In honor of the lives of those stolen by police and state-sanctioned violence  — Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Natasha McKenna, George Floyd, Aiyana Stanley-Jones, Elijah McClain, Pearlie Golden, Kayla Moore, Freddie Gray, Atatiana Jefferson, Oscar Grant, and far too many more — join our network to stay up to date on the latest efforts to enact the BREATHE framework at the state, local and federal level.


This visionary bill framework divests our taxpayer dollars from brutal and discriminatory policing and invests in a new vision of public safety—a vision that answers the call to defund the police and allows all communities to finally BREATHE free.

We are rising up against all the ways that the criminal-legal system has harmed and failed to protect Black communities. The current moment requires a solution that fundamentally shifts how we envision community-care and invest in our society. History is clear that we cannot achieve genuine safety and liberation until we abandon police, prisons, and all punishment paradigms.

In its design, the BREATHE Act framework seeks to: 

  1. Divest Federal Resources from policing and incarceration & ending federal criminal-legal system harms, including the 1994 Crime Bill and reparations for the War on Drugs,
  2. Invest in new approaches to community safety utilizing funding incentives, 
  3. Allocate new money to build healthy, sustainable & equitable communities for all people and, 
  4. Hold officials accountable & enhance self-determination of Black communities.

We organized, we wrote policy that crystalized our demand, and we elected a new Congress. Now, alongside our allies in Congress, we’re introducing state, local, and federal legislation that works to create systems that truly keep Black people safe.We have never stopped organizing to establish our vision for public safety in legislation, tailored by local communities, and advanced through legislation at the federal level