Nato 2022



NATO’s Strategic Concept defines the security challenges facing the Alliance and outlines the political and military tasks that NATO will carry out to address them.



The 2022 Strategic Concept was adopted at the Madrid Summit, 29-30 June 2022. Learn more about NATO’s enduring purpose and its fundamental security tasks.

The Strategic Concept’s


° The Alliance’s key purpose and greatest responsibility is to ensure the collective defence of Allies. Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty remains the bedrock of Allied collective defence.

° NATO’s three core tasks are deterrence and defence; crisis prevention and management; and cooperative security.

° The Euro-Atlantic area is not at peace. Euro-Atlantic security is undermined by strategic competition and pervasive instability. The Russian Federation poses the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security. Terrorism is an asymmetric threat to the security of our citizens and to international peace and prosperity. The People’s Republic of China’s stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values. We also face global and interconnected threats and challenges like climate change, emerging and disruptive technologies, and the erosion of the arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation architecture.

° NATO will continue to adapt and develop, politically and militarily, to meet the challenges of a more unpredictable and competitive world.

° The Alliance is based on the enduring transatlantic bond between Europe and North America. NATO remains the unique, essential and indispensable transatlantic forum to consult, coordinate and act on all matters related to Allies’ security.

" NATO’s new Strategic Concept is the blueprint for the Alliance in a more dangerous and competitive world. "

Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General

What is


The Strategic Concept is a key document for the Alliance. It reaffirms NATO’s values and purpose, and provides a collective assessment of the security environment. It also drives NATO’s strategic adaptation and guides its future political and military development.

The Strategic Concept is reviewed and updated regularly. Since the end of the Cold War, it has been updated approximately every 10 years to take account of changes to the global security environment and to make sure the Alliance is prepared for the future.

The previous Strategic Concept was adopted at the NATO Lisbon Summit in 2010. The new Strategic Concept describes the new security reality facing the Alliance, reaffirms NATO’s values, and spells out NATO’s key purpose of ensuring Allies’ collective defence.

NATO Expert, Benedetta Berti, explains more

How was the


At the 2021 Brussels Summit, NATO Leaders asked Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to lead the process of developing the next Strategic Concept. The Secretary General initiated a phase of internal consultations and external engagements.

Internal consultations were conducted with Allies on NATO’s evolving strategic environment, approach and priorities. Four seminars were organised in Allied capitals to bring together NATO leadership, officials and expert communities.

NATO also engaged with NATO partner countries , other international organisations, and with expert communities, youth organisations, civil society and the private sector. 

After this consultation phase, Allies negotiated and agreed the next Strategic Concept, which Leaders endorsed at the 2022 Madrid Summit.

29 June 2022

NATO leaders approve new Strategic Concept

ALLIED EVENT - Madrid, Spain

NATO Heads of State and Government approved a new Strategic Concept for the Alliance in Madrid on 29 June 2022, setting out the Alliance’s priorities, core tasks and approaches for the next decade. The Concept describes the security environment facing the Alliance, reaffirms our values, and spells out NATO’s key purpose of ensuring our collective defence. It further sets out NATO’s three core tasks of deterrence and defence; crisis prevention and management; and cooperative security.

NATO 2030


The NATO 2030 initiative is about making sure the Alliance remains ready today to face tomorrow’s challenges.

In December 2019, NATO Leaders asked Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg to conduct a forward-looking reflection process to strengthen the Alliance. In June 2020, the Secretary General laid out his priorities for NATO 2030: making sure NATO remains strong militarily, becomes even stronger politically and takes a more global approach.

At the 2021 Brussels Summit, Allies agreed the ambitious NATO 2030 agenda, which included the decision to update the Strategic Concept.

Nato 2030