated for a specified timeframe and area by the District Commander 2-Aug-22 District portion of New York State 10/404

General Permits for Charleston District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP 2016-00761/South Carolina Dock General Permit   Construction/Installation/Repair/Maintenance of the following:  Piers, floating docks (including joint use and community) boat/jet ski lifts, mooring piles, dolphins, covered boats sheds and dock covers for private use. 14-Dec-21 South Carolina 10
RGP 2017-00835/Managed Tidal Impoundment General Permit Installation/repair/relocation of water control structures; bank stabilization/repair; new interior dikes; removal of invasive plants, etc. 31-Aug-22 South Carolina- Coastal 10/404
RGP 2017-01776/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Oyster Restoration General Permit  Oyster reef restoration/creation for harvesting, ecological restoration or experimentation. 2-Aug-23 South Carolina- Coastal 10/404
RGP 2014-00299/Emergency Ocean Front Beach Nourishment   Emergency Beach Nourishment 31-Dec-20 South Carolina- Coastal 10/404
RGP 2017-00756/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit   Docks, Fishing Piers, Boat Lifts 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00757/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit   Bank Stabilization 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00758/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit   Excavation 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00759/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit   Fisheries Habitat 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00760/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit:   Debris Removal 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00761/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit   Piles and Pile Supported Structures 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10
RGP 2017-00762/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Construction/Maintenance of Boat Ramps 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00763/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit  Buoys and Signs 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10
RGP 2017-00764/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Wetland and Stream Restoration/Enhancement 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00765/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Minor Discharge and Excavation 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00766/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Scientific Measuring Devices 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00767/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Mooring Structures 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00768/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Removal of Vessels 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00769/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Water Control Structures 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2017-00770/South Carolina Department of Natural Resources General Permit Maintenance 2-Aug-23 South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2015-01280/South Carolina Department of Transportation Linear Transportation General Permits Road Widening 26-Jul-21 South Carolina Department of Transportation Projects 10/404
RGP 2015-01281/South Carolina Department of Transportation Linear Transportation General Permits Intersection Improvements 26-Jul-21 South Carolina Department of Transportation Projects 10/404
RGP 2015-01282/South Carolina Department of Transportation Linear Transportation General Permits Bridge Replacements 26-Jul-21 South Carolina Department of Transportation Projects 10/404
RGP 2015-01283/South Carolina Department of Transportation Linear Transportation General Permits Roadway Improvements (to include shoulder improvements, addition to bike lanes, sidewalks or multi-use paths, etc.) 26-Jul-21 South Carolina Department of Transportation Projects 10/404
RGP 2015-01284/South Carolina Department of Transportation Linear Transportation General Permits Roadway Maintenance Activates and Rip-Rap/Scour Protection (roadway, causeway, bridge approaches, etc.) 26-Jul-21 South Carolina Department of Transportation Projects 10/404
RGP 2015-01285/South Carolina Department of Transportation Linear Transportation General Permits Pipes and Culverts (replacements, extensions, etc.) 26-Jul-21 South Carolina Department of Transportation Projects 10/404
RGP 2015-01286/South Carolina Department of Transportation Linear Transportation General Permits Cleaning and Repairing Existing Outfalls and Roadway Ditches 26-Jul-21 South Carolina Department of Transportation Projects 10/404
RGP 2016-00094/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Docks and Boat Lifts 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10
RGP 2016-00095/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Bank Stabilization 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-00096/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Excavation 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-00097/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Fish Attractors, Reefs, Fishery Enhancement Activities 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-00098/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Utilities 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-00099/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Debris Removal 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-000100/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Dock Anchors 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-00101/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Scientific Measuring Devices 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-00102/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina:   Piles and Pile Supported Structures 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10
RGP 2016-00103/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Construction and Maintenance of Boat Ramps 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2016-00104/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Buoys and Signs 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10
RGP 2016-00105/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Modifications to Existing Marinas 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10
RGP 2016-00106/Savannah Rivers and Lakes South Carolina Recreational Swimming Beaches 10-Nov-21 South Carolina Lakes: Hartwell, Russell, Thurmond 10/404
RGP 2013-00657/Duke Energy General Permit   Docks and Boat Lifts 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10
RGP 2013-00658/Duke Energy General Permit Erosion Control 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00659/Duke Energy General Permit Excavation 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit/2013-00660/Duke Energy General Permit:  Fish Attractors, Reefs, Fishery Enhancement Activities   26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00661/Duke Energy General Permit Utility Lines 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00662/Duke Energy General Permit Debris Removal 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00663/Duke Energy General Permit Dock Anchors 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00664/Duke Energy General Permit  Scientific Measuring Devices 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00665/Duke Energy General Permit Mooring Structures 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00666/Duke Energy General Permit Boat Houses and Boat Shelters 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00667/Duke Energy General Permit Marine Railways 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2013-00668/Duke Energy General Permit Buoys and Signs 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10
RGP 2013-00669/Duke Energy General Permit   Heat Exchange Coils, Intake Pipes, Geothermal Use, Dry Hydrants 26-Jun-23 South Carolina Lakes: Wylie (SC), Fishing Creek, Great Falls, Rocky Creek, Wateree, Keowee, Ninety-nine Island, Gaston Shoals, Robinson 10/404
RGP 2018-01401/Santee-Cooper General Permit Residential Piers and Docks 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10
RGP 2018-01402/Santee-Cooper General Permit Moorings 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10
RGP 2018-01403/Santee-Cooper General Permit Boat Lifts 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10
RGP 2018-01404/Santee-Cooper General Permit Boat Ramps 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2018-01405/Santee-Cooper General Permit Marina Railways  15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2018-01406/Santee-Cooper General Permit Erosion Control (Retaining Walls/Bulkheads/Groins) 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2018-01407/Santee-Cooper General Permit Erosion Control (Rip-Rap/Bio-Engineering) 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2018-01408/Santee-Cooper General Permit Minor Maintenance Dredging 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2018-01409/Santee-Cooper General Permit Minor Discharge  15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2018-01410/Santee-Cooper General Permit Removal of Vessels 15-Feb-24 Lake Marion, Lake Moultrie, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00644/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Docks 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10
RGP 2013-00645/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Erosion Control 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00646/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company:   Excavation 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00647/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Fish Attractors, Reefs, Fishery Enhancement Activities 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00648/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Utility Lines 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00649/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company  Debris Removal 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00650/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Dock Anchors 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00651/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Scientific Measuring Devices 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00652/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Piles and Pile Supported Structures 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00653/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company Boat Lifts/Boat Ramps/Marine Railways 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00654/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company   Buoys and Signs 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10
RGP 2013-00655/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company  Intake Pipes 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10/404
RGP 2013-00656/South Carolina Gas & Electric Company  Heat Exchange Coils for Heat Pumps 26-Jun-23 Lake Murray, South Carolina 10

General Permits for Chicago District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP-1 Residential, Commercial and Institutional Developments 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois (District boundary in IL includes Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties) 10/404
RGP RGP-2 Recreation Projects 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-3 Transportation Projects 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-4 Minor Discharges and Dredging 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-5 Aquatic Habitat Restoration, Establishment, and Enhancement 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-6 Completed Enforcement Actions 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-7 Temporary Construction Activities 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-8 Utility Line Projects 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-9 Maintenance 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-10 Bank Stabilization 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-11 Marine Structures and Activities 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-12 Bridge Scour Protection 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP RGP-13 Cleanup of Toxic and Hazardous Materials 1-Apr-22 District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP Indiana Regional General Permit No. 001  for activities in place of suspended NWP nos. 13, 14, 18, 29, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, & 44 15-Dec-24 Indiana 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit for Minor Activities  (Shore protection, Boat ramps, Beach construction, and Filling of boat slips) in Indiana 5-Mar-23 Specified public lakes and waterways in Indiana 10/404

General Permits for Detroit District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Indiana Regional General Permit No. 001  for activities in place of suspended NWP nos. 13, 14, 18, 29, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, & 44 15-Dec-24 Indiana 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit for Minor Activities  (Shore protection, Boat ramps, Beach construction, and Filling of boat slips) in Indiana 5-Mar-23 Specified public lakes and waterways in Indiana 10/404
RGP 1990-2000050-S16 Minor Work, Structures, and Discharges of Dredged and Fill Material in Michigan (for docks, seawalls and riprap, dredging, boat hoists/wells/ramps, groins, submerged utilities and water intakes, temporary cofferdams, removal of structures, sand paths, grooming of sand, boardwalks etc.). 30-Jun-22 Michigan 10/404

General Permits for Fort Worth District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP-12  Modification and/or Alteration of Corps of Engineers Projects and Associated Regulated Activities 3-Apr-25 Fort Worth District portion of Texas 10/404
PGP PGP-2 PGP for activities authorized by the Lower Colorado River Authority in a lakewide permit during lake drawdowns 6-May-21 Fort Worth District portion of Texas 404
RGP RGP-8 RGP for boat ramps and water-based recreational activiities in SWF 27-Jan-25 Fort Worth District portion of Texas 10/404
RGP RGP-11 Construction and Operation of Exploration and Production Wells for Oil and Gas 21-Jan-24 Portion of Texas within Fort Worth District, Tulsa District, and Albuquerque District, except Galveston District boundary along Texas coast 10/404

General Permits for Galveston District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP  SWG-2002-2904  Construction of pile-supported single family, multi-family, and single piers used at lodging facilities. Authorized structures associated with piers shall include boat morring facilities, hoists and normal apurtenances such as stairways, fish cleaning tables and walkways.  Work is authorized in all navigable waters in the Galveston District, excluding waters in Louisiana. 31-Dec-20 All navigable waters in the Galveston District, excluding waters in Louisiana. 10
RGP SWG-2013-00422 - Trinity River Authority Mechanical dredging of no more than 500 cubic yards within Lake Livingston. 31-Dec-24  Lake Livingston, an impoundment of the Trinity River, in Polk, San Jacinto, Walker and Trinity Counties, Texas. 10
RGP SWG-2007-00720 - Trinity river Authority Structures and work authorized are limited to pile supported single-family and multi-family recreational piers including boat houses/shelters, storage buildings, lifts, hoists, personal watercraft ramps/platforms and dry hydrants. 31-Dec-22 Lake Livingston, an impoundment of the Trinity River, in Polk, San Jacinto, Walker and Trinity Counties, Texas. 10
RGP SWG-2006-00517 Installation, operation, and maintenance of structures and equipment necessary for oil and gas drilling, production, and transportation activities.  31-Dec-22 In all bays and estuaries in the Galveston District along the Texas Coast. 10/404
RGP SWG-2009-00123 - Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) Authorizes HCFCD to conduct work and place dredged and/or fill materials for the purpose of routine maintenance and emergency repair of existing storm water management facilities.   31-Dec-24 Waters of the US utilized as stormwater management facilities under the authority fo the HCFCD, Harris Co, TX 10/404
RGP  SWG-2010-00605 - Texas General Land Office (TxGLO) Authorizes the TxGLO to conduct work and temporarily excavate, and place dredged and/or fill material for the purpose of removing debris that presents a physical hazard, derelict vessels and derelict structures and abandoned pipelines.  12-May-22 Waters of the US under the authority of the TxGLO, including state owned submerged lands and waters of the State of Texas. 10/404
RGP SWG-2011-00629 - Harris Co Engineering Dept (HCED) Authorizes structures, work, and/or the discharge of dredge and/or fill material, resulting from activities associated with public infrastructure facilities under the jurisdiction of Harris County Engineering Department (HCED). 7-Jul-23 Galveston District - Harris County, Texas 10/404
RGP SWG-1994-00026 - Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Construction, maintenance, and repair of artificial reefs as part of work conducted by the TPWD.  20-Jue-21 Gulf of Mexico within the Galveston District Area of Responsibility, excluding Louisiana waters, in water depths of 300 meters or less 10
RGP 1997-02818 Authorizes oil and gas development within a portion of the High Island Oil Field.  Impacts to waters of the US, including wetlands, will not exceed 1 acre of permanent and/or 2 acres of temporary impacts for a single and complete project. Authorized for an area bounded on the south and west by the existing perimeter levee, on the north by a marsh adjacent to the perimeter levee, and on the east by State Highway 124 and the 5-foot elevation contour, at the base of High Island, Galveston County, Texas.  31-Dec-25 Authorized for an area bounded on the south and west by the existing perimeter levee, on the north by a marsh adjacent to the perimeter levee, and on the east by State Highway 124 and the 5-foot elevation contour, at the base of High Island, Galveston County, Texas.  404
RGP SWG-1998-02413  Horizontal Directional Drill under Navigable Waters of the United States.   31-Dec-24 Navigable waters of the US within the boundary of the Galveston District’s Area of Responsibilities, excluding those areas located in the State of Louisiana. 10

General Permits for Huntington District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Regional General Permit for Stream Restoration Activities by the West Virginia Conservation Agency  Associated with discrete events triggering the issuance of an emergency declaration by the Governor of West Virginia 10-Sep-23 West Virginia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit for Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation in the State of West Virginia Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation in the State of West Virginia 22-Feb-23 West Virginia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit for Ohio Department of Transportation projects  Huntington District is the single Corps POC for all ODOT projects 24-Oct-24 Ohio 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit for West Virginia Department of Transportation projects Huntington District is the single Corps POC for all WVDOT projects 25-Oct-24 West Virginia 10/404

General Permits for Jacksonville District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
PGP SAJ-96 Private single-family docks/piers and appurtenances, minor Structures, shoreline stabilization, and maintenance dredging at single-family docks/piers in waters of the United States located within Pinellas County, Florida.   29-Apr-20 Pinellas County, Florida  10/404
PGP SAJ-67 Minor Activities in the Okeechobee Waterway: placement of riprap revetments, maintenance dredging, maintenance of boat slips, boat ramps, and construction of bulkheads, installation and/or maintenance of aerial and subaqueous transmission lines, construction of minor structures, construction and/or maintenance of single-family mooring facilities (i.e., docks and piers), construction and/or maintenance of private multi-family mooring facilities (docks and piers) having a surface area of 1,000 square feet or less. 24-Apr-22 Lee, Glades, Hendry, Okeechobee, Martin County, Florida 10/404
PGP SAJ-71 Live Rock Aquaculture in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Florida: to deposit materials for the purposes of live rock aquaculture into the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) 17-Dec-20 Florida 10
PGP SAJ-80 Ten Activities on Miccosukee Tribe Reservation Lands: up to 1.0 acre of fill for residential and 2.0 acres of fill for institutional 14-Aug-23 Miccosukee Reservation, Florida 404
PGP SAJ-84 Seminole Tribe of Florida-Brighton: discharge of fill material on the Brighton Seminole Indian Reservation (BSIR) for the following minor activities: single family home sites, utility lines, recreational facilities, boating, agricultural use, commercial use, government facilities, water control activities, ditch maintenance, and road construction. 22-Dec-22 Brighton Reservation, Florida 404
PGP SAJ-99 Live Rock and Marine Bivalve Aquaculture: to deposit materials for the purpose of live rock and marine bivalve aquaculture as well as related activities such as seeding, rearing, cultivating, transplanting, and harvesting activities in navigable waters of the United States within the jurisdiction of the State of Florida (i.e. 9 nautical miles and Mean High Water Line) 10-Aug-23 Florida 10/404
RGP SAJ-13 Aerial Tansmission Lines in Florida: general authority is hereby given for activities required for the installation, construction, maintenance, replacement, and repair of aerial transmission and distribution lines over all waters of the United States (WoUS) in the State of Florida. 14-Feb-24 Florida 10/404
RGP SAJ-14 Subaqueous Utility and Transmission Lines in Florida: authority given for activities required for the installation, construction, maintenance, replacement, and repair of subaqueous utility and transmission lines; and, the outfall and intake structures associated with utility lines in all waters of the United States in the State of Florida 22-Feb-24 Florida 10/404
RGP SAJ-33 Private Multi-Family Piers, Government Piers, or Commercial Piers in Florida: authority given to construct private multi-family piers, government piers or commercial piers less than 1,000 square feet in surface area in navigable waters of the United States within the State of Florida 25-Jul-23 Florida 10
RGP SAJ-72 Residential Docks in Citrus County, Florida 4-Oct-23 Citrus County, Florida 10
RGP SAJ-81 Maintenance Dredging the Mouths of Rivers, Creeks, Streams, Canals, and/or Storm Drainages Located in Navigable Waters of the US, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. authorizes maintenance dredging to restore normal flow to prevent flood events 22-Sep-20 Puerto Rico 10
RGP SAJ-90 Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Developments in Northeast Florida: authorizes discharge of fill material for activities required for the construction or expansion of residential, commercial, or institutional building foundations and building pads and attendant features (including the filling of roadside ditches) that are necessary for the use and maintenance of the structures. 15-Aug-21 Baker, Brevard, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Indian River, Lake, Marion, Nassau, Orange, Osceola, Putnam, Seminole, St. Johns, and Volusia Counties, Florida 404
RGP SAJ-93 Florida Inland Navigation District: authorizes maintenance dredging to navigable channels to maintain congressionally authorized permitted dimensions 26-Apr-21 Florida 10/404
RGP SAJ-103 authorizes residential Fill in Holley By The Sea, a Subdivision in Santa Rosa County 30-Sep-21 Santa Rosa County, Florida 404
RGP SAJ-105 Residential, Commercial, Recreational and Institutional Fill in the West Bay Watershed of Bay County, Florida: authorizes the discharge of fill and dredged material into non-tidal waters of the United States, including wetlands, for residential, commercial, recreational and institutional development in portions of the West Bay watershed of Bay County 12-Nov-20 West Bay Watershed of Bay County, Florida 404
RGP SAJ-20 Private Residential Docks/Pier Facilities and Minor Strutures in Florida: authority given to construct private residential dock facilities and install minor structures in navigable waters of the United States within the State of Florida 27-Mar-23 Florida 10
RGP SAJ-85 Discharge of Dredged or Fill Material in Non-Tidal Waters of the US Associated with the Maintenance, Enhancement, or Restoration of Stream Channels Conducted or Supervised by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Enviromental Resources: authorized dredged or fill material to be used for maintenance, enhancement or restoratino of stream channels to minimize flood hazards 27-Jun-21 Puerto Rico 404
PGP SAJ-42  Recipient of a verification from Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources, Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM): The work authorized are those activities that qualify for and are authorized by a Class I, Miami-Dade County Coastal Construction Permit or under an Expedited Administrative Authorization (EAA) and are limited to shoreline stabilization, maintenance dredging, minor structures, piers/docks and appurtenances, floating vessel platforms, and scientific measuring devices, located in waters of the United States, excluding federal projects and federal land interests in Miami-Dade County, Florida 30-Sep-24 Miami-Dade County, Florida 10/404
PGP State Programmatic General Permit State of Florida Authorizes the state agencies of Florida to issue verification concurrently with their other state authorizations without requirement of a Corps permit 26-Jul-21 Florida 10/404

General Permits for Kansas City District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP NWK GP-4  Private Boat Docks. Construction, installation, and maintenance of fixed or floating private boat docks and attendant features. 2-Feb-2021 Missouri.  Missouri, Big Blue, Gascoande, Grand, Lamine and Osage Rivers. 10/404
RGP NWK GP-31K  Abandoned Mined Land Reclamation Projects.  Projects by the state to address safety and environmental hazards. 27-Jan-2021 Kansas.  Bourbon, Linn, Crawdord, Cherokee and Labette Counties 404
RGP NWK GP-34M  Sand and Gravel Excavation Activities.  Commercial, Public and Private aggregate mining activities. 28-Jul-2021 Missouri.  Issued jointly with other Missouri Districts. 404
RGP NWK GP-38M  Shoreline Development Activities.  In cooperation with Ameren, permits ramps, retaining walls, decks, breakwaters and other activities consistent with FERC approved shoreline management plan. 5-Jul-2021 Missouri. Lake of the Ozarks. 10/404
RGP NWK GP-40  Natural Resources Conservation Service – Agricultural Conservation Practices.  Joint process with NRCS to permit a wide range of standard conservation practices. 3-Apr-2023 Kansas. 404
RGP NWK GP-41  Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Damaged Lands and/or Fills.  Permit triggered by national or state flood disaster declarations for recovery and restoration activities. 2-Apr-2023 Kansas, Missouri.  Issued jointly with other Missouri Districts 10/404
RGP NWK GP-43  Maintenance of Man-Made Lakes and Ponds.  Permit for restoring impoundments to original depth and capacity with provisions for adding wildlife and recreational features. 5-Dec-2024 Kansas. 404

General Permits for Little Rock District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP GG Activities Associated with the Exploration and Subsequent Production of Hydrocarbons 6-Jul-21 Arkansas 10/404
RGP RGP GS  Construction of Steps, Walkways, or Footbridges on all Navigable Waterways in the Little Rock District 31-Aug-21 Arkansas and Missouri 10/404
RGP RGP GU US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Work on the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System and on USACE Lakes within the Little Rock District 26-Oct-20 Little Rock District Corps Projects 404
RGP RGP LRD-77-28 Boat Launching Ramps and Sand on Beaches None Little Rock District Corps Projects 404
RGP RGP 41 Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Lands, or Fills in the State of Missouri 23-Apr-23 Missouri 10/404
RGP RGP GH/34M Mechanical Sand and Gravel Excavation in the State of Missouri 28-Jul-21 Missouri 10/404

General Permits for Los Angeles District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP 24 Ventura Port District Maintenance Dredging Ventura Port District Maintenance Dredging 25-Jan-23 Ventura, CA 10/404
RGP RGP 30 City of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging City of Long Beach Maintenance Dredging 31-Oct-21 Long Beach, CA 10/404/103
RGP RGP 41-Mechanized Removal of Invasive, Exotic Plants from Waters of the U.S. Invasive non-native vegetation removal projects for the general purpose of habitat recovery (allowable when there is a dual benefit to flood risk management) 5-Sep-24 7 Southern California Counties  10/404
RGP RGP 45 Los Angeles County DPW Debris Basins Los Angeles County DPW Debris Basins 17-May-20 Los Angeles County 404
RGP RGP 46 Orange County Public Works Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program Orange County Public Works Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program 2-Nov-23 Ocean Outlets in Orange County, CA 10/ 404
RGP RGP 53 County of San Diego Routine Channel Maintenance County of San Diego Routine Channel Maintenance 18-Jan-21 San Diego County, CA  404
RGP RGP 54-City of Newport Beach Maintenance Dredging City of Newport Beach Maintenance Dredging 21-Dec-20 Newport Beach, CA 10/404/103
RGP RGP 63-Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations Repair and Protection Activities in Emergency Situations 19-Nov-23 7 Southern California Counties and the State of Arizona  404/10
RGP RGP 71 Vandenberg Air Force Base V-33 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Vandenberg Air Force Base V-33 Harbor Maintenance Dredging 30-Nov-22 Vandenberg AFB in Santa Barbara County, CA 10/404
RGP RGP 72 Port of San Diego Fendering System and Pile Repair and Replacement in San Diego Bay and Pacific Ocean 15-Aug-22 Port of San Diego, CA 10/404
RGP RGP 78 California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Fisheries Restoration Grant Program Authorizes all project funded by this agencies restoration grant program 16-Sep-24 7 Southern California Counties  10/404
RGP RGP 80 City of Santa Maria Drainage Facilities Maintenance City of Santa Maria Drainage Facilities Maintenance 8-Jun-21 Santa Maria, CA 404
RGP RGP 81 Maintenance and Bank Stabilization Activities, Pima County, Arizona Authorizes all County, local city and town, and Tribal government entities within Pima County to conduct various maintenance and bank stabilization activities. 16-Mar-22 Pima County, AZ 404
RGP RGP 85 Coronado Cays Home Owners Association Dock Maintenance and Replacement Coronado Cays Home Owners Association Dock Maintenance and Replacement 11-Oct-22 Coronado, CA 10
RGP RGP 88-Orange County Parks Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program Orange County Parks Ocean Outlets Maintenance Program 2-May-24 Ocean Outlets in Dana Point and Laguna Beach, CA 10/ 404
RGP RGP 96 Arizona DOT Routine Transportation Activities, Arizona Arizona DOT Routine Transportation Activities, Arizona 23-Feb-21 State of Arizona 404
RGP RGP 97-Southern California Edison Easter Sierra Hydroelectric Dam Operations and Maintenance Required for Dam Safety requirements. 7-Oct-20 Mono and Inyo Counties, CA 404
RGP RGP 98-United Water Conservation District Lake Piru Facilities Maintenance United Water Conservation District Lake Piru Facilities Maintenance 3-May-22 Ventura County, CA 404
RGP RGP 99-Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Routine Operation and Maintenance Program for Low-Impact Facilities Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Routine Operation and Maintenance Program for Low-Impact Facilities 13-Nov-23 Riverside County, CA 404
RGP RGP 100-Orange County Dept. Public Works Countywide Long-term Routine Maintenance Program Orange County Dept. Public Works Countywide Long-term Routine Maintenance Program 3-May-24 13 Watersheds in Orange County, CA 10/404
RGP RGP22: Restoration of Backwater Wetland Areas along the Colorado River Restoration of Backwater Wetland Areas along the Colorado River 10-Mar-22 Both sides of the Colorado River along California and Arizona 10/404
LOP Orange County Transportation Authority Renewed Measure M2 Freeway Improvements Orange County Transportation Authority Renewed Measure M2 Freeway Improvements 1-Dec-47 Orange County, CA 404
LOP Letter of Permission Procedures for areas withing the Rancho Mission Viejo Planning Area in the San Juan Creek/Western San Mateo Creek Watershed Special Area Management Plan Letter of Permission Procedures for areas withing the Rancho Mission Viejo Planning Area in the San Juan Creek/Western San Mateo Creek Watershed Special Area Management Plan TBD Orange County, CA 404
LOP Letter of Permission Procedures for Areas outside the Rancho Mission Viejo Planning Area in the San Juan Creek/Western San Mateo Creek Watershed Special Area Management Plan Letter of Permission Procedures for Areas outside the Rancho Mission Viejo Planning Area in the San Juan Creek/Western San Mateo Creek Watershed Special Area Management Plan TBD Orange County, CA 404

General Permits for Louisville District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Indiana Regional General Permit No. 001  for activities in place of suspended NWP nos. 13, 14, 18, 29, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, & 44 15-Dec-24 Indiana 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit for Minor Activities  (Shore protection, Boat ramps, Beach construction, and Filling of boat slips) in Indiana 5-Mar-23 Specified public lakes and waterways in Indiana 10/404

General Permits for Memphis District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP 2009-0100-GG Exploration for and subsequent production of hyrdrocarbons: Authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material into some waters of the US associated with the construction and operation of exploration and production wells for oil and gas and their supporting fills and structures. 7/6/2021 Memphis (eastern) and Little Rock District (central and western) portions of Arkansas  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 41 Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Damaged Lands and/or Fills (Missouri): Authorizes the excavation or placement of fill material for the permanent protection of and/or the repair of existing flood damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fill in Missouri 4/22/2023 Memphis (Bootheel) and St Louis District (eastern) portions of Missouri 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 34 Sand and Gravel Excavation Activities (Missouri): Authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill material related to mechanical sand and gravel excavation in Missouri 7/31/2021 Memphis (Bootheel) and St Louis District (eastern) portions of Missouri 10/404

General Permits for Mobile District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP ALGP-01 Excavated Boat Slips Excavated Boat Slips 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10/404
RGP ALGP-02 Maintenance Dredging Maintenance Dredging 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10/404
RGP ALGP-03 New Work Channel Dredging New Work Channel Dredging 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10
RGP ALGP-04 Debris Removal Debris Removal 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10/404
RGP ALGP-05 Piers, Pile-Supported Structures, and Dolphins Piers, Pile-Supported Structures, and Dolphins 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10
RGP ALGP-07 Boat Ramps and Marine Ways  Boat Ramps and Marine Ways 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10/404
RGP ALGP-10 Living Shorelines Living Shorelines 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10/404
RGP ALGP-11 Shoreline and Bank Stabilization and Protection Shoreline and Bank Stabilization and Protection 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10/404
RGP ALGP-13 Filling of Previously Dredged Areas Filling of Previously Dredged Areas 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10/404
RGP ALGP-24 Piers and Pile-Supported Structures Located in Weeks Bay Piers and Pile-Supported Structures Located in Weeks Bay 1-Oct-2021 All of Alabama up to the Tennessee River watershed 10
RGP MSGP-01 Shoreline Stabilization Shoreline Stabilization 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10/404
RGP MSGP-02 Docks, Piers, Wharves, Boat Shelters Docks, Piers, Wharves, Boat Shelters 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10
RGP MSGP-04 Mooring Pilings and Single Pile Structures Mooring Pilings and Single Pile Structures 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10
RGP MSGP-05 Boat Slips/Boat Berths Boat Slips/Boat Berths 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10
RGP MSGP-06 Boat Ramps Boat Ramps 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10/404
RGP MSGP-07 Maintenance Dredging Maintenance Dredging 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10
RGP MSGP-08 New Work Channel Dredging New Work Channel Dredging 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10
RGP MSGP-09 Fill in Previously Dredged Areas Fill in Previously Dredged Areas 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10/404
RGP MSGP-10 Debris Removal Debris Removal 17-May-2023 Eastern third of Mississippi from the Alabama state line west to the Pearl River watershed 10/404
PGP APCO-PGP-01 Debris Removal Debris Removal 9-Jan-2022 Alabama Power Company Lakes on the Coosa River 10
PGP APCO-PGP-02  Construction of Non-Commercial Boat Slips; Maintenance Dredging of Existing Boat Slips, Canals, or Navigation Channels Construction of Non-Commercial Boat Slips; Maintenance Dredging of Existing Boat Slips, Canals, or Navigation Channels 9-Jan-2022 Alabama Power Company Lakes on the Coosa River 10
PGP APCO-PGP-03 Construction and/or Maintenance of Fixed Structures Construction and/or Maintenance of Fixed Structures 9-Jan-2022 Alabama Power Company Lakes on the Coosa River 10
PGP APCO-PGP-04 Construction and Modification of Boat Ramps Construction and Modification of Boat Ramps 9-Jan-2022 Alabama Power Company Lakes on the Coosa, Tallapoosa, and Black Warrior Rivers 10/404
PGP APCO-PGP-05 Riprap for Shoreline, Bank, and Channel Protection; Bulkheads and Other Standard Shoreline Protection/Stabilization Devices Roughly Paralleling, and at the Shoreline or Bank Riprap for Shoreline, Bank, and Channel Protection; Bulkheads and Other Standard Shoreline Protection/Stabilization Devices Roughly Paralleling, and at the Shoreline or Bank 9-Jan-2022 Alabama Power Company Lakes on the Coosa, Tallapoosa, and Black Warrior Rivers 10/404
PGP APCO-PGP-06 New Work Channel Dredging New Work Channel Dredging 9-Jan-2022 Alabama Power Company Lakes on the Coosa River 10
PGP APCO-PGP-07 Filling of Previously Dredged Areas Such as Boat Slips, Artificial Canals, etc.  Filling of Previously Dredged Areas Such as Boat Slips, Artificial Canals, etc. 9-Jan-2022 Alabama Power Company Lakes on the Coosa, Tallapoosa, and Black Warrior Rivers 10/404
PGP GPCO-PGP-01 Debris Removal Debris Removal 21-Sep-2020 Portion of Georgia Power Company Lake Oliver and Lake Harding within Alabama 10
PGP GPCO-PGP-02 Construction of Non-Commercial Boat Slips; Maintenance Dredging of Existing Boat Slips, Canals, or Navigation Channels Construction of Non-Commercial Boat Slips; Maintenance Dredging of Existing Boat Slips, Canals, or Navigation Channels 21-Sep-2020 Portion of Georgia Power Company Lake Oliver and Lake Harding within Alabama 10
PGP GPCO-PGP-03 Construction and/or Maintenance of Fixed Structures Construction and/or Maintenance of Fixed Structures 21-Sep-2020 Portion of Georgia Power Company Lake Oliver and Lake Harding within Alabama 10
PGP GPCO-PGP-04 Construction and Modification of Boat Ramps Construction and Modification of Boat Ramps 21-Sep-2020 Portion of Georgia Power Company Lake Oliver and Lake Harding within Alabama 10/404
PGP GPCO-PGP-05 Parallel Shreline Protection  Riprap for Shoreline, Bank, and Channel Protection; Bulkheads and Other Standard Shoreline Protection/Stabilization Devices Roughly Paralleling, and at the Shoreline or Bank 21-Sep-2020 Portion of Georgia Power Company Lake Oliver and Lake Harding within Alabama 10/404
PGP GPCO-PGP-06 New Work Channel Dredging New Work Channel Dredging 21-Sep-2020 Portion of Georgia Power Company Lake Oliver and Lake Harding within Alabama 10
PGP GPCO-PGP-07 Filling of Previously Dredged Areas Such as Boat Slips, Artificial Canals, etc. Filling of Previously Dredged Areas Such as Boat Slips, Artificial Canals, etc. 21-Sep-2020 Portion of Georgia Power Company Lake Oliver and Lake Harding within Alabama 10/404

General Permits for Nashville District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
PGP Programmatic General Permit 18-01  for minor structures, fill and work in Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) reservoirs 9-Aug-23 TVA reservoirs within the states of Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Virginia 10/404

General Permits for New England District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Connecticut General Permit for minor activities in the State of Connecticut  (maintenance, moorings, structures, boat ramps, utility line, dredging, beach nourishment, shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration, mining, recreational, survey, linear transportation, energy generation, agricultural, disposal of dredged material, residential/commercial/institutional development, temporary construction, cleanup of hazardous waste, fish and wildlife harvesting, aquaculture) 19-Aug-21 Connecticut 10/404/103
RGP Maine General Permit for minor activities in the State of Maine  (maintenance, moorings, structures, boat ramps, utility line, dredging, beach nourishment, shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration, mining, recreational, survey, linear transportation, energy generation, agricultural, disposal of dredged material, residential/commercial/institutional development, temporary construction, cleanup of hazardous waste, fish and wildlife harvesting, aquaculture) 13-Oct-20 Maine 10/404/103
RGP Massachusetts General Permit for minor activities in the State of Masachusetts  (maintenance, moorings, structures, boat ramps, utility line, dredging, beach nourishment, shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration, mining, recreational, survey, linear transportation, energy generation, agricultural, disposal of dredged material, residential/commercial/institutional development, temporary construction, cleanup of hazardous waste, fish and wildlife harvesting, aquaculture) 05-Apr-23 Massachusetts 10/404/103
RGP New Hampshire General Permit for minor activities in the State of New Hampshire (maintenance, moorings, structures, boat ramps, utility line, dredging, beach nourishment, shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration, mining, recreational, survey, linear transportation, energy generation, agricultural, disposal of dredged material, residential/commercial/institutional development, temporary construction, cleanup of hazardous waste, fish and wildlife harvesting, aquaculture) 18-Aug-22 New Hampshire 10/404/103
RGP Rhode Island General Permit for minor activities in the State of Rhode Island  (maintenance, moorings, structures, boat ramps, utility line, dredging, beach nourishment, shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration, mining, recreational, survey, linear transportation, energy generation, agricultural, disposal of dredged material, residential/commercial/institutional development, temporary construction, cleanup of hazardous waste, fish and wildlife harvesting, aquaculture) 03-Mar-22 Rhode Island 10/404/103
RGP Vermont General Permit for minor activities in the State of Vermont  (maintenance, moorings, structures, boat ramps, utility line, dredging, beach nourishment, shoreline stabilization, habitat restoration, mining, recreational, survey, linear transportation, energy generation, agricultural, disposal of dredged material, residential/commercial/institutional development, temporary construction, cleanup of hazardous waste, fish and wildlife harvesting, aquaculture) 06-Dec-22 Vermont 10/404

General Permits for New Orleans District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
PGP Programmatic General Permit for Activities in the Louisiana Coastal Zone Authorizes activities that result in minimal adverse impacts within the boundaries of the Louisiana Coastal Zone in the New Orleans District.  31-May-2022 Louisiana Coastal Zone Area in New Orleans District  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 1 Time Extension and Modification for the Installation and Maintenance of Private Use Camps and Associated Structures: Authorizes construction of camp buildings and associated structures used for noncommercial and nonprofit purposes in navigable waters of the United States 31-May-2021 New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 2 - Trenasse (Pirogue Conveyances) Authorizes the maintenance of existing trenasses (pirogue conveyances) in the New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 30-Apr-2023 New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 13 Oilfield access roads, drilling locations, pits, ring levees, and associated facilities: Authorizes the dredging and the deposition of dredged and/or fill material for construction of oilfield access roads, drilling locations, pits, ring levees, and associated facilities in jurisdictional waters of the U.S. (WOTUS), including wetlands. 30-Nov-2022 New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 20 Hazardous Condition Response Activities: Authorizes the minimum amount of work necessary to respond to oil or gas well blowouts, pipeline explosions or ruptures, explosions, fires, oil or hazardous materials spills, shipwrecks or sinking of vessels in navigation channels, pipeline damage, flood and storm events, or similar situations which would result in an imminent safety and/or environmental hazard.  22-Nov-2022 New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 21 Improvements on State Wildlife Refuges Applied For By the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF): Authorizes the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) to conduct the following on state wildlife management areas (WMAs) and refuges within the boundaries of the New Orleans District in Louisiana.  31-Jul-2023 New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 22 Miscellaneous Activities within the Louisiana Coastal Zone: Authorizes the maintenance dredging in oil or gas well channels, canals, and slips. Depositio n of the dredged material may be in open water, or on existing spoil banks, or used to create or maintain existing wetlands that have minimial individual or cumulative adverse impacts. 31-Oct-2022 Louisiana Coastal Zone Area in New Orleans District  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 23 Maintenance Dredging-Removal of New Silt Accumulations in the Mississippi River at Docks, Mooring Areas and Water Intake Areas: Authorizes dredging for the removal of silt accumulations around existing docks, under existing barge fleets and ship mooring areas, around existing marine launchways, and around existing intakes, and the deposition of the material in the Mississippi River generally below the minus 55-foot NAVD contour.  30-Apr-2022 Within MS River channel in New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 128 Small Wharves, Boat Sheds, Bulkheads, and Fill Associated Dredging: Authorizes construction of small wharves, boat sheds, bulkheads, and associated dredge and fill activities for private use 31-Dec-2025 New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit-159 Dredging/Excavating in Existing Water Bodies: Authorizes maintenance dredging/excavating in existing water bodies inclduing debris removal from within channles (e.g. storm debris, downed trees, and log rafts) for the purposes of maintaining drainage 31-Jul-2022 New Orleans District portion of Louisiana 10/404

General Permits for New York District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP NYDGP-25  (Staten Island "Blue Belt" extended stormwater detention facilities) 27-Feb-25 Richmond County, New York 10/404
PGP NJ SPGP-17  structures and work  in artificial tidal lagoons and access channels 31-Dec-22 State of New Jersey 10/404
PGP NJ SPGP-19 piers and similar structures 31-Dec-24 State of New Jersey 10/404

General Permits for Norfolk District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP NAO 19-RP-01 - Virginia Department of Transportation roadway and railway projects Authorizes work, structures and/or fill associated with certain Virginia Department of Transportation roadway and railway projects. 15-Apr-24 State of Virginia 10/404
RGP NAO 18-RP-02 - Dreging for navigation projects Authorize both new maintenance dredging (channels and basins) for certain navigation related dredging projects 5-Sep-23 State of Virginia 10/404
PGP NAO 17-SPGP-01 - State Programatic General Permit 17-SPGP-01 authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material in non-tidal waters, of the United States, including wetlands, associated with certain residential, commercial, and institutional developments and linear transportation projects when appropriately permitted through the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality and/or the Virginia Marine Resources Commission. 31-May-22 State of Virginia 404
RGP NAO 16-RGP-05 - Pond construction Authorizes construction of certain small impoundments except stormwater management ponds 9-Jun-22 State of Virginia 404
PGP NAO 19-RGP-11 - Virginina Department of Transportation Projects For use by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to expedite projects that would qualify for a nonreporting nationwide permit but for the Endangered Species Act general condition when VDOT, acting through Federal Highway Administraition delegation, has fulfilled all Endangered Species Act requirements.    20-Sep-24 State of Virginia 10/404
RGP NAO 18-RGP-15 - Tidal ditch maintenance Authorizes certain activities associated with the maintenance of existing drainage ditches in tidal and other navigable waters 5-Sep-23 State of Virginia 404
RGP NAO 18-RGP-17 - Work in Navigable waters for Private use (Non-Reporting) Authorizes the installation and/or construction of open-pile piers, mooring structures/devices, fender piles, covered boathouses/boat slips, boatlifts, osprey pilings.platforms, accessory pier structures, and certain devices associated with shellfish gardening, for private use. 5-Sep-23 State of Virginia 10
RGP NAO 18-RGP-18 - Work in Navigable waters for commercial and Institutional use (Reporting) Authorizes the installation and/or construction of open-pile piers, mooring structures/devices, fender piles, covered boathouses/boat slips, boatlifts, osprey pilings.platforms, accessory pier structures, and certain devices associated with shellfish gardening, for private, commercial, community, and government use. 5-Sep-23 State of Virginia 10
RGP NAO 18-RGP-19 - Shoreline Work Authorizes living shorelines, riprap revetments, bulkheads, breakwaters, groins, jetties, spurs, baffles, aquaculture activities and boat ramps 5-Sep-23 State of Virginia 10/404
RGP NAO 17-RGP-20 - Artificial Reef Construction and Maintenance  Authorizes activities associated with construction or mainenance on certain state owned, operated, or managed artificial reefs 15-Oct-22 Portions of Lake Gaston in Virginia 10/404
RGP NAO 18-RGP-22 - Work in Lake Gaston Authorizes specific activities within the Virginia portion of Lake Gaston 5-Sep-23 State of Virginia 10/404

General Permits for Omaha District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP 98-05-WEH Manmade Lakes and ponds maintenance and rehabilitation authorizes discharge of suitable material into the water bodies (man-made lakes, impoundments and ponds) in conjunction with the hydraulic or mechanical dredging or excavating of lakebed sediment that has accumulated in the water body over time. 31-Mar-25 Nebraska 404
RGP RGP 89-01-WEH Bank Protection on NE Game & Parks Water Bodies authorizes breakwater structures, revetments and various types of shoreline stabilization structures 28-Feb-25 Nebraska 10/404
RGP RGP 7-DEN Channel Maintenance and Construction on the South Platte River and Tributariesto the South Platte River Under Authority of Urban Drainage and Flood Control District authorizes certain channel erosion and protection projects, flood-related fill or excavation activities, other work associated with drainage and flood protection, and repair work for flood-damaged areas performed in waters of the US within the jurisdiction of the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District (UDFCD) in Colorado 6-Jan-22 Colorado 404
RGP RGP 37-DEN Stream Stabilization Projects in Colorado authorizes stream stabilization activities necessary for erosion control or prevention, such as vegetative stabilization, bioengineering, sills, rip rap, revetment, barbs, jetties, weirs, or combinations of bank stabilization techniques 20-Oct-22 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 2014-01-MTH Yellowstone Mountain Club Development authorizes activities within the Yellowstone Mountain Club 1-Mar-21 Montana 404
RGP RGP 14-01-MTH RGP for emergency situations authorizes dishcarges of dredged or fill material for emergency flood protection reconstruction, and repair work in flood damaged areas 1-Mar-21 Montana 10/404
RGP RGP 00-02-MTH for Fish Barriers and fish screens within the state of Montana authorizes structures or fill to permanently or temporarily isolate populations of fish for fish management purposes. 31-Aug-21 Montana 10/404
RGP RGP 88-04-WEH Maintenance of existing Flood Control Facilities authorizes the placement of fill material in Big Papillion Creek and it tributaries for maintenance activities associated with the existing flood control and protection facility (levee), flood damage restoration (repair work), and maintenance of existing levee infrastructure into "waters of the United States 30-Sep-20 Nebraska 404
RGP RGP 11-02-WEH (2011-2364) Flood Related Work authorizes the followiug flood protection, reconstruction and repair work for flood damaged areas: 31-Mar-22 Nebraska and Missouri River in Iowa 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 0403-02 Boat Access except on Lake Sakakawea and Oahe Expires 31-May-2020 authorizes the construction, expansion, and extension of boat ramps and other activities related to boat ramps. 21-May-20 North Dakota 10/404
RGP RGP 00-05-SD Amendment No. 3 Bank Protection of Cultural Sites authorizes SD dept of game, fish, and parks, to conduct bank stabilizations to prevent destruction of culturally significant sites. 30-Apr-22 South Dakota 10/404
RGP RGP 9601-08-BIS Expires Emergency Flood Related Activities authorizes work associated with emergency flood related activities. A 30-Apr-24 North Dakota 10/404
RGP RGP 00-05-BIS Amendment No. 3 Bank Protection of Cultural Sites authorizes the construction of bank stabilization projects to prevent destruction of culturally significant sites 30-Apr-22 North Dakota 10/404
RGP RGP 96-08-SD (No 199621008, Amendment No. 5)  Flood Protection / Reconstruction / Repair authorizes work in waters of the United States (including rivers, lakes, streams and wetland areas) associated with flood protection, reconstruction and repair activities within flooded areas in South Dakota. 30-Apr-23 South Dakota 10/404
RGP RGP 8202-07-RWY 198226002, Version 6 Fish habitat enhancement and restoration in Wyoming waters authorizes the construct fish habitat enhancement and restoration features in creeks, streams, and rivers in the State of Wyoming 31-Dec-24 Wyoming 10/404
RGP RGP 9202-06-RWY 199222002, Version 6, Construction and modification of boat ramps in Wyoming authorizes the construction of new boat ramps, the expansion, extension and modification of existing boat ramps, construction of transfer walls and docks to service boat ramps, and protective fills immediately adjacent to proposed and existing ramps. 31-Dec-23 Wyoming 404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 99-04 NE 1999-22004 Programmatic General Permit 99-04 Amendment #4 Bank Protection authorizes revetments and bulkheads constructed of the following materials or methods: 1) broken concrete; 2) rock; 3) formed or fabricated concrete; 4) sheet metal with metal or wood pilings; 5) untreated timber; 6) plastic or PVC; 7) fi,berglass; 8) weathered creosote treated timber (placed above ordinary high water marl< only); 9) vegetation, including, but not limited to, grasses or willows. 1-Aug-21 CNPPID Nebraska 404
RGP RGP 12 - Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado 12-Oct-21 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 37 - Stream Stabilization Projects In Colorado Stream Stabilization Projects In Colorado 20-Oct-22 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 96 - Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado 31-Jul-21 Colorado 10/404

General Permits for Philadelphia District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
PGP NJ SPGP-17 (structures and work  in artificial tidal lagoons and access channels) (structures and work  in artificial tidal lagoons and access channels) 31-Dec-22 State of New Jersey 10/404
PGP NJ SPGP-19 (piers and similar structures) (piers and similar structures) 31-Dec-24 State of New Jersey 10/404
PGP DE SPGP-18 (structures and work in artificial tidal lagoons and access channels) (structures and work in artificial tidal lagoons and access channels) 31-Dec-22 State of Delaware 10/404
PGP DE SPGP-20 (piers and similar structures) (piers and similar structures) 31-Dec-24 State of Delaware 10/404
PGP Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit 5  (covers most minor regulated activities in the Commonwealth of PA) 30-Jun-21 Pennsylvania 10/404

General Permits for Pittsburgh District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
PGP Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit 5  (covers most minor regulated activities in the Commonwealth of PA) 30-Jun-21 Pennsylvania 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit for Stream Restoration Activities by the West Virginia Conservation Agency  Associated with discrete events triggering the issuance of an emergency declaration by the Governor of West Virginia 10-Sep-23 West Virginia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit for Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation in the State of West Virginia Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation in the State of West Virginia 22-Feb-23 West Virginia 10/404

General Permits for Portland District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP-4: U.S. Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Aquatic Habitat Restoration Activities within the State of Oregon

RGP-4 authorizes eleven aquatic restoration activities in waters of the United States designed to maintain, enhance, and restore watershed functions that affect aquatic species within the state of Oregon through projects implemented, funded, or overseen by USFS and/or BLM. NWP-2007-999/5

21-Apr-27 Statewide (Oregon) 404/10
RGP RGP-6: Bonneville Power Administration Funded Habitat Improvement Projects Within the Columbia River Basin in Oregon. RGP-6, authorizes project proponents who receive funding through the Bonneville Power Administration to place fill material and certain structures in waters of the US for the purpose of habitat improvement. NWP-2011-127-1 31-Jul-23 Columbia River estuary and main stem, as wll as tributary watersheds (Oregon). 404/10

General Permits for Rock Island District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Regional General Permit 38 - Road Crossings (Illinois) Authorizes work associated with construction, expansion, modificaton, or improvement of linear transportation projects that result in impacts up to 1 acre of Waters of the United States (WOUS).  21-Oct-21 State of Illinois 404/10
RGP Regional General Permit 7 - Road Crossings (Iowa) Authorizes work associated with construction, expansion, modificaiton, or improvement of linear transportation projects that result in impacts up to 1 acre of WOUS.  2-Oct-24 State of Iowa 404/10
RGP Regional General Permit 23 - Construction of Private Recreational Structures (Boat docks, ramps, ect.) Corps Managed Government Land Authorizes activities which are granted Shoreline Use Permits or Special Use Licenses located in or over the Mississsippi River.    31-Dec-20 States of Iowa/Illinois/Missouri 10
RGP Regional General Permit 27 - Flood Damage Repair Authorizes work to repair or protect existing flood damanged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fills.   29-Jul-21 State of Iowa 404/10
RGP Regional General Permit 33 - Conservation Practices Sponsored by Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)/Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Authorizes activities in Waters of the United States associated with specific United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) NRCS and HUD-sponsored activities which do not qualify for the CWA 404(f)(1) exemptions in the State of Iowa 31-Dec-20 State of Iowa 404/10
RGP Regional General Permit 34 - Iowa Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program Authorizes activities in Waters of the United States (WOUS) with the primary purpose of improving water quality by limiting the amount of agricultural pollutants (mainly nitrates) in the State of Iowa.  31-Jul-21 State of Iowa 404/10
RGP Regional General Permit 39 - Targeted Water Quality Improvement in Constructed/Restored Wetlands Authorizes activities considered a part of an acceptable watershed strategy whose primary purpose is to identify implementation activities needed to improve water quality by limiting the amount of agricultural pollutants (mainly nitrates from entering Waters of the United States (WOUS).   31-Jul-21 State of Iowa 404/10
RGP Regional General Permit 23 -Private Recreational Structures on US Government Land Authorizes activities which are granted Shoreline Use Permits or Special Use Licenses located in or over the Mississsippi River in the states of Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri 31-Dec-20 Along MS River in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri 10
RGP Regional General Permit 35 - Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Damaged Lands and/or Fills Authorizes work to repair or protect existing flood damanged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fills.   2-Apr-23 State of Missouri 404/10
RGP Regional General Permit 29 - Sand and Gravel Extraction Activities Authorizes activities in Waters of the United States (WOUS) related to mechanical sand and gravel excavation.  28-Jul-21 State of Missouri 404/10
RGP Regional Permit 16 Bank Stabilization: Authorizes activities proposed by the public, railroads, transportation departments, pipeline and utility companies, and government agencies for bank stablization activities 26-May-21 All State of Illinois counties EXCEPT Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties 404/10
RGP Regional Permit 26 - Flood Damage Repair Authorizes work to repair or protect existing flood damanged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fills.  15-May-22 State of Illinois 404/10

General Permits for Sacramento District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP 12 - Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado  Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado 12-Oct-21 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 37 - Stream Stabilization Projects In Colorado Stream Stabilization Projects In Colorado 20-Oct-22 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 96 - Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado 31-Jul-21 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP-1  Minimal Impact Activities within the plan area of the East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservation Plan / Natural Community Conservation Plan 6-Jun-22 Contra Costa County, CA 404
RGP RGP 3  - Boat Docks and Associated Structures Boat Docks and Associated Structures 23-Aug-24 SPK District boundary 10
RGP RGP 7 - Construction and Maintenance of Flood Control Facilities under the Clark County Regional Flood Control District Master Plan Construction and Maintenance of Flood Control Facilities under the Clark County Regional Flood Control District Master Plan 18-Feb-24 Clark County NV 404
RGP RGP 8 - Emergency Repair and Protection Activities Emergency Repair and Protection Activities 10-Aug-23 SPK District boundary 10/404
RGP RGP 9 - Minor Discharges Associated with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's Upper American River Project Minor Discharges Associated with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District's Upper American River Project 23-Sep-20 El Dorado County, CA 404
RGP RGP 12 - Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado Aquatic Habitat Improvement for Stream Channels in Colorado 11-Oct-21 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 13 - Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado Natural Disaster Mitigation and Flood Related Activities in Colorado 31-Jul-21 Colorado 10/404
RGP RGP 14 - Placer Vineyards Specific Plan Infrastructure, Placer County, California Placer Vineyards Specific Plan Infrastructure, Placer County, California 12-Jan-22 Placer County, CA 404
RGP RGP 15 - Minimal Impact Activities Conducted Under the South Sacramento In-Lieu Fee Program Minimal Impact Activities Conducted Under the South Sacramento In-Lieu Fee Program 16-May-24 Sacramento County, CA 404
RGP RGP 16 - Anadromous Salmonid Fisheries Restoration Anadromous Salmonid Fisheries Restoration 11-Jul-24 California Central Valley, Delta, and Suisun Bay 10/404
RGP RGP 37 - Stream Stabilization Projects In Western Colorado Stream Stabilization Projects In Western Colorado 20-Oct-22 Colorado 10/404
PGP PGP 10 - Minimal Impact Activities Authorized in Conjunction with the State of Utah's Stream Alteration Program Minimal Impact Activities Authorized in Conjunction with the State of Utah's Stream Alteration Program 22-Feb-21 Utah 10/404
PGP PGP 17 - Minimal impact covered activities under the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan Minimal impact covered activities under the South Sacramento Habitat Conservation Plan 25-Jul-24 Sacramento County, CA 404

General Permits for San Francisco District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP 3 Conduct activities related to waterfowl hunting and management  Authorizes activites and work associated with maintenance and management of seasonal and tidal wetlands within Suisun Marsh. 1-Mar-23 Suisun Marsh, Solano County (10/404)
RGP RGP 4 Conduct various Mosquito abatement activities Athorizes Public Vector Control Agencies for the maintenance of water circulation ditches and water control structures. 1-Feb-21 SPN (10/404)
RGP RGP 5 Conduct protection activities under emergency situations Authorizes work and discharges of fill necessary for the repair and protection measures associated with an emergency situation.  15-Oct-25 SPN (10/404)
RGP RGP 7 Construct and improve boat docks, ramps, storm water outfall work, etc.  Authorizes the maintenance and construction of small residential docks and other residential structures with the Marina Lagoon. 1-Jun-22 Marina Lagoon, San Mateo County (10/404)
RGP RGP 11 Conduct various activities to restore and enhance the Carmel River, Monterey County (10-year RGP) Authorizes Monterey Peninsula Water Management District to conduct mainteanance and restoraiton activities along 18.6 mile segment of the Carmel River. 15-Oct-22 Carmel River, Monterey County (10/404)
RGP RGP 12 Conduct various activities for anadromous salmonid habitat restoration Authorizes the salmonid habitat restoration activites that are conform and are implement with the State Departmen of Fish and Wildlife's California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual. 1-Dec-20 SPN (10/404)
RGP RGP 13 Santa Cruz County Permit Coordination Program  Authorizes the Santa Cruz County Resource Conservation District and private land owners in implementing habitat resoration and conservation practicies implement under the SCCRCD.  1-Sep-21 Santa Cruz County (10/404)
RGP RGP 15 East Bay Regional Park District, Routine Maintenance Projects Authorizes East Bay Regional Parks District for the maintenance of road crossings, culvert replacement and maintenance, bank stabilization, maintenance dredging, maintenance of other existing structures (wells, levees, swim dams, etc.) and other minor discharges of fill material for new structures as necessary. 15-Oct-23 Alameda, Contra Costa Counties (10/404)
RGP RGP 18 Santa Clara Valley Habitat Plan Authorizes activities that are covered in the Santa Clara Valley HCP/NCCP including bridge and culvert  removal and repair and installation, sediment removal from creeks, bank stabilization, temporary construction access and dewatering, and minor maintenance of levee, canals, and ditches.  15-Jan-21 Santa Clara County (10/404)
RGP RGP 19 NMFS Eelgrass Restoration Program Authorizes NMFS to conduct work related to the restoration, rehabilitation and expansion of eelgrass within the San Francisco Bay. 31-Dec-20 San Francisco Bay (10/404)
RGP RGP 20 Salinas River Multi-Benefit Demonstration Project Authorizes annual channel maintenance within sections of the Salinar Riverincluding sediment removal, construction of secondary channels, and vegeation management. 15-Nov-21 Salinas River, Monterey County (10/404)
RGP RGP 21 Chevron Long Wharf Pile Replacements Authorizes Chevron Products company to annually replace existing timber fender piles and existing concrete piles at Richmond Refinery Long Wharf. 10-May-22 Contra Costa County (10/404)
RGP RGP 22 Port of San Francisco, Regional General Permit for Maintenance Authorizes the Port of San Francisco maintenance and repair activities necessary to maintain current Port facilities and navigational equipment. 15-Dec-21 San Francisco County (10/404)
RGP RGP 25 City of Livermore Stream Maintenance Project Authorizes City of Livermore for maintenance and mangment of creeks, culverts and bank stabilization for maintain flow conveyance capacity. 5-Jul-22 Livermore, Alameda County -404
RGP RGP 26 Port of Oakland - Maritime Facilities Maintenance Authorizes the Port of Oakland for the routine maintenance and repair activities necessary to maintain current Port facilities and navigational equipment. 1-Dec-23 Alameda County (10/404)

General Permits for Savannah District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Regional General Permit 30 Public Transportation Projects - Maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of roads, culverts, bridges, and associated structures. 5-Oct-23 Georgia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 31 Public Transportation Projects - Temporary access, bypass, dewatering, and other temporary structures and fills, including cofferdams, which are necessary to maintain, repair, rehabilitate, replace, improve, widen, and construct roads, bridges, culverts, and associated structures. 5-Oct-23 Georgia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 32 Public Transportation Projects - Replacement of bridges with bridges. 5-Oct-23 Georgia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 33 Public Transportation Projects - Replacement of culverts with culverts or bridges. 5-Oct-23 Georgia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 34 Public Transportation Projects -Construction of roads, culverts, bridges, and other structures or fills associated with improvements to all existing public transportation projects and/or with all new public transportation projects.   5-Oct-23 Georgia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 35 Public Transportation Projects - Construction of new public transportation projects that will be part of the state transportation system; which is limited to State Routes, U.S. Highways, and Interstate Highways. 5-Oct-23 Georgia 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 90
Private Recreational Ponds - Construction and maintenance of private (non-commercial), recreational ponds with a full pool surface area of less than five acres.  Impacts are limited to 500 linear feet of stream, and/or 2.0 acres of wetland and other waters of the U.S.; which includes areas that are mechanically cleared of vegetation, excavated, filled, and flooded. 31-Jan-23 Georgia 404
RGP Regional General Permit 99 Maintenance Dredging (Excavation) in Blue Ridge, Nottely, and Chatuge Reservoirs -authorizes maintenance dredging of accumulated sediment from previously authorized facilities located in waters of the United States. 20-Mar-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permits 02 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - Bank stabilization for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 03 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - Dredging  for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 04 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - fish attractors, reefs, fishery enhancement, and aquaculture activities for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 05 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - utilities for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 06 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - debris removal for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 07 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - dock anchors for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 08 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - scientific measuring devices and surveys for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 09 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - piles and pile supported structures for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 10 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - construction and maintenance of boat ramps for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 11 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - buoys and signs for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 12 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - modification of existing marinas for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 13 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes - recreational swim beaches for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 14 Authorizing Work and Activities in the Savannah River Lakes  - temporary structures and materials for Lake Hartwell, Lake Russell and Lake Thurmond. Authority is delegated to the Savannah District, Operations Project Managers (OPMs) at the above listed Corps' lakes, to verify whether proposed work and activities in waters of the United States would meet the terms and conditions for authorization by these PGPs. 8-Jun-23 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 36 Placement of Materials at Approved Offshore Artificial Reef Sites in the Atlantic Ocean -Corps delegates authority to the Georgia DNR to verity that work proposed under PGP 36 qualifies for authorization under PGP 36. The following work is authorized under PGP 36: the addition of materials within the boundaries of and/or the expansion of Georgia DNR Artificial Reefs.  11-Apr-22 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 37 Placement of Materials at Approved Inshore Artificial Reef Sites in Tidal Navigable Waters of the United States in Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Glynn, Liberty, and McIntosh Counties, Georgia - Corps delegates authority to the Georgia DNR to verity that work proposed under PGP 37 qualifies for authorization under PGP 37. The following work is authorized under PGP 37: the addition of materials within the boundaries of and/or the expansion of Georgia DNR Artificial Reefs. 26-Jul-23 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 40 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Maintenance of existing beaches 28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 41 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Maintenance dredging of less than 5,000 cubic yards of material from existing boat slips. 28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 42 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Maintenance dredging of less than 5,000 cubic yards of accumulated material from existing canals. 28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 43 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Maintenance dredging of less than 5,000 cubic yards of accumulated material from existing docking or berthing areas. 28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 44 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Maintenance dredging of less than 5,000 cubic yards of accumulated material from existing navigation channels. 28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 45 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Construction and/or maintenance of piers, wharves, and their normal appurtenances, such as stairways and walkways. 28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 46 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Construction and/or maintenance of boat shelters, gazebos, hoists, and shelters.  28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 47 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Construction and maintenance of boat ramps. 28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permits 49 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Mooring pilings and dolphins. 28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 52 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Buried cables. 28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 56 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia -  Intake structures.  28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 57  Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Bank stabilization and cross-over walks. 28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 58  subject to verification in writing by the Crisp County Power Commission (CCPC) in accordance with CCPC's Lake Blackshear Shoreline Management Plan for Lake Blackshear Project No. 659 licensed under the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. 791 et seq.) to persons, firms and corporations, to construct minor structures and/or perform activities identified herein within the boundaries of Lake Blackshear, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project No. 659, in Crisp, Dooly, Sumter, Lee and Worth Counties, in the State of Georgia. Minor structures and/or activies authorized include:  construction and/or maintenance of fixed structures; construction of non-commercial boat slips; construction and modification of boat ramps or marine ways; riprap for shoreline, bank, and channel protection; bulkheads and other standard shoreline protection/stabilization devices roughly paralleling, and at, the shoreline or bank; non-commercial mooring pilings and dolphins; new work channel dredging; maintenance dredging of existing boat slips, canals, or navigation channels; maintenance dredging of existing ditches; filling of previously dredged areas such as boat slips, artificial canals, etc.; debris removal; construction and maintenance of ski ramps fixed by temporary mooring devices such as retrievable, conventional anchors; fish havens, fish reefs, fishery enhancement, mariculture and aquaculture activities; construction of noncommerical intake structures; aerial transmission lines and submerged utility lines; maintenance of existing beaches; normal operation and maintenance activities associated with FERC Project No. 659; as established under the terms and conditions of the November 28, 2008, license, as amended from time to time; and signals, lighting, navigational features including devices in accordance with guidance and regulation of the U.S. Coast Guard or Georgia Department of Natural Resources. 20-Jun-24 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 59 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Initial dredging.  28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 60 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia -  Debris Removal.  28-May-25 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 61  Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Jetties/Breakwater 28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 62 Minor Structures and Activities in Portions of Lake Seminole, George W. Andrews Lake, Walter F. George Lake, West Point Lake, Lake Sidney Lanier, Carters Lake, and Altoona Lake Operated by Mobile Disctrict USACE Within the State of Georgia - Submerged irrigation lines in Navigable Waters of the United States. 28-May-25 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 69 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Submerged irrigation lines in Navigable Waters of the United States. Construction and maintenance of floating and fixed structures. Construction and maintenance of non-commercial piers, docks, wharves, boat shelters, boat houses, hoists, gazebos, sun decks, marine railways, stairways, and walkways. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 70 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Construction of non-commercial boat slips.  10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 71  Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Construction and modification of boat ramps or marine rails. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 72 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Rip-rap for shoreline, bank, and channel protection. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 73 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Bulkheads, sea walls, and other standard shoreline protection/stabilization devices roughly paralleling, and at the shoreline or bank. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 74 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Non-commercial mooring pilings and dolphins. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 75 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - New work channel dredging. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 76 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Maintenance dredging of existing boat slips, canals, or navigation channels. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 77 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Maintenance of existing ditches. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 78 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Filling of previously dredged boat slips, artificial canals, etc. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 79 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Debris removal. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 80 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Fish havens, fish reefs, fishery enhancement, and aquaculture activities. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 81 Minor Structures and Work Within the Limits of Georgia Power Company Lakes - Normal operation and maintenance activities associated with Federal Energy Regulatory Commission requirements, as amended from time to time. 10-Apr-22 Georgia 10/404
PGP Programmatic General Permit 83 Recreational Dock Facilities in Tidal Waters - Corps delegates authority to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Resources Division.  3-Aug-22 Georgia 10
PGP Programmatic General Permit 98 Minor Structures and Work in Blue Ridge, Nottely, and Chatuge Reservoirs. Authorizes Tennesee Valley Authority to verify permit conditions at their lakes.  25-Jan-22 Georgia 10/404

General Permits for Seattle District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP 4 Overwater Structures in Southern Lake Chelan 23-Aug-21 Lake Chelan, Chelan County, WA 10/404
RGP RGP 6 Structures in Inland Marine Waters 20-Apr-22 Inland Marine Waters in WA 10/404
RGP RGP 8 U.S. Forest Service Aquatic Restoration Program 1-Apr-22 U.S. Forest Service Lands in WA 404
RGP RGP 9 Port of Chehalis Industrial Developments 23-Oct-23 Port of Chehalis lands in WA 404

General Permits for St. Louis District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Regional General Permit 41 - Permanent Protection/Repair of Flood Damaged Structures, Damaged Lands and/or Fills (Missouri) Authorizes the excavation or placement of fill material for the permanent protection of and/or the repair of existing flood damaged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fill in Missouri 22-Apr-2023 Memphis (Bootheel) and St Louis District (eastern) portions of Missouri 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 34- Sand and Gravel Excavation Activities (Missouri) Authorizes the discharge of dredged and/or fill material related to mechanical sand and gravel excavation in Missouri 31-Jul-2021 Memphis (Bootheel) and St Louis District (eastern) portions of Missouri 10/404
PGP Regional General Permitc 4- Private Boat Docks (Missouri) Authorizes work for the construction of private boat docks in Missouri 18-Dec-2020 St Louis District portion of Missouri 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 44 - Maintenance of Public Stormwater, Sanitary, and Combined Sewer Systems (Missouri) Authorizes sediment and debris removal, maintenance of existing stormwater conveyances or basins in Waters of the United States (WOUS), improvements to existing stormwater management facilitites, maintenance or repair of existing stormwater, sanitary, or combined sewer systems in WOUS, maintenance and repair of existing access roads and ramps, and vegetation removal in Missouri 16-Mar-2023 St Louis District portion of Missouri 404
RGP Regional General Permit 16- Bank Stabilization (Illinois) Authorizes bank stablization activities including those approved by Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources.   31-May-2021 (being renewed) St Louis District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 26- Flood Damage Repair (Illinois) Authorizes the discharge of dredged or fill material and other work associated with emergency restoration, repair, or reconstruction measures performed in Waters of the United States (WOUS) in the State of Illinios as a result of damages recently incrred during flooding.  15-May-2022 St Louis District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP Regional General permit 38- Road Crossings (Illinois)  Authorizes the construction, expansion, modification or improvemetn of linear transportation projects that result in impacts of up to 1 acre in Waters of the United States (WOUS) 21-Oct-2021 St Louis District portion of Illinois 10/404
RGP Regional Permit 16: Bank Stabilization Authorizes activities proposed by the public, railroads, transportation departments, pipeline and utility companies, and government agencies for bank stablization activities 26-May-21 All State of Illinois counties EXCEPT Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties 404/10
RGP Regional Permit 26 - Flood Damage Repair Authorizes work to repair or protect existing flood damanged structures, damaged land areas, and/or damaged fills. 15-May-22 State of Illinois 404/10

General Permits for St. Paul District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Beach Creation and Nourishment Regional General Permit Authorizes activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Beach Creation and Nourishment Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  20-Feb-2023 All of Minnesota and Wisconsin 10/404
RGP Beach Raking Regional General Permit:   Authorizes activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Beach Raking Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  20-Feb-2023 All of Minnesota and Wisconsin 10/404
RGP Minor Discharges Regional General Permit Authorizes activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Minor Discharges Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  20-Feb-2023 All of Minnesota and Wisconsin 10/404
RGP Piers and Docks Regional General Permit Authorizes regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Piers and Docks Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  20-Feb-2023 All of Minnesota and Wisconsin 10/404
RGP Transportation Regional General Permit Authorizes regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Transportation Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  20-Feb-2023 All of Minnesota and Wisconsin 10/404
RGP Wildlife Ponds Regional General Permit Authorizes regulated activities conducted in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Wildlife Ponds Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  20-Feb-2023 All of Minnesota and Wisconsin 10/404
PGP City of Superior (WI) Special Area Management Plan (SAMP)- Residential Programmatic General Permit Authorizes regulated activities conducted in accordance with all applicable terms and conditions of the Utility Regional General Permit (RGP or permit) in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota and on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin and Minnesota.  9-Jul-2024 City of Superior, WI 404
PGP City of Superior (WI) Special Area Management Plan (SAMP)- Commercial/Industrial Programmatic General Permit Authorizes placement of dredged or fill materials impacting a cumulative maximum of 40.0 acres of wetlands identified for residential development in accordance with the City of Superior Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) and City of Superior zoning code or ordinances. 9-Jul-2024 City of Superior, WI 404
PGP City of Superior (WI) Special Area Management Plan (SAMP)- Institutional Programmatic General Permit Authorizes placement of dredged or fill materials impacting a cumulative maximum of 75.0 acres of wetlands identified for commercial/industrial development in accordance with the City of Superior Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) and City of Superior zoning code or ordinances. 9-Jul-2024 City of Superior, WI 404
PGP City of Superior (WI) Special Area Management Plan (SAMP)- Public Programmatic General Permit Authorizes placement of dredged or fill materials impacting a cumulative maximum of 10.0 acres of wetlands identified for institutional development in accordance with the City of Superior Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) and City of Superior zoning code or ordinances. 9-Jul-2024 City of Superior, WI 404
RGP Utility Regional General Permit Authorizes placement of dredged or fill materials impacting a cumulative maximum of 15.0 acres of wetlands identified for public facilities in accordance with the City of Superior Special Area Management Plan (SAMP) and City of Superior zoning code or ordinances. 20-Feb-2023 All of Minnesota and Wisconsin 10/404

General Permits for Tulsa District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP-11 for Construction and Operation of Exploration and Production Wells for Oil and Gas GP for activities related to exploration and production of oil and gas 21-Jan-24 Portion of Texas within Fort Worth District 10/404
RGP RGP for Utility Line Activiites in Critical Resource Waters in Oklahoma GP for utility lines in critical resource waters  30-Nov-24 Oklahoma - Specific High Quality Waters  404
RGP RGP for Transportation Crossings in Critical Resource Waters in Oklahoma GP for transportation crossings in critical resource waters 5-Nov-24 Oklahoma - Specific High Quality Waters 404
RGP RGP for Oklahoma Dept. of Transportation Bridge Replacement Projects of Existing Crossings GP for Oklahoma Department of Transportation bridge replacement projects 30-Nov-23 Oklahoma 10/404

General Permits for Vicksburg District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Regional General Permit -19 Exploration for and Subsequent Production of Hydrocarbons: Authorizes activities in WOUS associated with the Exploration for and Associated with the exploration for an subsequent production of hydrocarbons. 25-Sep-2024 Vicksburg District boundaries within Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit -16 Maintenance Dredging Activites on the Missisippi River Authorizes  maintenance dredging for the removal of silt accumulations around existing docks, under existing barge fleeting and mooring areas, and within associated access channels and port basins; and the discharge of the dredged material. 30-Jun-2024 Portions of the Mississippi River and adjacent port areas within the Vicksburg District in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit -25: Construction of Recreational Boating Facilities Authorizes construction of recreational boating facilities and the associated discharge of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States.  Typical activities include construction of boat ramps, parking areas, access roads, fishing piers, docks (both fixed and floating) and associated facilities.   30-Sep-2024 Vicksburg District boundaries within Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit -32: Drainage and/or Water Level Control Activites Authorizes the construction of drainage and control structures, water level control structures, and grade and erosion control structures. 25-Sep-2024 Vicksburg District boundaries within Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit -50: Maintenance Dredging on the Red River:  Authorizes maintenance dredging of sediment accumulations within the main navigation channel, around existing docks, under existing barge fleeting and mooring areas, and within associated access channels and port basins; and the discharge of the dredged material.  14-Feb-2025 Vicksburg District boundaries within Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit -53: Minor Construction Activities at the John C. Stennis Space Center,Hancock County, Mississippi Authorizes activities in Waters of the United States (WOUS) associated with demolition, construction, repair and/or expansion of buildings, parking lots, access roads, pilings, docks, piers, retaining walls, and other appurtenant facilities necessary for the infrastructure and operation of the John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC). 25-Sep-2022 Hancock County, Mississippi 10/404
PGP Programmatic Regional Permit-60: Minor Construction Activities on Entergy-Owned Arkansas Hydropower Lakes; Lake Catherine and Lake Hamilton Authorizes minor construction activities in WOUS within the jurisdiction of the Vickburg District on Entergy-owned lakes in the State of Arkansas. 18-Sep-2024 Entergy-owned lakes (Lake Catherine and Lake Hamilton) in Vicksburg District portion of Arkansas 404
RGP Regional General Permit -46: Mississippi Department of Transportation (MDOT);  Construction of Stabilization of Roadway Embankment and Bridge Abument Authorizes the construction and stabilization of roadway embankments and bridge abutments performed by or having oversight from MDOT within the State of Mississippi. 2-Oct-2024 Mississippi Department of Transportation sponsored highway projects within the State of Mississippi 10/404

General Permits for Walla Walla District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP RGP-E Regional General Permit Emergency Actions in the State of Idaho  20-Sep-21 State of Idaho 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 27  dock activites on Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho 7-May-25 Lake Pend Oreille in Idaho 10/404

General Permits for Wilmington District

Type of General Permit Title Activity  Expiration 
Geographic Scope  Authorities (10/404/103)
RGP Regional General Permit 50 Piers Docks Boathouses 31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 80 Bulkheads and Rip Rap 31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 125 Boat Ramps and associated piers, docks and structures 31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 48 Emergency Activities on Ocean Beaches  31-Dec-21 COASTAL 20 COUNTIES IN NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 291 Construction Activities in Coastal Counties 31-Dec-21 COASTAL 20 COUNTIES IN NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 30 Work in Waters of Lakes and Reservoirs 31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 79 Work in Corps Reservoirs  31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 277 Work in Manmade Basins and Canals 31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 194 Artificial Reefs  31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 297 Forest Management and Wildifre Control 31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 2878 Dredge and Discharge into Federally Authorized Navigation Channels 31-Dec-21 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 163 Charlotte Stormwater Services (Permittee) 25-May-25 NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 2350 NC DOT Bridge, Interchange and Road Widening Projects 31-Dec-21 MECKLENBURG COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA  10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 31 NC DOT Road Widening Projects (Merger projects only) 21-Mar-24 COASTAL 20 COUNTIES IN NORTH CAROLINA 10/404
RGP Regional General Permit 1536 Marsh Sills  21-Mar-24 COASTAL 20 COUNTIES IN NORTH CAROLINA  10/404