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DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (DAAT) List

The DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (DAAT) list contains homeland security related acronyms, abbreviations, and terms that can be found in DHS documents, reports, and the FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms (FAAT) list.

The list may not contain all items used by the various Components of the Department within their individual operations. It is designed as a reference and an aid, not an authoritative source.

Your comments and recommendations are welcome!  Please direct your input or questions to [email protected].

Acronym/Abbreviation Definition
28 CFR Part 23 28 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23
| I&A |
2SR Second Stage Review
| DHS |
4Wd Four Wheel Drive
| FEMA |
A Activity of Isotope
| FEMA |
A Ampere
| FEMA |
A Atomic Mass
| FEMA |
A&E Architectural and Engineering
| FEMA |
A&FM Aviation and Fire Management
| FEMA |
A&M Customs and Border Protection Air & Marine (CBP/A&M)
| DHS |
A/D Analog/Digital
| FEMA |
A/N Alert and Notification (see AN)
| FEMA |
A2H America's Second Harvest
| FEMA |
AA Affirmative Action
| FEMA |
AA Allocation Advice
| FEMA |
AA alternatives analysis
| CWMD | OGC |
AA Applicant Assistance
| FEMA |
AA Approval Authority
| FEMA |
AA Atomic Absorption
| FEMA |
AA Attribute Authority
| FEMA |
AA anti-aircraft improvised explosive device incident
| S&T |
AAA Access Approval Authority
| DHS |
AAA Agriculture Adjustment Administration
| FEMA |
AAA American Ambulance Association
| FEMA |
AAA Area Agency on Aging
| FEMA |
AAACE Airport Access Authorization to Commercial Establishments
| S&T |
AAAE American Association of Airport Executives
| TSA |
AAC Activity Address Code
| FEMA |
AAC Applicant Assistance Center
| FEMA |
AACES Automated, Adaptive Chemical Examination System
| FEMA |
AACPP Airport Access Control Pilot Program
| FEMA |
AACS Automated Access Control System
| FEMA |
AAD Assistant Associate Director
| FEMA |
AADPIA Assistant Associate Director for Public & Intergovernmental Affairs
| FEMA |
AADR Age-Adjusted Death Rate
| FEMA |
AAEI American Association of Exporters and Importers
| CBP |
AAER Average Annual Erosion Rate
| FEMA |
AAFAS Automated Airborne Flight Alert System
| S&T |
AAFB Andrews Air Force Base
| DHS |
AAML Agency Aviation Military Liaison
| FEMA |
AAMS Automated Acquisition Management System (ProTrac / ProDoc)
| FEMA |
AAMVA American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators
| TSA |
AAPA American Association of Port Authorities
| CBP | TSA | USCG |
AAPD American Association of People with Disabilities
| CRCL |
AAR After action report
| FEMA |
AAR Association of American Railroads
| FEMA |
AAR After action review
| DHS |
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
| FEMA | TSA |
AAU Association of American Universities
| USCIS | S&T |
AAVLD American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
| S&T |
ABA American Bar Association
| FEMA | OGC |
ABA American Bus Association
| FEMA |
ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments
| FEMA |
ABC [Outstanding] American By Choice Award
ABC American Baptist Churches
| FEMA |
ABC Arizona Border Control Plan
| CBP |
ABCI Arizona Border Control Initiative
| CBP |
ABCO Automated Billing & Collection Off-sets
| FEMA |
ABD Air Bridge Denial
| ICE |
ABEL Agent Based Economic Laboratory
| CISA |
ABF Automatic Broadcast Feed
| FEMA |
ABHS Alcohol Based Hand Sanitizer
| FEMA |
ABI Automated Broker Interface
| CBP |
ABIED air-borne improvised explosive device
| S&T |
ABIH American Board of Industrial Hygiene
| FEMA |
| I&A |
ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile
| FEMA |
ABMC American Battle Monuments Commission
| DHS |
ABNCP Airborne Command Post
| CISA |
ABO Agents of Biological Origin
| FEMA |
ABRO Aircraft Base Radio Operator
| FEMA |
ABS Arson and Bomb Squad
| CISA | I&A |
AC Alternating Current
| FEMA |
AC Area Command
| FEMA |
AC Area Committee
| FEMA |
AC alternating current
| S&T |
ACAA Air Carrier Association for Americans
| TSA |
ACAC Area Command Aviation Coordinator
| FEMA |
ACADA Automatic Chemical Agent Detection and Alarm
| CISA | S&T |
ACAMS Automatic Continuous Air Monitoring System
| FEMA |
ACAP Agency-wide Corrective Action Program
| FEMA |
ACAP Alien Criminal Apprehension Program
| ICE |
ACBIRC Advanced Chemical/Biological Integrated Response Course
| CISA | S&T |
ACC American Chemistry Council
| S&T |
ACC Aviation Command Center
| TSA |
ACC Agency Command Center
| FEMA |
ACC Air Combat Command
| FEMA |
ACCS Accounting Classification Code Structure
| FEMA |
ACCT Account
| FEMA |
ACCT Accounting Technician
| FEMA |
ACDA United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
| CWMD |
ACDO Advanced Concept Demonstration Office
| TSA |
ACDP Aircraft Dispatcher
| FEMA |
ACDR Area Commander
| FEMA |
ACE Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education
| FEMA |
ACE Automated Commercial Environment (secure data portal)
| CBP |
ACE Automated Construction Estimate
| FEMA |
ACE Accumulated Cyclone Energy
| OPS |
ACE American Council on Education
| USCIS | CISA | S&T |
ACE Army Corps of Engineers
ACEP American College of Emergency Physicians
| FEMA |
ACF Administration for Children and Families
| FEMA | OPS |
ACF Alternate Care Facility
| FEMA |
ACF Alternate Control Facility
| FEMA |
ACFM Advanced Certified Floodplain Manager
| FEMA |
ACGIH American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists
| FEMA |
ACH Automated Clearing House
| FEMA |
AChE Acetylcholinesterase
| FEMA |
ACHP Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
ACI Advanced Contracting Initiative
| FEMA | OPS |
ACI Approved Course of Instruction
| FEMA |
ACI Airports Council International
| TSA | PLCY |
ACI/NA Airports Council International--North America
| PLCY |
ACIP Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
| FEMA |
ACIR Advisory Commission on Inter-governmental Relations
| FEMA |
ACIS Aviation Credential Interoperability Solution
ACL Access Control List
| FEMA |
ACM alternative control measure
| DHS |
ACM asbestos-containing material
| DHS |
ACMR Assistant Cache Manager
| FEMA |
ACMS Academy Class Management System
| FEMA |
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer
| FEMA |
ACO Agency Claims Officer
| FEMA |
ACO Agency Collection Officer
| FEMA |
ACO Animal Control Officer
| FEMA |
ACP Accelerated Conversion Process
| FEMA |
ACP Access Control Points
ACP Allied Communications Publication
| FEMA |
ACP Alternate Command Post
| FEMA |
ACP Area Command Post
| FEMA |
ACP Area Contingency Plan
ACPSEM Advisory Council on Professional Standards for Emergency Managers
| FEMA |
ACR Acreage Conservation Reserve
| FEMA |
ACR Advance Confirmation Report
| FEMA |
ACR Agency Confirmation Report
| FEMA |
ACS Adventist Community Services
| FEMA |
ACS Alternate Command Staff
| FEMA |
ACS Automated Commercial System
| CBP |
ACSD Advanced Container Security Device (see CSD)
| DHS |
ACSDR Adventist Community Services Disaster Response
| FEMA |
ACSI American Customer Satisfaction Index
| FEMA |
ACSM American Congress of Surveying and Mapping
ACT American Council for Technology
| S&T |
ACT Area Command Team
| FEMA |
ACT FAST Agent Characteristics Toxicity - First Aid and Special Treatment
| FEMA |
ACTD Advanced Concepts Technology Demonstration
| FEMA |
ACTE Association of Corporate Travel Executives
| DHS |
ACTY Activity
| FEMA |
ACV Actual Cash Value
| FEMA |
ACV Alarm Check Valve
| FEMA |
ACVP Airline Certificate Vetting Program
ACWG Air Cargo Working Group
| TSA |
AD Administratively Determined (also AD#)
| FEMA |
AD Assistant Director
| FEMA |
AD Associate Director
| FEMA |
AD Automatic Determination
| FEMA |
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act (1992)
| CRCL |
ADAMS Automated Disaster Assistance Management System
| FEMA |
ADASHI Automated Decision Aid System for Hazardous Incidents
| FEMA |
ADASP Aviation Direct Access Screening Program
| TSA | S&T |
ADD Automated Deployment Database
| OPS |
ADDIE Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
| FEMA |
ADDS Automated Disaster Deployment System
| FEMA |
ADEM Arizona Division of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
ADEM Arkansas Department of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
ADES Alaska Division of Emergency Services
| FEMA |
ADFR Arson Detection for the First Responder
| FEMA |
ADGGS Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys
| FEMA |
ADIS Arrival and Departure Information System
ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone
| TSA |
ADJ Adjustable
| FEMA |
ADL Automated Distance Learning
| FEMA |
ADM Acquisition Decision Memorandum
| FEMA |
ADM Admiral
| FEMA |
ADMIN Administration
| FEMA |
ADMIN Administrative
| FEMA |
ADMSYS Admissions System
| FEMA |
ADO Airport District Office
| FEMA |
ADO Team Assistant Disbursing Officer Team
| FEMA |
ADOS Automated Document Ordering System
| FEMA |
ADP Automated Data Processing
| FEMA |
ADPE Automated Data Processing Equipment
| FEMA |
ADR Address
| FEMA |
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
| FEMA |
ADR American Disaster Reserve
| FEMA |
ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency
| FEMA |
ADRA Alternative Dispute Resolution Act
| FEMA |
ADRA Air Domain Risk Assessment
| TSA | CISA |
ADRS Automated Disaster Reporting System
| FEMA |
ADTS Automated Data Telecommunications Service
| FEMA |
ADVISE Analysis, Dissemination, Visualization, Insight and Semantic Enhancement
| PRIV |
ADVON Advanced Echelon
| FEMA |
AE Aero-medical Evacuation
| FEMA |
AE Architects and Engineering
| FEMA |
AEA American Economic Association
| FEMA |
AEA American Electronics Association
| PRIV |
AEAS Automated Exercise and Assessment System
| FEMA |
AEC Advanced Electronic Classroom
| FEMA |
AEC Agency Emergency Coordinator
| FEMA |
AEC Army Environmental Center (Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland)
| FEMA |
AEC Atomic Energy Commission
| FEMA |
AECB Atomic Energy and Control Board
| FEMA |
AECC Aero-medical Evacuation Control Center
| FEMA |
AECC Aero-Medical Evacuation Coordination Center
| FEMA |
AECC American Evangelical Christian Church
| FEMA |
AECE Aero-medical Evacuation Control Element
| FEMA |
AECM Aero-medical Evacuation Crew Members
| FEMA |
AECR Achieving Extraordinary Customer Relations
| FEMA |
AED Automated External Defibrillator
| FEMA |
AEGL Acute Exposure Guidelines Level
| FEMA |
AEI American Enterprise Institute
| OPA |
AEIC Alaska Earthquake Information Center
| FEMA |
AEL Adverse Effect Level
| FEMA |
AEL Airborne Exposure Limit
| FEMA |
AEL Authorized Equipment List
| FEMA |
AELT Aero-medical Evacuation Liaison Team
| FEMA |
AEMA Alabama Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
AEOD Analysis and Evaluation of Operation Data
| FEMA |
AEP Airport Emergency Plan
| TSA |
AERT Alaska Emergency Response Team
| FEMA |
AES Advanced Encryption Standard
| FEMA |
AES Aeromedical Evacuation System
| FEMA |
AES Automated Export System
| CBP |
AEW Airborne Early Warning
| CBP | ICE |
AF Acre Feet
| FEMA |
AF Air Force
| FEMA |
AFA Association of Flight Attendants
| TSA |
AFB Air Force Base
AFCEA Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association
AFD Airport Facility Directory
| FEMA |
AFEM Alliance for Fire and Emergency Management
| FEMA |
AFEWES Air Force Electronic Warfare Evaluation Simulator
| S&T |
AFFIRM Association for Federal Information Resources Management
| MGMT |
AFG Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program
AFGE American Federation of Government Employees
AFGWC Air Force Global Weather Central
| FEMA |
AFIP Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
| CWMD |
AFL-CIO American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrialized Organizations
| CISA |
AFM Adjudicator's Field Manual
AFMIC Armed Forces Medial Intelligence Center
| FEMA |
AFMLS Asset Forfeiture & Money Laundering Section
AFMO Assistant Fire Management Officer
| FEMA |
AFMS Automated Forms System
| FEMA |
AFNSEP Air Force National Security Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
AFO Area Field Office
| FEMA |
AFOC Air Force Operations Center
| FEMA |
AFOSC Air Force Operations Support Center
| FEMA |
AFRAS Association for Rescue at Sea
| USCG |
AFRAT Air Force Radiation Assessment Team
| FEMA |
AFRB Air Force Reserve Base
| FEMA |
AFRCC Air Force Rescue Coordination Center
| FEMA |
AFRES Air Force Reserve
| FEMA |
AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory
| FEMA |
AFRRI Armed Force Radiobiology Research Institute
| FEMA |
AFSA American financial Services Association
| S&T |
AFSC Armed Forces Staff College
| FEMA |
AFSOF Air Force Special Operations Forces
| FEMA |
AFSP Alien Flight Student Program
AFSS Automated Flight Service Station
| FEMA |
AFTAC Air Force Technical Applications Center
| FEMA |
AFV alternative fuel vehicle
| DHS |
AG Adjutant General
| FEMA | OGC |
AG Agriculture
| FEMA |
AG Attorney General
| FEMA | OGC |
AGAR Alternate Governor’s Authorized Representative
| FEMA |
AGAUS Adjutants General Association of the United States
| CWMD |
AGC Associate General Counsel
| OGC |
AGC Advanced Gas Centrifuge
| FEMA |
AGC Association of General Contractors
| FEMA |
AGCA Associated General Contractors of America
| FEMA |
AGCR Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor
| FEMA |
AGE Aerospace Ground Equipment
| FEMA |
AGILE Advanced Geospatial Imagery Library Enterprise
| FEMA |
AGL Above Ground Level
| FEMA |
AGR Active Guard/Reserve
| FEMA |
AGS Aviation Group Supervisor
| ICE |
AGV Aggregate Value
| FEMA |
AGY Agency
| FEMA |
AGZ Actual Ground Zero
| FEMA |
AH Alternate Headquarters
| FEMA |
AHAM Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
| FEMA |
AHCC Alternate Host Communications Center
| FEMA |
AHG Ad Hoc Group
| FEMA |
AHIMT All Hazards Incident Management Team
| FEMA |
AHJ Agency Having Jurisdiction
| FEMA |
AHMA American Hotel and Motel Association
| FEMA |
AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
| FEMA |
AHT Animal Health Technician
| FEMA |
AHU Air Handling Unit
| FEMA |
AHUA America Highway User Alliance
| FEMA |
AI&H Assistance to Individuals and Households
| FEMA |
AI2 Acquisition Improvement Initiative
| FEMA |
AIA American Institute of Architects
| FEMA |
AIA American Insurance Association
| FEMA |
AIAA American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
| S&T |
AIATP Antiterrorism Intelligence Awareness Training Program
AIBS American Institute of Biological Sciences
| S&T |
AIC Animal Identification Coordinator
| FEMA |
AIC Automated Inventory Control (formerly AIS)
| FEMA |
AID Agency for International Development
| FEMA |
AIF Assistance Information Form
| FEMA |
AIG Address Indicating Group
| FEMA |
AIHEC American Indian Higher Education Consortium
| FEMA |
AILA American Immigration Lawyers Association
AIMS Arson Information Management System
| FEMA |
AIMS Automated Inventory Management System
| FEMA |
AIP Agreement in Principle
| FEMA |
AIP Airport Improvement Program
| FEMA |
AIP Assisted Imaging Processing
| FEMA |
AIPC All Indian Pueblo Council
| FEMA |
AIR active infrared sensor
| S&T |
AIREP Aircraft Report
| FEMA |
AIS Automated Information System
| FEMA | CISA | I&A |
AIS Automated Information Systems (see AIC)
| FEMA |
AIS automatic identification system
| PLCY |
AIT Aeromedical Isolation Team
| FEMA |
AIT automatic identification technology
| MGMT |
AJ Administrative Judge
| FEMA |
AKA Also Known As
| DHS |
AKDT Alaska Daylight Time (GMT - 8)
| FEMA |
AKST Alaska Standard Time (GMT - 9)
| FEMA |
AL Applicant Liaison
| FEMA |
ALARA As Low as Reasonably Achievable
| FEMA |
ALB Administration and Logistics Branch (US-VISIT)
| CISA |
ALC Agency Location Code
| FEMA |
ALC Agency Logistics Center
| FEMA |
ALC Annual Letter of Certification
| FEMA |
ALCC Airlift Control Center
| FEMA |
ALCC Airlift Coordination Cell
| FEMA |
ALCE Airlift Control Element
| FEMA |
ALCOM Alaskan Command
| FEMA |
ALE Additional Living Expenses
| FEMA |
ALE Automatic Link Establishment
| FEMA |
ALERT Automated Local Evaluation in Real Time
| FEMA |
ALOHA Aerial Locations Of Hazardous Atmospheres
| FEMA |
ALPA Airline Pilots Association
| TSA |
ALS Advanced Life Support
| FEMA | OPS |
ALSM Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (aka: "LIDAR")
| FEMA |
ALT Alternate
| FEMA |
ALTRETCO Alternate Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator
| FEMA |
ALUM Aluminum
| FEMA |
AM Amplitude Modulation
| FEMA |
AM Ante Meridiem
| FEMA |
AMA American Medical Association
| FEMA |
AMB Air & Marine Branch (ICE/AMB)
| DHS |
AMBUS Ambulance Bus
| FEMA |
AMC Air Mobility Command
| FEMA |
AMC Army Materiel Command
| FEMA |
AMCCOM Armament Munitions and Chemical Command
| FEMA |
AMD Acquisition Management Division
| FEMA |
AMEAGS Automated Major Emergency Action Guidelist System
| FEMA |
AMF Alternative Morgue Facility
| FEMA |
AMGS Air & Marine Group Supervisor
| ICE |
AMHS Automated Message Handling System
| CISA | I&A |
AMID Air and Marine Interdiction Division
| USCG |
AMINESKAL American Indian Eskimo Aleutian
| FEMA |
AMIO Alien Migrant Interdiction Operations
| CBP | USCG |
AML ARC Macro Language
| FEMA |
AMO Air and Marine Operations (ICE)
| ICE |
AMOC Air and Marine Operations Center
| ICE | I&A | OPS |
AMP Amperage
| FEMA |
AMP asbestos management plan
| DHS |
AMPS Automated Message Processing System
| FEMA |
AMR Agricultural Mitigation and Restoration
| FEMA |
AMS Aerial Measuring System
| FEMA |
AMS American Meteorological Society
| FEMA |
AMS Automated Manifest System
| CBP |
AMS Atmospheric Monitoring System
| CISA |
AMSC Area Maritime Security Committee
| I&A |
AMSLAN American Sign Language
| FEMA |
AMSP Area Maritime Security Plan
| USCG | I&A |
AMT Amount
| FEMA |
AMTI Applied Marine Technology, Inc.
| USCG |
AMTOR Amateur Telegraphy Over Radio
| FEMA |
AMWA Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies
| FEMA |
AN Above Normal
| FEMA |
AN Alert and Notification (see A/N)
| FEMA |
ANACI Access National Agency Check and Inquiry
| MGMT |
ANAD Anniston Army Depot
| FEMA |
ANCA Anniston Chemical Activity
| FEMA |
ANCDF Anniston Chemical Disposal Facility
| FEMA |
ANFAZD Academic Network for Foreign Animal and Zoonotic Disease
| S&T |
ANFO Ammonium Nitrate and Fuel Oil
| FEMA |
ANG Air National Guard
ANG Army National Guard
| FEMA |
ANGB Air National Guard Base
| FEMA |
ANI American Nuclear Insurers
| FEMA |
ANI Area Not Included
| FEMA |
ANL Argonne National Laboratories
| S&T |
ANOC Association of National Olympic Committees
| FEMA |
ANPR Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
| FEMA |
ANPRM Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [see NPRM and SNPRM]
| OGC |
ANPSC Alternate National Processing Service Center
| FEMA |
ANRC American National Red Cross
| FEMA |
ANS Alert and Notification System
| FEMA |
ANS Answer
| FEMA |
ANS Aquatic Nuisance Species
| USCG | S&T |
ANSER Analytic Services Inc.
| S&T |
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANSI-HSSP American National Standards Institute-Homeland Securities Standards Panel
| FEMA |
ANZUS Australia, New Zealand and United States
| PLCY |
AO Action Officer
| FEMA |
AO Administrative Officer
| FEMA |
AO Area of Operations
| FEMA |
AO Assistance Officer
| FEMA |
AO Accrediting Official
| MGMT |
AO Security Accrediting Official
| MGMT |
AO authorizing official [special access program]
| MGMT |
AO Designated Approving Authority
| MGMT |
AOA Administration on Aging
| FEMA |
AOA analysis of alternatives
| S&T |
AOA Aviation Operations Area
| TSA | USCG | OPS |
AOAC Association for Official Analytical Communities
| S&T |
AOBD Air Operations Branch Director
| FEMA |
AOBS Aerial Observer
| FEMA |
AOC Aircraft Operating Center (NOAA)
| FEMA |
AOC Area of Concern
| FEMA |
AOC Army Operations Center
| FEMA |
AOIC Acting Official in Charge
| FEMA |
AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association
| S&T | CWMD |
AOR Area of Responsibility
| FEMA |
AOSSP Aircraft Operator Standard Security Program
| TSA |
AOV Agency Owned Vehicle
| FEMA |
AP Aerial Port
| FEMA |
AP Alternative Power
| FEMA |
AP Arrival Point
| FEMA |
AP Assembly Point
| FEMA |
AP Associated Press
| FEMA | OPA |
AP anti-personnel improvised explosive device incident
| S&T |
AP&CP Arson Prevention and Control Plan
| FEMA |
APA Administrative Procedure Act
| OGC |
APA American Planning Association
| FEMA |
APB Acquisition Program Baseline
| FEMA |
APC Agency Program Coordinator
| FEMA |
APCO Association of Public Safety Communications [Worldwide]
| TSA |
APE Area of Potential Effect
| FEMA |
APEC Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation
| USCG |
APERMANS Automated Personnel Management System
| FEMA |
APG Aberdeen Proving Ground
| FEMA |
APHA American Public Health Association
| FEMA |
APHIS Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
| CBP | CISA | I&A | OPS |
APHL Association of Public Health Laboratories
| FEMA |
API Application Programming Interface
| FEMA |
APIS Advance Passenger Information System
| CBP | FEMA | TSA | S&T | OPS | PLCY | PRIV |
APL Annex Planning Leaders
| FEMA |
APLCN Application
| FEMA |
APLCT Applicant
| FEMA |
APLNC Appliance
| FEMA |
APMB Acquisition and Program Management Branch (US-VISIT)
| CISA |
APO Accountable Property Officer
| FEMA |
APOD Aerial Port of Debarkation
| FEMA |
APOE Aerial Port of Embarkation
| FEMA |
APP Apparatus
| FEMA |
APP Applicant
| FEMA |
APP Application
| FEMA |
APP Application Portability Profile
| FEMA |
APP affirmative procurement program
| DHS |
APPN Appropriation
| FEMA |
APPT Appointment
| FEMA |
APR Agency Procurement Review
| FEMA |
APR Air-Purifying Respirator
| FEMA |
APRSAC Academe and Policy Research Advisory Committee
| PLCY |
APSO Asylum Pre-Screening Officer
APSP Automated Passenger Screening Profile
| TSA |
APSRS Aerial Photography Summary Record System
| FEMA |
APSS Automated Personnel Security System
| FEMA |
APT Administrative Payment Team
| FEMA |
APTA American Public Transportation Associations
| TSA |
APTS Association of Public Television Stations
| FEMA | OPA |
APTS Airport, Port, and Terminal Security
| PLCY |
APWA American Public Works Association
| FEMA |
AQI Agricultural Quarantine Inspections
| FEMA |
AR Acknowledge Receipt
| FEMA |
AR Aerial Reconnaissance
| FEMA |
AR Army Regulation
| FEMA |
ARA Aircraft Rental Agreement
| FEMA |
ARA Analog Radio Adapter
| FEMA |
ARAA Advanced Radiological Accident Assessment
| FEMA |
ARAC Atmospheric Release Advisory Capability
| CISA | S&T |
ARAR applicable or relevant and appropriate requirement
| DHS |
ARB Air Reserve Base
| FEMA |
ARB Acquisition Review Board
| MGMT |
ARC American Red Cross (also RC)
| DHS |
ARC Analytic Resources Catalog
| FEMA |
ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action
| FEMA |
ARCHIE Automated Resource for Chemical Hazard Incident Evaluation
| FEMA |
ARD Advanced Radiation Detection
| CWMD |
AREAL Atmospheric Research and Exposure Assessment Laboratory
| FEMA |
AREP Agency Representative
| FEMA |
ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services
| FEMA |
ARF Action Request Form
| FEMA |
ARF Aviation Route Forecast
| FEMA |
ARFCAM Autonomous Rapid Facility Chemical Agent Monitor
| S&T |
ARFF Aircraft Rescue Firefighting
| FEMA |
ARFI Areas Recommended For Improvement
| FEMA |
ARG Accident Response Group
| FEMA |
ARI Acute Respiratory Infection
| FEMA |
ARIES Airborne Rapid Imagery for Emergency Support
| FEMA |
ARIO Advanced Radiation Incident Operations
| FEMA |
ARIP Accidental Release Information Program
| FEMA |
ARJIS Automated Regional Justice Information System
| FEMA |
ARL Activities Result List
| FEMA |
ARL Airborne Reconnaissance Low
| FEMA |
ARL-M Airborne Reconnaissance Low - Multifunction
| FEMA |
ARM Aerial Radiological Monitor
| FEMA |
ARMS Automated Resource Management System (FEMA)
| FEMA |
ARNG Army National Guard
ARNGOPS Army National Guard Operations
| FEMA |
ARO asset retirement obligation
| DHS |
A-ROC Alternate Regional Operations Center
| FEMA |
ARP Alarm Resolution Protocols
| TSA |
ARP Administration and Resource Planning
| FEMA |
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
| FEMA |
ARPANET Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
| FEMA |
ARRA American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
| FEMA |
ARRAS Automatic Residential Remote Alarm System
| FEMA |
ARRL American Radio Relay League
| FEMA |
ARS Automatic Route Selection
| FEMA |
ARS Agricultural Research Service
| DHS |
ARSOF Army Special Operations Forces
| FEMA |
ARSR Air Route Surveillance Radar
| TSA |
ART Awards Review Team
| FEMA |
ARTCC Air Route Traffic Control Center
| FEMA |
ARTS Audit Report Tracking System
| FEMA |
ARWO Aerial Reconnaissance Weather Office
| FEMA |
AS Applicant Services
| FEMA |
AS Automatic Sprinkler
| FEMA |
AS 06 Ardent Sentry 06 (exercise)
| FEMA |
ASA Average Speed of Answer
ASA/IL&E Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installation, Logistics and Environment)
| FEMA |
ASAC Aviation Security Advisory Committee
| TSA |
ASAP Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel
| FEMA |
ASAP All-Hazards Situation Assessment Prototype
| FEMA |
ASAP As soon as possible
| DHS |
ASAP Automated Standard Application for Payments
| FEMA |
ASC Advanced Systems Center
| FEMA |
ASC Allowable Stack Concentration
| FEMA |
ASC Area of Special Consideration
| FEMA |
ASC Application Support Center
ASCADS Automated Sorting, Conversion and Distribution System
| FEMA |
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
| FEMA |
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
| FEMA |
ASCS Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Services
| FEMA |
ASD Acoustic Surveillance Device
| FEMA |
ASD Allowable Stress Design
| FEMA |
ASD Assistant Secretary of Defense
| FEMA |
ASD Administrative Security Division
| MGMT |
ASD (HD) Assistant Secretary of Defense, Homeland Defense
| FEMA |
ASD (SO/LIC) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Special Operations/Low-Intensity Conflict)
| FEMA |
ASDAR Aircraft to Satellite Data Relay
| FEMA |
ASDRC Automated Systems Disaster Recovery Capabilities
| FEMA |
ASDSO Association of State Dam Safety Officials
| FEMA |
ASDWA Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
| FEMA |
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
| PLCY |
ASFPM Association of State Floodplain Managers
| FEMA |
ASGS Air Support Group Supervisor
| FEMA |
ASH Assistant Secretary for Health
| FEMA |
ASHA Assistant Secretary for Health Affairs
| FEMA |
ASHG Accident Site Health Group
| FEMA |
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers
| FEMA |
ASI America's Shield Initiative
| FEMA |
ASIA Anti-smuggling Investigators Association
| FEMA |
ASIA Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis
| FEMA |
ASIANPACI Asian Pacific Islander
| FEMA |
ASIP Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Protection
| FEMA |
ASIS American Society for Industrial Security
| PLCY |
ASIWPCA Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators
| FEMA |
ASL Above Sea Level
| FEMA |
ASL American Sign Language
| FEMA |
ASLB Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
| FEMA |
ASM Air Support Manager
| FEMA |
ASME American Society for Microbiology
| S&T |
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
| S&T |
ASMRO Armed Services Medical Regulating Office
| FEMA |
ASMT Assessment
| FEMA |
ASN Abstract Syntax Notation
| FEMA |
ASOS Automated Surface Observing System
| FEMA |
ASP Aviation Security Program
| TSA |
ASP Active Server Page
| FEMA |
ASP Advanced Spectroscopic Portal
| CBP | CWMD |
ASP Associate Safety Professional
| FEMA |
ASPA Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs
| FEMA |
ASPE American Society of Professional Estimators
| FEMA |
ASPECT Airborne Spectral Photographic Environmental Collection Technology
| FEMA |
ASPECT Airborne Spectral Environmental Collection Technology
| S&T |
ASPHEP Assistant Secretary for Public Health Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
ASPRS American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
| FEMA |
ASR Aquifer Storage Recovery
| FEMA |
ASR Atmosphere supplying respirator
| FEMA |
ASR Automatic Sprinkler Riser
| FEMA |
ASSE American Society of Safety Engineers
| FEMA |
ASSET Advanced Simulation and Software Engineering Technology
| FEMA |
ASST Assistant
| FEMA |
ASSY Assembly
| FEMA |
AST Aboveground Storage Tank
| FEMA |
AST Aviation Survival Technician
| FEMA |
AST Accessible Systems and Technologies
| MGMT |
ASTA American Society of Travel Agents
| CBP |
ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
| FEMA |
ASTI Airport Security Technology Integration
| TSA |
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
| S&T |
ASTS Aeromedical Staging Squadron
| FEMA |
ASU All-Source Situational Understanding
| FEMA |
ASUFAC Airport and Seaport User Fee Advisory Committee, INS
| CBP |
AT Advanced Technology
| FEMA |
AT Anti-Terrorism
| FEMA |
AT&L Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
| FEMA |
AT/FP Anti-Terrorism & Force Protection
| FEMA |
ATA Airline Transportation Association
| TSA |
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
| FEMA |
ATA American Trucking Association
| PLCY |
ATAC Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council
| I&A |
ATB Applied Technology Board
| TSA |
ATBM Air Tanker Base Manager
| FEMA |
ATC Applied Technology Council
| FEMA |
ATC Air Traffic Control
| CBP | TSA | CISA |
ATCET Anti-Terrorism Combat Enforcement Team
| CBP |
A-TCET Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team
| FEMA |
ATCO Air tanker Coordinator
| FEMA |
ATCT Air Traffic Control Tower
| FEMA |
ATD Actual Time of Departure
| FEMA |
ATD Advanced Technology Demonstration
| CWMD |
ATD Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion
| FEMA |
ATDI Advance Trade Data Initiative
| CBP |
ATDP Annual Training and Development Plan
| FEMA |
ATDT Atlantic Daylight Time (GMT - 3)
| FEMA |
ATF Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [Bureau of]
| DHS |
ATGS Air Tactical Group Supervisor
| FEMA |
ATH Air-Transportable Hospital
| FEMA |
ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
| CISA |
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
| FEMA |
ATM Automated Teller Machine
| FEMA |
ATMU Advanced Technology Meteorological Unit
| FEMA |
ATMWU Air Transportable Mobile Weather Unit
| FEMA |
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Networks
| S&T |
ATO Air Tasking Order
| FEMA |
ATP Air Transit Program
| TSA |
ATP Authority to Participate
| FEMA |
ATR Advanced Thermal Reactor
| FEMA |
ATRAP Air Transportable RADIAC Package
| FEMA |
ATS Automated Targeting System
ATSA Aviation and Transportation Security Act
| TSA | CISA | I&A |
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (USPHS)
| CISA | S&T |
ATST Atlantic Standard Time (GMT - 4)
| FEMA |
ATT Anti-Terrorism Technologies
| FEMA |
ATTF Antiterrorism Task Force
| I&A |
ATTN Attention
| FEMA |
ATV All-terrain vehicle
| CBP | FEMA |
ATWC Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (see WCATWC)
| FEMA |
AUH Attached Unit Housing
| FEMA |
AUSA Assistant United States Attorney
| FEMA |
AUTHN Authorization
| FEMA |
AUTHY Authority
| FEMA |
AUTODIN Automatic Digital Network
| FEMA |
AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network (see DSN)
| FEMA |
AUVSI Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International
| CBP |
AV Air Vehicle
| FEMA |
AV Audio-Visual
| FEMA |
AVC Alaska Volcano Center
| FEMA |
AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
| FEMA |
AVI Audio-Visual Interleave
| FEMA |
AVIC Area Veterinarian in Charge
| FEMA |
AVIP Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program
| FEMA |
AVLIS Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation
| FEMA |
AVMA American Veterinary Medical Association
| FEMA |
AVO Alaska Volcano Observatory
| FEMA |
AVOps Aviation Operations
| TSA | OPS |
AVSEC Aviation Security
| TSA |
AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System
| CBP |
AWBA Average Weekly Benefit Amount
| FEMA |
AWD Available Without Declaration
| FEMA |
AWIPS Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System
| FEMA |
AWIS Automated Weather Information System
| FEMA |
AWO American Waterway Operators
| USCG |
AWOL Absent Without Leave
| FEMA |
AWOP Absence Without Pay
| FEMA |
AWRA American Water Resources Association
| FEMA |
AWS Alternate Work Schedule
| FEMA |
AWS alternative work schedule
| MGMT |
AWWA American Water Works Association
| FEMA |
AYE Alternate Year Exercise
| FEMA |
B&SA Bureau and Statistical Agent (NFIP)
| FEMA |
B/C Benefit/Cost
| FEMA |
BAA Broad Agency Announcement
| FEMA | S&T |
BAA Broad Area Announcement
| FEMA |
BACM Business Alliance for Customs Modernization
| CBP |
BAER Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation (Team)
| FEMA |
BAER Burned Area Emergency Response
| FEMA |
BALV Best Available Lodging Value
| FEMA |
BAND Bio-agent Autonomous Networked Detectors
| S&T |
BARDA Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority
| FEMA |
BAREPP Bay Area Regional Earthquake Preparedness Project
| FEMA |
BASIS Biological Aerosol Sentry and Information System
| S&T |
BATF Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
| FEMA |
BATT Battery
| FEMA |
BAWS Biological Aerosol Warning System
| FEMA |
BBP Blood Borne Pathogen
| FEMA |
BBRS Board of Building Regulations and Standards
| FEMA |
BBS Bulletin Board System
| FEMA |
BC Base Camp
| FEMA |
BC Branch Chief
| FEMA |
BCA Benefit-Cost Analysis
| FEMA |
BCBP Bureau of Customs and Border Protection
| FEMA |
BCC Border Crossing Card
BCF Billion Cubic Feet
| FEMA |
BCIS Bureau for Citizenship and Immigration Services (see USCIS)
| FEMA |
BCMC Board for the Coordination of Model Codes
| FEMA |
BCMG Base/Camp Manager
| FEMA |
BCMR Board of Correction of Military Records
| USCG | OGC |
BCP Business Continuity Planning
| FEMA |
BCR Benefit-Cost Ratio
| FEMA |
BCR Border Cargo Release
| CBP |
BDA Battle Damage Assessment
| FEMA |
BDC Bomb Data Center (FBI)
| CISA |
BDE Brigade
| FEMA |
BDO Battle Dress Overgarment
| FEMA |
BDRP Biological Defense Research Program
| FEMA |
BDS Biohazard Detection System
| CISA |
BDU Battle Dress Utility
| FEMA |
BEA Bureau of Economic Analysis
| FEMA |
BEEF Big Explosive Experimental Facility
| FEMA |
BEIR Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation
| FEMA |
BENS Business Executives for National Security
| PLCY |
BENT SPEAR Nuclear Incident (codeword)
| FEMA |
BEP Budget Execution Plan
| FEMA |
BERD Blocked Erosion Rate Database
| FEMA |
BERT Building Emergency Response Team
| CISA |
BEST Bus Explosive Screening Technology
| TSA |
BEST Border Enforcement Security Taskforce
| DHS | CBP | ICE | USCG | I&A | OPS |
BEST Building Engagement, Strengths and Talent
| FEMA |
BFA Benefit Fraud Assessment
| FEMA |
BFC Bills for Collection
| FEMA |
BFD Base Flood Depth
| FEMA |
BFE Base Flood Elevation
| FEMA |
BFM Budget and Financial Management Branch (US-VISIT)
| CISA |
BGAD Blue Grass Army Depot
| FEMA |
BGAN Broadband Global Area Network
| FEMA |
BGCA Blue Grass Chemical Activity
| FEMA |
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
| FEMA |
BHEF Business-Higher Education Forum
| S&T |
BHS Bureau of Health Services
| FEMA |
BI Background Investigation
| FEMA |
BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs
BIA Board of Immigration Appeals/Affairs (DOJ)
BICE Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
| FEMA |
BICEP Basic Investigation of Computer and Electronic Crimes Program
BICEPP Business and Industry Council for Emergency Preparedness and Planning
| FEMA |
BIDS Biological Integrated Detection System
| FEMA |
BIFC Boise Interagency Fire Center (see NIFC or NIFCC)
| FEMA |
BIIDB Badge Imaging Information Database
| FEMA |
BIL Band Interleaved by Line (Format)
| FEMA |
BIO Biological
| FEMA |
BIO biological improvised explosive device enhancement
| S&T |
BISC Border Interdiction Support Center
| CBP |
BIT Building Inventory Tool
| FEMA |
BIT Built-In Test
| FEMA |
BIT Business Intelligence Tool
| MGMT |
BITE Biometric Identification Technology Ethics
| PRIV |
BIWG Bilateral Interdiction Working Group
| ICE |
BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance (DOJ)
| FEMA |
BKC Biodefense Knowledge Center [Part of NBACC, National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center]
| S&T |
BKR Breaker
| FEMA |
BL Bill of Lading
| FEMA |
BLESTP Basic Law Enforcement Supervisor Training Program
BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion
| FEMA |
BLM Bureau of Land Management
| FEMA |
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics
| MGMT |
BLS Basic Life Support
| FEMA |
BM Bench Mark
| FEMA |
BMBL Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
| S&T |
BMC Bomb Management Center
| FEMA |
BMD Borders and Maritime Security Division (S&T/BMD)
| DHS |
BMP Best Management Practice
| FEMA |
BMS Building Management System
| FEMA |
BN Battalion
| FEMA |
BNA Baseline Needs Assessment
| FEMA |
BNICE Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical, Explosive
| CISA | S&T |
BNML Battalion Military Liaison
| FEMA |
BOC Basic Operating Cost
| FEMA |
BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators
| FEMA |
BOD Business Operations Services and Human Capital Division (S&T/BOD)
| DHS |
BOE basis of estimate
| S&T |
BOL Bureau of Labs
| FEMA |
BOLO Be On the Lookout alert
| I&A |
BOM Bill of Materials
| FEMA |
BOO Base of Operations
| FEMA |
BOP (Federal) Bureau of Prisons
| FEMA |
BOR Bureau of Reclamation
| FEMA |
BORCAP Border Patrol Criminal Alien Program
| CBP | USCG | OPS |
BorderNet (formerly BTSNet)
| CBP | S&T |
BORP Building Occupancy Resumption Program
| FEMA |
BORSTAR Border Patrol Search, Trauma and Rescue Team
| CBP | USCG |
BORTAC Border Patrol Tactical Unit
| CBP |
BOV Board of Visitors
| FEMA |
BOXER Bulk-Only X-ray Enhanced Region
| TSA |
BPA Border Patrol Agent
| CBP | FEMA | OPS |
BPAT Building Performance Assessment Team
| FEMA |
BPD Blast-Protective Design
| FEMA |
BPM Basic Property Management
| FEMA |
BPML Business Process Markup Language
| FEMA |
BPN Business Partner Network
| FEMA |
BPO Blanket Purchase Order
| FEMA |
BPP Business Policy and Planning Branch (US-VISIT)
| CISA |
BPR Business Process Reengineering
| FEMA |
BPRP Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Program
| FEMA |
BPS Bits Per Second
| FEMA |
BPSS Business Process Specification Schema
| FEMA |
BPWG Best Practices Working Group
| DHS |
BRAC Base Realignment and Closure Act
| MGMT |
BRASS Border Release Advance Screening & Selectivity
| CBP |
BRI Building Related Illness
| FEMA |
BRIDGES Building Respect in Diverse Groups to Enhance Security
| ICE |
BRM Bio-Regulator/Modulator
| FEMA |
BRM Business Reference Model
| I&A | MGMT |
BROKEN ARROW Nuclear Accident (codeword)
| FEMA |
BRT Business Round Table
| PLCY |
BSA Business Software Alliance
| DHS |
BSA Base Support Area
| FEMA |
BSAT biological select agent and toxin
| CWMD |
BSC Biometrics Support Center
BSCO Biosafety Coordinating Official
| S&T |
BSD Border Security Deployment
| CBP |
BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (aka: “Mad Cow Disease”)
| FEMA |
BSI Basic Support Installation
| FEMA |
BSI Border Safety Initiative
| CBP |
BSIR Biannual Strategy Implementation Reports
| FEMA |
BSL biosafety level
| CWMD |
BSO Biosafety Officer
| S&T |
BSOP Battle Staff Operating Procedures
| FEMA |
BSPP Broadcast Station Protection Program
| FEMA |
BSSC Building Seismic Safety Council
| FEMA |
BST Border Support Team
| CBP |
BST Burn Specialty Team
| FEMA |
BT Bioterrorism
| FEMA |
BT Buying Team
| FEMA |
BTA Bioterrorism Act
| CBP |
BTA Border Trade Alliance
| CBP |
BTCP Biological Threat Characterization Program
| S&T |
BTCP Biological Terrorism Contingency Plan
| CISA | S&T |
BTO Business Transformation Office
| FEMA |
BTS Budget Tracking System
| CISA |
BTS Bureau of Transportation Statistics
| TSA |
BTS Border and Transportation Security (former DHS Directorate, contained CBP, ICE, TSA and FLETC)
| FEMA |
BTU British Thermal Unit
| FEMA |
BTW By the way
| DHS |
BU Building (Line)
| FEMA |
BUMED Bureau of Medicine
| FEMA |
BUYL Buying Team Leader
| FEMA |
BUYM Buying Team Member
| FEMA |
BV Butterfly Valve
| FEMA |
BW Biological Weapons
| S&T |
BW Biological Warfare
| CISA | S&T |
BWIC Biological Warning and Incident Characterization
| FEMA | S&T |
BWR Boiling Water Reactor
| FEMA |
BY Budget Year
| FEMA |
BZ Breathing Zone
| FEMA |
BZPP Buffer Zone Protection Plan
| FEMA |
BZPP Buffer Zone Protection Program
C Number Crew number
| FEMA |
C&A certification and accreditation
| MGMT |
C&C Components and Cladding
| FEMA |
C&D Clean and Disinfect
| FEMA |
C/A Controller/Analyst
| FEMA |
C/E Communications/Electronics
| DHS |
C2 Command and Control
| FEMA |
C3 (ICE) Cyber Crimes Center
| FEMA |
C3 Command, Control, and Communications
C3 Customs Cyber Smuggling Center
| FEMA |
C3I Command, Control, Communications, Information 
| FEMA |
C3ISR Command, Control, Communications, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
| FEMA |
C4 Command, Control, Communications and Computers
| FEMA | OPS |
C4ISR C4+Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
| USCG |
CA Chemical Agent
| S&T |
CA Capability Assurance
| FEMA |
CA Civil Affairs
| FEMA |
CA Congressional Affairs
| FEMA |
CA Cooperating Agency
| FEMA |
CA Cooperative Agreement
| FEMA |
CA compartmented area
| MGMT |
CAA Clean Air Act
| FEMA |
CAAP Critical Asset Assurance Program
| FEMA |
CAARS Cargo Advanced Automated Radiography System
| CWMD |
CAB Change Advisory Board
| MGMT |
CABIN Chemical and Biological Information Network
| FEMA |
CAC Citizens’ Advisory Commissions
| FEMA |
CAC Civil Applications Committee
| FEMA |
CAC Climate Analysis Center
| FEMA |
CAC Community Assistance Contact
| FEMA |
CAC Crisis Action Center
| FEMA |
CAC Common Access Card
CACB Camp Crew Boss
| FEMA |
CACTIS Computer-Assisted CSEPP Training Information System
| FEMA |
CAD Computer Aided/Assisted Dispatch
| FEMA |
CAD Computer-Aided/Assisted Design
| FEMA |
CAD Computer-Assisted Drafting
| FEMA |
CADD Computer-Assisted Drafting and Design
| FEMA |
CADET Computer-Assisted Design for Exercise Training
| FEMA |
CADW Civil Air Defense Warning
| FEMA |
CAE Command Assessment Element (for CBIRF)
| FEMA |
CAE Component Acquisition Executive
| MGMT |
CAEM Committee for Animal Emergency Management
| FEMA |
CAEO Competitive Analysis and Evaluation Office
| FEMA |
CAER Community Awareness and Emergency Response
| FEMA |
CAF Compressed Air Foam
| FEMA |
CAF Critical Asset Factor
CAG Core Agency Group
| FEMA |
CAI Chemical Accident/Incident
| FEMA |
CAI Computer-Aided Instruction
| FEMA |
CAIC Chemical Accident/Incident Control
| FEMA |
CAICO Chemical Accident/Incident Control Officer
| FEMA |
CAIRA Chemical Accident/Incident Response and Assistance
| FEMA |
CALM Cognitive and Affective Learning Model
| FEMA |
CAM Chemical Agent Monitor
| FEMA | S&T |
CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing
| FEMA |
CAMDS Chemical Agent Munition Disposal System
| FEMA |
CAMEO Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations
| FEMA |
CAMEXPAN Central America, Mexico, Panama
| CBP | PLCY |
CAMPS Civil Aircraft Missile Protection System
| CISA | S&T |
CAMRA Center for Advancing Microbiological Risk Assessment
| S&T |
CAMS Continuous Air Monitoring System
| FEMA |
CAMU Corrective Action Management Unit
| DHS |
CAMU Companion Animal Management Unit
| FEMA |
CANAR Consortia of Administrators for Native American Rehabilitators
| FEMA |
CANDU Canadian-Deuterium Uranium (Reactor)
| FEMA |
CAO Component Chief Administrative Officer
| DHS |
CAO Caribbean Area Office
| FEMA |
CAO Chief Administrative Officer
| DHS |
CAP 1Criminal Alien Program
| FEMA |
CAP Capability Assessment Program
| FEMA |
CAP Capability Assurance Program
| FEMA |
CAP Civil Air Patrol
| CBP | FEMA |
CAP Collection, Analysis and Planning
| FEMA |
CAP Combat Air Patrol
| FEMA |
CAP Common Alerting Protocol
| FEMA |
CAP Community Assistance Program
| FEMA |
CAP Contract Administration Plans
| FEMA |
CAP Corrective Action Program
| FEMA |
CAP Crisis Action Process
| OPS |
CAPA Coalition of Airline Pilots Association
| TSA |
CAPC Civil Aviation Planning Committee
| FEMA |
CAPCO Controlled Access Program Coordination Office
| I&A |
CAP-FASSE Corrective Action Program - Federal Agency Support Services Element
| FEMA |
CAPM Compliance Assurance Program Manager
| CWMD |
CAPPS II Computer Assisted Passenger Pre-screening System
CAPR Categorical Assistance Progress Reports
| FEMA |
CAPRA Critical Asset and Portfolio Risk Analysis
| CISA |
CAPSS Corrective Action Program Support System
| FEMA |
CAP-SSSE Corrective Action Program - State Support Services Element
| FEMA |
CapWIN Capital Wireless Integrated Network
| FEMA |
CAR Capability Assessment for Readiness
| FEMA |
CAR Congressional Affairs Representative
| FEMA |
CARAT Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training
| USCG |
CARCAH Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination -All Hurricanes
| FEMA |
CARD Collaborative Agencies for Responding to Disasters
| FEMA |
CARDA Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment
| FEMA |
CARL Computerized Activities Results List
| FEMA |
CARRI Community and Regional Resilience Initiative
| S&T |
CART Computer Analysis and Response Team
| FEMA |
CART County Animal Response Team
| FEMA |
CARVER Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effect and Recognizability
| CISA |
CAS Chemical Abstract Service
| FEMA |
CAS Comprehensive Assessment System
| FEMA |
CAS Crisis Action System
| FEMA |
CASC Cache Supply Clerk
| FEMA |
CASE Computer Aided Software Engineering
| I&A | MGMT |
CASPER C-130 Airborne Sensor with Palletized Electronic Reconnaissance
| USCG |
CASS Cockpit Access Security System
| TSA |
CAST Commercial Aviation Safety Team
| TSA |
CASU Centralized Administrative Services Unit
| FEMA |
CAT Catalog
| FEMA |
CAT Collier Area Transit (Florida)
| FEMA |
CAT Catastrophic
| FEMA |
CAT Category
| FEMA |
CAT Crisis Action Team
| FEMA | OPS |
| FEMA |
CATEGORY B [PUBLIC ASSISTANCE] Emergency Protective Measures
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
CATEGORY G [PUBLIC ASSISTANCE] Parks, Recreational, and Other
| FEMA |
CATEX Catastrophic Exercise
| FEMA |
CATEX Categorical Exclusion
| FEMA |
CATF Catastrophic Task Force
| FEMA |
CATL Chronology and Time Line
| FEMA |
CATS Consequences Assessment Tool Set
| FEMA |
CAV Community Assistance Visit
| FEMA |
CAX Capability Assurance Exercise
| FEMA |
CAX Computer-Assisted Exercise
| FEMA |
CB Chemical/Biological, (split)
| FEMA | S&T |
CB Citizens' Band
| FEMA | S&T |
CB Cluster Bomb
| FEMA | S&T |
CBA Cost Benefit Analysis
| I&A | MGMT |
CBARS Coastal Barrier Resources System
| FEMA |
CBCF Cross Border Crime Forum
| CBP |
CBCT Chemical/Biological Countermeasures Training
| FEMA |
CBD Chemical and Biological Defense
| FEMA |
CBD Chemical and Biological Division (S&T/CBD)
| DHS |
CBDCOM Chemical and Biological Defense Command (see SBCCOM)
| FEMA |
CBEFF Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework
| FEMA |
CBEK Compendium of Basic Exercise Knowledge
| FEMA |
CBEP Career Builder Express Program
| FEMA |
CBET Computer Based Education and Training
| FEMA |
CBI Chandler Burning Index
| FEMA |
CBI Computer-Based Instruction
| FEMA |
CBIA Coastal Barrier Improvement Act
| FEMA |
CBIAC Chemical and Biological Information Analysis Center
| FEMA |
CBIG Caribbean Border Interagency Group
| FEMA |
CBIRF Chemical/Biological Incident Response Force (USMC)
| FEMA |
CBL Commercial Bill of Lading
| FEMA |
CBL Computer-Based Learning
| FEMA |
CBN Cooperative Base Network
| FEMA |
CBN Chemical, Biological, or Nuclear
| FEMA | CISA | S&T |
CBO Congressional Budget Office
CBO Community-Based Organization
CBP Customs and Border Protection, United States
| DHS |
CBP U.S. Customs and Border Protection
| MGMT |
CBPMO United States Customs and Border Protection Modernization Office
| CBP |
CBPO CBP Officer
| FEMA |
CBQRF Chemical-Biological Quick Response Force
| FEMA |
CBR Chemical, Biological and/or Radiological
| CISA | S&T |
CBR&D Chemical and Biological Research and Development Sector
| TSA |
CBRA Coastal Barrier Resources Act of 1982 (see COBRA)
| FEMA |
CBRD Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense
| FEMA |
CBRDEC Chemical & Biological, Research, Development & Engineering Center
| FEMA |
CBRDT Chemical/Biological Rapid Deployment Team
| FEMA | S&T |
CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear
| FEMA | S&T |
CBRNE Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive
| S&T | OPS |
CBRNE-CM Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive - Consequence Management
| FEMA |
CBRRT Chemical & Biological Rapid Response Team
| FEMA |
CBRS Coastal Barrier Resources System
| FEMA |
CBRS Concept Based Requirement System
| FEMA |
CBRT Chemical and Biological Response Team
| FEMA |
CBRTA Chemical, Biological and Radiological Technology Alliance
| S&T | CWMD |
CBSA Canada Border Security Agency
| FEMA |
CBT Chemical Biological Toxin
| FEMA |
CBT Computer-Based Training
| FEMA |
CBW Chemical and Biological Warfare
| FEMA |
CC Citizen Corps
| FEMA |
CC Congregate Care
| FEMA |
CC Coordination Center
| FEMA |
CC Courtesy Copy
| FEMA |
CC Crisis Counseling
| FEMA |
cc cubic centimeter
| FEMA |
CC Command Center
| PLCY |
CCA Circuit Card Assembly
| FEMA |
CCA Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement (see CA)
| FEMA |
CCA Continuity Communications Architecture
| FEMA |
CCAM Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility
| FEMA |
CCAMS Comprehensive Cooperative Agreement Monitoring System
| FEMA |
CCAP Child Citizenship Act Project
CCAT Center for Commercialization of Advanced Technology
| FEMA |
CCB Configuration Control Board
| FEMA |
CCC Citizen Corps Council
| FEMA |
CCC Congregate Care Center
| FEMA |
CCC Crisis Coordination Center
| FEMA |
CCD Corporate Communications Division (S&T&CCD)
| DHS |
CCD Consular Consolidated Database
CCDB Consolidated Counterdrug Data Base
| ICE |
CCDPH Cook County Department of Public Health
| FEMA |
CCF Coded Cities Forecast
| FEMA |
CCFP (National Institute of Justice) Center for Civil Force Protection
| FEMA |
CCG Crisis Coordination Group
| FEMA |
CCI Command, Control, and Interoperability
| FEMA |
CCIO Command and Control Incidents Operations
| FEMA |
CCIR Commander's Critical Information Report
| FEMA |
CCITP Counterterrorism Cyber-crime Investigations Training Program
CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telephony and Telegraphy
| FEMA |
CCL Contamination Control Line
| FEMA |
CCLS Command Center Liaison Section
| FEMA |
CCMIS Crisis Consequence Management Information System
| FEMA |
CCMRF CBRNE Consequence Management Response Force
| FEMA |
CCN Canonical Correlation Analysis
| FEMA |
CCND Consultative Committee on Natural Disasters
| FEMA |
CCO Claims Coordinating Office
| FEMA |
CCO Consultation Coordination Officer
| FEMA |
CCP Casualty Collection Point
| FEMA |
CCP Crisis Counseling Program
| FEMA |
CCP Citizen Corps Program
CCRF Commissioned Corps Readiness Force
| FEMA |
CCS Congregate Care System
| FEMA |
CCS Contamination Control Station
| FEMA |
CCSL Command and Control Simulation Lab
| FEMA |
CCSO Cook County Sheriff's Office
| FEMA |
CCSO Component Chief Security Officer
| MGMT |
CCSP Certified Cargo Screening Program
| FEMA |
CCST Chemical Casualty Site Team
| FEMA |
CCT Critical Care Transport
| FEMA |
CCT Communications Coordination Team
| MGMT |
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
| FEMA |
CCU Correspondence Control Unit
| FEMA |
CCV Characteristics and Common Vulnerabilities
| FEMA |
CD Civil Defense
| FEMA |
CD Code
| FEMA |
CD Compact Disc
| FEMA |
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
| FEMA |
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
| DHS |
CDCP Center for Disease Control and Prevention
| FEMA |
CDD Capability Development and Demonstration
| FEMA |
CDD Cross-Disaster Database
| FEMA |
CDE Committed Dose Equivalent
| FEMA |
CDER Computer Data Entry Recorder
| FEMA |
CDERA Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Agency
| FEMA |
CDEX Civil Defense Exercise
| FEMA |
CDL Commercial Driver’s License
| FEMA |
CDL Community Disaster Loan
| FEMA |
CDM Content Design Manager
| FEMA |
CDM conceptual data model
| MGMT |
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
| FEMA |
CDO Central Dense Overcast
| FEMA |
CDP Candidate Development Program
| USCG |
CDP Center for Domestic Preparedness
| FEMA |
CDP Chemical Demilitarization Program
| FEMA |
CDR Christian Disaster Response
| FEMA |
CDR Critical Design Review
| FEMA |
CDR Crude Death Rate
| FEMA |
CDR Commander
| DHS |
CDRDB Conventional Disaster Resource Database
| FEMA |
CDRG Catastrophic Disaster Response Group
| FEMA | OPS |
CDRG-PAC Catastrophic Disaster Response Group - Primary Agency Committee
| FEMA |
CD-ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
| DHS |
CDRS Call Detail Reporting System
| FEMA |
CDS Charge Data System
| FEMA |
CDSO Collateral Duty Safety Officer
| FEMA |
CDSP Cache Demobilization Specialist
| FEMA |
CDT Central Daylight Time (GMT - 5)
| FEMA |
CDU Contagious Disease Unit
| FEMA |
CDV Civil Defense Victoreen
| FEMA |
CDX Control and Direction Exercise
| FEMA |
CE Categorical Exclusion
| FEMA |
CE Civil Engineer
| FEMA |
CE continuous evaluation [security]
| MGMT |
CEA County Executives of America
CEA cost-effectiveness analysis
| PLCY |
CEA Council of Economic Advisors
| DHS |
CEB Contractor Evaluation Board
| FEMA |
CEC Chief Exercise Controller
| FEMA |
CED Committee for Economic Development
| FEMA |
CEDAP Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program
| FEMA |
CEDE Committed Effective Dose Equivalent
| FEMA |
CEE Consolidated Enforcement Environment
| MGMT |
CEEP Critical Employee Emergency Planning
| FEMA |
CEF Cost Estimating Format
| FEMA |
CEF Critical Emergency File
| FEMA |
CEG Council for Excellence in Government
| S&T |
CEI Critical Elements of Information
| FEMA |
CEM Certified Emergency Manager
| FEMA |
CEM Comprehensive Emergency Management
| FEMA |
CEMD County Emergency Management Director
| FEMA |
CEMIS Crisis and Emergency Management Information System
| FEMA |
CEMP Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan
| FEMA |
CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System
| FEMA |
CENL Chemical Event Notification Level
| FEMA |
CENR Committee on Environment and Natural Resources
| FEMA |
CEO Chief Executive Officer
| FEMA |
CEO Community Education and Outreach
| FEMA |
CEOC County Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
CEOS Committee on Earth-Orbiting Satellites
| FEMA |
CEP Circular Error Probable
| FEMA |
CEP Civil Emergency Planning (NATO)
| FEMA |
CEP Civil Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
CEPAP Cost Estimating for the Public Assistance Program, Expert Panel on
| FEMA |
CEPI Catastrophic Emergency Preparedness Initiative
| FEMA |
CEPPO Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office
| FEMA |
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
| FEMA |
CERC Coastal Engineering Research Center
| FEMA |
CERC Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication
| FEMA |
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (aka: “Superfund”)
| FEMA |
CERDEC Communications-Electronics Research Development and Engineering Center
| CWMD |
CERES California Environmental Resources Evaluation System
| FEMA |
CERT Computer Evidence Recovery Training
| USSS |
CERT Community Emergency Response Team
CERT Computer Emergency Recovery Team
| FEMA |
CERT Computer Evidence Response Training
| FEMA |
CERT Council of Energy Resource Tribes
| FEMA |
CERT Computer Emergency Readiness Team
| CISA | S&T |
CERT/CC Computer Emergency Response Team/Coordination Center
| FEMA |
CEST Cyber Emergency Support Team
| FEMA |
CET Contraband Enforcement Team
| CBP | OPS |
CEU Compliance Enforcement Unit
| CBP |
CEU Continuing Education Unit
| FEMA |
CEXS Cooperative Extension Service
| FEMA |
CFA Capability Focus Area
| FEMA |
CFA Cognizant Federal Agency
| FEMA |
CFA Computerized Fleet Analysis
| FEMA |
CFAI Commission on Fire Accreditation International
| FEMA |
CFAO Cognizant Federal Agency Official
| FEMA |
CFATS Chemical Facility Antiterrorism Standards
| CISA |
CFBCI Center for Faith Based and Community Initiatives (FEMA/CFBCI)
| DHS |
CFC Combined Federal Campaign
| MGMT |
CFC-NCA Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area
| FEMA |
CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
| MGMT |
CFGDP Crash Feed Grain Donation Program
| FEMA |
CFI Credentialing Framework Initiative
| PLCY |
CFIUS Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States
| CISA | I&A | OGC | PLCY |
CFIVSAC Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Advisory Committee
| USCG |
cfm cubic feet per minute
| FEMA |
CFO Chief Financial Officer
| DHS |
CFO Chief of Field Operations
| FEMA |
CFO Council Chief Financial Officer’s Council
| DHS |
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
| FEMA | OGC |
CFS Certified Fraud Specialists, Association of
| USSS |
cfs Cubic Feet Per Second
| FEMA |
CFSA Consolidated Farm Service Agency
| FEMA |
CFSI Congressional Fire Services Institute
| FEMA |
CFT cross functional team
| S&T |
CFTC Commodity Futures Trading Commission
| PLCY |
CG Coast Guard (see USCG)
| FEMA |
CG Commanding General
| FEMA |
CGD Coast Guard District
| FEMA |
CGFAA Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act
| FEMA |
CGI Common Gateway Interface
| FEMA |
CGISS Center for Geophysical Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface
| FEMA |
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile
| FEMA |
CGS Council of Graduate Schools
| USCIS | S&T |
CH Channel
| FEMA |
CHARM Complex Hazardous Release Model
| FEMA |
CHAWS Chemical Hazard Warning System
| FEMA |
CHCO Chief Human Capital Officer (MGMT/CHCO)
| DHS |
CHDS Center for Homeland Defense and Security
| FEMA |
ChE Cholinesterase
| FEMA |
CHECK 21 Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act
| FEMA |
CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center
| FEMA |
CHERCAP Comprehensive HAZMAT Emergency Response Capability Assessment Program
| FEMA |
CHER-CAP Community Hazards Emergency Response - Capability Assurance Process
| FEMA |
CHIP Capability and Hazard Identification Program
| FEMA |
CHIP Critical Homeland Infrastructure Protection
| FEMA |
CHM Chemistry of Hazardous Materials
| FEMA |
CHPPM Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (United States Army)
| S&T |
CHRCL Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law
| CRCL |
CHRIS Chemical Hazard Response Information System
| FEMA |
CHS Correctional Health Services
| FEMA |
CI Critical Infrastructure
| FEMA |
CI counterintelligence
| I&A |
CIA Catastrophic Incident Annex
| FEMA |
CIA Central Intelligence Agency
| DHS |
CIAD Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Division
| FEMA |
CIAETP Criminal Investigation in Automated Equipment Training Program
CIAO Chief Infrastructure Assurance Officer
| FEMA |
CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
| FEMA | CISA | I&A |
CIAO Critical Infrastructure Assurance Officer
| FEMA |
CICAD Center for Intelligence Collection Analysis and Dissemination
| FEMA |
CICC DHS Counterintelligence Coordinating Council
| I&A |
CICG Critical Infrastructure Coordination Group
| FEMA |
CID Command, Control and Interoperability Division (S&T/CID)
| DHS |
CID Criminal Investigation Division or Department, (split) Community Identification
CIDCON Civil Defense Condition
| FEMA |
CIDER Computer Interactive Display, Entry, and Retrieval
| FEMA |
CIEE Common Information Exchange Environment
| FEMA |
CIF Central Information File
| FEMA |
CIF Cost, Insurance, and Freight
| FEMA |
CIG Central Intelligence Group
| FEMA |
CIH Certified Industrial Hygienist
| FEMA |
CII Critical Infrastructure Information
| CISA |
CIIA Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002
| CISA |
CIID Counterintelligence and Investigations Division (DHS)
| FEMA |
CIII Critical Infrastructure Interdependencies Integrator
| CISA |
CIIMS Critical Infrastructure Inspection Management System
| S&T |
CIIP Critical Infrastructure Information Protection Interagency Working Group
| CISA |
CIIP IWG Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Interagency Working Group
| FEMA |
CIK Crypto-Ignition Key
| FEMA |
CIKR Critical Infrastructure and Key Resources
| CISA | I&A |
CIMA Channel Industry Mutual Aid
| FEMA |
CIMRT Critical Incident Management Response Team
| FEMA |
CIMS Correspondence and Issues Management System
| FEMA |
CIMS Critical Incident Management Support
| FEMA |
CIMS Critical Infrastructure Modeling System
| CISA |
CIMST Critical Incident Management Support Team
| FEMA |
CINC Commander in Chief
| FEMA |
CINCAMC Commander-in-Chief, Air Mobility Command
| FEMA |
CINCLANT Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet
| FEMA |
CINCNORAD Commander-in-Chief, North American Aerospace Defense Command
| FEMA |
CINCPAC Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Command
| FEMA |
CINCSOC Commander-in-Chief, Special Operations Command
| FEMA |
CINCTRANS Commander-in-Chief, Transportation Command
| FEMA |
CIND Compact Integrated Narcotics Detector
| USCG |
CINDI Center for Integration of Natural Disaster Information
| FEMA |
CINDI Compact Integrated Narcotics Detector Instrument
| FEMA |
CINS Catastrophic Incident of National Significance
| FEMA |
CINT Chief Intelligence Officer
| I&A |
CIO Chief Information Officer
| DHS |
CIP Critical Infrastructure Protection
| CISA | S&T | I&A |
CIP Component Intelligence Program
| I&A |
CIP capital investment plan
| MGMT |
CIP IWG Critical Infrastructure Protection Interagency Working Group
| FEMA |
CIPAC Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council
| S&T | I&A |
CIPB Critical Infrastructure Protection Board
| FEMA |
CIP-DSS CIP-Decision Support System
| FEMA |
CIPIC Critical Infrastructure Protection Information Center
| FEMA |
CIPP Certified Information Privacy Professionals
CIPWG Critical Infrastructure Protection Working Group
| FEMA |
CIR Critical Infrastructure Resiliency
| FEMA |
CIRA Catastrophic Incident Response Annex
| FEMA |
CIRES Catastrophic Incident Response Execution Schedule
| FEMA |
CIRG Critical Incident Response Group
| FEMA |
CIRMS Council of Ionizing Radiation Measurements and Standards
| FEMA |
CIRP Catastrophic Incident Response Plan
CIS Catastrophic Incident Supplement
| FEMA |
CIS Central Index System
CIS Community Information System
| FEMA |
CIS Civil Infrastructure Security
| CISA | S&T |
CIS see USCIS for Citizenship and Immigration Services
CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
| CISA |
CISD Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
| FEMA |
CISM Critical Incident Stress Management
| FEMA |
CISMT Critical Incident Stress Management Team
| FEMA |
CISO Chief Information Security Officer
| I&A | MGMT |
CISOMB Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman
| DHS |
CISSC Central Information Systems Storage Center
| FEMA |
CITAC Computer Intrusion Threat Assessment Center
| FEMA |
CITMO Commercial Information Technology for Multinational Operations
| S&T |
CITP Criminal Investigator Training Program
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
| FEMA |
CJIS Criminal Justice Information Services
CJTF Commander, Joint Task Force
| FEMA |
CK Caulk
| FEMA |
CLAIMS Computer Linked Application Information Management System
CLASP Consular Lost and Stolen Passport System
| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
CLASS Consular Lookout and Support System
| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration
| FEMA |
CLIA Civil Liberties Impact Assessment
| CRCL |
CLIVAR Climate Variability
| FEMA |
CLMS Claims Specialist
| FEMA |
CLO Chief Logistics Officer
| FEMA |
CLO Congressional Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
CLOMA Conditional Letter of Map Amendment
| FEMA |
CLOMR Conditional Letter of Map Revision
| FEMA |
CLR Common Language Runtime
| FEMA |
CLS Central Locator System
| FEMA |
CM Cadre Manager
| FEMA |
cm centimeter
| FEMA |
CM Chief of Mission
| FEMA |
CM Configuration Management
| FEMA |
CM Consequence Management
| FEMA |
CM Counter-Measure
| FEMA |
CMA Certified Medical Assistant
| FEMA |
CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association
| FEMA |
CMA Chemical Materials Agency
| FEMA |
CMA Community Map Action (Form)
| FEMA |
CMAA Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement
| CBP |
C-MANPADS Counter-Man-Portable-Air-Defense Systems
| FEMA |
CMAS Circular Map Accuracy Standard
| FEMA |
CMAS Commercial Mobile Alert System
| FEMA |
CMAT Consequence Management Advisory Team
| FEMA |
CMC Center for Marine Conservation
| FEMA |
CMC Crisis Management Center
| FEMA |
CMC Crisis Management Coordinator
| FEMA |
CMC Customs Management Centers
| CBP |
CMCAC Crisis Management Center Augmentation Cadre
| FEMA |
CME Chief Medical Examiner
| FEMA |
CME Continuing Medical Education
| FEMA |
CMF Case Management File
| FEMA |
CMG Consequence Management Group
| FEMA |
CMHS Center for Mental Health Services
| FEMA |
CMIA Cash Management Improvement Act
| FEMA |
CMIR Currency and Monetary Instruments Report
| I&A |
CMIS Corporate Management Information System
| FEMA |
CML Commercial
| FEMA |
CMM Capability Maturity Model
| I&A | MGMT |
CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
| FEMA |
CMO Civil Military Operations
| FEMA |
CMO Chief Medical Officer
| CWMD |
CMOC Civil Military Operations Center
| FEMA |
CMRT Consequence Management Response Team
| FEMA |
CMS Call Management System
| FEMA |
CMS Crisis Management System
| FEMA |
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
| MGMT |
CMT Crisis Management Team
| FEMA | TSA |
CMTB Countermeasures Test Bed
| S&T |
CMU Concrete Masonry Unit
| FEMA |
CMU Crisis Management Unit
| FEMA |
CMV Commercial Motor Vehicle
| FEMA |
CMX Crisis Management Exercise
| FEMA |
CN Communications Network
| FEMA |
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant
| FEMA |
CNAC Customs National Aviation Center
| FEMA |
CNBC Congress of National Black Churches
| FEMA |
CNC Central Network Control
| FEMA |
CNC Computer Numerical Control
| FEMA |
CNCS Corporation for National and Community Service
| DHS |
CNDSP Computer Network Defense Service Provider
| FEMA |
CNE Counternarcotics Enforcement, Office of (formerly CNO)
| DHS |
CNGB Chief of the National Guard Bureau
| FEMA |
CNIES Cooperating Nations Information Exchange System
| DHS | CBP | USCG | OPS |
CNMI Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
| FEMA |
CNN Cable News Network
| FEMA |
CNO Chief of Naval Operations
| USCG |
CNO Counter-Narcotics Office (see CNE)
| FEMA |
CNO Counternarcotics Officer
| ICE |
CNPPD Chemical & Nuclear Preparedness and Protection Division
| FEMA |
CNR Center for National Response, The
| FEMA |
CNS Central Nervous System
| FEMA |
CNS Corporation for National Security
| DHS |
CNSC Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
| DHS |
CNSIP Classified National Security Information Program
| MGMT |
CNSNS Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards
| FEMA |
CNT Counternarcoterrorism
| ICE |
CNT Crisis Negotiation Team
| FEMA |
CNU Crisis Negotiations Unit (FBI)
| FEMA |
CNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information
| FEMA |
CO Commanding Officer
| FEMA |
CO Communications Officer
| FEMA |
CO Contracting Officer
| FEMA |
CO Custodial Officer
| FEMA |
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
| FEMA |
COA Course of Action
| FEMA |
COAC Customs Operations Advisory Committee
| CBP |
COAD Community Organizations Active In Disaster
| FEMA |
COAP Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction
| FEMA |
COB Close of business
| DHS |
COBOL Common Business-Oriented Language
| FEMA |
COBRA Chemical, Ordnance, Biological, Radiological
| FEMA |
COBRA Coastal Barriers Resources Act
| FEMA |
COBRE Carry-On Bag Remote Examination
| TSA |
COC Combat Operations Center
| FEMA |
COC Country of Citizenship
| CBP | ICE |
COCO Computer Coordinator
| FEMA |
COCOM Combatant Command
| FEMA |
COCOM Coordinating Committee
| FEMA |
COD Cash on Delivery
| FEMA |
CODEL Congressional Delegation
| TSA |
CODIS Combined DNA Index System
| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
COE US Army] Corps of Engineers (see USACE)
| FEMA |
COE Center of Excellence
| S&T | MGMT |
COEM Chicago Office of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
COF Construction of Facilities projects
| FEMA |
COG Continuity of Government
| FEMA |
COG Council of Governments
| FEMA |
COGCON Continuity of Government Readiness Conditions System
| I&A |
COGO Coordinate Geometry
| FEMA |
COI Community of Interest
| DHS |
COI Critical Operational Issue
| FEMA |
COL Colonel
| FEMA |
COL Cost of Living
| FEMA |
COLA Combined Operating License Application
| FEMA |
COLA Cost of Living Allowance
| FEMA |
COLISEUM Community On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and Managers
| CISA |
COLT Cellular on Light Truck
| FEMA |
COM Communications
| FEMA |
COM Component Object Model
| FEMA |
COMC Communications Coordinator
| FEMA |
COMCDTF Commander, Civil Disturbance Task Force
| FEMA |
COMINT Communications Intelligence
| FEMA |
COML Communications Unit Leader
| FEMA |
COMM Communications
| FEMA |
COMMDIR Communications Directory
| FEMA |
CoMNET Consequence Management News, Equipment and Training
| FEMA |
COMP Compensation/Claims Unit Leader
| FEMA |
COMPUSEC Computer Security
| FEMA |
COMREL Community Relations
| FEMA |
COMSEC Communications Security
| I&A | MGMT |
COMSVC Component Services (OHA/COMSVC)
| DHS |
CONG Congressional
| FEMA |
CONGR Congress
| FEMA |
CONO Contracting Officer
| FEMA |
CONOPS Concept of Operations
| DHS |
CONOPS Control Operations
| FEMA |
CONPLAN Concept of Operations Plan
| FEMA |
CONPLAN Contingency Plan
| FEMA |
CONPLAN United States Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan (see NRP)
| FEMA |
CONUS Contiguous United States
| FEMA |
CONUS Continental United States
| FEMA |
CONUSA Continental United States Army
| FEMA |
COO Chief Operating Officer
| FEMA |
COO continuity of operations
| MGMT |
COOP Continuity of Operations
COOP Continuity of Operations Plan
| MGMT |
COP Chief of Party
| FEMA |
COP Chief of Police
COP Committee of Principals
| FEMA |
COP Common Operating/Operational Picture
| FEMA |
COP Continuation of Pay
| FEMA |
COP community of practice
| DHS |
COPS Community Oriented Policing Service
| FEMA |
COR Central Office of Record
| FEMA |
COR Contracting Officers Representative
| FEMA |
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
| FEMA |
C-ORD commercialization operational requirements document
| S&T |
CORE Cadre of On-call Response Employees
| FEMA |
CORE Cadre of Response Employees
CORE Citizens of Oakland Respond to Emergencies
| FEMA |
CORE capabilities, objectives, resources and evaluation
| MGMT |
CORS Continuously Operating Reference Station
| FEMA |
COS Cash on Shipment
| FEMA |
COS Chief of Staff
| DHS |
COSIN Control Staff Instruction
| FEMA |
COSMIC Computer Software Management and Information Center (NASA)
| FEMA |
COSO Chief of Staff Office/Operations (former DHS Subcomponent)
| DHS |
COSP (see PLCY) Chief of Staff Office/Policy (former DHS Subcomponent)
| DHS |
COST Cost Unit Leader
| FEMA |
COTHEN Cellular Over the Horizon Enforcement Network
| CBP | FEMA |
COTP Captain of the Port
| CBP | USCG |
COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative
| MGMT |
COTS Commercial Off-the-shelf
| DHS |
COUSCS Commercial Operations of the United States Customs Svc, Advisory Committee on
| CBP |
COW Cellular on Wheels
| FEMA |
CP Command Post
| FEMA |
CP Control Point
| FEMA |
CP Coordination and Planning
| FEMA |
CPA Coalition Provisional Authority
| PLCY |
CPAS Cellular Priority Access System
| FEMA |
CPAV Community Program Assistance Visit
| FEMA |
CPC Country of Particular Concern
| PLCY |
CPC Climate Prediction Center
| FEMA |
CPC Commission on Professional Credentialing
| FEMA |
CPD Community Planning and Development
| FEMA |
CPD Community Preparedness Division
| FEMA |
CPE Contingency Planning Exchange
| FEMA |
CPG Civil Preparedness Guide
| FEMA |
CPG Comprehensive Preparedness Guides
| FEMA |
CPHC Central Pacific Hurricane Center
| FEMA |
CPI Consumer Price Index
| FEMA |
CPI critical program information
| MGMT |
CPI continuous process improvement
| DHS |
CPIC Capital Planning and Investment Control
| I&A | MGMT |
cpm characters per minute
| FEMA |
cpm counts per minute
| FEMA |
CPMCC Coalition Partner Mobile Command Center
| FEMA |
CPO Chief Procurement Officer
| MGMT |
CPO Central Processing Office
| FEMA |
CPOT Consolidated Priority Organization Target
| ICE |
CPPA Certified Professional Property Administrator
| FEMA |
CPPM Certified Professional Property Manager
| FEMA |
CPPS Certified Professional Property Specialist
| FEMA |
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
| FEMA |
CPRM Checkpoint Resource Management
| TSA |
CPS Certified Public Secretary
| FEMA |
CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
| FEMA | ICE |
CPSD Contingency Planning and Support Division
| FEMA |
CPSP Comprehensive Passenger Screening Profile
| TSA |
CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
| FEMA |
CPU Central Processing Unit
| FEMA |
CPX Command Post Exercise
CQA Commandant's Quality Award
| USCG |
CR Civil Rights
| FEMA |
CR Claims Representative
| FEMA |
CR Community Relations
| FEMA |
CR Congressional Relations
| FEMA |
CR County Road
| FEMA |
CR continuing resolution
| S&T |
CRA certified release authority
| I&A |
CRADA Cooperative Research and Development Agreement
CRAF Civil Reserve Air Fleet
CRAMP Coral Reef Assessment and Monitoring Program
| FEMA |
CRC Contamination Reduction Corridor
| FEMA |
CRC Crisis Response Cell
| FEMA |
CRC Curriculum Review Conference
YES Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Office of
| DHS |
CRCPD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
| FEMA |
CRDC Cybersecurity Research & Development Center
| S&T |
CRDF United States Civilian Research & Development Foundation
| S&T |
CRDS Consolidated Remote Delivery Site
| MGMT |
CREATE Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events
| S&T | PLCY |
CREM Classified Removable Electronic Media
| FEMA |
CREP Crew Representative
| FEMA |
CREST Contingency Real Estate Support Team
| FEMA |
CREW Cascadia Region Earthquake Workgroup
| FEMA |
CRI Cities Readiness Initiative
CRL Certificate Revocation Lists
| FEMA |
CRM Crisis (or Communications) Resource Manager
| FEMA |
CRM Common Risk Model
| CISA |
CRO Community Reuse Organization
| FEMA |
CRO Congressional Relations Officer
| FEMA |
CROP Common Relevant Operational Picture
| FEMA |
CROSS Counterterrorism Reporting on Suspicious Surveillance
| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
CRP Conservation Reserve Program
| FEMA |
CRP Critical Review Phase
| FEMA |
CRR Case Resolution Records
| FEMA |
CRRDB Comprehensive Reference Resource Database
| FEMA |
CRREL (United States Army) Cold Region Research and Engineering Laboratory
| FEMA |
CRS Catholic Relief Services
| FEMA |
CRS Community Rating System
| FEMA |
CRS Community Relations Service
| FEMA |
CRS Congressional Research Service
| FEMA |
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
| FEMA |
CRTF Commander, Response Task Force (DOD)
| FEMA |
CRTF Crisis Response Task Force
| FEMA |
CRUD Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete
| FEMA |
CRWB Crew Boss
| FEMA |
CRWG (Hurricane Katrina) Comprehensive Review Working Group
| FEMA |
CRWG Crisis Response Working Group
| FEMA |
CRWRC Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
| FEMA |
CRYSYS Cryospheric System
| FEMA |
CRZ Contamination Reduction Zone
| FEMA |
CS Chief of Staff
| FEMA |
CS Chief Scientist [NOAA]
| FEMA |
CS critical sensitive [position]
| MGMT |
CS&C Cyber Security and Communications, Office of (NPPD/CS&C)
| DHS |
CS&T Cyber Security and Telecommunication (see CS&C)
| FEMA |
CS1M Contracting Specialist, 1M
| FEMA |
CS25 Contracting Specialist, 25K
| FEMA |
CSA Chief of Staff, Army
| FEMA |
CSA Cognizant Security Authority
| FEMA |
CSA Community Services Administration
| FEMA |
CSAC Chemical Security Analysis Center
| S&T |
CSAF Chief of Staff, Air Force
| FEMA |
CSB United States Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board
| FEMA |
CSBG Community Services Block Grant
| FEMA |
CSD Container Security Device
| CBP | S&T |
CSDGM Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata
| FEMA |
CSDP Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program
| FEMA |
CSE Communications Security Establishment
| FEMA |
CSEM Center for the Study of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
CSEPP Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program
| FEMA |
CSG Coordinating Sub-Group
| FEMA |
CSG Council of State Governments
| FEMA |
CSG Counterterrorism Security Group
| FEMA |
CSH Combat Support Hospital
| FEMA |
CSHEMA Campus Safety, Health & Environmental Management Associations
| FEMA |
CSHIB Chemical Safety and Hazards Investigation Board
| FEMA |
CSHO Compliance Safety and Health Officer- OSHA
| FEMA |
CSI Customer Satisfaction Index
| TSA |
CSI Container Security Initiative
| CBP | TSA |
CSID Call Subscriber ID
| FEMA |
CSID Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk
| FEMA |
CSIL Commercial Satellite Imagery Library
| FEMA |
CSIRC Computer Security Incident Response Center
| FEMA |
CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team
| FEMA |
CSIS Center for Strategic International Studies
| DHS |
CSIS Credited Structures Inventory System
| FEMA |
CSIS Canadian Security Intelligence Service
| DHS |
CSM Chemical Surety Material
| FEMA |
CSMIP California Strong-Motion Instrumentation Program
| FEMA |
CSO Chief Security Officer
| MGMT |
CSO Component Security Officer
| MGMT |
CSP Certified Safety Professional
| FEMA |
CSPI Critical Systems Protective Initiative
CSPO Cargo Systems Program Office
| CBP |
CSREES Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service
| FEMA |
CSRS Civil Service Retirement System
| MGMT |
CST Central Standard Time
| FEMA |
CST Civil Support Team (National Guard--for WMD)
| FEMA |
CSTARC Cyber Security Tracking, Analysis and Response Center
| CISA |
CSTE Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
| FEMA |
CSU Crime Scene Unit
| USSS |
CSU Clearing-Staging Unit
| FEMA |
CSU Customer Satisfaction Unit
| CRCL |
CT Counterterrorism
| I&A |
CT/NP-ESG Counterterrorism and National Preparedness Exercise Sub-Group
| FEMA |
CTA Combined Travel Authorization
| FEMA |
CTAB Counterterrorism Advisory Board
| I&A |
CTAC Chemical Transportation Advisory Committee
| USCG |
C-TAP Counter-Terrorism Airport Primacy
| FEMA |
| S&T |
CTBT Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
| FEMA |
CTC Counterterrorism Center
| I&A |
CTC Conference and Training Center
| FEMA |
CTCC Counterproliferation Technology Coordinating Committee
| FEMA |
CTD Concept and Technology Development
| FEMA |
CTD Cumulative Trauma Disorder
| FEMA |
CTD Counterterrorist Division
| DHS |
CTF Combined Task Force
| FEMA |
CTGP Competitive Training Grant Program
| FEMA |
CTI Computer Telephony Integration
| FEMA |
CTIA Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association
| FEMA |
CTISS Common Terrorism Information Sharing Standards
| FEMA |
CTJTF Counter-Terrorism Joint Task Force
| FEMA |
CTOC Containerized Tactical Operations Center
| FEMA |
CTOEM Connecticut Office of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
CTOTF Counter-Terrorism Operations Training Facility
CTP Cooperating Technical Partners (Initiative)
| FEMA |
C-TPAT Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
| CBP |
CTR Crew Time Report
| FEMA |
CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
| FEMA |
CTS Cooperating Technical State
| FEMA |
CTSP Computer Technical Specialist
| FEMA |
CTTA Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority
| MGMT |
CTTP Consolidated Trusted Traveler Program
CTU Chemistry/Toxicology Unit,
| FEMA |
CTUIR Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
| FEMA |
cu cubic
| FEMA |
CUI Controlled Unclassified Information
| DHS |
CUI controlled but unclassified information
| MGMT |
CUL Cost Unit Leader
| FEMA |
CULS Cultural Specialist
| FEMA |
CUREE Consortium of Universities for Research in Earthquake Engineering
| FEMA |
CUSEC Central United States Earthquake Consortium
| FEMA |
CUSP Central United States Partnership
| FEMA |
CV Combined Verification
| FEMA |
CV Curriculum Vitae
| FEMA |
CVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
| FEMA |
CVE countering violent extremism
| I&A |
CVI Commercial Vehicle Inspection
| FEMA |
CVO Cascades Volcano Observatory
| FEMA |
CVP Citizenship Verification Procedures
| FEMA |
CVS Clearance Verification System
| FEMA |
CVS Combined Verification Section
| FEMA |
CVVFA Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen’s Association
| FEMA |
CW Chemical Warfare/Weapons
| FEMA |
CW Continuous Wave
| FEMA |
CWA Chemical Warfare Agent
| S&T |
CWA Clean Water Act
| FEMA |
CWC Chemical Weapons Convention
| FEMA |
CWG Concept Working Group
| FEMA |
CWG Continuity of Operations Working Group
| FEMA |
CWIED command wire improvised explosive device
| S&T |
CWIN Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network
| I&A |
CWIN Cyberspace Warning Intelligence Network
| FEMA |
CWMD Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
| DHS |
CWN Call When Needed
| FEMA |
CWP Center for Watershed Protection
| FEMA |
CWS Check Writing System
| FEMA |
CWS Church World Service
| FEMA |
CWS Compressed Work Schedule
| FEMA |
CWSN Cisco Works for Switched Networks
| FEMA |
CWU Church Women United
| FEMA |
CY Calendar Year
| DHS |
cy cubic yard
| FEMA |
CZM Coastal Zone Management
| FEMA |
CZMA Coastal Zone Management Act
| FEMA |
D/A Departments and Agencies
| FEMA |
D2PC An Army computer dispersion modeling capability
| FEMA |
D2Puff An Army computer dispersion modeling capability that can factor in terrain and wind changes
| FEMA |
DA Damage Assessment
| FEMA |
DA Declaration of Applicant
| FEMA |
DA Department of the Army
| FEMA |
DA Disaster Assistance (FEMA/DA)
| DHS |
DA District Attorney
| FEMA |
DA PAM Department of the Army Pamphlet
| FEMA |
DAA Designated Accrediting Authority
| FEMA |
DAAC Distributed Active Archive Center
| FEMA |
DAAMS Depot Area Air Monitoring System
| FEMA |
DAAT DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Terms
| DHS |
DAC Defense Ammunition Center
| FEMA |
DAC Direct Air Carrier
| FEMA |
DAC Disaster Assistance Center (or Direct Air Carrier)
| FEMA |
DACA Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
DACS Deportable Alien Control System
DAD Deputy Assistant Director
| FEMA |
DAE Disaster Assistance Employee [aka: "SAE"]
DAEO Designated Agency Ethics Official
| OGC |
DAGC Deputy Associate General Counsel
| OGC |
DAIP Disaster Assistance Improvement Program
| FEMA |
DALIS Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System
| FEMA |
DALO Disaster Area Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
DAM Digital Asset Management
| I&A | MGMT |
DAMAGES Disaster Accountability Management System
| FEMA |
DAN Document Accountability Number
| FEMA |
DAO Defense Attache Office
| I&A |
DAP Disaster Assistance Program
| FEMA |
DAR Designated Agency Representative
| FEMA |
DARAC Direct Assistance Replacement Assistance Consideration
| FEMA |
DARCOM Development And Readiness Command
| FEMA |
DARIS Disaster Automated Reporting and Information System
| FEMA |
DARO Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office
| FEMA |
DARP data access request process
| MGMT |
DARPA Defense Advance Research Projects Agency
| CISA | S&T |
DART Disaster Assistance and Response Team
| USCG |
DART Daily Advisories/Risk and Threat
| FEMA |
DART Damage Assessment Reconnaissance Team
| FEMA |
DART DHS Accessibility Requirements Tool
| FEMA |
DART Disaster Assessment and Recovery Team
| FEMA |
DART Disaster Assessment and Response Team
| FEMA |
DASA(ECW) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for the Elimination of Chemical Weapons
| FEMA |
DASC Disaster Assistance Support Center
| FEMA |
DASH Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
| FEMA |
DASHO Designated Agency Safety and Health Official
| FEMA |
DASP Disaster Assistance Support Program
| FEMA |
DAST Disaster Assessment Survey Team
| FEMA |
DAT Digital Audio Tape
| FEMA |
DAWG Disaster Attache Working Group
| PLCY |
DAWIA Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act
| FEMA |
DB Database
| FEMA |
dB decibel
| FEMA |
dB(A/B/C) Indicating The Method Used to Weight Sound Frequencies When Measuring Sound Pressure Levels
| FEMA |
DBA Database Administrator
| FEMA |
DBA Design Basis Accident
| FEMA |
DBMS Database Management System
| I&A | MGMT |
DBT design-basis threat
| MGMT |
DC Dangerous Contact
| FEMA |
DC Direct Current
| FEMA |
DC Dislocated Civilians
| FEMA |
DC District of Columbia
| FEMA |
DC Dry Chemical
| FEMA |
DC direct current
| S&T |
DCA Defense Communications Agency
DCA Disaster Communication Agreement
| FEMA | OPA |
DCAA Defense Contract Audit Agency
| S&T |
DCAC Demilitarization Chemical Agent Concentrator
| FEMA |
DCAS Document Control and Accountability System
| FEMA |
DCBP Double Check Backflow Preventer
| FEMA |
DCC Document Control Center
| FEMA |
DCC Donation Coordination Center
| FEMA |
DCCC Defense Collection Coordination Center
| FEMA |
DCD Deseret Chemical Depot
| FEMA |
DCE Defense Coordinating Element
| FEMA |
DCE Disaster Communications Equipment
| FEMA | OPA |
DCE/MED TF Disaster Coordinating Element/ Medical Task Force
| FEMA |
DCEMA District of Columbia Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
DCFO Deputy Chief Financial Officer
| FEMA |
DCFSA Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
| FEMA |
DCG Disaster Control Group
| FEMA |
DCHD DuPage County Health Department
| FEMA |
DCI Director of Central Intelligence
| DHS | I&A |
DCID Director of Central Intelligence Directive
| FEMA |
DCIS Defense Criminal Investigative Service
| DHS |
DCIX DHS Counterintelligence Executive
| I&A |
DCLN Declaration
| FEMA |
DCLO Deputy Congressional Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
DCM Deputy Chief of Mission
| FEMA |
DCMI Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
| MGMT |
DCN Disaster Contractors Network
| FEMA |
DCN Document Control Number
| FEMA |
DCO Defense Coordinating Officer
| FEMA |
DCO Disaster Coordinating Office
| FEMA |
DCP Development Concept Plan
| FEMA |
DCPA Defense Civil Preparedness Agency
| FEMA |
DCPDS Defense Civilian Personnel Data System
| FEMA |
DCPS Digital Cartographic Production System
| FEMA |
DCS Digital Control System
| S&T |
DCS Data Collection System
| FEMA |
DCS Defense Communications System
| FEMA |
DCS Defense Courier Service
| FEMA |
DCS Deputy Chief of Staff
| FEMA |
DCT Data Collection Tool
| FEMA |
DCT Donations Coordination Team
| FEMA |
DCV Detector Check Valve
| FEMA |
DCWDB Direction, Control and Warning Database
| FEMA |
DCX Direction and Control Exercise
| FEMA |
DD Damaged Dwelling
| FEMA |
DD Defensive Driving
| FEMA |
DD Direct Dial
| FEMA |
DD Dynamic Data
| FEMA |
DDD Direct Distance Dialing
| FEMA |
DDE Dynamic Data Exchange
| FEMA |
DDL Data Definition Language
| FEMA |
DDO Deputy Director of Operations
| FEMA |
DDOS Distributed Denial of Service
| USSS |
DDP Data-Derived Product
| FEMA |
DDRM Deputy Disaster Recovery Manager
| FEMA |
DEA Data Exchange Agreement
| FEMA |
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration
| DHS |
DEAC Deemed Export Advisory Council
| PLCY |
DEAS Digital Emergency Alert System
| FEMA |
DEASTP Digital Evidence Acquisition Specialist Training Program
DEC DCI Environmental Center
| FEMA |
DEC Director’s Executive Council
| FEMA |
DEC Disaster Emergency Communications
| FEMA |
DEC Disasters Emergency Committee
| FEMA |
DECD Department of Economic and Community Development
| FEMA |
DECK Deck Coordinator
| FEMA |
DECON Decontamination
| FEMA |
DED Department of Education
| FEMA |
DEE Department Environmental Executive (DHS)
| FEMA |
DEEDS Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (CDC)
| FEMA |
DEERS Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System
| FEMA |
DEFCON Defense Condition
| FEMA |
deg degree
| FEMA |
DEI Dose Equivalent Iodine
| FEMA |
DELO Deputy Environmental Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
DEM Department of Environmental Management
| FEMA |
DEM Digital Elevation Model
| FEMA |
DEM Division of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
DEMA Department of Energy and Military Affairs
| FEMA |
DEMS Domestic Emergency Management System
| FEMA |
DEN Domestic Events Network
| FEMA |
DEO Detention Enforcement Officer
| ICE |
DEP Department of Environmental Protection
| FEMA |
DEP Domestic Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
DEPER Deployed Personnel Report
| FEMA |
DEPS Domestic Emergency Planning System
| FEMA |
DEPSEC Deputy Secretary
| FEMA |
DEPSECDEF Deputy Secretary of Defense
| FEMA |
DEQ Department of Environmental Quality
| FEMA |
DERC Damage Estimates, Ranges and Casualties
| FEMA |
DERF Defense Emergency Response Fund
| FEMA |
DERIS Domestic Emergency Response Information Services
| FEMA |
DES Data Encryption Standard
| FEMA |
DES Disaster Emergency Services
| FEMA |
DES Division of Emergency Services
| FEMA |
DESCOM Depot System Command
| FEMA |
DEST Domestic Emergency Support Team
| FEMA |
DETER Defense Technology Experimental Research
| S&T |
DEW Distant Early Warning
| FEMA |
DFA Direct Federal Assistance
| FEMA |
DFAA Delegation of Financial Assistance Authority
| MGMT |
DFAIT Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
| PLCY |
DFAS Defense Financial Accounting Service
| ICE |
DFCO Deputy Federal Coordinating Officer
| FEMA |
DFIRM Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map
| FEMA |
DFIRM-DLG Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map - Digital Line Graph
| FEMA |
DFO Designated Federal Official
DFO Disaster Field Office
| FEMA |
DFOM Disaster Field Operations Management
| FEMA |
DFOMC Disaster Field Operations Management Course
| FEMA |
DFRN Disaster Federal Register Notice
| FEMA |
DFSG Disaster Financial Services Group
| FEMA |
DFSR Disaster Financial Status Report
| FEMA |
DFTO Disaster Field Training Office
| FEMA |
DFTO Disaster Field Training Organization
| FEMA |
DG/CS Dangerous Goods/Cargo Security
| CBP | TSA |
DGCO Deputy Grant Coordinating Officer
| FEMA |
DGN Design (File)
| FEMA |
DGPS Differential Global Positioning System
| FEMA |
DGSA DOD Goal Security Architecture
| FEMA |
DGZ Desired Ground Zero
| FEMA |
DH Disaster Housing
| FEMA |
DHA Disaster Housing Assistance
| FEMA |
DHAP Disaster Housing Assistance Program
| FEMA |
DHC Disaster Housing Checkwriter
| FEMA |
DHCD Department of Housing and Community Development
| FEMA |
DHelp Disaster Help Web Site
| FEMA |
DHF Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
| FEMA |
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
| FEMA |
DHO Disaster Housing Officer (replaced by IA Program/HA Manager)
| FEMA |
DHP Disaster Housing Program (replaced by IHP/HA)
| FEMA |
DHS Disaster Health Service
| FEMA |
DHS U.S. Department of Homeland Security
| DHS |
DHS CAT DHS Crisis Action Team
| I&A |
DHS-IE Department of Homeland Security Intelligence Enterprise
| I&A |
DHS-ISE DHS Information Sharing Environment
| MGMT |
DHUD Department of Housing and Urban Development (also HUD)
| FEMA |
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
| CISA | I&A |
DIAC Defense Intelligence & Analysis Center
| I&A |
DIAO Deputy Individual Assistance Officer
| FEMA |
DIB Defense Industrial Base
| CISA |
DIC Deputy Incident Commander
| FEMA |
DICE DEA Internet Connectivity Endeavor
| I&A |
DID Direct Inward Dial
| FEMA |
DIDA Detection, Identification, and Assessment
| FEMA |
DIDS Decision Information Distribution System
| FEMA |
DIFAX Digital Facsimile
| FEMA |
DIHS Division of Immigration Health Services
DII Defense Information Infrastructure
| FEMA |
DIL Derived Intervention Level
| FEMA |
DIMC Digital Identity Management Center
| ICE |
DIMHRS Defense Integrated Military Human Resources System
| FEMA |
DIMO Defense Institute of Medical Operations
| FEMA |
DIMOS Drug Intelligence Method of Operation System
| ICE |
DIR Director
| FEMA |
DIR Domestic Imagery Requirement
| FEMA |
DIRC Disaster Information Resource Center
| FEMA |
DIRNSA Director, National Security Agency
| FEMA |
DIS Defense Investigative Service
| FEMA |
DIS Distributed Interactive Simulation
| FEMA |
DIS digital imaging system
| MGMT |
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
| CISA |
DISC Disaster Information System Clearinghouse
| FEMA |
DISCO Defense Industrial Security Clearance Office
| FEMA |
DISCO Defense Industrial Security Clearance Officer
| FEMA |
DISN Defense Information System Network
| FEMA |
Disposition PTA disposition privacy threshold analysis
| I&A |
DISUM Daily Intelligence Summary
| FEMA |
DISUM Disaster Summary
| FEMA |
DIVS Division/Group Supervisor
| FEMA |
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DLG Digital Line Graph
| FEMA |
DLG-3 Digital Line Graph Level 3
| FEMA |
DLL Dynamic-Link Library
| FEMA |
DLS Disaster Legal Services
| FEMA |
DLSGP Driver's License Security Grant Program
| FEMA |
DLT Department Leadership Team
| FEMA |
DM Dimension
| FEMA |
DM Disaster Management
DMA Defense Mapping Agency
| FEMA |
DMA Designated Market Area
| FEMA |
DMA Disaster Mitigation Act
| FEMA |
DMA Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (also called DMA 2000 or DMA2K)
| FEMA |
DMAC Disaster Management Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
DMAG Deputy’s Management Action Group
| MGMT |
DMAT Disaster Medical Assistance Team
| FEMA | OPS |
DMDC Defense Manpower Data Center
| FEMA |
DMH Department of Mental Health
| FEMA |
DMH Disaster Mental Health
| FEMA |
DMHT Disaster Mental Health Team
| FEMA |
DMI Disaster Management Interoperability
| FEMA |
DMIATF Data Management Improvement Act Task Force, INS
| DHS |
DMIS Disaster Management Interoperability Services
| S&T |
DMI-Services (or DMIS) Disaster Management Interoperability Services
| FEMA |
DMOB Demobilization Unit Leader
| FEMA |
DMORT Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team
| FEMA | OPS |
DMRIS Defense Medical Regulating Information System
| FEMA |
DMRS Data Management and Retrieval System
| FEMA |
DMS Dispatch Messaging System
| FEMA |
DMS Document Management System
| FEMA |
DMSS Defense Medical Surveillance System
| FEMA |
DMV Department of Motor Vehicles
| FEMA |
DNA Defense Nuclear Agency
| FEMA |
DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid
| FEMA | S&T |
DNAT Defense Nuclear Advisory Team
| FEMA |
DND Department of National Defense
| FEMA |
DNDO Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (see CWMD)
| DHS |
DNF Did Not Finish
| FEMA |
DNFSB Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
| FEMA |
DNI Director of National Intelligence
| DHS |
DNR Department of Natural Resources
| FEMA |
DNS Department of Nuclear Safety
| FEMA |
DNS Domain Name Server
| FEMA |
DNSSEC Domain Name System Security Extensions
| FEMA |
DO Designated Official (OEP)
| FEMA |
DO Digital Orthophoto
| FEMA |
DO Director of Operations
| FEMA |
DO Disaster Operations (FEMA/DO)
| DHS |
DOA Dead On Arrival
| FEMA |
DOA Department of Agriculture
| FEMA |
DOB Date of Birth
| FEMA |
DOB Duplication of Benefits
| FEMA |
DOC Department Operations Center
| FEMA |
DOC Discrete Organic Chemicals
| FEMA |
DOC Department of Corrections
| ICE |
DOC Department of Conservation
| FEMA |
DOC United States Department of Commerce
| DHS |
DOCL Documentation Unit Leader
| FEMA |
DOD United States Department of Defense
| DHS |
DODD Department of Defense Directive
| DHS |
DODESB Department of Defense Explosive Safety Board
| FEMA |
DODMS DOD Discovery Metadata Standard
| FEMA |
DODRDB Department of Defense Resource Database
| DHS |
DOE United States Department of Energy
| DHS |
DOEd United States Department of Education (see ED)
| FEMA |
DOG Deployable Operations Group
DOH Department of Health
| FEMA |
DOI Innovation/HSARPA Division (S&T/DOI)
| DHS |
DOI United States Department of the Interior
| DHS |
DOIM Director of Information Management
| FEMA |
DOJ United States Department of Justice
| DHS |
DOL United States Department of Labor
| DHS |
DOLP Disaster Operations Leadership Program
| FEMA |
DOM Disaster Operations Manual
| FEMA |
DOMO Domestic Operations (USCIS/DOMO)
| DHS |
DOMS Director of Military Support
| FEMA |
DON Donation
| FEMA |
DONAT Donation
| FEMA |
DOQ Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle
| FEMA |
DOR Research Division (S&T/DOR)
| DHS |
DOS Disk Operating System
| FEMA |
DOS United States Department of State
| DHS |
DOT Transition Division (S&T/DOT)
| DHS |
DOT United States Department of Transportation
| DHS |
DOZB Dozer Boss
| FEMA |
DP Disaster Preparedness
| FEMA |
DP Double Pedestal
| FEMA |
DP# (Drop points are numbered and marked locations on a fire where people meet, equipment is exchanged, and resources may be stationed.)
| FEMA |
DPA Deepwater Ports Act
| FEMA |
DPA Defense Production Act
| FEMA |
DPA Delegation of Procurement Authority
| I&A | MGMT |
DPAO Deputy Public Affairs Officer
| FEMA |
DPAO Deputy Public Assistance Officer
| FEMA |
DPAS Defense Priorities and Allocations System
| FEMA |
DPC Domestic Policy Council
| FEMA |
DPETAP Domestic Preparedness Equipment Technical Assistance Program (NDPC)
| FEMA |
DPFO Deputy Principal Federal Official
| FEMA |
DPG Defense Planning Guidance
| FEMA |
DPIG Disaster Preparedness Improvement Grant
| FEMA |
DPM Disintegrations Per Minute
| FEMA |
DPMT Disaster Pediatric Medical Team
| FEMA |
DPMU Disaster Portable Morgue Unit
| FEMA |
DPOD Disaster Personnel Operations Division
| FEMA |
DPP Disaster Processing Procedures
DPP Domestic Preparedness Program
DPPC Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners
| DHS |
DPRE Displaced Persons, Refugees and Evacuees
| FEMA |
DPRO Display Processor
| FEMA |
DPS Department of Public Safety
| FEMA |
DPS Dry Pendent Sprinkler
| FEMA |
DPV Dry Pipe Valve
| FEMA |
DPW Department of Public Works
DR Disaster Declaration Number (alphabetic designation or precursor for)
| FEMA |
DR Disaster Recovery
| FEMA |
DR Disaster Response
| FEMA |
DR Door(s)
| FEMA |
DRASH Deployable Rapid-Assembly Shelter
| FEMA |
DRAT District Response Advisory Team
| FEMA |
DRC Disaster Recovery Center
| FEMA |
DRD Direct-Reading Dosimeter
| FEMA |
DREC Deputy Regional Emergency Coordinator
| FEMA |
DRES Disaster Response Evaluation System
| FEMA |
DRF Disaster Relief Fund
| FEMA |
DRF Disaster Response Force
| FEMA |
DRG Digital Raster Graphic
| FEMA |
DRG Disaster Response Group
| FEMA |
DRG District Response Group
| FEMA |
DRG Domestic Readiness Group
| FEMA |
DRII Disaster Recovery Institute International
| FEMA |
DRL Derived Response Levels
| FEMA |
DRM Data Reference Model
| MGMT |
DRO Detention and Removal Office (ICE/DRO)
| DHS |
DRP Division of Radiation Protection
| FEMA |
DRS Disaster Reconnaissance System
| FEMA |
DRSF Disaster Response Support Facilities
| FEMA |
DRSS Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards
| FEMA |
DRT Disaster Response Team (NIMA)
| FEMA |
DRTF Disaster Relief Task Force
| FEMA |
DRU Direct Reporting Unit
| FEMA |
DRU Disaster Resistant Universities
| FEMA |
DRU Disaster Response Unit
| FEMA |
DRWD Disaster Reserve Workforce Division
| FEMA |
DS Damage Survey
| FEMA |
DS Deputy Secretary
| FEMA |
DSA Digital Standard Algorithm
| I&A |
DSB Defense Science Board
| FEMA |
DSBCC Detection Systems for Biological & Chemical Countermeasures
| S&T |
DSC Digital Selective Calling
| FEMA |
DSCA Defense Support of Civil Authorities
| FEMA |
DSCO Deputy State Coordinating Officer
| FEMA |
DSCS Defense Satellite Communications System
| FEMA |
DSEA Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003
| OGC |
DSEC Deputy Secretary
| DHS |
DSEL Dynamic Synchronization Event Log
| FEMA |
DSES Directory Services and E-mail System
| MGMT |
DSFO Deputy Senior FEMA Official
| FEMA |
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
| FEMA |
DSN Defense Switched Network
| FEMA |
DSO Director of Site Operations
| FEMA |
DSO Disaster Safety Officer
| FEMA |
DSP Disaster Support Package
| FEMA |
DSR Damage Survey Report
| FEMA |
DSS Digital Signature Standard
| FEMA |
DSS Decision Support System
| CISA |
DSS Diplomatic Security Service
| ICE | USSS |
DSSG Defense Science Study Group
| S&T |
DSWA Defense Special Weapons Agency
| CISA |
DT Development Team
| FEMA |
DT&E Development Test and Evaluation
| FEMA |
DT/CPS Domestic Terrorism/Counterterrorism Planning Section (FBIHQ)
| FEMA |
DTAPPS Disposable Toxicological Agent Personal Protection System
| FEMA |
DTD Data Transfer Device
| FEMA |
DTD Document Type Definition
| FEMA |
DTE Disaster Temporary Employee(s)
DTED Digital Terrain Elevation Data
| FEMA |
DTG Date-Time Group
| FEMA |
DTIC Defense Technical Information Center
| FEMA |
DTM Digital Terrain Model
| FEMA |
DTMF dual tone multi frequency switch
| S&T |
DTMS Disaster Transportation Management System
| FEMA |
DTO Drug Trafficking Organization
| ICE |
DTOC Deployable Tactical Operations Center
| FEMA |
DTOS Deployable Tactical Operations System
| FEMA |
DTRA Defense Threat Reduction Agency
| CISA | CWMD | I&A |
DTRG Defense Technical Response Group
| FEMA |
DTRIM Domestic Threat Reduction and Incident Management
| FEMA |
DTS Diplomatic Telecommunications Service
| FEMA |
DTSA Defense Technical Security Agency
| FEMA |
DU Dobson Unit
| FEMA |
DUA Disaster Unemployment Assistance
| FEMA |
DUH Detached Unit Housing
| FEMA |
DUL Documentation Unit Leader
| FEMA |
DULL SWORD Nuclear safety deficiency
| FEMA |
DUNS Data Universal Numbering System
| MGMT |
DURC dual use research of concern [life sciences]
| S&T |
DUS Deputy Under Secretary
| FEMA |
DUSIO Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence Operations
| I&A |
DUSM Deputy United States Marshal
| FEMA |
DUST OFF Medical Evacuation via Helicopter (slang)
| FEMA |
DV Distinguished Visitor
| FEMA |
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs
| FEMA |
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
| FEMA |
DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
| FEMA |
DW Data Window
| FEMA |
DWG Drawing (file)
| FEMA |
DWI Disaster Welfare Information (or Inquiry)
| FEMA |
DWI Driving While Intoxicated
| FEMA |
DWML Digital Weather Markup Language
| FEMA |
DWR Department of Water Resources
| FEMA |
DWT Dead Weight
| FEMA |
DWT deadweight ton
| PLCY |
DXF Drawing Exchange Format
| FEMA |
DZOP Dozer Operator
| FEMA |
E 911 Enhanced 9-1-1
| FEMA |
E number Equipment number
| FEMA |
E.O. Executive Order of the President
| FEMA |
EA Eastern Area
| FEMA |
EA Emergency Action
| FEMA |
EA Energy Assurance
| FEMA |
EA Environmental Assessment
| FEMA |
EA External Affairs
| FEMA |
EA Enterprise Architecture
| MGMT |
EAB Enterprise Architecture Board
| FEMA |
EAB Exclusion Area Boundary
| FEMA |
EACC Eastern Area Coordination Center
| FEMA |
EACG Eastern Area Coordinating Group
| FEMA |
EACOE Enterprise Architecture Center of Excellence
| MGMT |
EACT Emergency Action and Coordination Team
| FEMA |
EAD Executive Associate Director
| FEMA |
EAD Employment Authorization Document
EADRCC Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Center
| FEMA |
EAG Exercise Analysis Group
| FEMA |
EAGLE Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions
| MGMT |
EAI Enterprise Application Integration
| I&A | MGMT |
EAL Emergency Action Level
| FEMA |
EAL Entry Authority List
| FEMA |
EAM Emergency Action Message
| FEMA |
EAO Emergency Action Officer
| FEMA |
EAO Energy Assurance Office (see also EA)
| FEMA |
EAP Emergency Action Plan
| FEMA |
EAP Emergency Action Procedures
| FEMA |
EAP Emergency Assistance Personnel
| FEMA |
EAP Employee Assistance Program
| FEMA |
EAP Event Action Plan
| FEMA |
e-APIS electronic-Advanced Passenger Information System
| FEMA |
EAPMO Enterprise Architecture Program Management Office
| MGMT |
EAR Emergency Alert Radio
| FEMA |
EAR Exercise Analysis Report
| FEMA |
EARN Employer Assistance Referral Network
| CRCL |
EARS Emergency Animal Rescue Service
| FEMA |
EART Evening Advisory Risk Threat
| FEMA |
EAS Emergency Alert System
| FEMA |
EAWA Employ American Workers Act
| FEMA |
EBR Endogenous Biological Regulators
| S&T |
EBS Emergency Broadcast System (see EAS)
| FEMA |
EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
| FEMA |
EBW Electronic Bridge Wire
| FEMA |
EBW Exploding Bridge Wire
| FEMA |
EBW exploding bridge wire initiator
| S&T |
EC Electronic Commerce
| FEMA |
EC Elevation Certificate
| FEMA |
EC Emergency Coordinator
| FEMA |
EC Environment of Care (medical)
| FEMA |
EC Extraordinary Circumstances
| FEMA |
ECA Earth-orbit Crossing Asteroid
| FEMA |
ECA Edgewood Chemical Activity
| FEMA |
ECAB Emergency Change Advisory Board
| MGMT |
ECAPS Enterprise Coordination & Approval Processing System
| FEMA |
ECBC Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
| FEMA |
ECC Emergency Communications Center
| FEMA | OPA |
ECCS Emergency Core Cooling System
| FEMA |
ECCV Emergency Command and Control Vehicle
| FEMA |
ECD Effective Cumulative Dose
| FEMA |
ECD Emergency Contacts Directory
| FEMA |
ECD Estimated Completion Date
| FEMA |
ECFG Emergency Coordination Functional Group
| FEMA |
ECG Emergency Coordination Group
| FEMA |
ECG Exercise Control Group
| FEMA |
ECI Export-Controlled Information
| FEMA |
ECL Emergency Classification Level
| FEMA |
ECN Executive Control Node
| FEMA |
ECP Emergency Conservation Program
| FEMA |
ECP Entry Control Point
| FEMA |
ECPC Emergency Communications Preparedness Center
| FEMA |
ECS Electronic Certification System
| FEMA |
ECS Emergency Communications Staff
| FEMA |
ECS Emergency Coordinating Staff
| FEMA |
ECSAP Electronic Crimes Special Agent Program
| USSS |
ECT Emergency Coordinating Team,
| FEMA |
ECT Exercise Control Team
| FEMA |
ECT See IQ (formerly Executive or Enterprise Correspondence Tracking System)
| DHS |
ECTF Electronic Crimes Task Force
| USSS |
ECU Environmental Control Unit
| FEMA |
ECWAG Emergency Community Water Assistance Grant
| FEMA |
ED Effective Dose
| S&T |
ED Emergency Department
| FEMA |
ED United States Department of Education
| DHS |
ED&DG Exercise Design and Development Group
| FEMA |
EDA Economic Development Administration
| FEMA |
EDAC Economic Defense Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
EDAP Excess Delivery Acquisition Program
| FEMA |
EDC Energy Disruption Committee
| FEMA |
EDC EROS Data Center
| FEMA |
EDD Explosive Detection Device
| TSA |
EDE Effective Dose Equivalent
| FEMA |
EDEN Education Disaster Extension Network
| OPA |
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
| CBP | I&A | MGMT | PLCY |
EDIFACT EDI for Administration, Commerce, and Transport
| FEMA |
EDIS Emergency Disaster Information System
| FEMA |
EDITH Exit Drills In The Home
| FEMA |
EDL Environmental Disposal Liability
| FEMA |
EDMO Enterprise Data Management Office (formerly MCOE)
| MGMT |
EDPP Electronic Design and Pre-Press
| FEMA |
EDR Economic Development Representative
| FEMA |
EDR External Data Request
| FEMA |
EDRC Expanded Dispatch Recorder
| FEMA |
EDS Explosive Detection System(s)
| FEMA | TSA |
EDT Eastern Daylight Time
| DHS |
EDT Explosive Device Team
| FEMA |
EDXL Emergency Data Exchange Language
| FEMA |
EDXL-DE EDXL Distribution Element
| FEMA |
EDXL-RM Emergency Data Exchange Language Resource Messaging
| FEMA |
EEE Eastern Equine Encephalitis
| FEMA |
EEE Essential Evaluation Elements
| FEMA |
EEG Exercise Evaluation Guide
| FEMA |
EEGL Emergency Exposure Guidance Level
| FEMA |
EEI External Environment Interface
| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |
EEI Essential Elements of Information
| DHS |
EEM Exercise Evaluation Methodology
| FEMA |
EENET Emergency Education Network
| FEMA |
EEO Equal Employment Office
| FEMA |
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
| FEMA |
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
EER Eligible Existing Resources
| FEMA |
EERI Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
| FEMA |
EESL Extreme Events Simulation Laboratory
| S&T |
EET Emergency Evacuation Team
| FEMA |
EEVS Employment Eligibility Verification System
EEX Employee Express
| FEMA |
EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone
| FEMA |
EFAP Emergency Feed Assistance Program
| FEMA |
EFL environmental financial liabilities
| S&T |
EFO Emergency Field Office
| FEMA |
EFOP Executive Fire Officer Program
| FEMA |
EFP Emergency Feed Program
| FEMA |
EFP explosively formed projectile charge
| S&T |
EFPOP Executive Fire Prevention Officer Program
| FEMA |
EFS Emergency Food & Shelter
| FEMA |
EFSNB Emergency Food and Shelter National Board
| FEMA |
EFSP Emergency Food and Shelter Program
| FEMA |
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
| FEMA |
E-GIS DHS-wide enterprise GIS system
| FEMA |
EGM Enhancing Grants Management
| FEMA |
E-Gov E-Government
| FEMA |
EHM Earthquake Hazard Mitigation
| FEMA |
EHP Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation
| FEMA |
EHP Environmental/Historic Preservation
| FEMA |
EHR Electronic Health Records
| FEMA |
EHS Extremely Hazardous Substance
| FEMA |
EHU Emergency Housing Unit
| FEMA |
EI Exercise Information
| FEMA |
EIC Earned Income Credit
| FEMA |
EIC Emergency Interoperability Consortium
| FEMA |
EICC Emergency Information and Coordination Center
| FEMA |
EID Enforcement Integrated Database
| CBP | ICE | USCIS | I&A | PLCY |
EIDA Executive Information and Display Area
| FEMA |
EIDL Economic Injury Disaster Loan
| FEMA |
EIIP Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership
| FEMA |
EIM Emergency Information Management
| FEMA |
EIMA Emergency Information and Media Affairs
| FEMA |
EIN Employer Identification Number
| FEMA |
EIO Emergency Information Officer
| FEMA |
EIPA Emergency Information and Public Affairs
| FEMA |
EIPT Exercise Integrated Process Team
| FEMA |
EIRS Emergency Information Retrieval System
| FEMA |
EIS Epidemic Intelligence Service
| I&A |
EIS Emergency Information System
| FEMA | OPA |
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
| FEMA |
EIS Epidemiological Intelligence Service
| FEMA |
EIT Electronic Information Technology
| CRCL |
EIT electronic and information technology
| MGMT |
EITS Enhanced International Travel Security System
| S&T | PLCY | PRIV |
EJ Environmental Justice
| FEMA |
EKU Eastern Kentucky University
| FEMA |
ELC Engineering Logistics Center
| USCG |
ELF Earth Liberation Front
| FEMA |
ELINT Electronic Intelligence
| CWMD | I&A | OPS |
ELO Enabling Learning Objectives
| FEMA |
ELO Environmental Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
ELR Employee Labor Relations
| FEMA |
ELT Emergency Location Transmitter
| USCG |
ELT Evacuation Liaison Team
| FEMA |
EM Emergency Management
| FEMA |
EM Emergency Manager
| FEMA |
EM Environmental Management
| FEMA |
EM Exercise Manual
| FEMA |
EMA Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact
| FEMA |
E-mail Electronic Mail
| FEMA |
EMAP Emergency Management Accreditation Program Standard
| FEMA | S&T |
EMAS Emergency Management Assessment System
| FEMA |
EMD Electronic Monitoring Device
| ICE |
EMD Emergency Management Director
| FEMA |
EMD Emergency Management Division
| FEMA |
EMD Emergency Medical Dispatcher
| FEMA |
EMERCOM Emergency Command
| FEMA |
EMERGCON Emergency Condition
| FEMA |
eMerge2 electronically Managing enterprise resources for government effectiveness and efficiency
| DHS |
EMERS Emergency Management Exercise Reporting System
| FEMA |
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
| FEMA |
EMI Emergency Management Institute
| FEMA |
EMI Emergency Management Institute, Board of Visitors for the
| FEMA |
EMIO Expanded Maritime Interdiction Operation
| USCG |
EMIS Emergency Management Information System
| FEMA |
EML Environmental Measurements Laboratory
| S&T | CWMD |
EMMIE Emergency Management Mission Integrated Environment (disasters)
| FEMA |
EMNPP Emergency Management and National Preparedness Program
| FEMA |
EMOC Emergency Management Operations Center
| FEMA |
EMOC Emergency Management Operations Course
| FEMA |
EMP Electromagnetic Pulse
| FEMA |
EMP Emergency Management Plan
| FEMA |
EMPA Emergency Management Planning and Assistance
| FEMA |
EMPG Emergency Management Performance Grant
| FEMA |
EMPO Emergency Medical Preparedness Office
| FEMA |
EMPS Emergency Management Program Specialist
| FEMA |
EMPTY QUIVER Theft, seizure, or loss of a nuclear weapon or component
| FEMA |
EMR Electromagnetic Radiation
| FEMA |
EMR Emergency Minimal Repair
| FEMA |
EMR Environmental Management Review
| FEMA |
EMR-ISAC Emergency Management & Response-Information Sharing & Analysis Center
| FEMA |
EMRS Emergency Management Response System
| FEMA |
EMRT Emergency Medical Response Team
| FEMA |
EMS Emergency Management Specialist
| FEMA |
EMS Emergency Medical Services
| FEMA |
EMS Emergency Medical System
| FEMA |
EMS Environmental Management System
| FEMA |
EMS Evacuation Management System
| FEMA |
EMSHG Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group
| FEMA |
EMSSA Emergency Medical Services System Act
| FEMA |
EMSTEAC Emergency Medical Services Training Education Advisory Council
| MGMT |
EMT Emergency Management Team
| FEMA |
EMT Emergency Management Training
| FEMA |
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
| FEMA |
EMTALA Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act
| FEMA |
EMTASC Emergency Management Training, Analysis & Simulation Center
| FEMA |
EMT-B Emergency Medical Technician - Basic
| FEMA |
EMT-I Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate
| FEMA |
EMT-P Emergency Medical Technician - Paramedic
| FEMA |
EMWIN Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
| FEMA |
END Exotic Newcastle Disease
| FEMA |
ENDEX End of Exercise
| FEMA |
ENGB Engine Boss
| FEMA |
ENOP Engine Operator
| FEMA |
ENR Environmental and Natural Resources
| FEMA |
ENS Emergency Notification Service/System
| FEMA |
ENSO El Nino / Southern Oscillation
| FEMA |
EO Electro-Optical
| FEMA | OGC |
EO Emergency Office
| FEMA |
EO Environmental Officer
| FEMA |
EO Executive Order
| FEMA | OGC |
EO Exterior Orientation (Parameter)
| FEMA |
EO/IR Electro Optical/Infrared
| CBP | ICE |
EOC Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
EOC European Olympic Committee
| FEMA |
EOD Entered on Duty
| FEMA |
EOD Explosive Ordnance Disposal
| FEMA | S&T |
EOD entrance on duty
| MGMT |
EOD entry on duty
| MGMT |
EOD determination entry on duty determination
| MGMT |
EOD determination entrance on duty determination
| MGMT |
EOE Equal Opportunity Employer
| FEMA |
EOEA Executive Office of Environmental Affairs
| FEMA |
EOF Emergency Operations/Operating Facility
| FEMA |
EOF End of File
| FEMA |
EOG Exercise Observation Group
| FEMA |
EOIR Executive Office for Immigration Review
EOM End of Month
| FEMA |
EOO Emergency Operations Organization
| FEMA |
EOP Emergency Operations/Operating Plan
| FEMA |
EOP Executive Office of the President
| DHS |
EOP Extent of Play
| FEMA |
EOPT Emergency Operations Planning Template
| FEMA |
EOS Earth-Observing System
| FEMA |
EOS Emergency Operations Software
| FEMA |
EOS Equation of State
| FEMA |
EOT Emergency Operations Team
| FEMA |
EOV Emergency Operations Vehicle
| FEMA |
EOW Envelope of Water
| FEMA |
EP Electric Power
| FEMA |
EP Emergency Programs
| FEMA |
EP&HP environmental planning and historic preservation
| DHS |
EP&HP DSS environmental planning and historic preservation decision support system
| DHS |
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
| DHS |
EPAD Emergency Provider Access Directory
| FEMA |
EPAL Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language
| FEMA |
EPAP Equipment Purchase Assistance Program
| FEMA |
EPC Emergency Preparedness Canada
| FEMA |
EPCA Energy Policy and Conservation Act
| FEMA |
EPCRA Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act
| FEMA |
EPD Electronic Personnel Dosimeter
| FEMA |
EPEAT® electronic product environmental assessment tool
| MGMT |
EPG Emergency Planning Guide
| FEMA |
EPG Exercise Preparation Guide
| FEMA |
EPI Emergency Public Information
| FEMA | OPA |
EPIC Emergency Preparedness Information Coordinator
| FEMA | OPA |
EPIC Electronic Privacy Information Center
| TSA | S&T | PLCY | PRIV |
EPICS Emergency Preparedness Incident Command Stimulation
| FEMA |
EPL Evaluated Products List
| FEMA |
EPLO Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
EPM Environmental Planning and Historic Preservation Program Manager
| DHS |
EPMS Environmental Portable Monitoring System
| FEMA |
EPO Environmental Protection Officer
| FEMA |
EPOC Emergency Point(s) of Contact
| FEMA |
EPOC Emergency Preparedness Operations Center
| FEMA |
EPP environmentally preferable
| DHS |
EPP Employee Personal Page
| FEMA |
EPP Executive Potential Program
| FEMA |
EPPC Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council
| FEMA |
EPPM Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Mobilization
| FEMA |
EPPM Environmental Planning Program Manager
| FEMA |
EPR Emergency Preparedness and Response
| DHS |
EPS Encapsulated PostScript
| FEMA |
EPSCoR Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
| FEMA |
EPW Exercise Planning Workshop
| FEMA |
EPZ Emergency Planning Zone
| FEMA |
EQPCE Earthquake Preparedness Center of Expertise
| FEMA |
EQPI Equipment Inspector
| FEMA |
EQPM Equipment Manager
| FEMA |
EQTR Equipment Time Recorder
| FEMA |
EQUIP Earthquake Impacts Projection (Model)
| FEMA |
E-Quip Electronic Questionnaire for Investigation Processing
| FEMA |
ER Emergency Relief
| FEMA |
ER Emergency Room
| FEMA |
ER Equal Rights
| FEMA |
ER Expedited Removal
| CBP | ICE |
ERAMS Environmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System
| FEMA | S&T |
ERB Economic Resources Board
| FEMA |
ERC Emergency Response Coordinator
| FEMA |
ERCG Emergency Response Coordination Group
| FEMA |
ERCP Emergency Response Concept Plan
| FEMA |
ERDA Energy Research and Development Administration
| FEMA |
ERDC Engineer Research and Development Center [United States Army]
| S&T |
ERDEC Edgewood Research, Development and Engineering Center
| FEMA |
ERF Emergency Response Facility
| FEMA |
ERFOG Emergency Responder Field Operating Guide
| FEMA |
ERG Emergency Relocation Group
| FEMA |
ERL Environmental Research Laboratories
| FEMA |
ERLink Emergency Response Link
| FEMA |
ERM Enforcement Removal Module
| ICE |
ERM Elevation Reference Mark
| FEMA |
ERMS Enterprise Records Management System
| MGMT |
ERMS Emergency Resource Management System
| FEMA |
ERN Emergency Response Network
| FEMA |
ERO Emergency Response Official
| FEMA |
ERO Equal Rights Office
| FEMA |
ERO Equal Rights Officer
| FEMA |
EROS Earth Resources Observing Satellite
| FEMA |
ERP Expedited Removal Process
| ICE |
ERP Elevation Reference Point
| FEMA |
ERP Emergency Response Plan
| FEMA |
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
| I&A | MGMT |
ERPA Emergency Response Planning Area
| FEMA |
ERPG Emergency Response Guidelines
| FEMA |
ERPS Effluents Radiation Protection Section
| FEMA |
ERPS Emergency Response Planning Scenario
| FEMA |
ERRO Emergency Response/Recovery Office (USACE)
| FEMA |
ERRS Emergency and Rapid Response Services
| FEMA |
ERS Emergency Relocation Site
| FEMA |
ERS Executive Reporting System
| FEMA |
ERSAC Emergency Response Senior Advisory Committee
| PLCY |
ERT Environmental Response Team
| FEMA |
ERT Emergency Response Team
| FEMA | TSA |
ERT Evidence Response Team
| FEMA | TSA |
ERT:BC Emergency Response to Terrorism: Basic Concepts
| FEMA |
ERT:SS Emergency response to Terrorism: Self-Study
| FEMA |
ERT-A Emergency Response Team - Advance Element
| FEMA |
ERT-N-NCR National Emergency Response Team for the National Capital Region
| FEMA |
ERT-S Emergency Response Team Support Capability
| FEMA |
ERV Emergency Response Vehicle
| FEMA |
ERW Enhanced Radiation Weapon
| FEMA | S&T |
ES Emergency Support
| FEMA |
ES End System
| FEMA |
ES Engineering Section (Information Resources Division, FBIHQ)
| FEMA |
ES Environmental Specialist
| FEMA |
ES Executive Secretariat (see ESEC)
| FEMA |
ESA Endangered Species Act
| FEMA |
ESA essential supporting activity
| MGMT |
ESAP Energy Security and Assurance Program
| CISA |
ESAR-VHP Emergency System for the Advanced Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals
| FEMA |
ESC Executive Steering Committee
| FEMA |
ESCAP Electronic Crimes Special Agent Program
| USSS |
ESD Emergency Services Director
| FEMA |
ESDP Engineering Study Data Package
| FEMA |
ESDPF Engineering Study Data Package Facility
| FEMA |
ESDRB Emergency Services and Disaster Relief Branch
| FEMA |
ESEC Executive Secretariat
| DHS |
ESEC Office of the Executive Secretary
| MGMT |
ESF Emergency Support Function
ESF 01 Emergency Support Function - Transportation
| FEMA |
ESF 02 Emergency Support Function - Communications
| FEMA |
ESF 03 Emergency Support Function - Public Works and Engineering
| FEMA |
ESF 04 Emergency Support Function - Firefighting
| FEMA |
ESF 05 Emergency Support Function - Emergency Management
| FEMA |
ESF 06 Emergency Support Function - Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Housing, and Human Services
| FEMA |
ESF 07 Emergency Support Function - Logistics Management and Resource Support
| FEMA |
ESF 08 Emergency Support Function - Public Health and Medical Services
| FEMA |
ESF 09 Emergency Support Function - Search and Rescue
| FEMA |
ESF 10 Emergency Support Function - Oil and Hazardous Materials Response
| FEMA |
ESF 11 Emergency Support Function - Agriculture and Natural Resources
| FEMA |
ESF 12 Emergency Support Function - Energy
| FEMA |
ESF 13 Emergency Support Function - Public Safety and Security
| FEMA |
ESF 14 Emergency Support Function - Long-term Community Recovery
| FEMA |
ESF 15 Emergency Support Function - External Affairs
| FEMA |
ESFLG Emergency Support Function Leaders Group
| FEMA |
ESGR Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve
| USCG |
ESI Electronically stored information
| MGMT |
ESIC Earth Science Information Center
| FEMA |
ESIF Emergency Services Interconnect Forum
| FEMA |
ESL English as a Second Language
| FEMA |
ESM Electronic Support Measures
| FEMA |
ESM Enterprise Security Manager
| FEMA |
ESN Electronic Serial Number
| FEMA |
ESO Energy Senior Official
| FEMA |
ESOH environment, safety, and occupational health requirements
| MGMT |
ESP Early Site Permit
| FEMA |
ESP Electric Service Priority
| FEMA |
ESP Extranet Secure Portal
| FEMA |
ESPC Energy Savings Performance Contract
| MGMT |
ESS Electronic Switching System
| FEMA |
ESS Emergency Services Sector
| FEMA |
ESS Environmental Sensor Station
| FEMA |
ESS-SSA Emergency Services Sector-Sector Specific Agency
| FEMA |
ESSV Emergency Support Service Vehicle
| FEMA |
EST Eastern Standard Time
| DHS |
EST Emergency Support Team
| FEMA |
ESTA Electronic System for Travel Authorization
ESTD Established
| FEMA |
ESTED Estimated Safe Time before Evacuation Decisions
| FEMA |
ESTI Emergency Services Training Institute
| FEMA |
ET Electronic Technician
| FEMA |
ET End of Transect (Line)
| FEMA |
ETA Employment and Training Administration
| FEMA |
ETA Estimated time of arrival
| DHS |
ETAG Employee Training Advisory Group
| FEMA |
ETC Emergency Transportation Center
| FEMA |
etc et cetera
| FEMA |
ETD Explosives Trace Detector
| TSA |
ETD Estimated time of departure
| DHS |
ETE Estimated Time Enroute
| FEMA |
ETE Evacuation Time Estimate
| FEMA |
ETIC Estimated Time in Commission
| FEMA |
ETIS Emergency Traffic Information System
| FEMA |
ETJ Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (Limits)
| FEMA |
ETL Extraction, Transformation and Loading
| I&A | MGMT | PLCY | PRIV |
ETO Exercise and Training Officer
| FEMA |
ETOC Emergency Tactical Operations Center
| FEMA |
ETP Employment and Transition Plan
| FEMA |
ETRMS Emergency Transportation Resource Management System
| FEMA |
ETS Evacuation Time Study
| FEMA |
ETT Eligible Travel Trailer
| FEMA |
EU European Union
| CBP | PLCY |
EU Explosives Unit (BDC, FBI)
| FEMA |
EUI energy use intensity
| DHS |
EVM Earned Value Management
| FEMA |
EVMS earned value management system
| MGMT |
EVT Emergency Vehicle Technician
| FEMA |
EVVE Electronic Verification of Vital Events
EW Emergency Worker
| FEMA |
EWAC Emergency Worker and Assistance Center
| FEMA |
EWC Emergency Worker Center
| FEMA |
EWF Electronic Warfare
| FEMA |
EWI Entry Without Inspection
| CBP | ICE | USCG |
EWMDS Emergency Worker Monitoring and Decontamination Station
| FEMA |
EWO Emergency War Order
| FEMA |
EWP Emergency Watershed Protection
| FEMA |
EWRI Environmental and Water Resources Institute
| FEMA |
EX/IM Bank Export/Import Bank of the United States
| FEMA |
EXB Export-Import Bank
| I&A |
EXD Explosives Division (S&T/EXD)
| DHS |
EXPLAN Exercise Plan
| FEMA |
EXTIN Extinguisher
| FEMA |
F&STD Fire and Safety Test Detachment
| FEMA |
F/ERO Federal Emergency and Mutual Aid Response Official
| FEMA |
F/WRKGPS For Work Groups
| FEMA |
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
| DHS |
FAA Foreign Assistance Act
| FEMA |
FAADS Federal Assistance Award Data System
| FEMA |
FAAP Foreign Airport Assessment Program
| TSA |
FAAR Facilitated After Action Report
| FEMA |
FAAS FEMA Automated Acquisition System
| FEMA |
FAAT FEMA Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Terms
| FEMA |
FAAT Fully Analytical Aerial Triangulation
| FEMA |
FAB FEMA Advisory Board
| FEMA |
FAC Foreign Air Carrier
| TSA |
FAC Family Assistance Center
| FEMA |
FAC Financial Attack Center
| ICE |
FACA Federal Advisory Committee Act
| DHS |
FACL Facilities Unit Leader
| FEMA |
FACMAN Facilities Management System
| FEMA |
FACNET Federal Acquisition Network
| FEMA |
FACP Fire Alarm Control Panel
| FEMA |
FAC-P/PM Federal Acquisition Certification for Program and Project Managers (*)
| MGMT |
FAD Foreign Animal Disease
| FEMA |
FADED GIANT Nuclear reactor radiological incident/ accident
| FEMA |
FAE Fuel Air Explosives
| FEMA |
FAEST Forward Area Emergency Support Trailers
| FEMA |
FAI Fire/Arson Investigation
| FEMA |
FAIH Federal Assistance to Individuals and Households
| FEMA |
FAIR Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act [of 1998]
| OGC |
FAIR Fair Access to Insurance Requirements
| FEMA |
FAITS FEMA Automated Inventory Tracking System
| FEMA |
FALA Faller A
| FEMA |
FALB Faller B
| FEMA |
FALC Faller C
| FEMA |
FAM Federal Air Marshal
| TSA |
FAMA Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association
| FEMA |
FAMAS Facility Accreditation Management and Administration System
| FEMA |
FAMC Fire Apparatus Manufactures’ Association
| FEMA |
FAMIS FEMA Audit Management Information System
| FEMA |
FAMS Federal Air Marshal Service (see OLE/FAMS)
| TSA |
FANMAP FEMA Automated Network Management Program
| FEMA |
FAO Federal Approving Officer
| FEMA |
FAO Federal Approving Official
| FEMA |
FAO Food & Agricultural Organization (UN)
| FEMA |
FAOC FEMA Alternate Operations Center
| FEMA |
FAPRS Federal Access Program Retrieval System
| FEMA |
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
| DHS |
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
| I&A | MGMT |
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
| FEMA |
FARS Financial Accounting and Reporting System
| FEMA |
FAS Freight Assessment System
| TSA |
FAS Federal Acquisition Service
| FEMA |
FAS Foreign Agricultural Service
| FEMA |
FAS Freely Associated States
| FEMA |
FASSE Federal Agency Support Service Element
| FEMA |
FAST Future Attribute Screening Technology
| S&T |
FAST Field Assessment Team
| FEMA |
FAST Free and Secure Trade [Initiative]
FAST Free and Secure Trade program
| PLCY |
FAT first article testing
| MGMT |
FAX Facsimile
| FEMA |
FBAN Fire Behavior Analyst
| FEMA |
FBCI Faith-Based and Community Initiatives
| FEMA |
FBCO Faith-Based and Community Organizations
| FEMA |
FBFM Flood Boundary and Floodway Map
| FEMA |
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
| DHS |
FBIIC Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure Committee
| CISA |
FBINet Federal Bureau of Investigation Network
| I&A |
FBN Federal Base Network
| FEMA |
FBO Fixed Base Operator
| FEMA |
FBR Fast Breeder Reactor
| FEMA |
FC Fire Control
| FEMA |
FC Fire Corps (Citizen Corps Program Partner administered by USFA)
| FEMA |
FC Federal Coordinator
| OPS |
FCA Farm Credit Administration
| FEMA |
FCA facility condition assessment
| S&T |
FCBA Federal Communications Bar Association
| S&T | OGC |
FCC Federal Coordinating Center
| FEMA |
FCC Federal Communications Commission
| DHS |
FCD Financial Crimes Division
| FEMA |
FCDA Federal Civil Defense Agency
| FEMA |
FCE Functional Capability Element
| FEMA |
FCI Facility Condition Index
| FEMA |
FCIC Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
| FEMA |
FCIP Federal Crime Insurance Program
| FEMA |
FCIP Federal Career Intern Program
FCIS Federal Crime Insurance System
| FEMA |
FCM Federal Communications Manager
| FEMA |
FCMG Fire Cache Manager
| FEMA |
FCMSSR Federal Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research
| FEMA |
FCO Federal Coordinating Officer
F-codes Charge codes for FEMA incidents
| FEMA |
FCP Federal Center Plaza
| FEMA |
FCP Field/Forward Command Post
| FEMA |
FCRR Fundamentals Course for Radiological Response
| FEMA |
FCS Farm Credit Service
| FEMA |
FCS Food and Consumer Service
| FEMA |
FCSA Fee-Charge System Administrator
| FEMA |
FCT Forward Coordinating Team
| FEMA |
FD Fire Department
| FEMA |
FD Foundation Data
| FEMA |
FDA Food & Drug Administration
| FEMA | CISA | I&A |
FDC Fire Department Connection
| FEMA |
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |
FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
| DHS |
FDID Fire Department Identification Number
| FEMA |
FDL Forensic Documents Laboratory
| ICE |
FDMS Federal Docketing Management System
| OGC |
FDNS Fraud Detection and National Security Unit
FDO Flight Deck Officer
| FEMA |
FDP Federal Demonstration Project
| FEMA |
FDRO Foreign Disclosure and Release Officer
| I&A |
FDSOA Fire Department Safety Officers Association
| FEMA |
FDSS Federal Drug Seizure System
| CBP |
FDUL Food Unit Leader
| FEMA |
FE Fire Extinguisher
| FEMA |
FE Functional Exercise
| FEMA |
FEA Federal Enterprise Architecture
| I&A | MGMT |
FEA front-end analysis
| MGMT |
FEB Federal Executive Board
| FEMA |
FEB Federal Executive Branch
| FEMA |
FEC Facility Emergency Coordinator
| FEMA |
FEC Federal Election Commission
| FEMA |
FEC Federal Electronics Challenge
| FEMA |
FECA Federal Employees Compensation Act
| FEMA |
FECC Federal Emergency Communications Coordinator
FED – TRT Federal Tactical Response Team
| FEMA |
FEDCIRC Federal Computer Incident Response Center
| CISA |
FEDD Flood Elevation Determination Docket
| FEMA |
FEDMER Federal Medical Evidence of Record
| MGMT |
FED-STD Federal Standard
| FEMA |
FEEA Federal Employee Education & Assistance
| TSA | MGMT |
FEFFLA Federal Employees Family Friendly Leave Act
| FEMA |
FEGLI Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance
| MGMT |
FEHB Federal Employees Health Benefits
| MGMT |
FEHB Federal Employee Health Benefits program
| MGMT |
FEI Federal Executive Institute
| FEMA |
FEIMS Fire and Explosion Investigation Management System
| FEMA |
FEIS Final Environmental Impact Statement
| FEMA |
FEKC FEMA Employee Knowledge Center
| FEMA |
FELB Felling Boss
| FEMA |
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
| DHS |
FEMAAR Federal Emergency Management Agency Acquisition Regulation
| FEMA |
FEMIS Federal Emergency Management Information System
| FEMA |
FEMO Fire Effects Monitor
| FEMA |
FEMSA Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association
| FEMA |
FEPA Fair Employment Practices Agency
| FEMA |
FERC FEMA Emergency Response Capability
| FEMA |
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
| CISA | S&T |
FERO Federal Emergency Response Official
| MGMT |
FERS Federal Employees Retirement System
| MGMT |
FES Field Evaluation System
| FEMA |
FESC Federal Emergency Support Coordinator
| FEMA |
FESHE Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education
| FEMA |
FEST Foreign Emergency Support Team
| FEMA |
FEVS Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey
| DHS |
FF Firefighter
| FEMA |
FFALC Federal Fire and Aviation Leadership Council
| FEMA |
FFAMIA Federal Financial Assistance Management Improvement Act
| FEMA |
FFARS FEMA Facsimile and Record System
| FEMA |
FFATA Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act
| FEMA |
FFC FEMA Finance Center (OCFO)
| FEMA |
FFCD Full, Final, and Complete Disclosure
| FEMA |
FFDO Federal Flight Deck Officer
| TSA |
FFE Federal Field Exercise
| FEMA |
FFFI&PP Firefighter Fatality Investigation & Prevention Program (NIOSH)
| FEMA |
FFI Financial Fraud Institute
FFMIA Federal Financial Management Improvement Act
| FEMA |
FFMS FEMA Frequency Management System
| FEMA |
FFO First Federal Official
| FEMA |
FFRDC Federally Funded Research and Development Center
| S&T | OGC |
FFS Federal Financial System
| I&A | MGMT |
FFSTG Federal Fire Service Task Group
| FEMA |
FFT1 Firefighter Type 1
| FEMA |
FFT2 Firefighter Type 2
| FEMA |
FG fiscal guidance
| MGMT |
FGCC Federal Geodetic Coordinating Committee
| FEMA |
FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee
| FEMA |
FGI Foreign Government Information
| FEMA |
FH Fire Hydrant
| FEMA |
FHA Federal Housing Administration
| FEMA |
FHA Fire Hazards Analysis
| FEMA |
FHA Flood Hazard Area
| FEMA |
FHAR Flood Hazard Analyses Report
| FEMA |
FHBM Flood Hazard Boundary Map
| FEMA |
FHCS Federal Human Capital Survey
| MGMT |
FHFB Federal Housing Finance Board
| FEMA |
FHH Fire Hose House
| FEMA |
FHM Flood Hazard Mapping
| FEMA |
FHML Federal Hazardous Material Law
| FEMA |
FHR Fire Hose Rack
| FEMA |
FHR Fire Hose Reel
| FEMA |
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
| FEMA | TSA |
FIA Federal Insurance Administration
| FEMA |
FIAB Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
| I&A |
FIAMIS Federal Insurance Administration Management Information System
| FEMA |
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act
| FEMA |
FICC Federal Interagency Coordination Council
| S&T |
FICEMS Federal Interagency Committee on Emergency Medical Services
| FEMA |
FICO Flood Insurance Claims Office
| FEMA |
FICO Flood Insurance Claims Officer
| FEMA |
FIDA FEMA Information Data and Analysis
| FEMA |
FIDLER Field Instrument for the Detection of Low Energy Radiation
| FEMA |
FIE foreign intelligence entity
| I&A |
FIFMS FEMA Integrated Financial Management System
| FEMA |
FIG Field Intelligence Groups
| FEMA |
FIMO Federal Incident Management Official
| FEMA |
FIN Fingerprint Identification Number
| I&A |
FINCEN Financial Center
| FEMA |
FINCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network
FinCEN Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Project Gateway
| I&A |
FINS Federal Information Notices
| FEMA |
FIO Federal Information Officer
| FEMA |
FIO Fire Information Officer
| FEMA |
FIOC Federal Interagency Operations Center
| FEMA |
FIP Federal Information Processing
| FEMA |
FIPNC Flood Insurance Producers National Committee
| FEMA |
FIPS FOIA Information Processing System
| PRIV |
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
| I&A |
FIR Federal Inspection Report
| FEMA |
FIR Final Inspection Report
| FEMA |
FIR Flood Insurance Report
| FEMA |
FIRB Firing Boss
| FEMA |
FIRESAT Fire-Detection Satellite System (previously known as the Integrated Hazard Information System)
| FEMA |
FIRESCOPE Firefighting Resources of California Organized for Potential
| FEMA |
FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map
| FEMA |
FIRM-DLG Flood Insurance Rate Map-Digital Line Graph
| FEMA |
FIRMPD FEMA Information Resources Management Procedural Directive
| FEMA |
FIRMR Federal Information Resources Management Regulation
| FEMA |
FIS Flood Insurance Study
| FEMA |
FISA Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
| OGC |
FISH Forensic Information System for Handwriting
| USSS | S&T |
FISMA Federal Information Security Management Act
| I&A | MGMT |
FIST Field Intelligence Support Team
| USCG |
FIT Failed Income Test
| FEMA |
FIT Financial Information Tool
| FEMA |
FLAG FEMA Logistics Advisory Group
| FEMA |
FLAR Forward Looking Airborne Radar
| FEMA |
FLASH Fellow Law Enforcement Agencies Securing the Homeland
| ICE |
FLDPLN Floodplains
| FEMA |
FLEA Fireline Explosive Advisor
| FEMA |
FLEB Fireline Blaster
| FEMA |
FLETA Federal Law Enforcement Training Accreditation
| FEMA |
FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
| FEMA |
FLETC Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (formerly Subcomponent under BTS)
| DHS |
FLEX Federal or FEMA Leadership Exercise
| FEMA |
FlHB Fire Line Hand Book
| FEMA |
FLIR Forward Looking Infrared Radar
| CBP | TSA |
FLO Fusion Liaison Officer
| I&A |
FLRA Federal Labor Relations Authority
FLS Flood Statement
| FEMA |
FM Financial Management
| FEMA |
FM Force Module
| FEMA |
FM Frequency Modulation
| FEMA |
FMA Field Mitigation Assistance
| FEMA |
FMA Floodplain Management Association
| FEMA |
FMA Flood Mitigation Assistance
| FEMA |
FMAGP Fire Management Assistance Grant
FMAGP Fire Management Assistance Grant Program
FMANA Fire Marshals Association of North America (see IFMA)
| FEMA |
FMAP Fire Management Assistance Program
| FEMA |
FMAP Flood Mitigation Assistance Program
| FEMA |
FMC Federal Maritime Commission
| USCG |
FMC Federal Management Circular
| FEMA |
FMC Federal Mobilization Center
| FEMA |
FMC Fully Mission Capable
| FEMA |
FMCIMS Flood Map Center Inventory Management System
| FEMA |
FMCS Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
| FEMA | OGC |
FMCSA Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
| TSA | CISA |
FMD Foot and Mouth Disease
| FEMA |
FMDC Flood Map Distribution Center
| FEMA |
FME Federally Managed Exercise
| FEMA |
FMH Federal Meteorological Handbook
| FEMA |
FmHA Farmers Home Administration
| FEMA |
FMHCSS Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards
| FEMA |
FMLA Family and Medical Leave Act
| FEMA |
FMO Fire Management Officer
| FEMA |
FMP Field Management Program
| FEMA |
FMR Fair Market Rental
| FEMA |
FMS Federal Medical Shelters
FMS Financial Management System
| FEMA |
FMSIS Flood Map Status Information Service
| FEMA |
FMT Field Monitoring Team
| FEMA |
FMV Fair Market Value
| FEMA |
FMWC Federal Multilingual Website Committee
FN Foreign National
| FEMA |
FNAMS FEMA National Automated Message System
| FEMA |
FNAPS FEMA National Paging System
| FEMA |
FNARS FEMA National Radio System
| FEMA |
FNF Fixed Nuclear Facility
| FEMA |
FNS Food and Nutrition Services
| FEMA |
FO Field Office
| FEMA |
FOB Federal Office Building
| FEMA |
FOBS Field Observer
| FEMA |
FOC FEMA Operations Center
| FEMA |
FOC Forward Operations Center
| FEMA |
FOC Free of Charge
| FEMA |
FOC Full Operating Capability
| FEMA |
FOD Foreign Object Damage
| FEMA |
FOF Field Operating Facility
| FEMA |
FOG Field Operating Guide
| FEMA |
FOG Field Operation Guide
| FEMA |
FOH Federal Occupational Health
| MGMT |
FOI Functional Office Index
| FEMA |
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FONSI Finding of No Significant Impact
| FEMA |
FOP Fugitive Operations Program
| ICE |
FOP Fraternal Order of Police
| FEMA |
FORSCOM Forces Command
| FEMA |
FOS Family of Services
| FEMA |
FOS Federal Operations Support
| FEMA |
FOSA Federal Operational/Operations Staging Area
| FEMA |
FOSC Federal On-Scene Coordinator/Commander
| FEMA |
FOSET finding of suitability [early transfer]
| DHS |
FOSL finding of suitability [lease]
| DHS |
FOSS Field Operating Site Setup
| FEMA |
FOST finding of suitability [transfer]
| DHS |
FOUO For official use only
| DHS |
FOV Field of View
| FEMA |
FOX fuel oxidizer explosive mixture
| S&T |
FP Fire Protection
| FEMA |
FP Force Protection
| FEMA |
FP&S Fire Prevention & Safety
| FEMA |
FPA Federal Preparedness Agency
| FEMA |
FPBF Fines, Penalties & Forfeiture
| CBP |
FPC Federal Power Commission
| FEMA |
FPC Federal Preparedness Circular
| FEMA |
FPC Federal Preparedness Coordinator
| FEMA |
FPC Final Planning Conference
| FEMA |
FPCs Federal Preparedness Coordinators
| FEMA |
FPDL Fire Protection Demonstration Lab
| FEMA |
FPE Fire Protection Engineering
| FEMA |
FPEIS Federal Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
| FEMA |
FPF Federal Policy Fee
| FEMA |
FPG Federal Preparedness Guide
| FEMA |
FPI Floodplain Information Report
| FEMA |
FPI Foreign Person of Interest
| FEMA |
FPMR Federal Property Management Regulation
| FEMA |
FPO Federal Preservation Officer
| FEMA |
FPO Flood Potential Outlook
| FEMA |
FPPS Federal Personnel Payroll System
| FEMA |
FPS Federal Protective Service (ICE/FPS)
| DHS |
FQI Federal Quality Institute
| FEMA |
FR Field Reference
| FEMA |
FR Federal Register
| USCG | OGC |
FRA Federal Records Act
| FEMA |
FRA Federal Railroad Administration
| TSA | CISA |
FRAC First Responder Authorization Credential
| FEMA |
FRATS FEMA Recovery Action Tracking System
| FEMA |
FRB Federal Reserve Systems Board of Governors
| DHS |
FRC Fast Response Cutters
| USCG |
FRC Federal Regional Center
| FEMA |
FRC Federal Resource Coordinator
| FEMA |
FRC Federal Response Center
| FEMA |
FRC Federal Records Center
| MGMT |
FRCA Findings Requiring Corrective Action
| FEMA |
FRCM FEMA Regional Communications Manager
| FEMA |
FRD Formerly Restricted Data
| FEMA |
FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan
| FEMA | S&T |
FRESH Fire, Rescue, Emergency, Safety, & Health
| FEMA |
FRID Flood Risk Directory
| FEMA |
FRMAC Federal Radiological Measurement and Assessment Center
| CISA | S&T |
FRMAP Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan
| CISA | S&T |
FRMT Field Radiological Monitoring Team
| FEMA |
FRN Federal Reserve Note
| USSS |
FRN Federal Register Notice
| FEMA | OGC |
FRN FEMA Radio Network
| FEMA |
FRO Flood Response Office
| FEMA |
FRP facility response plan [oil discharge]
| DHS |
FRP Facility Response Plan
| FEMA |
FRP Federal Response Plan (see NRF)
| FEMA |
FRPCC Federal Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee
| FEMA |
FRPG Federal Response Planning Guidance
| FEMA |
FRPI First Responder Partnership Initiative
| FEMA |
FRRATS Federal Response and Recovery Automated Tracking System
| FEMA |
FRRATS FEMA Response & Recovery Applicant Tracking System
| FEMA |
FRS Federal Response Subcommittee
| FEMA |
FRS Federal Reserve System
| CISA |
FRSA Federal Railroad Safety Act
| FEMA |
FRSD First Responders and Small Departments
| FEMA |
FRSGP Freight Rail Security Grant Program
| FEMA |
FRSSB Facilities Radiological Safety and Safeguards Branch
| FEMA |
FRTIB Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board
| MGMT |
FRZ Flight Restricted Zone
| ICE |
FS [United States] Forest Service [ESF-4]
| FEMA |
FS Feasibility Study
| FEMA |
FSA Flexible Spending Account
| MGMT |
FSA Farm Service Agency
| FEMA |
FSA FEMA/State Agreement
| FEMA |
FSA Fire Suppression Assistance
| FEMA |
FSA Forward Staging Areas
| FEMA |
FSAR Final Safety Analysis Report
| FEMA |
FSB Forward Support Base
| FEMA |
FSC Federal Support Center
| FEMA |
FSC FEMA Storage Center
| FEMA |
FSC1 Finance/Admin Section Chief
| FEMA |
FSC2 Finance/Admin Section Chief
| FEMA |
FSD Forensic Services Division
| USSS |
FSD Fire System Deficiency
| FEMA |
FSD Federal Security Director
| TSA | S&T |
FSDO Flight Service District Office
| FEMA |
FSE Full-Scale Exercise
FSG Financial Services Group
| FEMA |
FSH Forest Service Handbook
| FEMA |
FSIE  Fire Service Intelligence Enterprise 
| FEMA |
FSIS Foreign Service Institute
| I&A |
FSIS Food Safety and Inspection Service
| CISA |
FSIU Field Support Intelligence Unit
| FEMA |
FSL Federal, State, Local
FSLC Federal Senior Leadership Council
| FEMA |
FSLIC Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
| FEMA |
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
| FEMA |
FSN Federal Stock Number
| FEMA |
FSN FEMA Switched Network
| FEMA |
FSO Free Space Optics
| FEMA |
FSR Financial Status Report
| FEMA |
FSS Family Support Services
| FEMA |
FSS Federal Supply Service
| FEMA |
FSSA Flight School Security Awareness
| TSA |
FSSC Fleet Surveillance Support Command
| ICE |
FSTC Foreign Science Technology Center (United States Army)
| FEMA |
FSTS Federal Secure Telephone System
| FEMA |
FSVS FEMA Secure Video System
| FEMA |
FSX Full Scale Exercise
| FEMA |
ft foot/feet
| FEMA |
FT Full-Time
| FEMA |
ft/min feet per minute
| FEMA |
ft3/min cubic feet per minute
| FEMA |
FTA Federal Transit Administration
| FEMA | TSA |
FTAA Free Trade Area of the Americas
| ICE |
FTC Federal Training Coordinator
| TSA |
FTC Federal Trade Commission
| DHS |
FTC Field Team Coordinator
| FEMA |
FTD Federal Travel Directory
| FEMA |
FTE Full-Time Employees
| FEMA |
FTE Full-time Equivalent
FTO Foreign Terrorist Organizations
| I&A |
FTP File Transfer Protocol
| I&A | MGMT |
FTS Federal Technology Service
| FEMA |
FTS Forms Tracking System
| FEMA |
FTS Federal Telecommunications (or Telephone) System (or Service)
FTSS Federal Training Support Staff
| TSA |
FTTTF Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force
| I&A |
FTX Field Training Exercise
| FEMA |
FTZ Foreign Trade Zone
| CBP |
FUM1 Fire Use Manager 1
| FEMA |
FUM2 Fire Use Manager 2
| FEMA |
FUNC Functional
| FEMA |
FW Fire Weather
| FEMA |
FWAN FEMA Wide Area Network
| FEMA |
FWBM Fixed Wing Base Manager
| FEMA |
FWCA Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
| FEMA |
FWD Forward
| FEMA |
FWP Federal Women’s Program
| FEMA |
FWPCA Federal Water Pollution Control Act
| FEMA |
FWPT Fixed Wing Parking Tender
| FEMA |
FWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service
FX Functional Exercise
| FEMA |
FY Fiscal Year
| DHS |
FYHSP Future Years Homeland Security Program
| MGMT |
FYI For Your Information
| FEMA |
FZ Flood Zone
| FEMA |
FZDC Flood Zone Determination Company
| FEMA |
G&T Office of Grants and Training
| FEMA |
GA General Adjuster
| FEMA |
GA/FBO General Aviation/Fixed-Base Operations
| FEMA |
GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
| FEMA |
GAAS Generally Accepted Auditing Standards
| FEMA |
GAAWG General Aviation Airports Working Group
| TSA |
GACC Geographic Area Coordination Center
| FEMA |
GACG Geographic Area Coordinating Group
| FEMA |
GADCOI Global Air Domain Community of Interest
| PLCY |
gal gallon
| FEMA |
GAL Global Access List
| MGMT |
GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers Association
| TSA |
GAN Grant Adjustment Notice
| FEMA |
GANTSEC Greater Antilles Section
| ICE | USCG |
GAO General Accounting Office
| FEMA |
GAO Government Accountability Office
| DHS |
GAR Governor’s Authorized Representative
| FEMA |
GARS Global Area Reference System
| FEMA |
GB Gigabyte
| FEMA |
GBL Government/General Bill of Lading
| FEMA |
GBPS Gigabytes Per Second
| FEMA |
GC General Counsel (see also OGC)
| FEMA | OGC |
GCC Government Coordinating Council
| FEMA |
GCCS Global Command and Communications System
| FEMA |
GCE Government Cost Estimate
| FEMA |
GCF Ground Concentration Factor
| FEMA |
GCO Grant Coordinating Officer
| FEMA |
GCOA Gross Consequence of Attack
| FEMA |
GCOS Global Climate Observing System
| FEMA |
GCR Gulf Coast Region
| FEMA |
GCR Gulf Coast Region, Recovery and Rebuilding of the
| DHS |
GCS Ground Control Station
| FEMA |
GD&A Grant Development and Administration
| FEMA |
GDIN Global Disaster Information Network
| FEMA |
GDM Geospatial Data Model
| FEMA |
GDNP Gross Domestic National Product
| FEMA |
GDS Geographic Display System
| FEMA |
GDSS Global Decision Support System
| FEMA |
GDT Ground Data Terminal
| FEMA |
GE General Emergency
| FEMA |
Ge (Li) Lithium Drifted Germanium
| FEMA |
GEA Geospatial Enterprise Architecture
| FEMA |
GEIA Government Electronic and Information Technology Association
| CISA |
GEMA Georgia Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
GEMINI Global Emergency Management Information Network Initiative
| FEMA |
GEMS Global Emergency Management System
| FEMA |
GEOCC Government Emergency Operations Coordination Center
| FEMA |
GeoTIFF Georeferenced Tagged Image File Format
| FEMA |
GER Global Emergency Response
| FEMA |
GES Global Enrollment System
GETA Government Emerging Technology Alliance
| FEMA |
GETS Government Emergency Telecommunications Service
GFE Government-Furnished Equipment
| FEMA |
GFI Government-Furnished Information
| FEMA |
GFIP Group Flood Insurance Policy
| FEMA |
GFIRST Government Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams
| USSS | CISA | S&T |
GFM Generic Financial Module (NEMIS)
| FEMA |
GFM Government-Furnished Material
| FEMA |
GGI Global Geospatial Intelligence
| FEMA |
GGI&S Global Geospatial Information and Services
| FEMA |
GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District
| FEMA |
GHG greenhouse gas
| DHS |
GI Geographic Information
| FEMA |
GI Ground Infantry
| FEMA |
GIF Graphical Image Format
| DHS |
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
| FEMA |
GIG Global Information Grid
| I&A |
GIL Grant-In-Lieu
| FEMA |
GILS Government Information Locator Service,
| FEMA |
GIS Geographic Information System(s)
| FEMA |
GIS Geospatial Information System
| FEMA |
GISS GIS Specialist
| FEMA |
GISWG Global Infrastructure and Standards Working Group
| FEMA |
GIWG Global Intelligence Working Group
| FEMA |
GIWW Gulf Intracoastal Waterway
| FEMA |
GLD General Law Division
| OGC |
GLPAC Great Lakes Pilotage Advisory Committee
| USCG |
GLWRM Great Lakes Wave Run-up Model
| FEMA |
GM Guidance Memorandum
| FEMA |
G-M Geiger-Mueller (radiation detector)
| FEMA |
GMCOI Global Maritime Community of Interest
| PLCY |
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
| FEMA |
GMF Government Master File
| FEMA |
GML Geographic Markup Language
| FEMA |
GMO Genetically Modified Organism
| FEMA |
GMO Geospatial Management Office
| FEMA |
GMR Graduated Mobilization Response
| FEMA |
GMS Grant Management Specialists
| FEMA |
GMS Grants Management System
| FEMA |
GMSA global maritime situational awareness
| PLCY |
GMT Greenwich Mean Time (aka: "ZULU Time")
| FEMA |
GNDA Global Nuclear Detection Architecture
| CWMD |
GNIS Geographic Names Information System
| FEMA |
GOALS Government On-Line Accounting Link System
| FEMA |
GOES Global Online Enrollment System
| CBP |
GOGO Government-Owned, Government-Operated
| FEMA |
GOM Gulf of Mexico
| FEMA |
GOMEX Gulf of Mexico
| FEMA |
GOSC Global Operations Security Center
| FEMA |
GOTS Government Off the Shelf
| I&A | MGMT |
GOV Government Owned Vehicle
| FEMA |
GP Grant Programs, Office of (FEMA/GP)
| DHS |
GPCI Geographical Physician Cost Index
| FEMA |
GPD Grant Programs Directorate
| FEMA |
GPEA Government Paperwork Elimination Act
| FEMA |
GPL General Population Level
| FEMA |
GPL General Population Limit
| FEMA |
GPLD Government Property Lost or Damaged
| FEMA |
GPM gallons per minute
| FEMA |
GPMRC Global Patient Movement Requirements Center
| FEMA |
GPO Government Printing Office
GPRA Government Performance and Results Act
| FEMA |
GPS Global Positioning System
| FEMA | USCG | S&T |
GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis and Support System
| FEMA |
GRP Grant Reporting Portal
| FEMA |
GRS general record schedule
| MGMT |
GRS Geodetic Reference System
| FEMA |
GS General Schedule
| MGMT |
GS Geological Survey
| FEMA |
GS Geo-Stationary
| FEMA |
GS Ground Support
| FEMA |
GSA General Services Administration
| DHS |
GSAAR General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation
| FEMA |
GSACR GSA Communications Representative
| FEMA |
GSB GIS Solutions Branch
| FEMA |
GSE Government-Sponsored Enterprise
| FEMA |
GSSO Government Special Access Program Security Officer
| MGMT |
GST Ground Support Team
| FEMA |
GSUL Ground Support Unit Leader
| FEMA |
GTA Government Travel Account
| FEMA |
GTA Government Travel Authorization
| FEMA |
GTC Government Travel Card
| FEMA |
GTM Government Technical Monitor
| FEMA |
GTR Government Technical Representative
| FEMA |
GTR Government Transportation Request
| FEMA |
GTS Global Telecommunications System
| FEMA |
GUI Geographical User Interface
| FEMA |
GUI Graphical User Interface
| I&A | MGMT |
GUIRR Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable
| S&T |
GVO Green Vinyl Overboot
| FEMA |
GWA Government Wide Accounting
| FEMA |
GWAC Government-wide Acquisition Contract
| I&A | MGMT |
GZ Ground Zero
| FEMA |
H&H Hydraulics and Hydrology
| FEMA |
H&H Hydrologic and Hydraulic (Analyses)
| FEMA |
HA Housing Assistance
| FEMA |
HAB Hostile Action Based
| FEMA |
HADT Hawaiian Daylight Time (GMT - 9)
| FEMA |
HAG Highest Adjacent Ground [grade]
| FEMA |
HALE High Altitude Long Endurance (see also MALE)
| USCG |
HAMMER Hazardous Materials Management and Emergency Response
| FEMA |
HAMMER Hazardous Agent Mitigation and Medical Emergency Response
| USSS | S&T |
HAN Health Alert Network
| FEMA |
HAP hazardous air pollutant
| DHS |
HAP Hazard Abatement Plan
| FEMA |
HARN High Accuracy Reference Network
| FEMA |
HARTline Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (Florida)
| FEMA |
HAS Homeland Security Act [of 2002]
| DHS |
HASP Health and Safety Plan
| FEMA |
HAST Hawaiian Standard Time (GMT - 10)
| FEMA |
HAST Humanitarian Assistance Survey Team
| FEMA |
HAWAS Hawaiian Warning System
| FEMA |
HAZCAT Hazard Categorizing
| FEMA |
HAZCOM Hazard Communication
| FEMA |
HAZMAT Hazardous Material(s)
| FEMA | S&T | PLCY |
HAZMIN Hazard Minimization
| FEMA |
HAZMIT Hazard Mitigation
| FEMA |
HAZUS Hazards United States
HAZUS-MH Hazards - United States (Multi-Hazard)
| FEMA |
HAZWOPER Hazardous Waste Operation and Emergency Response
| FEMA |
HB Health Benefit
| FEMA |
HBCU Historically Black College and Universities
| S&T |
HBX High-Blast Explosive
| FEMA |
HC Human Capital
| FEMA |
HCA High Consequence Area
| FEMA |
HCC Homeland Security Intelligence Council Coordinating Committee
| I&A |
HCF Height Correction Factor
| FEMA |
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
| FEMA |
HCFC hydro-chlorofluorocarbons
| DHS |
HCFSA Health Care Flexible Spending Account
| FEMA |
HCIB Human Capital Investment Branch
| FEMA |
| MGMT |
HCOP Human Capital Operational Plan
| FEMA |
HCP health care provider
| DHS |
HCQC Health Care Quality Committee
| MGMT |
HCTS Hazardous Cargo Transportation Security
| USCG |
HD Hurricane Day
| FEMA |
Hdbks Handbooks
| FEMA |
HDD Heating Degree Days
| FEMA |
HDER Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse
| FEMA |
HDP Hurricane Destruction Potential
| FEMA |
HDTC Homeland Defense Technology Center
| FEMA |
HE High Explosive
| FEMA |
HEAR Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio
| FEMA |
HEB1 Helibase Manager (4+)
| FEMA |
HEB2 Helibase Manager (1-3)
| FEMA |
HEC Hydrologic Engineering Center
| FEMA |
HECM Helicopter Crewmember
| FEMA |
HEICS Hospital Emergency Incident Command System
| FEMA |
HELB Helicopter Boss
| FEMA |
HELM Helicopter Manager
| FEMA |
HELP Health Emergencies in Large Populations
| FEMA |
HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse
| FEMA |
HEOC Hospital Emergency Operations Center (medical)
| FEMA |
HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Air (as in filters)
| FEMA |
HERN Hospital Emergency Radio Network
| FEMA |
HERO Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance
| FEMA |
HERS Helicopter Rappel Spotter
| FEMA |
HERT Hospital Emergency Response Team
| FEMA |
HES Hurricane Evacuation Study
| FEMA |
HESM Helispot Manager
| FEMA |
HET Headquarters Emergency Transportation
| FEMA |
HETA Homeland Environment and Threat Analysis Division
| I&A |
HEU Highly Enriched Uranium
| FEMA |
HEW United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
| FEMA |
HF High Frequency
| FEMA |
HF hydrogen fluoride
| FEMA |
HF/SSB High Frequency / Single Side Band
| FEMA |
HFC hydro-fluorocarbons
| DHS |
HFD Human Factors Division (S&T/HFD)
| DHS |
HFE human factors engineering
| MGMT |
HFSC Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition
| FEMA |
HgI2 mercuric iodide
| FEMA |
HHA High Hazard Area
| FEMA |
HHC Headquarters and Headquarters Company
| FEMA |
HHD Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment
| FEMA |
HHMD Hand-Held Metal Detector
| TSA |
HHS United States Department of Health and Human Services
| DHS |
HHS SERT Health and Human Services Secretary’s Emergency Response Teams
| FEMA |
HHSEOC Health and Human Services Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
HHW Household Hazardous Wastes
| FEMA |
HIC Hydrologist-in-Charge
| FEMA |
HIDTA High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
| ICE |
HIP Housing Improvement Program
| FEMA |
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
| PRIV |
HIPDB Healthcare Integrity & Protection Data Bank
| FEMA |
HIPS Homeland Innovative Prototypical Solutions
| S&T |
HIRA Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
| CISA |
HITRAC Homeland Infrastructure Threat and Risk Analysis Center
| CISA | S&T | I&A |
HITRON Helicopter Interdiction Tactical Squadron
| USCG |
HITS High Impact Technology Solutions
| S&T |
HL Help Line
| FEMA |
HL Hotline
| FEMA |
HLCO Helicopter Coordinator
| FEMA |
HLD Homeland Defense
| S&T | MGMT |
HLDBU Homeland Defense Budget Unit
| FEMA |
HLS Hurricane Local Statement
| FEMA |
HLS Homeland Security
| S&T | MGMT |
HLS-CAM Homeland Security Comprehensive Assessment Model
| FEMA |
HLSEA DHS Homeland Security Enterprise Architecture
| MGMT |
HLSEA Homeland Security Enterprise Architecture
| S&T | MGMT |
HLT Hurricane Liaison Team
| FEMA |
HLW High-Level Waste
| FEMA |
HM Hazard Mitigation
| FEMA |
HM Hazardous Materials
| FEMA |
HMA Hazardous Materials Accident
| FEMA |
HMAC Hazardous Materials Advisory Council
| FEMA |
HMC Hazard Mitigation Coordinator
| FEMA |
HME Hazardous Materials Endorsement
| TSA |
HME Health, Medical, and Environmental
| FEMA |
HME homemade explosive
| S&T |
HMEP Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
HMER Hazardous Material Emergency Response
| FEMA |
HMG Hazard Mitigation Grant
| FEMA |
HMGP Hazardous Mitigation Grants Program
| FEMA |
HMIX Hazardous Materials Information Exchange
| FEMA |
HMMWV Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle
| FEMA |
HMRT Hazardous Materials Response Team
| FEMA |
HMRU Hazardous Materials Response Unit (FBI)
| FEMA |
HMST Hazard Mitigation Survey Team
| FEMA |
HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
| FEMA |
HMTAP Hazard Mitigation Technical Assistance Plan
| FEMA |
HMTAP Hazard Mitigation Technical Assistance Program
| FEMA |
HMTUSA Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act
| FEMA |
HNAT Human Needs Assessment Team
| FEMA |
HNT Hostage Negotiation Team
| FEMA |
HOB Height of Burst
| FEMA |
HOH Head Of Household
| FEMA |
HOO [NRC] Headquarters Operations Officer
| FEMA |
HOPWA Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS
| FEMA |
HOTMAC High Order Turbulence Model for Atmospheric Circulation
| FEMA |
HP Health Physicist
| FEMA |
HP Historic Preservation
| FEMA |
HP Horsepower
| FEMA |
HP Hurricane Program
| FEMA |
HPAC Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability
| FEMA |
HPC High Probability of Completion
| FEMA |
HPC Hydrometeorological Prediction Center
| FEMA |
HPCC High-performance computing and communications
| FEMA |
HPPM Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine [United States Army Center for]
| S&T | CWMD |
HPRDS Human Portable Radiation Detection System
| CWMD |
HPRP Home Protection Roofing Program
| FEMA |
HPSI High Pressure Safety Injection
| FEMA |
HPT Health Physics Technician
| FEMA |
HPXe high-pressure xenon
| FEMA |
HQ Headquarters
| FEMA |
HQAMC Headquarters Air Mobility Command
| FEMA |
HQDA Headquarters, Department of the Army
| FEMA |
HQUSACE Headquarters, United States Army Corps of Engineers
| FEMA |
HR Home Repair
| FEMA |
hr hour
| FEMA |
HR House of Representatives
| FEMA |
HR Human Resources
| FEMA |
HRA health risk assessment
| MGMT |
HRAP Helicopter Rappeller
| FEMA |
HRCQ Highway Route Controlled Quantity
| FEMA |
HRD Human Resources Division
| FEMA |
HRDI High Resolution Doppler Imager
| FEMA |
HRLD Human Rights Law Division
| ICE |
HRMS Human Resources Management System
| MGMT |
HROA human resources operations audit
| MGMT |
HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission
| FEMA |
HRS Hours
| FEMA |
HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration
| CISA |
HRSAN Health Resources Services Administration (Federal)
| FEMA |
HRSP Human Resource Specialist
| FEMA |
HRT Hostage Rescue Team
| FEMA |
HRT Hydraulic Rescue Tool
| FEMA |
HRV Human Rights Violator/Violation
| ICE |
HS Homeland Security
| FEMA |
HS Human Services
| FEMA |
HSA Homeland Security Advisor
| FEMA |
HSAC Homeland Security Advisory Committees (PLCY/HSAC)
| DHS |
HSAC Homeland Security Advisory Council
| FEMA |
HSAP Homeland Security Assistance Program
| FEMA |
HSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Project Agency
| S&T |
HSAS Homeland Security Advisory System
| DHS |
HSAT Homeland Security Action Team
| FEMA |
HSC Homeland Security Center
| FEMA |
HSC Homeland Security Council (formerly OHS)
| FEMA |
HSC Health Service Command
| FEMA |
HSCG Homeland Security Coordination Group
| FEMA |
HSD Human Services Department
| FEMA |
HSDF Homeland Security Dialogue Forum
| CISA |
HSDN High Seas Drift Nets
| USCG |
HSDN Homeland Secure Data Network
| I&A | MGMT |
HSEC SINs Homeland Security Standing Information Needs
| I&A |
HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
| CISA |
HSEES Hazardous Substances Emergency Event Surveillance (Program)
| FEMA |
HSELP Homeland Security Executive Leadership Program
| FEMA |
HSGP Homeland Security Grant Program
| FEMA |
HSI human systems integration
| MGMT |
HSI Homeland Security Institute
| FEMA |
HSIA Homeland Security Industry Alliance
| PLCY |
HSIC Homeland Security Intelligence Council
| I&A |
HSIN Homeland Security Information Network
| I&A |
HSIN Homeland Security Information Network (formerly JRIES)
| CISA | I&A | OPS | PLCY |
HSIN Intel Homeland Security Information Network Intelligence Community of Interest
| I&A |
HSIPF homeland security intelligence priorities framework
| I&A |
HSIPP Homeland Security Integrated Planning Process
| CISA |
HSIR Homeland Security Intelligence Report
| I&A |
HSL Health and Safety Laboratory
| FEMA |
HSLA Homeland Security Leadership Alliance
| FEMA |
HSLD Historic Shoreline Location Database
| FEMA |
HSLRB Homeland Security Labor Board
| DHS |
HSNTP Homeland Security National Training Program
| FEMA |
HSO Human Services Officer
| FEMA |
HSOC Homeland Security Operations Center [see new name under NOC]
| DHS |
HSOMB Homeland Security Operations Morning Brief
| FEMA |
HSPCD Historic Shoreline Positional Change Database
| FEMA |
HSPD Homeland Security Presidential Directive
| DHS | FEMA | CISA | S&T | I&A |
HSPI Homeland Security Policy Institute
| FEMA |
HSPO (DHS) Human Subjects Protection Official
| FEMA |
HSPTAP Homeland Security Preparedness Technical Assistance Program
| FEMA |
HSS Health Service Support
| FEMA |
HSS Hyperspectral Sensor System
| FEMA |
HSSP Homeland Security Standards Panel
| PLCY |
HSSTAC Homeland Security Science and Technology Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
HSTA Homeland Security Threat Assessment
| FEMA |
HSTF Homeland Security Task Force
| FEMA |
HSTF-SE Homeland Security Task Force - Southeast
| DHS |
HSTS Homeland Security Training System
| FEMA |
HSTTIG Homeland Security Terrorist Threat Intelligence Group
| I&A |
HSUS The Humane Society of the United States
| FEMA |
HTCI High-Tech Crime Investigation
| FEMA |
HTGR High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
| FEMA |
HTMG Helitorch Manager
| FEMA |
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
| DHS |
HTMM Helitorch Mixmaster
| FEMA |
HTPT Helitorch Parking Tender
| FEMA |
HTRT Hiring & Transition Response Team
| FEMA |
HTS High Temperature Superconductor
| S&T |
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
| DHS |
HTUA High Threat Urban Area
| TSA | CISA |
HUB Historically Underutilized Business
| FEMA |
HUBZone Historically Under-Utilized Business Zone
| FEMA |
HUD United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
| DHS |
HUG HAZUS User Group
| FEMA |
HUMINT Human Intelligence
| FEMA |
HURCON Hurricane Condition
| FEMA |
HUREVAC Hurricane Evacuation
| FEMA |
HV/HR High value/High risk
| FEMA |
HVA Hazard Vulnerability Analysis
| FEMA |
HVAC Heat, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
HVE homegrown violent extremist
| I&A |
HVSACO handle via special access channels only material
| MGMT |
HVT High Value Target
| CISA |
HWL High Water Line
| FEMA |
HWM High Water Mark
| FEMA |
HWP Highway Watch Program
| FEMA |
HWR Heavy Water Reactor
| FEMA |
Hz Hertz (cycle per second)
| FEMA |
I Individual/Family
| FEMA |
I Iodine Exposure Intensity
| FEMA |
I&A Intelligence and Analysis
| DHS |
I&A Office of Intelligence and Analysis
| MGMT |
I&P or I/P Information and Planning
| FEMA |
I&W Indication and Warning
I/O Input/Output
| FEMA |
IA In and around
| FEMA |
IA Individual Assistance
| FEMA |
IA Information Assurance
| FEMA |
IA Initial attack
| FEMA |
IA Internal Affairs
| FEMA |
IA Inter-agency
| DHS |
IA International Affairs (see OIA)
| DHS |
IA (see I&A) Information Analysis (former DHS Subcomponent)
| I&A |
IAA Interagency Agreement
| FEMA |
IAAE International Association of Airport Executives
| TSA | PLCY |
IAAI International Association of Arson Investigators
| FEMA |
IAASP International Association of Airport and Seaport Police
| CBP | TSA | USCG |
IAB Interagency Board
| FEMA |
IABPFF International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters
| FEMA |
IAC Incident Action Council, formerly IIMG (NRP-CIS)
| FEMA |
IAC Incident Advisory Council
| FEMA |
IAC Information Analysis Center (DOD)
| FEMA |
IAC International Aviation Club
| CBP |
IACET International Association for Continuing Education and Training
| FEMA |
IACG Interagency Airspace Coordination Guide
| FEMA |
IACNDR Inter-American Committee for Natural Disaster Reduction
| FEMA |
IACP International Association of Chiefs of Police
IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
| S&T |
IAD Interagency Programs Division (S&T/IAD)
| DHS |
IADP Initial Attack Dispatcher
| FEMA |
IAE Integrated Acquisition Environment (eGovernment Initiative)
| FEMA |
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
| CISA | S&T |
IAEGC Interagency Electronic Grants Committee (Federal)
| FEMA |
IAEM International Association of Emergency Managers
IAFC International Association of Fire Chiefs
| FEMA | CISA | S&T |
IAFF International Association of Fire Fighters
| FEMA |
IAFIS Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System
| CBP | USCG | S&T | PLCY |
IAFPA International Aviation Fire Protection Association
| FEMA |
IAG Interagency Advisory Group
| FEMA |
IAHFF International Association of Hispanic Firefighters
| FEMA |
IAI International Association for Identifications
| USSS |
IAIP Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (split into PREP and I&A October 2005)
| DHS |
IALEIA International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts
| FEMA |
IAM Identity and Access Management
| FEMA |
IAM Incident Activity Manager
| FEMA |
IANA Intermodal Association of North America
| CISA |
IAO Individual Assistance Officer
| FEMA |
IAP Immigration Advisory Program
| CBP |
IAP Incident Action Plan
| FEMA |
IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbors
| USCG |
IAPP International Association of Privacy Professionals
IAQ Indoor Air Quality
| FEMA |
IARLJ International Association of Refugee Law Judges
IARR Interagency Resource Representative
| FEMA |
IAS International Assistance System
| FEMA |
IASE Information Assurance Support Environment (Dodd IA Portal)
| FEMA |
IASIR International Association of Security and Investigative Regulators
IASIU International Association of Special Investigation Units
| FEMA |
IAT Incident Assessment Team
| FEMA |
IATA International Air Transport Association
| TSA |
IATBOG Interagency Air Tankers Base Operations Guide
| FEMA |
IAVA Information Assurance Vulnerability Alert
| FEMA |
IAW In accordance with
| DHS |
IAWF International Association of Wildland Fire
| FEMA |
IBA Incident Business Advisor
| FEMA |
IBA1 Incident Business Advisor Type 1
| FEMA |
IBA2 Incident Business Advisor Type 2
| FEMA |
IBA3 Incident Business Advisor Type 3
| FEMA |
IBAD Interim Biological Agent Detector
| FEMA |
IBC Institutional Biosafety Committee
| CWMD |
IBC International Broadcast Center
| FEMA |
IBC International Building Code
| FEMA |
IBD Improvised Biological Device
| FEMA |
IBDS Integrated Biological Detection System
| FEMA |
IBET Integrated Border Enforcement Team
| CBP |
IBHS Institute for Business and Home Safety
| FEMA |
IBIS Interagency Border Inspection Services
| FEMA |
IBIS Interagency Border Inspection System
IBPAP International Business Practices Advisory Panel
| S&T |
IBS Integrated Baseline System
| FEMA |
IBSGP Intercity Bus Security Grant Program
| FEMA |
IBT International Brotherhood of Teamsters
| TSA |
IBWA International Bottled Water Association
| FEMA |
IC Incident Command/Commander
| FEMA |
IC Information Collection
| FEMA |
IC Intelligence Community
| DHS | I&A |
IC&V Intelligent Collaboration and Visualization
| FEMA |
ICAF Industrial College of the Armed Forces
| FEMA |
ICAHST Interagency Center for Applied Homeland Security Technology
| FEMA |
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
| CBP | TSA | CISA |
ICAP Incident Communications Action Plan
| FEMA |
ICAT DHS Intelligence Crisis Action Team
| I&A |
ICAV Infrastructure Critical Asset Viewer
| FEMA |
ICBM Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
| FEMA |
ICC Incident Command Center
| FEMA |
ICC Increased Cost of Compliance
| FEMA |
ICC Information Control Cell
| FEMA |
ICC Intelligence Control Center
| FEMA | I&A |
ICC Interagency Coordination Council
| CWMD |
ICC International Code Council
| FEMA |
ICCB Intergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Board
| FEMA |
ICCOH Interagency Coordinating Committee On Hurricanes
| FEMA |
ICCT Incident Community Coordination Team
| FEMA |
ICD Improvised Chemical Device
| CISA |
ICD Institute of Chemical Defense
| CISA |
ICD Infrastructure Coordination Division
| CISA |
ICDR Interagency Committee on Disability Research
| CRCL | I&A |
ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement, United States (formerly Bureau of)
| DHS |
ICE Interoperable Communications Equipment
| FEMA |
ICE U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
| MGMT |
ICE United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
| MGMT |
ICEP Incident Communications Emergency Plan
| FEMA |
ICEPP Incident Communications Emergency Policy and Procedures
| FEMA |
ICER Incident Communications Emergency Reference
| PLCY |
ICF Incident Command Facility
| FEMA |
ICF Insulating Concrete Forms
| FEMA |
ICGP Interoperable Communications Grant Program
| FEMA |
ICHRO Incident Command for High-rise Operations
| FEMA |
ICIMPP Integrated Civilian Industrial Mobilization Planning Process
| FEMA |
ICISF International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
| FEMA |
ICITAP International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program
ICLN Integrated Consortium of Laboratory Networks
| CISA |
ICMA International City/County Management Association
| FEMA |
ICML Intelligence Community Markup Language
| FEMA |
ICMOP Integrated CONUS Medical Operations Plan
| FEMA |
ICMSSR Interdepartmental Committee for Meteorological Services and Supporting Research
| FEMA |
ICODS Interagency Committee on Dam Safety
| FEMA |
ICP Incident Command Post
| FEMA |
ICP Information Collection Plan
| FEMA |
ICP Integrated Cargo Processing
| CBP |
ICPACC Incident Communications Public Affairs Coordination Committee
ICPAE Interagency Committee on Public Affairs in Emergencies
| FEMA | OPA |
| ICE |
ICPS Integrated Card Production System
ICR Information Collection Request
| FEMA |
ICRC International Committee of the Red Cross
| FEMA |
ICRI Incident Commander Radio Interface
| FEMA |
ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection
| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |
ICS Incident Command System
| FEMA |
ICS Initial Contingency Staff
| FEMA |
ICSA ICS Advisor
| FEMA |
ICSC International Cargo Security Council
| CBP |
ICSCI Incident Command for Structural Collapse Incidents
| FEMA |
ICSSC Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction
| FEMA |
ICT Incident Command Team
| FEMA |
ICT1 Incident Commander Type 1
| FEMA |
ICT2 Incident Commander Type 2
| FEMA |
ICT3 Incident Commander Type 3
| FEMA |
ICT4 Incident Commander Type 4
| FEMA |
ICT5 Incident Commander Type 5
| FEMA |
ICTAP Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program
| FEMA |
ICTOA International Counter-Terrorism Officers Association
| FEMA |
ICU Incident Crisis Unit
| FEMA |
ICU Information Coordination Unit
| FEMA |
ICU Intensive Care Unit
| FEMA |
ICWW Intracoastal Waterway
| FEMA |
ID Identification credentials
| CBP | TSA |
ID Infectious Disease
| FEMA | CISA | S&T | CWMD |
IDE Initial Damage Estimate
| FEMA |
IDE Intrusion Detection Equipment [see IDS]
| MGMT |
IDEC International Drug Enforcement Conference
| ICE |
IDEM Iowa Department of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
IDENT Automated Biometric Identification System
| CBP | CISA | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
IDEX Image Data Exploitation (System)
| FEMA |
IDGA Institute for Defense and Government Advancement
| TSA |
IDIQ Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity
| FEMA |
IDLH Immediate Danger to Life and/or Health
| FEMA |
IDP Imagery-Derived Product
| FEMA |
IDPP Infectious Disease Prevention Program
| FEMA |
IDR Institute for Disaster Research
| FEMA |
IDS Integrated Deepwater System
| USCG |
IDS Information Display System
| FEMA |
IDS Institute for Discrete Sciences
| FEMA |
IDS International District Station
| FEMA |
IDS Intrusion Detection System
| TSA | I&A |
ID-WSF Identity Web Services Framework
| FEMA |
IE Initial Elevation (Line)
| FEMA |
IEA Immigration Enforcement Agent
| ICE |
IEA International Energy Agency
| FEMA |
IEC Integrated Exploitation Capability
| FEMA |
IEC InterExchange Carrier
| FEMA |
IECGP Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program
| FEMA |
IED Incendiary Explosive Device
| TSA |
IED In-line Explosive Detection
| TSA |
IED Improvised Explosive Device
| TSA | CISA | S&T |
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
| S&T |
IEISS Interdependent Energy Infrastructure Simulation System
| CISA |
IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
IEMC Integrated Emergency Management Course
| FEMA |
IEMG International Emergency Management Group
| FEMA |
IEMIS Integrated Emergency Management Information System
| FEMA |
IEMS Integrated Emergency Management System
| FEMA |
IEP Ingestion Exposure Pathway
| FEMA |
IEPD Information Exchange Package Documentation
| FEMA |
IES Industry Executive Subcommittee
| FEMA |
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
| FEMA |
IETM Interactive Electronic Technical Manual
| FEMA |
IEVS Income Eligibility Verification System
| FEMA |
IF Inland Fetch (Line)
| FEMA |
IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Association
| TSA |
IFB Invitation for Bid
| FEMA |
IFC Intelligence Fusion Cell
| FEMA |
IFC internal fund code
| MGMT |
IFC internal fund code [financial]
| MGMT |
IFE In-flight Emergency
| FEMA |
IFERWG Industrial Fire & Emergency Response Working Group
| FEMA |
IFERWG International Fire & Emergency Response Working Group
| FEMA |
IFG Individual and Family Grant
| FEMA |
IFGP Individual and Family Grant Program
| FEMA |
IFLOWS Integrated Flood Observing and Warning System
| FEMA |
IFMA International Fire Marshals Association (formerly FMANA)
| FEMA |
IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System
IFPA Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc.
| CBP | USCG |
IFR Interim Final Rule
| OGC |
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
| FEMA |
IFSAC International Fire Service Accreditation Congress
| FEMA |
IFSAR Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar
| FEMA |
IFSP Integrated Federal Support Plan
| OPS |
IFSTA International Fire Service Training Association
| FEMA |
IFTP Internet Forensic Training Program
IG Inspector General (see also OIG)
| FEMA | OGC |
IG Instructor Guide
| FEMA |
IGA Intergovernmental Affairs
| DHS |
IGCE independent government cost estimate
| S&T |
IGD Infrastructure and Geophysical Division (S&T/IGD)
| DHS |
IGE Independent Government Estimate
| FEMA |
IGES Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
| FEMA |
IGP Intergovernmental Programs, Office of (NPPD/IGP)
| DHS |
IGPT Interagency Geospatial Preparedness Team
| FEMA |
IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
| FEMA |
IGSA Inter-Governmental Service Agreement
| FEMA |
IH Industrial Hygiene
| FEMA |
IH Industrial Hygienist
| FEMA |
IH Inhalation
| FEMA |
IH Intense Hurricane
| FEMA |
IHC Interagency Hotshot Crew
| FEMA |
IHC International Hurricane Center
| FEMA |
IHD Intense Hurricane Day
| FEMA |
IHE Insensitive High Explosive
| FEMA |
IHMT Interagency Hazard Mitigation Team
| FEMA |
IHOG Interagency Helicopter Operation Guide
| FEMA |
IHP Individual and Households Program
| FEMA |
IHS Indian Health Service
| FEMA |
IHSS Institute for Homeland Security Solutions
| S&T |
IIBMH Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook
| FEMA |
IIC Interagency Intelligence Cell
| FEMA |
IIC Investigator in Charge
| FEMA |
IICRC Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification
| FEMA |
IICT Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism
| CISA | I&A |
IIFC Information/Intelligence Fusion Center
| FEMA |
III Interstate Identification Index
| TSA |
IIMG Interagency Incident Management Group
IIMS Integrated Information Management System
| FEMA |
IIMT Interagency Incident Management Team
| FEMA |
IIOM Install, Integrate, Operate, and Maintain
| FEMA |
IIPLR Insurance Institute for Property Loss Reduction
| FEMA |
IIPO Information Integration Program Office
| FEMA |
IIRIRA Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act
IIT Incident Investigation Team
| FEMA |
IITCT Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques for Courtroom Testimony
| FEMA |
IITP Internet Investigations Training Program
IJIS Integrated Justice Information System
| FEMA |
ILE Installations, Logistics & Environment
| FEMA |
ILEA International Law Enforcement Academy
ILL interlibrary loan
| DHS |
ILM Information Lifecycle Management
| FEMA |
ILS Integrated Logistics Support
| CBP |
ILT instructor-led training
| MGMT |
IM Incident Management (Task)
| FEMA |
IMA Individual Mobilization Augmentee
| FEMA |
IMAAC Interagency Modeling and Atmospheric Assessment Center
| CISA | S&T |
IMAC Infrastructure Monitoring, Analysis, and Coordination
| CISA |
IMAGE ICE Mutual Agreement Between Government and Employers
| ICE |
IMAP Interactive Mail Access Protocol
| FEMA |
IMAR Inspection Management Activity Report
| FEMA |
IMAT Incident Management Assist Team
| FEMA |
IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions
| FEMA |
IMC Interim Message Change
| FEMA |
IMC International Mechanical Code
| FEMA |
IMC International Medical Corps
| FEMA |
IMCS Incident Management Communications Systems
| FEMA |
IMD Incident Management Division
| FEMA |
IMET Incident Meteorologist
| FEMA |
IMG Information Management Group
| FEMA |
IMINT Imagery Intelligence
| FEMA |
IMO International Maritime Organization
| TSA | USCG |
IMOC International Maritime Officers Course
| FEMA |
IMPAC International Merchant Purchase Authorization Card
| FEMA |
IMPT Incident Management Planning Team
| OPS |
IMRD Information Management and Requirements Division
| I&A |
IMS Incident Management System
| I&A |
IMS Image Management System
| FEMA |
IMS Information Management System
| FEMA |
IMS Institute of Museum Services
| FEMA |
IMS Intelligence Management System
| FEMA |
IMS Ion Mobility Spectrometry
| FEMA |
IMSA Incident Medical Special Assistant
| FEMA |
IMSD Incident Management Systems Division [of DHS/FEMA] (see IMSI or IMSID)
| FEMA |
IMSI Incident Management Systems Integration Division [of DHS/FEMA]
| FEMA |
IMSID Incident Management Systems Integration Division
| FEMA |
IMSM Incident Medical Special Manager
| FEMA |
IMSR Incident Management Situation Report
| FEMA |
IMST Incident Medical Special Technician
| FEMA |
IMSuRT International Medical Surgical Response Team
| FEMA |
IMT Incident Management Team
| USCG |
IMT Integrated Management Team
| FEMA |
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
| FEMA |
INA Immigration and Nationality Act
| USCIS | I&A |
INC Income
| FEMA |
INCITS International Committee for Information Technology Standards
| I&A | MGMT |
INCM Incident Communications Manager
| FEMA |
IND Improvised Nuclear Device
| CISA | S&T | CWMD |
IND International Programs Division (S&T/IND)
| DHS |
INEEL Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory
| FEMA |
INEOA International Narcotic Enforcement Officers Association
| FEMA |
INER Interagency National Executive Reserve
| FEMA |
INES International Nuclear Event Scale
| FEMA |
INF Immediate Needs Funding
| FEMA |
INF Infrastructure
| FEMA |
INFOCON Information Operations Condition
| FEMA |
INFOSEC Information Security
| I&A |
INL International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs [Bureau for]
| DHS |
INMARST International Maritime Satellite Terminal
| FEMA |
INPASS INS Passenger Accelerated Service System
| CBP | CISA |
INPHO Information Network for Public Health Officials
| FEMA |
INPO Institute for Nuclear Power Operations
| FEMA |
INRP Initial National Response Plan
| FEMA |
INS Immigration and Naturalization Service (replaced among USCIS, CBP and ICE at DHS; see also DMIATF and ASUFAC)
| FEMA |
INS Incident of National Significance (see IONS or CINS)
| FEMA |
INS Inertial Navigation System
| FEMA |
INS Insurance
| FEMA |
INSARAG International Search and Rescue Advisory Group
| FEMA |
Insp Inspection
| FEMA |
| CBP | CISA |
INT Intelligence, Office of (ICE/INT)
| DHS |
INTERCOM Internal Communications
| FEMA |
INTERPOL International Criminal Police Organization
| ICE |
INV Investigations, Office of (ICE/INV), (USSS/INV)
| DHS |
INVEST Investment, Evaluation, Submission and Tracking System (*)
| MGMT |
IO Information Officer
| FEMA |
IOC Initial Operational Capability
| FEMA |
IOC International Olympic Committee
| FEMA |
IOF Initial Operating Facility
| FEMA |
IOF Interim Operating Facility
| FEMA |
IOM International Organization for Migration
IONS Incident of National Significance
| FEMA |
IOR Initial Operating Report
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
IP Implementing Procedure
| FEMA |
IP Improvement Plan
| FEMA |
IP Infected Premises
| FEMA |
IP Information and Planning
| FEMA |
IP Infrastructure Protection, Office of (NPPD/IP) [formerly with IAIP]
| DHS |
IP Internet Protocol
| FEMA |
IP intellectual property
| S&T |
IPA Interagency Personnel Agreement
| FEMA |
IPAWS Integrated Public Alert and Warning System
| FEMA |
IPB Illustrated Parts Breakdown
| FEMA |
IPC Initial Planning Conference
| FEMA |
IPC Interagency Planning Committee
| FEMA |
IPC International Paralympic Committee
| FEMA |
IPD Infrastructure Protection Division
| FEMA |
IPE Integrated Performance Evaluation
| FEMA |
IPE Integrated Process Evaluation
| FEMA |
IPFO Interim Principle Federal Official
| FEMA |
IPG Integrated Planning Guidance
| FEMA |
IPIA Improper Payments Information Act
| FEMA |
IPP Imminent Peril to the Public
| FEMA |
IPP Infrastructure Protection Program
| FEMA |
IPR Incident Prevention and Response [Task] (National Preparedness Guidance)
| FEMA |
IPR Initial Projections Report
| FEMA |
IPR In-Process Review
| FEMA |
IPR In-Progress Review
| FEMA |
IPR Intellectual Property Rights
| FEMA |
IPRL Intelligent Personal Radiation Locator
| CWMD |
IPRSGP Intercity Passenger Rail Security Grant Program
| FEMA |
IPS International Port Security
| USCG |
IPS Information and Planning Section
| FEMA |
IPS Information Processing System
| FEMA |
IPS Integrated Planning System
| FEMA |
IPSCOM Imagery Policy and Security Committee
| FEMA |
IPT Integrated Project Team
| MGMT |
IPT integrated product/project team
| MGMT |
IPT Integrated Product Team
| S&T |
IPT Integrated Process Team
| FEMA |
IPTI Integrated Patient Tracking Initiative
| FEMA |
IPX Internetwork Packet Exchange
| FEMA |
IPZ Ingestion Pathway Zone
| FEMA |
IQ Internet Quorum
| DHS |
IR Infrared
| FEMA |
IR Infrared Radiation
| FEMA |
IRA Immediate Response Authority
| FEMA |
IRAC Interagency Radiological Assistance Committee
| FEMA |
IRAPP Infrastructure Risk Assessment Partnership Program
| CISA |
IRB Information Resources Board
| FEMA |
IRB Institutional Review Board (MD 10300)
| FEMA |
IRB Investment Review Board
| FEMA |
IRBM Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile
| FEMA |
IRC Information Resources Center
| FEMA |
IRC InfoSec (Information Security) Research Council
| FEMA |
IRC International Residential Code
| FEMA |
IRCA Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)
| CISA | OGC |
IRCM Infrared Countermeasure
| S&T |
IRF Initial Response Force
| FEMA |
IRFA International Religious Freedom Act
| FEMA |
IRFC Initial Response Force Commander
| FEMA |
IRFS Infrared Field Specialist
| FEMA |
IRI Industrial Research Institute
| S&T |
IRIN Infrared Interpreter
| FEMA |
IRIS Incident Resource Inventory System
| FEMA |
IRIS Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
| FEMA |
IRM Information Resources Management
| FEMA |
IRMCO Interagency Resources Management Conference
| FEMA |
IRMS Information Resources Management Service
| FEMA |
IRP Institutional Removal Program
| ICE |
IRP Installation Restoration Plan
| FEMA |
IRP Investment Review Process
| FEMA |
IRP Interior Repatriation Program
| CBP | ICE |
IRPMR Information Resources Procurement and Management Review
| FEMA |
IRR Initial Response Resource(s)
| FEMA |
IRRIS Integrated Response and Recovery Information System
| FEMA |
IRS Internal Revenue Service
| DHS |
IRT Independent Review Team
| FEMA |
IRT Initial Response Team
| FEMA |
IRT International Registered Traveler
| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
IRTI Immigration Reform Transformation Initiatives
IRTPA Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act (2004)
| CBP | CRCL | I&A | OGC |
IRVMC Inland River Vessel Management Center
| USCG |
IRZ Immediate Response Zone
| FEMA |
IS Independent Study
| FEMA |
IS Information Security
| FEMA |
IS Information System
| FEMA |
IS Infrastructure Support
| FEMA |
IS Inspection Services
| FEMA |
IS&C Information Sharing and Coordination [Branch] (Office of Intelligence & Analysis)
| FEMA |
ISA Incident Staging Area
| FEMA |
ISAA information sharing and access agreement
ISAAC Integrated Security and Access Control
| FEMA |
ISAAG Information Systems Architectural Advisory Group
| FEMA |
ISABP International South Atlantic Buoy Program
| FEMA |
ISAC Information Sharing and Analysis Center
| I&A |
ISAC Infrastructure Sector Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
ISACA Information Systems Audit and Control Association
| MGMT |
ISAMS Information Sharing Agreement Management System
| I&A |
ISAO Information Sharing and Analysis Organization
| I&A |
ISAR Inspection Services Activity Report
| FEMA |
ISBE Infrastructure Security for the Built Environment
| FEMA |
ISC Interagency Security Committee
| MGMT |
ISC Information Sharing & Collaboration Office (I&A/ISC)
| DHS |
ISC Infrastructure Subcommittee
| FEMA |
ISC Inspection Services Coordinator
| FEMA |
ISC Interstate Commerce
| FEMA |
ISCC Information Sharing Coordinating Council
| I&A |
ISCO Information Sharing and Collaboration Office
| FEMA |
ISCORS Interagency Steering Committee on Radiation Standards
| FEMA |
ISCP Integrated Support Communications Plan
| FEMA |
ISCS International Satellite Communications Systems
| FEMA |
ISD Infrastructure Services Division
| FEMA |
ISDL Inert Skin Decontamination Lotion
| FEMA |
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
| I&A | MGMT |
ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
| FEMA |
ISE Information Sharing Environment
| I&A |
ISEMA Indiana State Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
ISFSI International Society of Fire Service Instructors
| FEMA |
ISG Incident Support Group
| FEMA |
ISGB Information Sharing Governance Board
| FEMA |
ISI Immigration Security Initiative
ISIP Initial Strategy Implementation Plan
| FEMA |
ISIS Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System
| CBP |
ISM Information Security Marketing
| FEMA |
ISM Integrated Safety Management
| FEMA |
ISMA International Security Management Association
| PLCY |
ISMS integrated security managements systems
| MGMT |
ISO Incident Support Organization
| FEMA |
ISO Insurance Services Office
| FEMA |
ISO International Security Organization
| FEMA |
ISO International Organization for Standardization
| S&T | I&A |
ISOC Information Security Oversight Committee
| FEMA |
ISOC Interagency SEAT Operations Guide
| FEMA |
ISOO Information Security Oversight Office
| MGMT |
ISP Interagency Security Plan
| CISA |
ISP Internet Service Provider
| USSS |
ISP Intensive Supervision Program
| ICE |
ISP Immediate Services Program
| FEMA |
ISP Information Systems Plan
| FEMA |
ISP Information Security Program
| MGMT |
ISPAG Information Systems Policy Advisory Group
| FEMA |
ISPP Information Systems Planning Program
| FEMA |
ISPS International Ship and Port Facility Security
| USCG |
ISR Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
| USCG |
ISRS Image Storage and Retrieval System
ISSA Information Systems Security Association
| USSS |
ISSA Interservice Support Agreement
| FEMA |
ISSGB DHS Information Sharing and Safeguarding Governance Board
| MGMT |
ISSGB Information Sharing and Safeguarding Governance Board
| I&A |
ISSM Information System Security Manager
| MGMT |
ISSO Information System Security Officer
| MGMT |
ISSP Information Systems Security Program
| FEMA |
IST Incident Support Team
| FEMA |
IST-A Incident Support Team – Advance Element
| FEMA |
I-STAFF DHS Headquarters Operational Integration Staff (folded into new Directorate for Preparedness Oct 2005)
| FEMA |
ISTEA Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act
| FEMA |
ISTL Incident Support Team Leader
| FEMA |
ISTS Institute for Security Technology Studies
| CISA | S&T |
ISVB Imagery Science Validation Board
| FEMA |
ISWG Import Safety Working Group
| PLCY |
IT Information Technology
| DHS |
ITA Integrated Transport Analysis
| TSA |
ITA Information Technology Architecture
| FEMA |
ITAA Information Technology Association of America
| PRIV |
ITAC Information Technology Acquisition Center
| MGMT |
ITACG Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group
| FEMA |
ITAR Information Technology Acquisition Review
| MGMT |
ITAR International Traffic in Arms Regulations
| CBP | S&T |
ITC Information Technology Committee
| FEMA |
ITC Information Technology Coordinator
| FEMA |
ITC International Trade Commission
| CBP | FEMA |
ITD information technology dashboard (*)
| MGMT |
ITD International Training Division
| USCG |
ITDS International Trade Data System
| CBP | I&A |
ITE Institute of Transportation Engineers
| FEMA |
I-Team Incident Team
| FEMA |
I-Team Intelligence Team
| FEMA |
ITED IFSAR Terrain Elevation Data
| FEMA |
ITEP Information Technology & Evaluation Program
| FEMA |
ITF Intelligence Task Force
| FEMA |
ITI International to International
| CBP | TSA |
ITIPS Information Technology Investment Portfolio System
| I&A | MGMT |
ITL Information Technology Laboratory
| FEMA |
ITM Inspection Transfer Manager
| FEMA |
ITMRA Information Technology Management Reform Act
| I&A |
ITOC Insider Threat Operations Center
| I&A |
ITP Infrastructure Transformation Program
| MGMT |
ITP Individual Training Plan
| FEMA |
ITPM Insider Threat Program Manager
| I&A |
ITPMO Infrastructure Transformation Program Office
| MGMT |
I-TRAP Interagency Terrorism Response Awareness Program
| FEMA |
ITS Information Technology Services
| FEMA |
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
| FEMA |
ITSD Information Technology Services Directorate
| FEMA |
ITSH Internal Transport, Storage, and Handling
| FEMA |
ITSO Information Technology Services Office
| MGMT |
ITTC Identity Theft Technology Council
| S&T |
ITU International Telegraphic Union
| FEMA |
ITV In-Transit Visibility
| FEMA |
ITWG International Technical Working Group
| S&T |
IUPA International Union of Police Associations
| FEMA |
IV Intravenous
| FEMA |
IV&V Interdependent Verification and Validation
| TSA | CISA |
IVD Interactive Video Disk
| FEMA |
IVHHN International Volcanic Health Hazard Network
| FEMA |
IVR Interactive Voice Response
| FEMA |
IWG Implementation Working Group
| ICE |
IWG Investment Working Group
| FEMA |
IWIN Interactive Weather Information Network
| FEMA |
IWN Integrated Wireless Network
| MGMT |
IWOMEN Women in the Fire Services, Inc. (former WFS)
| FEMA |
IWP Integrated Warning Program
| FEMA |
IWS Information Warfare and Strategy
| FEMA |
JAARS Joint After-Action Reporting System
| FEMA |
JAC Joint Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
JAC Joint Analysis Center
| CWMD | I&A |
JACADS Johnston Atoll Chemical Agent Disposal System
| FEMA |
JACE Joint Assessment of Catastrophic Events
| FEMA |
JAD Joint Application Development
| FEMA |
JAG Joint Action Group
| FEMA |
JAG Judge Advocate General (DOD)
| FEMA |
JANAP Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication
| FEMA |
JAS Joint Alternate Site
| FEMA |
JATS Joint Air Transportation System
| FEMA |
JAWAS Joint Automated Weather Observing System
| FEMA |
JBPDS Joint Biological Point Detection Systems
| FEMA |
JCAH Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals
| FEMA |
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
| FEMA |
JCC Joint Coordination Center
| FEMA |
JCCC Joint Customs Coordination Council [United States and European Union]
| CBP |
JCGC Joint Center for Global Connectivity
| CWMD |
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
| DHS |
JDCC Joint Data Coordination Center
| FEMA |
JDISS Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System
| FEMA |
JDOMS Joint Director of Military Support
| FEMA |
JEAD Joint Exercise and Analysis Division (Joint Staff - J-7)
| FEMA |
JECG Joint Exercise Control Group
| FEMA |
JEEP Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan
| FEMA |
JEMP Joint Exercise Management Program
| FEMA |
JEOC Joint Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
JFACC Joint Force Air Component Commander
| FEMA |
JFC Joint Force Commander
| FEMA |
JFCOM Joint Forces Command
| FEMA |
JFHQ-HLS Joint Forces Headquarters - Homeland Security
| FEMA |
JFHQ-State Joint Force Headquarters-State
| FEMA |
JFLCC Joint Force Land Component Commander
| FEMA |
JFMCC Joint Force Maritime Component Commander
| PLCY |
JFO Joint Field Office
| FEMA |
JFOCG Joint Field Office Coordination Group
| FEMA |
JFSP Joint Fire Science Program
| FEMA |
JHA Job Hazard Analysis
| FEMA |
JHAT Joint Hazardous Assessment Team
| FEMA |
JHEC Joint Hazard Evaluation Center
| FEMA |
JHOC Joint Harbor Operations Command Center
| USCG |
JHOC Joint Harbor Operations Center
| PLCY |
JI Johnston Island
| FEMA |
JIACG Joint Interagency Coordination Group
| FEMA |
JIALO Joint Interagency Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
JIATF Joint Interagency Task Force
| ICE | TSA |
JIATF-S Joint Interagency Task Force - South
| ICE | TSA |
JIB Joint Information Bureau
| FEMA |
JIC Joint ICE Center
| FEMA |
JIC Joint Information Center
| FEMA |
JIC Joint Intelligence Center
| FEMA |
JICG Joint International Control Group
| FEMA |
JICPAC Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific
| FEMA |
JIISE Joint Interagency Intelligence Support Element
| FEMA |
JIMPP Joint Industrial Mobilization Planning Process
| FEMA |
JIOC Joint Investigative Operations Center
| USCG |
JIS Joint Information System
| FEMA |
JIT Job Instruction Training
| FEMA |
JIT Just In Time
| FEMA |
JITC Joint Interoperability Test Command
| FEMA |
JITF-CT Joint intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism
| FEMA |
JITT just-in-time training
| MGMT |
JLCO Joint Legal Claims Office
| FEMA |
JMC Joint Movement Center
| FEMA |
JMET Joint Mission Essential Task
| FEMA |
JMFU Joint METOC Forecast Unit
| FEMA |
JMIE Joint Maritime Information Element
| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
JMIP Joint Military Intelligence Program
| I&A |
JMMO Joint Medical Mobilization Office
| FEMA |
JMRO Joint Medical Regulating Office
| FEMA |
JMT Joint Management Team (combination of IST and MST - US&R and DMAT or NDMS)
| FEMA |
JNACC Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center
| FEMA |
JNAIRT Joint Nuclear Accident/Incident Response Team
| FEMA |
JNC Joint News Center
| FEMA |
JOA Joint Operational Area
| FEMA |
JOC Joint Operations Center
| FEMA |
JOPES Joint Operations Planning and Execution System
| FEMA |
JPAC Joint Planning Augmentation Cell (for CBIRF)
| FEMA |
JPAS Joint Personnel Adjudication System
| FEMA |
JPATS Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System
| ICE |
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
| FEMA |
JPEO/CBD Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense
| CISA |
JPIC Joint Public Information Center
| FEMA |
JPMRC Joint Patient Movement Requirements Center
| FEMA |
JPMT Joint Patient Movement Team
| FEMA |
JPO Joint Program Office
| FEMA |
JPSG Justice-Defense Program Steering Group
| FEMA |
JRC Joint Requirements Council
| FEMA |
JRCT Joint Requirements Coordination Team
| MGMT |
JRERP Joint Radiological Emergency Response Plan
| FEMA |
JRIC Joint Regional Intelligence Center
| FEMA |
JRIES JITF-CT RISSNET Information Exchange System
| FEMA |
JRIES Joint Regional Information Exchange System
| CISA | I&A | OPS |
JRMP Joint Regional Medical Planner
| FEMA |
JRMPO Joint Regional Medical Planning Office
| FEMA |
JRS Joint Reporting System
| FEMA |
JRT Joint Response Team
| FEMA |
JS Joint Staff
| FEMA |
JSCP Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan
| FEMA |
JSERA Joint Special Events Risk Assessment
| CISA |
JSIPP Joint Service Installation Pilot Program
| FEMA |
JSOTF Joint Special Operations Task Force
| FEMA |
JSTARS Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System
| FEMA |
JTA Jacksonville Transportation Authority
| FEMA |
JTF Joint Task Force
| FEMA |
JTF - O Joint Task Force - Olympics
| FEMA |
JTF-CM Joint Task Force - Consequence Management
| FEMA |
JTF-CS Joint Task Force - Civil Support
| FEMA |
JTF-FF Joint Task Force - Firefighter
| FEMA |
JTF-Katrina Joint Task Force-Katrina
| FEMA |
JTF-NCR Joint Task Force - National Capital Region
| FEMA |
JTF-State Joint Task Force-State
| FEMA |
JTIMS Joint Training Information Management System
| FEMA |
JTMS Joint Training Master Schedule
| FEMA |
JTOT Joint Tactical Operations Team
| FEMA |
JTOT Joint Technical Operations Team
| FEMA |
JTPA Job Training Partnership Act
| FEMA |
JTR Joint Travel Regulations
| FEMA |
JTRB Joint Telecommunications Resources Board
| FEMA |
JTTF Joint Terrorism Task Force
| FEMA | I&A |
JTWC Joint Typhoon Warning Center
| FEMA |
JULL Joint Universal Lessons Learned (Report)
| FEMA |
JULLS Joint Universal Lessons Learned System
| FEMA |
JVM Java Virtual Machine
| FEMA |
JWARN Joint Warning and Reporting Network
| FEMA |
JWC Joint Warfare Center
| FEMA |
JWFC Joint Warfighting Center
| FEMA |
JWICS Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System
| FEMA | I&A |
JWID Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration
| FEMA |
JXDM [Global] Justice XML Data Model
| I&A |
k kilo (1,000)
| FEMA |
KAPP Key Asset Protection Program (see CAAP)
| FEMA |
Kb Kilobit
| FEMA |
kB Kilobyte
| FEMA |
kBPS Kilobits Per Seconds
| FEMA |
KBRM Knowledge-Based Risk Management
| CBP |
KCCO Kansas City Commodity Office
| FEMA |
KD Knocked Down
| FEMA |
KDEM Kansas Department of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
KDEM Kentucky Department of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
KDP Key Decision Point
| FEMA |
KEDB known error database
| MGMT |
kg kilogram
| FEMA |
kHz kiloHertz
| FEMA |
KI Potassium Iodide
| FEMA | S&T |
KIO Key Intelligence Official
| I&A |
km kilometer
| FEMA |
KMI Key Management Infrastructure
| FEMA |
KML Keyhole Markup Language
| FEMA |
KMS Knowledge Management System
| FEMA |
kN kilo-Newton
| FEMA |
KPI key performance indicator
| MGMT |
KPP key performance parameter
| S&T |
KR key resource
| DHS |
KSA Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
| FEMA |
KSO Key Security Official (MD 10300)
| FEMA |
KST Known or Suspected Terrorist
| FEMA |
KT Kiloton
| FEMA |
kV kilovolt
| FEMA |
KVERT Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruptions Response Team
| FEMA |
kW Kilowatt
| FEMA |
kWh kilowatt hour
| FEMA |
L Locality
| FEMA |
L&D Learning & Development
| FEMA |
LA Legislative Affairs (see OLA)
| FEMA |
LAC Local Assistance Center
| FEMA |
LAG Lowest Adjacent Ground [grade]
| FEMA |
LAN Local Area Network
| FEMA | I&A | MGMT | OPA |
LAN/WAN Local Area Network/Wide Area Network
| FEMA |
LANDSAT Land Satellite
| FEMA |
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory
| CWMD |
LAO Lead Agency Official
| FEMA |
LAP Lesson Administration Page
| FEMA |
LASP Large Aircraft Security Program
| TSA |
lb pound
| FEMA |
LBAD Lexington Blue Grass Army Depot
| FEMA |
lbf pound force
| FEMA |
LBP lead-based paint
| DHS |
LC Logistics Center
| FEMA |
LC-A Logistics Center-Atlanta
| FEMA |
L-CAR Local Capability Assessment for Readiness
| FEMA |
LCAT Logistics Closeout Assistance Team
| FEMA |
LCCE Life Cycle Cost Estimate
| CISA |
LC-FW Logistics Center-Fort Worth
| FEMA |
LCM Life Cycle Management
| FEMA |
LC-MF Logistics Center-Moffett Field
| FEMA |
LCMS Learning Content Management System
| FEMA |
LCO Limiting Condition for Operation
| FEMA |
LCS Local Communications System
| FEMA |
LCT Liaison Coordination Team
| FEMA |
LD Lethal Dose
| FEMA |
LD Limited Data
| FEMA |
LDAP Light Directory Access Protocol
| FEMA |
LDM logical data model
| MGMT |
LDR Lutheran Disaster Response
| FEMA |
LDS Lightning Detection System
| FEMA |
LDW Last Day Worked
| FEMA |
LE loaned executive
| MGMT |
LE law enforcement [activity]
| DHS |
LE Law Enforcement
| FEMA |
LEA Light Enforcement Aircraft
| ICE |
LEA Law Enforcement Agency
LEADERS Lightweight Epidemiology Advanced Detection and Emergency Response System
| FEMA |
LEAINTP Law Enforcement Advanced Interviewing Training Program
LEAP Law Enforcement Availability Pay
| ICE |
LEC Local Exchange Carrier
| FEMA |
LECC Law Enforcement Coordination Center
| FEMA |
LEDET Law Enforcement Detachment
| USCG |
LEED® leadership in energy and environmental design
LeeTran Lee County Transit Authority (Florida)
| FEMA |
LEGAT Legal Attache
| FEMA | OGC |
LEH Light Enforcement Helicopter
| ICE |
LEISP Law Enforcement Information Sharing Program
| FEMA |
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
| FEMA |
LEL Lowest Effect Level
| FEMA |
LELI Law Enforcement Leadership Institute
LEM Local Emergency Management
| FEMA |
LEMA Local Emergency Management Authority
| FEMA |
LEMDP Law Enforcement Management Development Program
LEO Law Enforcement Online
| I&A |
LEO Law Enforcement Officer
LEOC Local Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
LEOSA Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
LEP Loaned Executive Program
| MGMT |
LEP limited English proficient person
| CRCL |
LEP Leadership Excellence Program
| FEMA |
LEP Limited English Proficiency
LEPB Loaned Executive Program Board
| MGMT |
LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee
| FEMA |
LEPPC Local Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council
| FEMA |
LERN Law Enforcement Radio Net
| FEMA |
LERT Logistics Emergency Response Team
| FEMA |
LES law enforcement sensitive
| I&A |
LESC Law Enforcement Support Center
| ICE |
LESO Law Enforcement Security Officer
| FEMA |
LETPP Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program
| CISA |
LETS Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
| FEMA |
LEU Low-Enriched Uranium
| FEMA |
LEVEL 1 EST Full EST activation level (NRCC)
| FEMA |
LEVEL 2 EST Intermediate EST activation level (NRCC)
| FEMA |
LEVEL 3 EST Minimal EST activation level (NRCC)
| FEMA |
LEWG Law Enforcement Working Group
| FEMA |
LF Linear Foot
| FEMA |
LF Low Frequency
| FEMA |
LFA Lead Federal Agency
| FEMA |
LFD Letter of Final Determination
| FEMA |
LFE Lowest Floor Elevation
| FEMA |
LFEOC Local Federal Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
LFFE Lowest Finished Flood Elevation
| FEMA |
LFO Lead Federal Official
| FEMA |
LFP Livestock Feed Programs
| FEMA |
LH Local Hire
| FEMA |
LHA/LHD Landing Helicopter - Assault/ Landing Helicopter - Deck
| FEMA |
LHD Local Health Department
LHMC Local Hazard Mitigation Coordinator
| FEMA |
LHR Limited Home Repair
| FEMA |
LHW Last Hour Worked
| FEMA |
LIBSYS Library System
| FEMA |
LIC License
| FEMA |
LID Low-Impact Development
| FEMA |
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging (system)
| FEMA |
LIDEF Levee Inventory Data Entry Form
| FEMA |
LIFE Legal Immigration Family Equity
LIHEAP Low Income Household Energy Assistance Program
| FEMA |
LIMFAC Limiting Factor
| FEMA |
LIMS Logistics Information Management System
| USCG |
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System
| FEMA |
LINX Law Enforcement Information Exchange [Navy]
| I&A |
LISS Linear Imaging and Self-Scanning
| FEMA |
LL Lessons Learned
| FEMA |
LLEA Lead Law Enforcement Agency
| FEMA |
LLEA Local Law Enforcement Agency
LLIS Lessons Learned Information Sharing System
| PLCY |
LLNL Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
| S&T | CWMD |
LLP Limited Liability Partnership
| DHS |
LLR Lessons Learned (Hot Wash) Report
| FEMA |
LLW Low-Level Waste
| FEMA |
LLWS Low-Level Wind Shear
| FEMA |
LM Logistics Management (FEMA/LM)
| DHS |
LMA Land Management Agencies
| FEMA |
LMD Logistics Management Directorate (of DHS/FEMA)
| FEMA |
LMF Logistics Management Facility
| FEMA |
LMFBR Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor
| FEMA |
LMI Logistics Management Institute
| FEMA |
LMPC Labor-Management Partnership Council
| FEMA |
LMR Living Marine Resource
| FEMA |
LMS Learning Management System
| MGMT |
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
| USCG | S&T |
LNO Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
LOA Letter of Agreement
| FEMA |
LOAD Loadmaster
| FEMA |
LOAEL Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
| FEMA |
LOC Letter of Credit
| FEMA |
LOC Levels of concern
| FEMA |
LOC Line of Communication
| FEMA |
LOC Library of Congress
| DHS |
LOCA Loss of Coolant Accident
| FEMA |
LOC-TFCS Letter of Credit - Treasury Financial Communications System
| FEMA |
LODR Letter of Determination Review
| FEMA |
LOEP Louisiana Office of Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
LOFR Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
LOG Logistics
| FEMA |
LOI Letter of Instruction
| FEMA |
LOI Letter of Intent
| FEMA |
LOINC Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
| FEMA |
LOMA Letter of Map Amendment
| FEMA |
LOMC Letter of Map Change
| FEMA |
LOMC-VALID Letter of Map Change Revalidation
| FEMA |
LOMR Letter of Map Revision
| FEMA |
LOMR-F Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill
| FEMA |
LOP level of protection
| MGMT |
LOP Legal Orientation Program
| FEMA |
LOS Line of Sight
| FEMA |
LOSA Logistical Operations Staging Area
| FEMA |
LOSAP Length-of-service Award Program
| FEMA |
LOSSEST Loss Estimation
| FEMA |
LOU Limited official use
| DHS |
LPA Legislative and Public Affairs
| FEMA |
LPDP Livestock Preservation Donation Program
| FEMA |
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
| FEMA |
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
| FEMA |
LPOC Last Port of Call
| CBP | USCG |
LPPC Local Preparedness and Prevention Council
| FEMA |
LPR lawful permanent resident
| MGMT |
LPR Lawful Permanent Resident (status)
LPR Legal Permanent Resident (person)
LPZ Low Population Zone
| FEMA |
LR Limited Response
| FEMA |
LRA Louisiana Recovery Authority
| FEMA |
LR-BSDS Long Range Biological Standoff Detection System
| FEMA |
LRC Learning Resource Center
| FEMA |
LRC Logistics Resource Center
| FEMA |
LRC Logistics Response Center
| FEMA |
LRCT long range cordless telephone switch
| S&T |
LRFD Load and Resistance Factor Design
| FEMA |
LRIP Low Rate Initial Production
| FEMA |
LRIT long range identification and tracking
| PLCY |
LRMP Long Range Management Plan
| FEMA |
LRN Laboratory Response Network
| S&T |
LRT Long Range Tracker
| CBP |
LRU Lowest Replaceable Unit
| FEMA |
LS Logistics Support
| FEMA |
LS Lump Sum
| FEMA |
LSA Logistics Staging Area
| FEMA |
LSC Life Safety Code (National Fire Protection Association 101)
| FEMA |
LSC Legal Services Corporation
| OGC |
LSC Life Support Center
| FEMA |
LSC1 Logistics Section Chief Type 1
| FEMA |
LSC2 Logistics Section Chief Type 2
| FEMA |
LSCAD Lightweight Stand-off Chemical Agent Detector
| FEMA |
LSCD Life Safety Code Deficiency
| FEMA |
LSCT Line Scout
| FEMA |
LSE Local Subscriber Environment
| FEMA |
LSFE Life Safety and Fire Engineering
| FEMA |
LSFE Life Safety and Fire Engineering Branch of FEMA Office of Occupational Safety, Health & Environment (OSHE)
| FEMA |
LSFP Life Safety and Fire Protection
| FEMA |
LSFP Life Safety and Fire Protection Program
| FEMA |
LSG Large Scale Game
| FEMA |
LSP Lump Sum Payment
| FEMA |
LSS Laboratory Scientific Services
| S&T |
LSS Life Support System
| FEMA |
LSU Louisiana State University (NDPC)
| FEMA |
LSV Logistical Staging Vehicle
| FEMA |
LT Lieutenant (aka: Lt or Lieut)
| FEMA |
LTA Lead Technical Authority
| MGMT |
LTA Lighter Than Air
| FEMA |
LTATP Land Transportation Anti-terrorism Training Program
LTCR Lost Time Case Rate
| FEMA |
LTD Limited
| DHS |
LTG Lieutenant General
| FEMA |
LTL Less-than Truck Load
| FEMA |
LTR Long-Term Recovery
| FEMA |
LTRC Long Term Recovery Committee
| FEMA |
LTRC Long Term Recovery Coordinator
| FEMA |
LTRO Long Term Recovery Office
| FEMA |
LUC land use control
| DHS |
LULC Land Use and Land Cover
| FEMA |
LVA Low Volatility Agent
| FEMA |
LVB Large Vehicle Bomb
| FEMA |
LVBIED large vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
| S&T |
LWDR Lost Work Day Rate
| FEMA |
LWF Lutheran World Federation
| FEMA |
LWOP Leave Without Pay
| FEMA |
LWR Light Water Reactor
| FEMA |
LYNX Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority
| FEMA |
LZ Landing Zone
| FEMA |
m meter
| FEMA |
M&A Management and Administrative
| FEMA |
M&IE Meals and Incidental Expenses
| FEMA |
M&IE Miscellaneous and Incidental Expenses
| FEMA |
M&S Modeling and Simulation
| FEMA |
M/S Meters per Second
| FEMA |
M/V Merchant Vessel
| CBP | USCG |
MA Marshalling Area
| FEMA |
MA Mission Assignment
| FEMA |
MAA Mutual Aid Agreement
| FEMA |
MAAD Mobile Asset Activities Document
| FEMA |
MAAFS Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists
| USSS |
MABAS Mutual Aid and Box Alarm System
| FEMA |
MAC Multiple award contract
| USCG |
MAC Mapping and Analysis Center
| FEMA |
MAC Mission Assignment Coordinator
| FEMA |
MAC Mitigation Assistance Clinic
| FEMA |
MAC Monitoring and Analysis Coordinator
| FEMA |
MAC Multi-Agency Command
| FEMA |
MAC multiagency committees
| FEMA |
MAC Multiagency Coordinating (Entity)
| FEMA |
MAC Multiagency Coordination
| FEMA |
MAC Entity Multiagency Coordinating Entity
| FEMA |
MACA Military Assistance to Civil Authorities
| FEMA |
MACC Multi Agency Crime Center
| ICE |
MACC Multiagency Command Center
| FEMA |
MACC Multi-Agency Coordination Center
| FEMA |
MACDIS Military Assistance for Civil Disturbances
| FEMA |
MACGp Multi-Agency Coordination Group
| FEMA |
MACOM Major Command
| FEMA |
MACS Multi-Agency Coordination System
| FEMA |
MAEC Mid-America Earthquake Center
| FEMA |
MAELU Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters
| FEMA |
MAF Master Appropriation File
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
MAFFS Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System
| FEMA |
MAGIC Mid-America Geographic Information Council
| FEMA |
MaHIMS Medical and Health Incident Management System
| FEMA |
MALE Medium Altitude Long Endurance (see also HALE)
| USCG |
MANPADS Man Portable Air Defense System
| OGC |
MAOC Military Air Operations Coordinator
| FEMA |
MAPs Motorist Assist Points
| FEMA |
MAR Monthly Accomplishments Report
| FEMA |
MARAC Mutual Aid Regional Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
MARAD Maritime Administration
MARC Maryland Rail Commuter
| FEMA | TSA |
MARC Mid-America Regional Council
| FEMA |
MAREP Marine Report
| FEMA |
MARFORLANT Marine Forces Atlantic
| FEMA |
MARPLOT Mapping Applications for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks
| FEMA |
MARR Mission Assignment Reimbursement Request
| FEMA |
MARS Military Affiliated Radio System
| FEMA |
MARS Mobile Analytical Response System
| FEMA |
MARS Multi-function Acquisition and Reporting System
| FEMA |
MARSA Military Assumes Responsibility for Separation of Aircraft
| FEMA |
MARSEC Maritime Security
| USCG |
MARSEC maritime security level
| PLCY |
MarshMALLOW Marsh Management Activities for Learning the Lifestyles of Wildlife
| FEMA |
MART Morning Advisory Risk Threat (see also DART and EART)
| FEMA |
MAS Mapping Activity Statement
| FEMA |
MASF Mobile Aeromedical Staging Facility
| FEMA |
MASFO Multi-Agency Strike Force Operation
| USCG |
MASH Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
| FEMA |
MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence
| TSA | I&A | OPS |
MAST Maritime Security and Strategic Toolkit
MAST Midwestern Alliance of Sovereign Tribes
| FEMA |
MAST Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic
| FEMA |
MAST Mitigation Advisors' Strategic Tracker
| FEMA |
MAT Mobilization Assistance Team
| FEMA |
MATES Mobilization and Training Equipment Site
| FEMA |
MATF Multi-Agency Task Force
| FEMA |
MATRIX Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange
| I&A |
MATTS Marine Asset Tag Tracking System
| S&T |
MATTS Mobile Air Transportable Telecommunications System
| FEMA |
MAV Micro Air Vehicle
| I&A |
MB Megabyte
| FEMA |
mb millibar
| FEMA |
MBA Master of Business Administration
| FEMA |
MBO Management by Objectives
| FEMA |
MBPS Megabytes per Second
| FEMA |
MBTA Migratory Bird Treaty Act
| FEMA |
MC Marine Corps
| FEMA |
MC Member of Congress
| FEMA |
MC Mobilization Center
| FEMA |
MCA Multi-Channel Analyzer
| FEMA |
MCAD Military Crew Advisor
| FEMA |
M-CAST Medical Capabilities Assessment & Status Tool
| FEMA |
MCB Movement Coordination Branch
| FEMA |
MCC Major Cities [police] Chiefs
| FEMA | S&T |
MCC Master Control Cell
| FEMA |
MCC Mission Control Center
| FEMA |
MCC Mobility Control Center
| FEMA |
MCC Movement Coordination Center
| FEMA |
MCD Medical Crew Director
| FEMA |
MCE Maximum Credible Event
| FEMA |
MCEER Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
| FEMA |
MCF Mass Care and Feeding
| FEMA |
MCF Movement Coordination Function
| FEMA |
MCI Mass Casualty Incident
| FEMA |
MCL maximum contaminant level
| DHS |
MCLG maximum contaminant level goal
| DHS |
MCMC Mid-Continent Mapping Center
| FEMA |
MCMT Mobilization Center Management Team
| FEMA |
MCO MERS Coordination Office
| FEMA |
MCOC Marine Corps Operations Center
| FEMA |
MCOE Metadata Center of Excellence (see EDMO)
| MGMT |
MCR Military Communications Representative
| FEMA |
MCS Movement Coordination System
| FEMA |
MCSAP Motor Carrier Safety and Assistance Program
| FEMA | TSA |
MCU Movement Coordination Unit
| FEMA |
MCV Mobile Coordinating Vehicle
| FEMA |
MD Management Directive
| FEMA |
MD Medical Doctor
| FEMA |
MDA Maritime Domain Awareness
| USCG |
MDC Maintenance and Deactivation Contracts
| FEMA |
MDD Metal Detection Device
| TSA |
MDF Medical, Dental and Funeral
| FEMA |
MDRC Mobile Disaster Recovery Center
| FEMA |
MDRO Mission Disaster Relief Officer
| FEMA |
MDRV Mobile Disaster Recovery Vehicle
| FEMA |
MDS Mennonite Disaster Service
| FEMA |
MDST Mountain Daylight Savings Time (see MDT)
| FEMA |
MDT Mountain Daylight Time (GMT - 6)
| FEMA |
ME Medical Examiner
| FEMA |
MEA Multi-Role Enforcement Aircraft
| ICE |
MEA Major Emergency Action
| FEMA |
MEAG Major Emergency Action Guide
| FEMA |
MEAP Mobile Environmental Analytical Platform
| FEMA |
MED Medium
| FEMA |
MEDEVAC Medical Evacuation
| FEMA |
MEDL Medical Unit Leader
| FEMA |
MEDRED Medical Readiness (OHA/MEDRED)
| DHS |
MEEMCN Minimum Essential Emergency Medical Communications Network
| FEMA |
MEF Mission Essential Function
| FEMA |
MEG Medical Evaluation Guidance
| FEMA |
MEIR Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation
| FEMA |
MEL Mobile-Erector Launcher
| FEMA |
MEMA Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association
| ICE |
MEMA Maine Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
MEMA Maryland Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
MEMA Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
MEMA Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
MEMA Missouri Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
MEMU Mass Evacuation Management Unit
| FEMA |
MEOW Maximum Envelope of Water
| FEMA |
MEOW Maximum Envelope of Winds
| FEMA |
MEP Management Engineering Plan
| FEMA |
MEPI Middle East Partnership Initiative
| DHS |
MEPP Master Exercise Practitioner Program
| FEMA |
MERRT Medical Emergency Radiological Response Team
| FEMA |
MERS Mobile Emergency Response Support
| FEMA |
MERSA Mobile Emergency Response Support Assets
| FEMA |
MET Meteorological
| FEMA |
MET Meteorologist
| FEMA |
MET Mission Essential Task
| FEMA |
METAR Management Evaluation Technical Assessment Review
| FEMA |
METAR Meteorological Aviation Report
| FEMA |
METL Mission-Essential Task List
| FEMA |
METOC Meteorological and Oceanographic
| FEMA |
METSAT Meteorological Satellite
| FEMA |
MeV Megaelectronvolt
| FEMA |
meV millielectronvolt
| FEMA |
MEWT Mobile Electronic Warfare Technologies
| FEMA |
MFAS Marriage Fraud Amendment System
MFR Memorandum For the Record
| FEMA |
MFRI Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
| FEMA |
MFTR Manufacturer
| FEMA |
MG Marsh Vegetation (Line)
| FEMA |
mg milligram
| FEMA |
MG/M3 Milligrams per Cubic Meter
| FEMA |
MG-MIN/M3 Milligram Minutes per Cubic Meter
| FEMA |
MGMT Management
| DHS |
MGMT Management [Directorate]
| MGMT |
MH Manufactured Housing
| FEMA |
MH Mental Health
| FEMA |
MH Mobile Home
| FEMA |
MHC Mobile Health Clinic
| FEMA |
MHE Materiel Handling Equipment
| FEMA |
MHEC Military Helicopter Crewmen
| FEMA |
MHEM Military Helicopter Manager
| FEMA |
MHMS Military Helicopter Manager Supervisor
| FEMA |
MHS Message Handling System
| FEMA |
MHTGR Modular High Temperature Gas Reactor
| FEMA |
MHW Mean High Water
| FEMA |
MHWL Mean High Water Line
| FEMA |
MHz Megahertz
| FEMA |
MI Major Incident (medical)
| FEMA |
MI Middle Initial
| FEMA |
MI2 Multi-level-secure Information Infrastructure
| FEMA |
MIC Media Information Center
| FEMA |
MIC Meteorologist in Charge
| FEMA |
MICS Monitoring Information on Contracted Studies (System)
| FEMA |
MIDAS Micro-fluidic Integrated DNA Analysis System
| FEMA |
MIEP Mass Immigration Emergency Plan
| FEMA |
MIFC Maritime Intelligence Fusion Center
| USCG |
MIIS Microsoft Identity Integration Server
| MGMT |
MIL Military Advisor's Office
| DHS |
MILES Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System
| FEMA |
MIL-STD Military Standard
| FEMA |
MIM Major Incident Management (medical)
| FEMA |
MIME Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions
| FEMA |
MIN Minimum
| FEMA |
MIN Mobile Identification Number
| FEMA |
MIND Maritime Interceptor for Nuclear Detection
| S&T | CWMD |
MINICAM Miniature Chemical Agent Monitor
| FEMA |
MIP management-in-place [asbestos]
| DHS |
MIPR Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request
| FEMA |
MIPT Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism
| FEMA |
MIRP Military Improved Response Program
| FEMA |
MIRV Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle
| FEMA |
MIS Management Information System
| FEMA |
MISLE Maritime Information for Safety and Law Enforcement
| USCG |
MIT Mitigation
| FEMA |
MITT Mobile Implementation Training Team
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
MKT Mobile Kitchen Trailer
| FEMA |
MLAT Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty
| I&A |
MLD Median Lethal Dose
| FEMA |
MLETP Marine Law Enforcement Training Program
MLH Medium Lift Helicopter
| ICE |
MLOS Microwave Line of Sight
| FEMA |
MLW Mean Low Water
| FEMA |
mm millimeter
| FEMA |
MMA Major Metropolitan Area
| FEMA |
MMC Main Media Center
| FEMA |
MMCE Medical Management of Chemical Exposure
| FEMA |
MMD Merchant Mariner Document
| USCG |
MMI Modified Mercalli Intensity
| FEMA |
MMIS Municipal Management Information System
| FEMA |
MMPA Marine Mammal Protection Act
| FEMA |
MMPAC Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee
| USCG |
MMRS Metropolitan Medical Response System
| FEMA |
MMS Minerals Management Service
| FEMA |
MMST Metropolitan Medical Strike Team
| FEMA |
MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
| FEMA |
MNAP Mapping Needs Assessment Process
| FEMA |
MNS Mission Needs Statement
| FEMA |
MNUSS Map Needs Update Support System
| FEMA |
MO Medical Officer
| FEMA |
MO Method of operation
| DHS |
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
| DHS |
MOB Main Operating Base
| FEMA |
MOB Mobilization (or Mobilize)
| FEMA |
MOB Center Mobilization Center
| FEMA |
MOC Mobile Operations Center
| FEMA |
MOC Maritime Operations Center
| PLCY |
MODEM Modulator/Demodulator
| FEMA |
MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
| FEMA |
MOE measure of effectiveness
| MGMT |
MOM Maximum of Maximums
| FEMA |
MOM Middle of Month
| FEMA |
MOOTW Military Operations Other Than War
| FEMA |
MOP measure of performance
| MGMT |
MOPP Mission-Oriented Protective Posture
| FEMA |
MORE Making Officer Redeployment Effective
| FEMA |
MOS measure of suitability
| MGMT |
MOSS Management Operations and Student Support
| FEMA |
MOU Memorandum of understanding
| DHS |
MOX Mixed Oxide Fuels
| FEMA |
MP Management Profiler
| FEMA |
MP Military Police
| FEMA |
MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft
| ICE |
MPAC Muslim Public Affairs Council
| CRCL |
MPC Main Press Center
| FEMA |
MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration
| FEMA |
MPC Mid-term Planning Committee
| FEMA |
MPC Mid-term Planning Conference
| FEMA |
MPD Maximum Potential Destruction
| FEMA |
MPE Maximum Permissible Exposure
| FEMA |
MPEG Motion Picture Expert Group
| FEMA |
MPH Miles per Hour
| FEMA |
MPPP Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program
| FEMA |
MPS Mission Planning System
| FEMA |
MPU Microprocessor Unit
| FEMA |
MPU Mobile Power Unit
| FEMA |
MQIT Medical Quality Improvement Team
| FEMA |
MQM Medical Quality Management
| FEMA |
MQM Program Medical Quality Management Program
| DHS |
MR Medical Records
| FEMA |
MR Medical Response
| FEMA |
mR milliroentgen/millirem
| FEMA |
mR/h milliRoentgen per hour
| FEMA |
MRA Monthly Rental Assistance
| FEMA |
MRA Mortgage and Rental Assistance
| FEMA |
MRAT Medical Radiobiology Advisory Team
| FEMA |
MRC Medical Reserve Corps
MRC Management Review Council
| FEMA |
MRC Monthly Recurring Costs
| FEMA |
MRE Meal, Ready-to-Eat
mRem millirem
| FEMA |
MRF Medium Range Forecast
| FEMA |
MRI Mean Recurrence Interval
| FEMA |
MRIC Mobile Registration Intake Center
| FEMA |
MRMC Medical Research and Materiel Command
| FEMA |
MRO Mandatory Removal Offense
| ICE |
MRP Machine readable passport
| CBP |
MRP Minimal Repair Program
| FEMA |
MRR Measurement Residual Ratio
| FEMA |
MRRS MERS Response Reporting System
| FEMA |
MRT Medical Response Team
| FEMA |
MRV Mobile Response Van
| FEMA |
MRV Mobile Response Vehicle
| FEMA |
MRV Multi-Radio Van
| FEMA |
MRV Multi-Radio Vehicle
| FEMA |
MS&G Models, Simulations, and Games
| FEMA |
MS-1 Medical Service – 1 (Hospital)
| FEMA |
MS4 municipal separate storm water sewer system
| DHS |
MSA Metropolitan Statistical Area
| FEMA |
MSA Modeling, Simulation, & Analysis
| FEMA |
MSA Mutual Support Agreement
| FEMA |
MSC Major Subordinate Command
| FEMA |
MSC Map Service Center
| FEMA |
MSC Marine Safety Center
| FEMA |
MSC Mobile Switching Center
| DHS |
MSCA Military Support to Civil Authorities
| FEMA |
MSCLEA Military Support to Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies
| FEMA |
MSD Military Support Detachment
| FEMA |
MSD Musculoskeletal Disorder
| FEMA |
MSDS Manpower Standards Development System
| FEMA |
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
| FEMA |
MSE MERS Support Element
| FEMA |
MSEL Master Scenario Events List
| FEMA |
MSF Mobile Screening Force
| TSA |
MSFCMA Magnuson-Stevens Fisheries Conservation and Management Act
| FEMA |
MSFO Marine Safety Field Office
| FEMA |
MSHA Mine Safety and Health Administration
| FEMA |
MSI Minority-Serving Institution
MSIA Metadata Standards for Information Assurance
| FEMA |
MSIC Missile and Space Intelligence Center
| S&T |
MSIIP Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program
| FEMA |
MSIS Marine Safety Information System
| FEMA |
MSIs Minority Serving Institutions
| FEMA |
MSL Mean Sea Level
| FEMA |
MSLO Military Support Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
MSO Maritime Security Operations
| USCG |
MSO Marine Safety Office
| FEMA |
MSO Military Support Officer
| FEMA |
MSPB Merit Systems Protection Board
MSR Main Supply Route
| FEMA |
MSRAM Maritime Security Risk Assessment Model
MSST Maritime Safety and Security Team
| USCG |
MST Management Support Team
| FEMA |
MST Master
| FEMA |
MST METRO Strike Team
| FEMA |
MST Mountain Standard Time (GMT - 7)
| FEMA |
MSU Management Support Unit
| FEMA |
MSU Marine Safety Unit
| FEMA |
MSU Medical Support Unit
| FEMA |
MSW municipal solid waste
| DHS |
MT Megaton
| FEMA |
MT metric ton
| FEMA |
MT Mitigation (FEMA/MT)
| DHS |
MTA Material Transfer Area
| FEMA |
MTF Medical Treatment Facility
| FEMA |
MTI Methodology Technical Implementation
| CISA |
MTMC Military Traffic Management Command
| FEMA |
MTOE Modified Table of Organization and Equipment
| FEMA |
MTOW Maximum Takeoff Weight
| TSA |
MTP Master Trainer Program
| FEMA |
MTR Maritime Training Response
| FEMA |
MTR Military Training Route
| FEMA |
MTS marine transportation system
| PLCY |
MTSA Maritime Transportation Security Act
| TSA | USCG |
MTSP Mass Transit Security Program
| TSA |
MTT Mobile Training Team
| FEMA |
MTTR mean time to repair
| MGMT |
MTTRS mean time to restore service
| MGMT |
MUDAC Meteorological and Unified Dose Assessment Center
| FEMA |
MUF Materials Unaccounted For
| FEMA |
MUTCD Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
| FEMA |
MVGP Mission, Vision and Guiding Principles
| FEMA |
MW megawatt
| FEMA |
MW Microwave
| FEMA |
MW Mount Weather
| FEMA |
MWA Metropolitan Washington Area
| FEMA |
MWCOG Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
| FEMA |
MWEAC Mount Weather Emergency Action Center
| FEMA |
MWEOC Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
MWFRS Main Wind Force Resisting System
| FEMA |
MWH megawatt hour
| FEMA |
MWMD Mount Weather Management Division
| FEMA |
MWS Marine Weather Statement
| FEMA |
MXMS Mixmaster
| FEMA |
M-ZONE High Mudflow Hazard Area
| FEMA |
N/A Not affected
| DHS |
N/A Not applicable
| DHS |
N/P Not Provided
| FEMA |
N2O nitrous oxide
| DHS |
NA Northeastern Area
| FEMA |
NA North American
| DHS |
NAAE National Association of Agricultural Employees
| MGMT |
NAAK Nerve Agent Antidote Kit
| FEMA |
NAAP Newport Army Ammunition Plant
| FEMA |
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
| FEMA |
NAAT North American Aviation Trilateral
| TSA |
NAC National Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
NAC National Advisory Council
| FEMA |
NAC Nebraska Avenue Complex
| DHS |
NAC National Agency Check
NAC/AEGL National Advisory Committee on Acute Exposure Guidelines Levels (for Chemical Substances)
| FEMA |
NACA National Air Carrier Association
| TSA |
NACCHO National Association of County and City Health Officials
| FEMA |
NACD National Association of Corporate Directors
| FEMA |
NACDD National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
| CRCL |
NACE National Association of County Engineers
| FEMA |
NACI National Agency Check with Inquiries
| FEMA |
NACIC National Counterintelligence Center
| I&A |
NACo National Association of Counties
| FEMA |
NACS NEMIS Access Control System
| FEMA |
NACS Netware Asynchronous Communications Service
| FEMA |
NACWA National Association of Clean Water Agencies
| FEMA |
NAD27 North American Datum of 1927
| FEMA |
NAD83 North American Datum of 1983
| FEMA |
NADB National Assets Data Base
| CISA |
NADO National Association of Development Organizations
| FEMA |
NAEMT National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
| FEMA |
NAERG North American Emergency Response Guidebook
| FEMA |
NAFAX National Facsimile Network
| FEMA |
NAFSMA National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies
| FEMA |
NAFTA North America Free Trade Agreement
| FEMA |
NAFTZ National Association of Free Trade Zones
| CBP | ICE |
NAHB National Association of Home Builders
| FEMA |
NAHERC National Animal Health Emergency Response Corps
| FEMA |
NAHF National Association of Hispanic Firefighters
| FEMA |
NAI North American Initiative
| PLCY |
NaI(Tl) Sodium Iodide Doped with Thallium (scintillator)
| FEMA |
NAIC National Association of Insurance Commissioners
| FEMA |
NAII National Association of Independent Insurers
| FEMA |
NAIIA National Association of Independent Insurance Adjusters
| FEMA |
NAILS National Automated Immigration Lookout System
NAMRI Naval Medical Research Institute
| FEMA |
NANDA North American Nuclear Detection Architecture
| FEMA |
NAOC National Airborne Operations Center
| FEMA |
NAOS North American Atmospheric Observing System
| FEMA |
NAP Nuclear Assessment Program
| S&T |
NAP National AIDS Policy
| FEMA |
NAPA National Academy of Public Administration
| FEMA |
NAPI National Arson Prevention Initiative
| FEMA |
NAPO National Organization of Police Organizations
| CISA |
NARA National Archives and Records Administration
| DHS |
NARAC National Atmospheric Release Advisory Center
NARCL Nuclear Accident Response Capabilities Listing
| FEMA |
NARFE National Active & Retired Federal Employees Association
| FEMA |
NARP National Agriculture Release Program
| CBP |
NARP Nuclear Accident Response Plan
| FEMA |
NARP Nuclear Accident Response Procedures
| FEMA |
NARS National Archives and Records Service
| MGMT |
NARSAP National Advanced Remote Sensing Applications Program
| FEMA |
NARTC National Advanced Resource Technology Center
| FEMA |
NAS National Academy of Sciences
| FEMA |
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
| DHS |
NASAR National Association for Search and Rescue
NASBLA National Association of State Boating Law Administrators
| USCG |
NASCDD National Association of State Civil Defense Directors
| FEMA |
NASCIO National Association of State Chief Information Officers
| S&T | MGMT |
NASEMSD National Association of State Emergency Medical Services Directors
| FEMA |
NASEMSO National Association of State Emergency Medical Officials
| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |
NASF National Association of State Foresters
| FEMA |
NASFM National Association of State Fire Marshals
| FEMA |
NASNA National Association of 9-1-1 Administrators
| FEMA |
NASTTPO National Association of State Title Three Program Officials
| FEMA |
NASULGC National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
| USCIS | S&T |
NATA National Air Transportation Association
| TSA | S&T |
NATCA National Air Traffic Controllers Association
| TSA |
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVAID Navigational Aid
| FEMA |
NAVC National Audio-Visual Center
| FEMA |
NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988
| FEMA |
NAWAS National Warning System
| FEMA |
NAWAS/BCC National Warning System Bridge and Conference Controller
| FEMA |
NAWC National Association of Water Companies
| FEMA |
NAWE National Association for Waterfront Employees
| MGMT |
NBACC National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center
| S&T | MGMT |
NBAF National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility
| S&T |
NBC Nuclear, Biological and Chemical
| FEMA |
NBFAC National Bioforensic Analysis Center
| S&T |
NBFSPQ National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications
| FEMA |
NBHPP National Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program
| FEMA |
NBIC National Biosurveillance Integration Center
| CWMD |
NBIS National Biosurveillance Integration System
| FEMA |
NBSAC National Boating Safety Advisory Council
| USCG |
NBSCAB National Bomb Squad Commanders Advisory Board
| FEMA |
NBSG National Biosurveillance Group
| FEMA |
NBTA National Business Travel Association
| TSA |
NBWDA National BioWeapons Defense Analysis Center
| S&T |
NC&B Nuclear, Chemical and Biological
| FEMA |
NCA National Command Authority
| FEMA |
NCAI National Congress of American Indians
| FEMA |
NCAP National Corrective Action Program
| FEMA |
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research
| FEMA |
NCAS National Cyber Alert System
| S&T |
NCATF National Church Arson Task Force
| FEMA |
NCAVC National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime
| FEMA |
NCBFAA National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America
| CBP |
NCC National Continuity Coordinator
| MGMT |
NCC National Coordinating Center (for Telecommunications)
| FEMA |
NCCC National Council of the Churches of Christ
| FEMA |
NCCC National Civilian Conservation Corps (AmeriCorps)
| FEMA |
NCCG National Civilian Community Group
| FEMA |
NCD National Council on Disability
| CRCL |
NCDDM National Center for Disaster Decision Making
NCE National Counterintelligence Executive
| I&A |
NCEH National Center for Environmental Health
| FEMA | CISA | S&T |
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction
| FEMA |
NCFPD National Center for Food Protection and Defense
| S&T |
NCFS National Center for Forensic Science
| ICE |
NCGIA National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis
| FEMA |
NCIC National Crime Information Center
| CBP | FEMA |
NCID National Center for Infectious Diseases
| FEMA |
NCIS Naval Criminal Investigative Service
| ICE | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
NCISP National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan
| FEMA |
NCIT National Council on International Trade (see NCITD)
| FEMA |
NCITD National Council on International Trade and Development
| FEMA |
NCIX Office of National Counterintelligence Executive
| I&A |
NCJA National Criminal Justice Association
| FEMA |
NCLIS National Commission on Libraries and Information Science
| S&T |
NCMEC National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
| ICE |
NCO Non-Commissioned Officer
| FEMA |
NCP National Continuity Programs (FEMA/NCP)
| DHS |
NCP National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (aka: "National Contingency Plan")
| FEMA |
NCPC National Capitol Planning Commission
| FEMA |
NCPC National Crime Prevention Council
| FEMA |
NCPI National Committee on Property Insurance
| FEMA |
NCR National Capitol Region
| FEMA |
NCRC National Capitol Region Coordination (FEMA/NCRC)
| DHS |
NCRCG National Cyber Response Coordination Group
| FEMA |
NCRPM National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements
| FEMA |
NCS non-critical sensitive [position]
| MGMT |
NCS National Communications System
| FEMA | CISA | I&A |
NCS Net Control System
| FEMA |
NCSA National Center for Super-computing Applications
| FEMA |
NCSA North Carolina Sheriffs' Association
| FEMA |
NCSC National Cybersecurity Center
| DHS |
NCSD National Cybersecurity Division
| CISA | S&T | I&A |
NCSD National Communications System Directive
| FEMA |
NCSH National Communications System Handbook
| FEMA |
NCSL National Council of State Legislators
| CISA |
NCSLLET National Center for State & Local Law Enforcement Training, Advisory Committee to the
NCSM National Communications System Manual
| FEMA |
NCSP National Cyber Security Partnership
| CISA | OGC |
NCSP National Communications Support Plan
| FEMA |
NCSRM National Communications Systems Regional Manager
| FEMA |
NCSSA National Cartographic Standards for Spatial Accuracy
| FEMA |
NCTC National Counterterrorism Center
| DHS |
NCUA National Credit Union Administration
NCVIP National Child Victim Identification Program
| USSS |
NDA National Defense Area
| FEMA |
NDA Nevada Department of Agriculture
| FEMA |
NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement
| FEMA |
NDAA Natural Disaster Assistance Act
| FEMA |
NDAC Network Design and Analysis Center
| FEMA |
NDC National Data Center
| CBP |
NDEA National Defense Emergency Authorization
| FEMA |
NDEC National Disaster Education Coalition
| FEMA |
NDEP National Digital Elevation Program
| FEMA |
NDER National Defense Executive Reserve
| FEMA |
N-DEX [Law Enforcement] National Data Exchange
NDFD National Digital Forecast Database
| FEMA |
NDHS National Disaster Housing Strategy (FEMA)
| FEMA |
NDHTF National Disaster Housing Task Force
| FEMA |
NDIA National Defense Industrial Association
| CISA | S&T |
NDIC National Drug Intelligence Center
| ICE |
NDMC National Drought Mitigation Center
| FEMA |
NDMN National Donations Management Network
| FEMA |
NDMOC National Disaster Medical Operations Center
| FEMA |
NDMS National Disaster Medical System
| FEMA | I&A |
NDMSOSC National Disaster Medical System Operations Support Center
| FEMA |
NDPC National Domestic Preparedness Consortium
| FEMA |
NDPO National Domestic Preparedness Office
| CISA |
NDRSMP National Distress and Response System Modernization Project (also known as “Rescue 21”)
| FEMA |
NDS National Defense Stockpile
| FEMA |
NDS National Detention Standards
| FEMA |
NDS Nuclear Detection System
| FEMA |
NDTA National Defense Transportation Association
| TSA |
NDU National Defense University
| FEMA |
NDW Naval District of Washington
| DHS |
NE New England
| FEMA |
NE Northeast
| FEMA |
NEA National Endowment for the Arts
| FEMA |
NEARS National Emergency and Alerting Response System
| FEMA |
NEC National Earthquake Center
| FEMA |
NEC National Electric Code
| FEMA |
NECA Newport Chemical Activity
| FEMA |
NECC National Emergency Coordination Center (see NRCC)
| FEMA |
NECD Newport Chemical Depot
| FEMA |
NECLC National Emergency Child Locator Center
| FEMA |
NECN National Emergency Communications Network
| FEMA |
NECP National Emergency Communications Plan
| FEMA |
NED National Exercise Division
| FEMA |
NED Nuclear Explosive Device
| FEMA |
NEDCTP National Explosives Detection Canine Team Program
| TSA |
NEDSS National Electronic Disease Surveillance System
| I&A |
NEEP National Earthquake Education Program
| FEMA |
NEEP National Exercise and Evaluation Program
| FEMA |
NEET National Exercise Evaluation Team
| FEMA |
NEF National Essential Function
| FEMA |
NEFRLS National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System
| FEMA |
NEFSMA New England Floodplain and Stormwater Managers Association
| FEMA |
NEG National Emergency Grant
NEH National Endowment for the Humanities
| FEMA |
NEHA National Environmental Health Association
| FEMA |
NEHRP National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
| FEMA |
NEI Nuclear Energy Institute
| FEMA |
NEIC National Earthquake Information Center
| FEMA |
NEIC National Enforcement Investigations Center
| FEMA |
NEIS National Earthquake Information Service
| FEMA |
NEMA National Emergency Management Association
NEMA Nebraska Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
NEMBCAP National Emergency Management Baseline Capability Assessment Program
| FEMA |
NEMIS National Emergency Management Information System
NEMSIS National EMS Information System
| FEMA |
NEMSPI National Emergency Medical Services Preparedness Initiative
| FEMA |
NEMT National Emergency Management Team
| FEMA |
NENA National Emergency Number Association
| FEMA |
NEO Near-Earth Orbit
| FEMA |
NEO Non-combatant Evacuation Operation
| FEMA |
NEOB New Executive Office Building
| FEMA |
NEOC National Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
NEP National Exercise Program
| FEMA |
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
| FEMA | S&T | OGC |
NEPPC National Emergency Prevention and Preparedness Council
| FEMA |
NERC North American Electric Reliability Council
NERR National Emergency Resource Registry
| PLCY |
NERRTC National Emergency Response and Rescue Training Center (TEEX/NDPC)
| FEMA |
NERT National Emergency Response Team
| FEMA |
NESC National Exercise Simulation Center
| FEMA |
NESEC Northeast States Emergency Consortium
| FEMA |
NESHAPs National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
| DHS |
NESN Necessary Expenses and Serious Needs
| FEMA |
NESP National Environmental Studies Project
| FEMA |
NESPM National EMS Scope of Practice Model
| FEMA |
NEST Nuclear Emergency Search Team
NESWG National Earthquake Strategy Working Group
| FEMA |
NET No Earlier Than
| FEMA |
NETAC National Environmental Technology Application Center
| FEMA |
NETAP National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program
| FEMA |
NETC National Emergency Training Center
| FEMA |
NEXRAD Next Generation Weather Radar
| FEMA |
NEXS National Exercise Schedule
| FEMA | S&T |
NEXUS Next Generation Upper Weather System
| FEMA |
NFA National Fire Academy
| FEMA |
NFA National Fire Academy, Board of Visitors for the
NFAAA National Fire Academy Alumni Association
| FEMA |
NFAEB National Fire & Aviation Executive Board
| FEMA |
NFAR No Further Action Required
| FEMA |
NFC National Finance Center
| MGMT |
NFCD National Finance Center Database
| FEMA |
NFDA National Flood Determination Association
| FEMA |
NFDA National Funeral Directors Association
| FEMA |
NFDC National Fire Data Center
| FEMA |
NFES National Fire Equipment System
| FEMA |
NFFE National Federation of Federal Employees
| MGMT |
NFFF National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
NFFS Northeast Forest Fire Supervisors
| FEMA |
NFI National Flood Insurance
| FEMA |
NFIB National Foreign Intelligence Board
| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |
NFIC National Fire Information Council
| FEMA |
NFIF National Flood Insurance Fund
| FEMA |
NFIP National Foreign Intelligence Program
| I&A |
NFIP National Flood Insurance Program
| FEMA |
NFIRA National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994
| FEMA |
NFIRS National Fire Incident Reporting System
NFMA National Forest Management Act
| FEMA |
NFOP National Fugitive Operations Program
| ICE |
NFP Not For Profit
| FEMA |
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
| FEMA | USFA | S&T |
NFPCA National Fire Prevention and Control Administration
| FEMA |
NFPE National Fire Protection Equipment
| FEMA | USFA | S&T |
NFR Notice of Finding and Recommendation
| FEMA |
NFS National Forest System
| FEMA |
NFSA National Fire Sprinkler Association
| FEMA |
NFSC Narcotics Financing Strategy Center
| ICE |
NFSCC National Fire Science Curriculum Committee
| FEMA |
NFSLO National Fire Suppression Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
NFTS National File Tracking System (replaced RAFACS)
NG National Guard
| FEMA |
NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
| DHS |
NGA National Governors Association
NGB National Governing Body
| FEMA |
NGB National Guard Bureau
| FEMA |
NGDC National Geophysical Data Center
| FEMA |
NGI Next Generation Internet
| FEMA |
NGIC National Ground Intelligence Center [Army]
| I&A |
NGLO National Guard Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
NGM Nested Grid Model
| FEMA |
NGN Next-Generation Network
| FEMA |
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NGRS National Geodetic Reference System
| FEMA |
NGS National Geodetic Survey
| FEMA |
NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum
| FEMA |
NGVD29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929
| FEMA |
NGWT Next Generation Warning Tool
| FEMA |
NHC National Hurricane Center
| FEMA |
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
| FEMA |
NHSSS (also known as NH3S) National Homeland Security Support System
| FEMA |
NHSU National Homeland Security University
| FEMA |
NHTSA National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
| FEMA | TSA |
NHV Natural Hazard Vulnerability
| FEMA |
NI No Insurance
| FEMA |
NIAAA National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
| FEMA |
NIAC National Infrastructure Advisory Council
| CISA | I&A | PLCY |
NIAC NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts
| S&T |
NIAC National Iranian American Council
| CRCL |
NIB National Industries for the Blind
| FEMA |
NIBC National Interagency Biodefense Campus
| FEMA |
NIBRS National Incident Based Reporting System
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
| FEMA |
NIC National Intelligence Council
| I&A |
NIC National Instrumentation Center
| FEMA |
NIC NIMS Integration Center
| FEMA |
NIC National Integration Center
| DHS |
NICACS National Incident Control and Action Communication System
| FEMA |
NICC National Interagency Coordination Center
| FEMA |
NICC National Infrastructure Coordination Center
| CISA | I&A |
NICCL National Incident Communications Conference Line
| FEMA |
NICCP National Interdiction Command & Control Plan
| ICE |
NICI National Interagency Counterdrug Institute
| FEMA |
NICRAT National Incident Command Resource Allocation Tool
| FEMA |
NICS National Instant Background Check System
NID National Inventory of Dams
| FEMA |
NID National Intelligence Director (see correct DNI)
| DHS |
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Services
| FEMA |
NIEM National Information Exchange Model
| I&A | MGMT |
NIEOC National Interagency Emergency Operations Center
NIER National Industrial Equipment Reserve
| FEMA |
NIF National Ignition Facility
| FEMA |
NIF Non-Industrial Facility
| FEMA |
NIFC National Interagency Fire Center
| FEMA |
NIFCC National Interagency Fire Coordination Center
| FEMA |
NIH National Institutes of Health
| DHS |
NIHS National Institute for Hometown Security
| S&T |
NII National Information Infrastructure
| FEMA |
NII Non-Intrusive Inspection
| CBP |
NII/GII National Information Infrastructure/Global Information Infrastructure Initiatives
| FEMA |
NIIMS National Interagency Incident Management System
| FEMA |
NIIS Non-Immigrant Information System
| CBP |
NIITP National Investigative Interview Training Program
NIJ National Institute of Justice
| S&T |
NIMA National Imagery and Mapping Agency (see NGA)
| CBP |
N-IMAT National Incident Management Assistance Team
| FEMA |
NIMBY Not In My Backyard
| FEMA |
NIMCAST National Incident Management Compliance Assurance Tool
| FEMA |
NIMCAST National Incident Management System Capability Assessment Support Tool (see NIMSCAST)
| FEMA |
NIMG National Interagency Mobilization Guide
| FEMA |
NIMH National Institutes of Mental Health
| FEMA |
NIMO National Incident Management Organization
| FEMA |
NIMS National Incident Management System
NIMS SC NIMS Support Center
| FEMA |
NIMS STEP NIMS Supporting Technology Evaluation Program
| FEMA |
NIMS/NET National Incident Management System Network
| FEMA |
NIMSCAST National Incident Management System Capability Assessment Support Tool
| FEMA |
NIMTO Not In My Term of Office
| FEMA |
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
| FEMA | S&T |
NIP National Immunization Program
| FEMA |
NIP National Intelligence Program
| FEMA |
NIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center
| FEMA | I&A |
NIPF National Intelligence Priority Framework
| CISA | I&A |
NIPP National Infrastructure Protection Plan
| CISA |
NIPS Numerically Integrated Profiling System
| CBP | ICE | PRIV |
NIR Non Ionizing Radiation
| FEMA |
NIRSC National Interagency Radio Support Cache
| FEMA |
NIRT Nuclear Incident Response Team
NISAC National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center
| CISA | S&T |
NISE National Intelligence Support Element
| FEMA |
NISP National Industrial Security Program
| PLCY |
NISPOM National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual
| FEMA |
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
| S&T | I&A |
NIUSR National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue
| FEMA |
NIVS Non-immigrant Visa System
| USCIS | I&A | PLCY |
NJBF New Jersey Business Force
| FEMA |
NJIC National Joint Information Center
| OPS |
NJTTF National Joint Terrorism Task Force
| I&A |
NLC National League of Cities
| FEMA |
NLC National Location Code
| FEMA |
NLD Nunn-Lugar-Domenici
| FEMA |
NLE National-Level Exercise
| FEMA |
NLECC National Law Enforcement Coordination Center
| FEMA |
NLETS National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
| FEMA | USCG | I&A |
NLRA National Labor Relations Authority
| FEMA |
NLRB National Labor Relations Board
| MGMT |
NLS National Language Standards
| FEMA |
NLT No later than
| DHS |
NLZ No Lone Zone
| FEMA |
NM Nautical Mile
| FEMA |
NMAB National Materials Advisory Board
| FEMA |
NMAS National Map Accuracy Standard
| FEMA |
NMB National Mediation Board
| S&T | OGC |
NMC National Meteorological Center
| FEMA |
NMC Non-Mission Capable
| FEMA |
NMCC National Master Control Cell
| FEMA |
NMCC National Military Command Center
NMD National Mapping Division (of USGS)
| FEMA |
NMETS National Mass Evacuation Tracking System
| FEMA |
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
| FEMA |
NMI No Middle Initial
| FEMA |
NMIC National Maritime Intelligence Center
| CBP | USCG |
NMJIC National Military Joint Intelligence Center
| FEMA |
NMO National Terrorism Advisory System Management Office
| I&A |
NMRI Naval Medical Research Institute
| FEMA |
NMRS National Medical Response System
| FEMA |
NMRT National Medical Response Team
| FEMA |
NMSAC National Maritime Security Advisory Committee
| USCG |
NMSP National Maritime Security Plan
| USCG |
NMSRA National Maritime Strategic Risk Assessment
NMSS Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security
| FEMA |
NMT New Mexico Tech (NDPC)
| FEMA |
NMTSP National Marine Transportation Security Plan
| USCG |
NNALEA National Native American Law Enforcement Association
| FEMA |
NNEC National Network Emergency Center
| FEMA |
NNFC National Network of Fusion Centers
| OPS | PLCY |
NNO National Night Out
| OPA |
NNOB National Network Operations Branch
| FEMA |
NNOC National Network Operations Center
| FEMA |
NNRT National Nurses Response Team (medical)
| FEMA |
NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration
| DHS |
NO National Office
| FEMA |
No FEAR Act Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002
| FEMA |
NOA notice of availability [NEPA}
| DHS |
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
| DHS |
NOAEL No Observed Adverse Effects Level
| FEMA |
NOBLE National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
| TSA | CRCL |
NOC DHS National Operations Center
| I&A |
NOC National Olympic Committee
| FEMA |
NOC National Operations Center (OPS/NOC) [formerly the HSOC]
| DHS |
NOC Navy Operations Center
| FEMA |
NOC Negotiations Operations Center
| FEMA |
NOC Network Operations Center
| FEMA |
NOC-HQE National Operations Center - Headquarters Element
| FEMA |
NOEL No Observed Effects Level
| FEMA |
NOFA Notice of Funds Availability
| FEMA |
NOFD New Orleans Fire Department
| FEMA |
NOGA Notice of Grant Award
| FEMA |
NOI Notice of Intent
| FEMA |
NOI Notice of Interest
| FEMA |
NOID Notice of Intent to Deny
NOK Next of Kin
| FEMA |
NOPD New Orleans Police Department
| FEMA |
NOPR Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
| FEMA |
NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command
| CWMD |
NORTHCOM United States Northern Command
NOS National Ocean Survey
| FEMA |
NOS Not Otherwise Specified
| FEMA |
NOSAC National Offshore Safety Advisory Committee
| USCG |
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
| FEMA |
NOUE Notice of Unusual Event
| FEMA |
NP National Preparedness (FEMA/NP)
| DHS |
NP Navigation Processor
| FEMA |
NPBF non-petroleum based fuel
| DHS |
NPC National Paralympic Committee
| FEMA |
NPC National Petroleum Council
| FEMA |
NPD National Preparedness Directorate
| FEMA |
NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
| FEMA |
NPDP National Performance of Dams Program
| FEMA |
NPES National Planning and Execution System
| OPS |
NPFC National Pollution Funds Center
| FEMA |
NPG National Preparedness Goal
| FEMA |
NPG National Preparedness Guidelines
| FEMA |
NPL National Priorities List
| FEMA |
NPLA National Preparedness Leadership Academy
| FEMA |
NPM National Preparedness Month
| FEMA |
NPMA National Property Management Association
| FEMA |
NPMOC Naval Pacific Meteorology and Oceanography Center
| FEMA |
NPOC Next Port of Call
| CBP | USCG |
NPOESS National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
| FEMA |
NPP Nuclear Power Plant
| FEMA |
NPPC National Preparedness and Prevention Council
| FEMA |
NPPD National Protection and Programs Directorate (see CISA)
| DHS |
NPR National Partnership for Reinventing Government (formerly National Performance Review)
| FEMA |
NPR National Preparedness Report
| FEMA |
NPR Nationwide Plan Review
| FEMA |
NPRA National Petrochemical & Refiners Association
| PLCY |
NPRM Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [see also ANPRM and SNPRM]
| TSA | OGC |
NPRT National Pharmacist Response Team
| FEMA |
NPS National Park Service
| FEMA |
NPS National Pharmaceutical Stockpile
| FEMA |
NPS National Planning Scenarios
| FEMA |
NPS National Preparedness System
| FEMA |
NPS Naval Postgraduate School
| FEMA |
NPSC National Processing Service Center
| FEMA |
NPSP National Pharmaceutical Stockpile Program
| FEMA |
NPSTC National Public Safety Telecommunications Council
| FEMA | S&T |
NRAT National Radiological Advisory Team
| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |
NRAT Nuclear Radiological Advisory Team
| FEMA |
NRC National Records Center
| ICE |
NRC National Research Council
| FEMA |
NRC National Response Center
| FEMA |
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
| DHS |
NRCC National Response Coordination Center
| FEMA |
NRCC Northern Regional Coordination Center
| FEMA |
NRCOC Nuclear Regulatory Commission Operations Center
| FEMA |
NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service
| FEMA |
NRCSDC Natural Resources Conservation Service District Conservationist
| FEMA |
NRCSSC Natural Resources Conservation Service State Conservationist
| FEMA |
NRF National Response Framework [supersedes NRP]
| FEMA |
NRIA Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex (to the NRF)
| FEMA |
NRIMC National Resources Information and Mapping Center
| FEMA |
NRIS National Resource Information System
| FEMA |
NRO National Reconnaissance Office
| FEMA |
NRP National Response Plan (see NRF)
| FEMA |
NRPC National Railway Passenger Commission
| TSA |
NRP-CIS National Response Plan Catastrophic Incident Supplement
| FEMA |
NRR Noise Reduction Rating
| FEMA |
NRS National Response System
| FEMA |
NRT National Response Team
| FEMA |
NRT Near Real-Time
| FEMA |
NRWA National Rural Water Association
| FEMA |
NS National Strategic (Task)
| FEMA |
NS/EP National Security and Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
NS/EPC National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications, Committee for
| FEMA |
NSA National Sheriffs Association
| CISA |
NSA National Security Agency
| DHS |
NSA National Security Area
| FEMA |
NSA Network Security Agreement
| DHS |
NSABB National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity
| S&T |
NSAC Navigation Safety Advisory Council
| USCG |
NSAT Network Service Acceptance Test
| FEMA |
NSBC National Safe Boating Council
| USCG |
NSC National Security Cutter
| USCG |
NSC National Safety Council
| FEMA |
NSC National Security Council
| DHS |
NSC NFIRS Support Center
| FEMA |
NSD Named Storm Day
| FEMA |
NSD National Security Directive
| FEMA |
NSDD National Security Decision Directive
| FEMA |
NSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure
| I&A |
NSEC National Security Emergency Coordination
| FEMA |
NSEC National Standard Exercise Curriculum
| FEMA |
NSEERS National Security Entry Exit Registration System
| DHS | CBP | CRCL | I&A |
NSEPT National Security and Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications
| FEMA |
NSF National Science Foundation
| FEMA | S&T |
NSF National Strike Force
| FEMA |
NSFCC National Strike Force Coordination Center
| FEMA |
NSGIC National States Geographic Information Council
| FEMA |
NSGP Non-Profit Security Grant Program
| FEMA |
NSHS National Strategy for Homeland Security
| CISA |
NSI National Security Information
| FEMA |
NSI Nuclear Surety Inspection
| FEMA |
NSLRSDA National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive
| FEMA |
NSMP National Strong-Motion Program
| FEMA |
NSN National Security Notifications
| FEMA |
NSN National Stock Number
| FEMA |
NSPD National Security Presidential Directive
| DHS |
NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers
| FEMA |
NSPS National Security Personnel System
| OGC |
NSRS National Spatial Reference System
| FEMA |
NSRV National Security and Records Verification (USCIS/NSRV)
| DHS |
NSS National Security Strategy
| CISA |
NSS National Shelter System
| FEMA |
NSSA National Safe Skies Alliance
| TSA |
NSSDA National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy
| FEMA |
NSSE National Special Security Event
| USSS | CISA | S&T |
NSSFC National Severe Storms Forecast Center
| FEMA |
NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory
| FEMA |
NSTAC National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee
NSTC National Science & Technology Council
| S&T |
NSTR Nothing Significant to Report
| FEMA |
NT Network Technology
| FEMA |
NT Windows NT operating system
| FEMA |
NTA National Technology Alliance
| S&T |
NTA Network Technology Architecture
| FEMA |
NTA Notice to Appear
NTAC National Threat Assessment Center
| USSS | I&A |
NTAS National Terrorism Advisory System
| I&A |
NTC National Targeting Center
| CBP | I&A |
NTC National Teleregistration Center
| FEMA |
NTC-MW National Teleregistration Center at Mount Weather
| FEMA |
NTE Not to Exceed
| FEMA |
NTEU National Treasury Employees Union
| MGMT | OGC |
NTFI National Task Force on Interoperability
| FEMA |
NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTIS National Technical Information Service
| FEMA |
NTM National Technical Means
| FEMA |
NTMR National Technical Means of Reconnaissance
| FEMA |
NTMS National Telecommunications Management Structure
| FEMA |
NTNFC National Technical Nuclear Forensics Center
| CWMD |
NTR Nothing to Report
| FEMA |
N-TRAP National Terrorism Response Awareness Program
| FEMA |
NTRO National Terrorism Response Objective
| FEMA |
NTS National Traffic System
| FEMA |
NTS Nevada Test Site
| FEMA |
NTSB National Transportation Safety Board
| DHS |
NTSC National Telecommunications Standards Committee
| FEMA |
NTSP National Telecommunications Support Plan; a.k.a. National Plan for Telecommunications Support in Non-Wartime Emergencies
| FEMA |
NTSRA National Transportation Sector Risk Assessment
| TSA | CISA |
NTVRP Non-Tank Vessel Response Plan
| USCG |
NU Name Unknown
| FEMA |
NUCFLASH Accidental, unauthorized, or unexplained nuclear detonation
| FEMA |
NUDET Nuclear Detonation
| FEMA |
NUL National Urban League
| CISA |
NUMARC Nuclear Management and Resources Council
| FEMA |
NUREG Nuclear Regulation
| FEMA |
NUSRS National Urban Search and Rescue System, Advisory Committee of the
| FEMA |
NUWAX Nuclear Weapon Exercise
| FEMA |
NUWC Naval Undersea Warfare Center
| FEMA |
NVAC National Visualization and Analytics Center
| FEMA |
NVC National Visa Center
| FEMA |
NVDC National Vessel Documentation Center
| FEMA |
NVFC National Volunteer Fire Council
NVG Night Vision Goggles
| CBP | ICE |
NVIC Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular
| USCG |
NVL Night Vision Laboratory
| USSS |
NVLAP National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
| FEMA |
NVMC National Vessel Movement Center
| USCG | I&A |
NVOAD National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters
| FEMA |
NVPS National Virtual Pointer System
| I&A |
NVTSA Night Vision Technology Safety Act
| S&T |
NW Neighborhood Watch
| FEMA |
NWARSG Nuclear Weapons Accident Response Steering Group
| FEMA |
NWC National Warning Center
| FEMA |
NWCG National Wildfire Coordinating Group
| FEMA |
NWCG National Wildland Coordinating Group
| FEMA |
NWP Neighborhood Watch Program (see NW)
| FEMA |
NWR National Weather Radio
| FEMA |
NWR NOAA Weather Radio
| FEMA |
NWS National Weather Service
NWSFO National Weather Service Forecast Office
| FEMA |
NWWS National Weather Wire Service
| FEMA |
NYCOEM New York City Office of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
O number Order number
| FEMA |
O&M Operations and Maintenance
| FEMA |
O/C Observer/Controller
| FEMA |
OA Office Automation
| FEMA |
OA Over and Above
| FEMA |
OA operational assessment
| S&T |
OAA Older Americans Act
| FEMA |
OAD Operations Analysis Division (S&T/OAD)
| DHS |
OADR Originating Agency Determination Required
| FEMA |
OAFME Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner
| FEMA |
OAM Office of Acquisition Management
| FEMA |
OAO Office of Aviation Operations
| TSA |
OAR Office of Air and Radiation
| FEMA |
OAR Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
| FEMA |
OAS Office of Administrative Support
| FEMA |
OAS Office of Aircraft Services
| FEMA |
OAS Organization of American States
OASD Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense
| FEMA |
OASH/OEP Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health / Office of Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
| I&A |
OAST Office of Accessible Systems & Technology
| FEMA |
OAWG Organizational Attack Working Group
| TSA |
OB Official Business
| FEMA |
OBE Overcome by Events
| FEMA |
OBP Border Patrol, Office of (CBP/OBP)
| DHS |
OBS Observation
| FEMA |
OC Operations Center
| FEMA |
OCA Office of Congressional Affairs
| FEMA |
OCA Original Classification Authority
| FEMA |
OCAO Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (MGMT/OCAO)
| DHS |
OCB Operations Centers Branch
| FEMA |
OCC Office of the Chief Counsel
| FEMA |
OCC Office of the Controller of Currency
OCD Office of Community Development
| FEMA |
OCDETF Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force
| ICE | USCG |
OCFO Office of the Chief Financial Officer (MGMT/OCFO)
| DHS |
OCFOAS Office of Chief Financial Officers & Administrative Services
| FEMA |
OCG Operations Coordinating Grouo
| OPS |
OCGFC Office of Cerro Grande Fire Claims
| FEMA |
OCHAMPUS Office of Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
| FEMA |
OCHCO Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer (MGMT/OCHCO)
| DHS |
OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer (MGMT/OCIO)
| DHS |
OCIPEP Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
| CISA |
OCJCS Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
| FEMA |
OCLA Office of Congressional Liaison and Affairs
| FEMA |
OCLUS Outside the Continental Limits of the United States
| FEMA |
OCN Optimal Climate Normals
| FEMA |
OCOG Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games
| FEMA |
OCONUS Outside the Continental United States
| FEMA |
OCPM Office of Crisis Planning and Management
| FEMA |
OCPO Office of the Chief Procurement Officer (MGMT/CPO)
| DHS |
OCR Office of Collateral Responsibility
| FEMA |
OCR Optical Character Reader
| FEMA |
OCR Optical Character Recognition
| FEMA |
OCRWM Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management
| FEMA |
OCS Officer Candidate School
| USCG |
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
| FEMA |
OCSO Office of the Chief Security Officer (MGMT/OCSO)
| DHS |
OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol
| FEMA |
OCTAVE Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability Evaluation
| CISA |
OCTEL Operations Center Telephone
| FEMA |
OCZM Office of Coastal Zone Management
| FEMA |
ODAM Offsite Dose Assessment Manual
| FEMA |
ODBC Open Database Connectivity
| FEMA |
ODC Other Direct Cost
| FEMA |
ODCEM Oklahoma Department of Civil Emergency Management
| FEMA |
ODEM Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
ODIS Offshore Detection Integrated System
| CWMD |
ODNI Office of the Director of National Intelligence
| FEMA |
ODP Office for Domestic Preparedness
ODRO Office of Detention and Removal Operations
| ICE |
ODS Operation Desert Safeguard
| CBP |
OE Operating Expenses
| FEMA |
OE Operational Environment
| FEMA |
OE Organizational Elements
| FEMA |
OEC Office of Emergency Communications
| FEMA |
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development
| USSS |
OEM Office of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturers
| FEMA |
OEMA Ohio Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
OEMC Office of Emergency Management and Communications
| FEMA |
OEMP Office of Emergency Medical Preparedness
| FEMA |
OEP Occupant Emergency Plan
| FEMA |
OEP Occupant Emergency Program
| FEMA |
OEP Office of Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
OER Office of Emergency Response
| FEMA |
OER Office of Equal Rights
| FEMA |
OES Office of Emergency Services
| FEMA |
OET Office of Emergency Transportation (DOT)
| FEMA |
OF Office of Finance
| FEMA |
OF Over-water Fetch (Line)
| FEMA |
OFA Office of Family Assistance
| FEMA |
OFA Other Federal Agency
| FEMA |
OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control
| CBP |
OFCR Officer
| FEMA |
OFDA Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
| FEMA |
OFF Offshore Forecast
| FEMA |
OFM Office of Financial Management
| FEMA |
OFMA Oklahoma Floodplain Management Association
| FEMA |
OFO Field Operations, Office of (CBP/OFO)
| DHS |
OFP Office of Field Programs
| FEMA |
OFSEP Office of Food Security and Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
OGAT Official Government Acceptance Test
| FEMA |
OGC Office of the General Counsel
| DHS |
OGE Office of Government Ethics
| FEMA |
OGO Office of Grant Operations
| FEMA |
OGSA Open Grid Services Architecture
| FEMA |
OH Occupational Health
| FEMA |
OH Overhead
| FEMA |
OHA Office of Health Affairs (see CWMD)
| DHS |
OHR Office of Human Resources
| FEMA |
OHRM Office of Human Resources Management
| FEMA |
OHRP Office for Human Research Protections [United States Dept. of Health and Human Services] (MD 10300)
| FEMA |
OHS Office of Homeland Security (see HSC)
| FEMA |
OI Office of Investigations
| FEMA |
OIA International Affairs, Office of (ICE/OIA), (PLCY/OIA)
| DHS |
OIC Office of Interoperability & Compatibility
| S&T |
OIC Officer-in-Charge
OIE Office of International Enforcement
OIG Office of Inspector General
| DHS |
OIM Office of Incident Management
| FEMA | S&T |
OIRA Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
OIS Immigration Statistics, Office of (PLCY/OIS)
| DHS |
OIT Office of Information Technology
| FEMA |
OIWG Operational Intelligence Working Group
| I&A |
OJCS Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
| FEMA |
OJP Office of Justice Programs
| FEMA |
OJT On the Job Training
OJT - formal on-the-job training, (formal) OJT
| MGMT |
OJT - unstructured on-the-job training, unstructured OJT
| MGMT |
OKC Oklahoma City
| FEMA |
OLA Office of Legislative Affairs
| DHS |
OLAP On-Line Analytical Processing
| FEMA |
OLAW Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
| S&T |
OLC Office of Legal Counsel
| FEMA |
OLE Object Linking and Embedding
| FEMA |
OLE Office of Law Enforcement
| FEMA |
OLE/FAMS Law Enforcement, Office of/Federal Air Marshal Service (TSA/OLE/FAMS)
| DHS |
OLES Office of Law Enforcement Standards
| FEMA |
OLS Operation Life Safety (see RFSI)
| FEMA |
OLTP On-Line Transaction Processing
| FEMA |
OMA Operations, Management, and Administration
| FEMA |
OMB Office of Management and Budget
| DHS |
OMNCS Office of the Manager, National Communications System
| FEMA |
OMS Operations Management Systems
| FEMA |
OMTPE Office of Mission to Planet Earth
| FEMA |
ONA Other Needs Assistance (IHP)
| FEMA |
ONCRC Office of National Capital Region Coordination
| FEMA |
ONDCP Office of National Drug Control Policy
| DHS |
ONRA Office of National Risk Assessment
| TSA |
ONS operational needs statement
| S&T |
OOC Office of Citizenship
OPA Office of Public Affairs
| DHS |
OPA Otherwise Protected Area
| FEMA |
OPA Office of Public Affairs
| OPA |
OPAC On-Line Payments and Collection
| FEMA |
OPBD Operations Branch Director
| FEMA |
OPC Organizational Program Coordinators
| FEMA |
OPCOM Operational Command
| FEMA |
OPCON Operational Control
| FEMA |
OPD Office of Policy Development
| FEMA |
OPDAT Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training
OPEN Open Platform for Emergency Networks
| FEMA |
OPERIOD Operational Period
| FEMA |
OPF Official Personnel Folder
| MGMT |
OPHEP Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness (HHS)
| FEMA |
OPHS Office of Public Health and Science
| FEMA |
OPLAN Operations Plan
| FEMA |
OPM Office of Personnel Management
| DHS |
OPO Protective Operations (USSS/OPO)
| DHS |
OPORD Operation Order
| FEMA |
OPPRED Operation Predator
| ICE |
OPR Office of Primary Responsibility
| FEMA |
OPR Protective Research, Office of (USSS/OPR)
| DHS |
OPREP Operational Report
| FEMA |
OPS Office of Operations Coordination
| MGMT |
OPS Office of Pipeline Safety
| FEMA |
OPS Operational Planning System
| FEMA |
OPS Operations
| DHS |
OPS (former) Office of Private Sector Liaison (formerly PSL; see PSO)
| FEMA |
OPSEC Operations Security
| DHS |
OPSG Operation Stonegarden
| FEMA |
OPSUM Operations Summary
| OPS |
OPT Operations and Planning Team
| FEMA |
OPTEMPO Operating Tempo
| FEMA |
OPUS Olympic Properties of the United States
| FEMA |
OPVAL Operational Validation Program
| FEMA |
OPW Operational Planning Worksheet
| FEMA |
OR&R Office of Regulations and Rulings
| FEMA |
ORA Outstanding Research Award
| FEMA |
ORCA Operational Readiness Capability Assessment
| FEMA |
ORD Office of Research and Development
| FEMA |
ORD Office of the Regional Director
| FEMA |
ORD Operational Requirements Document
| FEMA |
ORDM Ordering Manager
| FEMA |
OREMS Oak Ridge Evacuation Modeling System
| FEMA |
ORIA Office of Radiation and Indoor Air
| CWMD |
ORISE Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
| S&T |
ORM Other Regulated Materials
| FEMA |
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
| CWMD |
ORO Off-site Response Organization
| FEMA |
ORPA Orthophoto Analyst
| FEMA |
ORR Office of Refugee Resettlement
| FEMA |
ORTA Office of Research and Technology Applications
| MGMT |
OS Operating System
| FEMA |
OS Operations Support
| FEMA |
OS&Y Outside Stem and Yoke
| FEMA |
OSA Office of Homeland Security Situational Awareness
| DHS |
OSA Operational Staging Area
| FEMA |
OSAI Office of SAFETY Act Implementation
| FEMA |
OSARP On-Screen Alarm Resolution Protocol
| TSA |
OSC Operations Systems Center
| USCG |
OSC Office of Special Counsel
| FEMA |
OSC On-Scene Commander
| FEMA |
OSC On-Scene Coordinator
| FEMA |
OSC Operation Safe Commerce
| CBP |
OSC Operational Support Center
| FEMA |
OSC Operations Support Center
| FEMA |
OSC1 Operations Section Chief 1
| FEMA |
OSC2 Operations Section Chief 2
| FEMA |
OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
| PLCY |
OSD ozone-depleting substance
| DHS |
OSD Operational Systems Document
| FEMA |
OSD Operations Support Division
| FEMA |
OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
| DHS |
OSDBU Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
| MGMT |
OSD-HD Office of the Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense
| FEMA |
OSEP Office of Safety and Environmental Programs
| MGMT |
OSEP Occupational Safety and Environmental Programs (DHS)
| FEMA |
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
| FEMA |
OSHE Occupational Safety, Health and Environment
| FEMA |
OSI Open Systems Interconnect
| FEMA |
OSIH Occupational Safety and Industrial Hygiene
| FEMA |
OSINT Open-Source Intelligence
| FEMA |
OSIR open source information report
| I&A |
OSLGC&P Office of State and Local Government Coordination and Preparedness
| FEMA |
OSLTF Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund
| FEMA |
OSM Office of Surface Mining
| FEMA |
OSO Security Operations, Office of (TSA/OSO)
| DHS |
OSOCC On-Site Operations Coordination Center
| FEMA |
OSP Strategic Plans, Office of (PLCY/OSP)
| DHS |
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
| FEMA |
OSS Officer Safety and Survival Training Program
OST Office of the Secretary for Transportation
| FEMA |
OST Operation Support Team
| FEMA |
OSTC On-Scene Tactical Commander
| FEMA |
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy
| FEMA |
OT International Trade, Office of (CBP/OT)
| DHS |
OT operational test
| S&T |
OT&E operational test and evaluation
| S&T |
OTA operational test agent
| MGMT |
OTAN Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantlique Nord (NATO)
| FEMA |
OTAR Over the Air Rekeying
| FEMA |
OTBE Overtaken by events
| DHS |
OTD Office of Training & Development
| FEMA |
OTE Operational Test & Evaluation
| TSA | I&A |
OTH Over the Horizon
| USCG |
OTR Office of Trade Relations
| CBP |
OTRR operational test readiness review
| MGMT |
OTRS Official Time Reporting System
| FEMA |
OTS Office of Thrift Supervision
| FEMA |
OTS analysis off-the-shelf analysis
| MGMT |
OTSP Office of Transportation Security Policy
| TSA |
OTVP Office of Transportation Vetting and Credentialing
| TSA | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
OUS Office of the Undersecretary
| FEMA |
OVC Office for Victims of Crime
| FEMA |
OVI Office of Volunteerism Initiatives
| FEMA |
OVP Office of the Vice President
| DHS |
OWMD Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction
| S&T |
P&A Planning and Assessment
| FEMA |
P&A Price and Availability
| FEMA |
P&D Production and Development
| FEMA |
P&I Protection and Indemnity
| FEMA |
P2 pollution prevention
| DHS |
P2P Peer-to-Peer
| FEMA |
PA performance analysis
| MGMT |
PA Physician Assistant
| FEMA |
PA Principal Advisor
| FEMA |
PA Programmatic Agreement
| FEMA |
PA Public Address
| FEMA |
PA Public Affairs
| FEMA |
PA Public Announcement
| FEMA |
PA Public Assistance
| FEMA |
PA&E Program Analysis and Evaluation
| FEMA |
PA05 Purchasing Agent, 5K
| FEMA |
PA10 Purchasing Agent, 10K
| FEMA |
PA25 Purchasing Agent, 25K
| FEMA |
PA50 Purchasing Agent, 50K
| FEMA |
PABX Private Automatic Branch Exchange
| FEMA |
PAC Political Action Committee
| FEMA |
PAC Primary Agency Committee
| FEMA |
PAC Public Assistance Coordinator
| FEMA |
PACAREA Pacific Area
| USCG |
PACC Patient Airlift Control Center
| FEMA |
PACOM United States Pacific Command
PACS physical access control system
| MGMT |
PAD Protective Action Decision
| FEMA |
PAD Public Affairs Director
| FEMA |
PADC Patch Authentication and Dissemination Capability
| FEMA |
PADRE Protective Action Dosage Reduction Estimator
| FEMA |
PAECE Protective Action Evaluator for Chemical Emergencies
| FEMA |
PAES Private Aircraft Enforcement System
| CBP | TSA | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
PAG Protective Action Guide
| FEMA |
PAH Poly-nuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons
| FEMA |
PAHO Pan-American Health Organization
| FEMA |
PAI publicly available information
| I&A |
PAL Public Affairs Level
| FEMA |
PALS Portable Automated Lookout System
| CBP | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
PA-NST Public Affairs - National Support Team
| FEMA |
PANYNJ Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
| S&T |
PAO Pacific Area Office
| FEMA |
PAO Public Affairs Officer
| FEMA | OPA |
PAO Public Assistance Officer
| FEMA |
PAP Project Application Processor
| FEMA |
PAPD Port Authority Police Department
| USCG | S&T |
PAPOs Preparedness Analysis and Planning Officers
| FEMA |
PAPR Powered Air Purifying Respirator
| FEMA |
PAPRS Phone Activated Paperless Request System
| FEMA |
PA-PRT Public Affairs - Planning Response Team
| FEMA |
PAR Performance & Accountability Report
| FEMA |
PAR Personal/Personnel Accountability Record
| FEMA |
PAR Population at Risk
| FEMA |
PAR Protective Action Recommendation
| FEMA |
PAR Public Administration Review
| FEMA |
PARADE Prevention, Advocacy, Resources and Data Exchange
| CISA |
PARDOS Partial Dosage
| FEMA |
PART Program Assessment Rating Tool
| I&A |
PAS Presidential Appointment with Senate Confirmation
| DHS | MGMT |
PAs Protective Actions
| FEMA |
PASP Protective Action Strategy Plan
| FEMA |
PASS Performance Accountability and Standards System
| TSA |
PASS Personnel Alert Safety System
| FEMA |
PAT Process Action Team
| FEMA |
PATCO Professional, Administrative, Technical, Clerical, Other
| FEMA |
PATF Practical Applications Training Facility
| OGC |
PAWSA Ports and Waterways Safety Assessment
PAWSS ports and waterways safety system
| PLCY |
PAX Passengers
| FEMA |
PAZ Protective Action Zone
| FEMA |
PBA Pine Bluff Arsenal
| FEMA |
PBAC Policy Based Access Control
| FEMA |
PBCA Pine Bluff Chemical Activity
| FEMA |
PBD Program Budget Decision
| FEMA |
PBDS Prototype Biological Detection System
| FEMA |
PBIED person-borne improvised explosive device
| S&T |
PBL performance based logistics
| MGMT |
PBOP Probeye Operator
| FEMA |
PBR Program and Budget Review
| MGMT |
PBR guidance program and budget review guidance
| MGMT |
PBRB Program Budget Review Board
| FEMA |
PBS Public Broadcasting System
| FEMA |
PBS Public Buildings Service
| FEMA |
PBSIS Public Building Service Information System
| FEMA |
PBX Phone (or Private) Bank Exchange
| FEMA |
PBX Private Branch Exchange
| FEMA |
PC Peace Corps
| FEMA |
PC Personal Computer
| FEMA |
PCC Pathobiologics Collaborating Center
| FEMA |
PCC Policy Coordination Committee
| DHS | FEMA | I&A | PLCY |
PCCIP President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection
| FEMA |
PCE Programmatic Categorical Exclusion
| FEMA |
PCERT Preliminary Computer Evidence Recovery Training
| USSS |
PCF Patient Care Form
| FEMA |
PCII Protected Critical Infrastructure Information
| CISA | I&A |
PCIIMS PCII Management System
| CISA |
PCIS Partnership for Critical Infrastructure Security
| FEMA |
PCLOB Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
| CRCL |
PCO Privy Council Office
| FEMA |
PCPT Pasco County Public Transportation (Florida)
| FEMA |
PCQS Person Centric Query Service
| I&A |
PCR privacy compliance review
| MGMT |
PCR polymerase chain reaction
| FEMA |
PCR Program and Capability Review
| FEMA |
PCS Permanent Change of Station
| FEMA |
PCS Personal Communications Service/System
| FEMA |
PCS Planning, Coordination and Support [Task] (National Preparedness Guidance)
| FEMA |
PCSF Process Control Systems Forum
| FEMA |
PCT Polk County Transit (Florida)
| FEMA |
PCT Program Control Team
| FEMA |
PCTARE Personal Computer Time and Attendance Remote Entry
| FEMA |
PCWHF Presidential Commission on White House Fellows
| FEMA |
PD Paid
| FEMA |
PD Per Diem
| FEMA |
PD Police Department
| FEMA |
PD Policy Directive
| FEMA |
PD Position Description
| FEMA |
PD Presidential Declaration
| FEMA |
PDA Personal Data Assistant
| FEMA |
PDA Preliminary Damage Assessment
| FEMA |
PDA Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
| FEMA |
PDA Pueblo Depot Activity
| FEMA |
PDASH Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health
| FEMA |
PDB President's Daily Brief
| FEMA |
PDC Pacific Disaster Center
| FEMA |
PDC Personnel Data Card
| FEMA |
PDCA Plan, Do, Check, Adjust
| FEMA |
PDD Presidential Decision Directive
| DHS | FEMA | I&A |
PDEV Policy Development, Office of (PLCY/PDEV)
| DHS |
PDF Portable Document Format
PDF Probability Density Function
| FEMA |
PDIM Planning Development and Implementation Management
| FEMA |
PDIM Planning Development and Information Management
| FEMA |
PDIM Planning Document Imaging Management
| FEMA |
PDIM Postgraduate Diploma in Information Management
| FEMA |
PDM physical data model
| MGMT |
PDM Pre-disaster Mitigation
| FEMA |
PDMF Pre-disaster Mitigation Fund
| FEMA |
PDO Program Decision Option
| FEMA |
PDOP Position Dilution of Precision
| FEMA |
PDP Policy Decision Point
| FEMA |
PDS Personnel Decontamination Station
| FEMA |
PDS Practice Dangerous to Security
| FEMA |
PDSI Palmer Drought Severity Index
| FEMA |
PDT Pacific Daylight Time (GMT - 7)
| FEMA |
PDUSIA Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
| I&A |
PE Professional Engineer
| FEMA |
PEA Programmatic Environmental Assessment
| FEMA |
PEAD Presidential Emergency Action Document
| FEMA |
PECC Provincial Emergency Coordination Center
| FEMA |
PED Portable Electronic Device
| FEMA |
PEDS Portable Emergency Data System
| FEMA |
PEG Performance Evaluation Group
| FEMA |
PEG Performance Evaluation Guide
| FEMA |
PEIS Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement
| FEMA |
PEL permissible exposure limit [asbestos]
| DHS |
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PEMA Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
PEO Public Education and Outreach
| FEMA |
PEOC President’s Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
PEP Prepositioned Equipment Program
PEP Primary Entry Point
| FEMA |
PEP Professional Excellence Program
| FEMA |
PEPAC Primary Entry Point Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
PERI Public Entity Risk Institute
| FEMA |
PERT Program Evaluation and Review Technique
| FEMA |
PES Performance Excellence Series
| FEMA |
PETL Prevention Education Team Leader
| FEMA |
PETM Prevention Education Team Manager
| FEMA |
PFA Primary Federal Agency
| FEMA |
PFA Procurement Funding Authority
| FEMA |
PFD Primary Frontal Dune
| FEMA |
PFO Principal Federal Official/Officer
| CISA |
PFOR Principal Federal Official’s Representative
| FEMA |
PFPA Pentagon Force Protection Agency
PFT Permanent Full-Time
| FEMA |
PG Planning Group
| FEMA |
PGC Privacy Guidelines Committee
| FEMA |
PGM Program
| FEMA |
PGP Pretty Good Privacy
| FEMA |
PH Public Health
| FEMA |
PHEP Public Health Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
PHILIS Portable High-Throughput Integrated Laboratory Identification System
| S&T |
PHIN Public Health Information Network
| FEMA |
PHMSA Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (within DOT)
| FEMA |
PHRBAE Public Health Readiness for Biological Agent Event
| FEMA |
PHS Public Health Service
| FEMA |
PHS&T packaging, handling, storage, and transportation
| MGMT |
PI performance improvement
| MGMT |
PI Pandemic Influenza
| FEMA |
PI Project Impact
| FEMA |
PI Project Inspector
| FEMA |
PIA partnership intermediary agreement
| MGMT |
PIA Privacy Impact Assessment
| I&A | PRIV |
PIADC Plum Island Animal Disease Center
| S&T |
PIAT Public Information Assist Team
| FEMA |
PIC Pilot in Charge
| FEMA |
PIC Pressurized Ion Chamber
| FEMA |
PIC Prime Integration Contractor
| FEMA |
PICCL Private Sector Communications Coordination Line
| FEMA |
PID program identifier
| MGMT |
PIER Public Information, Education and Relations
| FEMA |
PIF Policies in Force
| FEMA |
PIG Public Interest Group
| FEMA |
PII Personally Identifiable Information
| FEMA |
PIID procurement instrument identifier
| MGMT |
PIN Personal Identification Number
| DHS |
PINS Personnel in Need of Supervision
| FEMA |
PIO Public Information Officer
| FEMA | OPA |
PIO1 Public Information Officer Type 1
| FEMA |
PIO2 Public Information Officer Type 2
| FEMA |
PIOF Public Information Officer
| FEMA |
PIP Proposer Information Pamphlet
| FEMA |
PIPS Pre-Incident Planning System
| FEMA |
PIR Post Implementation Review
| FEMA |
PIR Priority Intelligence Requirement
| FEMA |
PIR passive infrared switch
| S&T |
PIV Personal Identity Verification
PIV personal identity verification card
| MGMT |
PIV Post Indicating Valve
| FEMA |
PKEMRA Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act of 2006
| FEMA |
Pkg Package
| FEMA |
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
| FEMA |
PL Padlock
| FEMA |
PL Preparedness Level
| FEMA |
PL Public Law (also abbreviated as P.L.)
| FEMA |
PL 93-288 Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (as amended)
| FEMA |
PLA Principal Legal Advisor
| ICE |
PLC Pacific Logistics Center
| FEMA |
PLCY Office of Policy
| DHS |
PLE Principal Level Exercises
| FEMA |
PLOTS Passport Lookout Tracking System
| CBP | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
PLUMIS (See PIADC [Plum Island])
| FEMA |
PLUMIS See PIADC (Plum Island)
| S&T |
PM Project Manager
| MGMT |
PM Post Meridiem
| FEMA |
PM Postmaster
| FEMA |
PM Program Manager
| FEMA |
PM Project Monitor
| FEMA |
PMA President’s Management Agenda
| FEMA |
PMCE Positive Memorable Customer Experience
| FEMA |
PMCS Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
| FEMA |
PMEF primary mission essential function
| MGMT |
PMF Presidential Management Fellows
| FEMA |
PMG Program Management Group
| FEMA |
PMG Program Monitoring Group
| FEMA |
PMIS Performance Measurement Information System
| TSA |
PM-ISE Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (Office of)
| FEMA |
P-MNS preliminary mission need statement
| S&T |
PMO Program Management Office
| MGMT |
PMO Property Management Officer
| FEMA |
PMP Performance Monitoring Plan
| FEMA |
PMP Project Management Professional
| FEMA |
PMP project management plan
| S&T |
PMR Patient Movement Request
| FEMA |
PMR Physical Map Revision
| FEMA |
PMRS Performance Management And Recognition System
| FEMA |
PMS Payments Management System
| FEMA |
PMS Program Management System
| FEMA |
PMT Project Management Team
| FEMA |
PMTL Protective Measures Target List
| FEMA |
PMU Property Management Unit
| FEMA |
PMWG Performance Management Working Group
| FEMA |
PN Part Number
| FEMA |
PN Project Number
| FEMA |
PNE Peaceful Nuclear Explosion
| FEMA |
PNG Portable Network Graphics
| FEMA |
PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
| S&T |
PNOV Preliminary Notice of Violation
| FEMA |
PNP Private Non-Profit
| FEMA |
PNR Passenger Name Record
| TSA |
PNSP Project on National Security Reform
PNV Present Net Value
| FEMA |
PO Personnel Office
| FEMA |
PO Post Office
| FEMA |
PO Preparedness Officer
| FEMA |
PO Privacy Office (see PRIV)
| FEMA |
PO Project Officer
| FEMA |
PO Purchase Officer
| FEMA |
PO Purchase Order
| FEMA |
POA Point of Arrival
| FEMA |
POA&M plan of action and milestones
| MGMT |
POB Place of Birth
| FEMA |
POC Point of Contact
| DHS |
POD Point of Departure
| FEMA |
POD Point of Distribution
| FEMA |
PODS Point of Distribution Sites
| FEMA |
POE Point of Entry
POE Port of Entry
POES Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite
| FEMA |
POETE Plan, Organize, Equip, Train, Exercise
| FEMA |
POETE/OPS Planning, Organization, Equipment, Training, Exercises, and Operations Support
| FEMA |
POGO Project on Government Waste
| PRIV |
POI Plan of Instruction
| FEMA |
POI Point of Instruction
| FEMA |
POI Program of Instruction
| FEMA |
POL Petroleum, Oil and Lubricants
| FEMA |
POLF Points of Light Foundation
| FEMA |
POLREP Pollution Report
| FEMA |
POMSO Plans, Operations, and Military Support Officer
| FEMA |
POP Period Of Performance
| FEMA |
POP-3 Post Office Protocol (Version 3)
| FEMA |
POR program of record
| MGMT |
POR Point of Review
| FEMA |
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
| FEMA |
POTUS President of the United States
| FEMA |
POTW Public Owned Treatment Works
| FEMA |
POV Privately-owned Vehicle
| FEMA |
PP Pay Period
| FEMA |
PP Personal Property
| FEMA |
PP Personal Protection
| FEMA |
PP5 Pilot Program Airports (San Francisco, Kansas City, Rochester, Jackson Hole & Tupelo)
| TSA |
PPA program project activity
| MGMT |
PPA program project activity [financial]
| MGMT |
PPA Performance Partnership Agreement
| FEMA |
PPACA Performance Partnership Agreement Cooperative Agreement
| FEMA |
PPAG Proposed Public Affairs Guidance
| FEMA |
PPB Plans, Programs and Budget
| S&T |
PPB Parts Per Billion
| FEMA |
PPBCP Professional Practices for Business Continuity Professionals
| FEMA |
PPBE Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution
| MGMT |
PPBES Planning, Programming and Budgeting Execution System
| FEMA |
PPBM Positive Passenger Baggage Match
| TSA |
PPBS Planning, Programming and Budgeting System
| I&A |
PPC Prevention and Preparedness Council
| FEMA |
PPCBP Prickly Pear Cactus Burning Program
| FEMA |
PPD Preparedness Programs Division (PREP)
| FEMA |
PPDS Pre-Positioned Disaster Supplies
| FEMA |
PPE Pay Period Ending
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
| FEMA |
PPFRP Prepared and Perishable Food Rescue Program
| FEMA |
PPG Program Planning Guidance
| FEMA |
PPI Progressive Policy Institute
| PRIV |
PPI Port Partnership Initiative
| CWMD |
PPM Parts Per Million
| FEMA |
PPM Printer/Plotter Module
| FEMA |
PPM Program Performance Monitoring
| FEMA |
PPN Passport Number
| CBP | USCG |
PPO Preferred Provider Organizations
| MGMT |
PPPA Preparedness Policy, Planning, and Analysis (Office of)
| FEMA |
PPQ Plant Protection and Quarantine
| CBP |
PPR Plans, Programs, & Requirements (Office of)
| FEMA |
PPR Prior Permission Required
| FEMA |
PPS Pre-Positioned Site
| FEMA |
PR Positive Response (Exercise Series)
| FEMA |
PR Public Relations
| FEMA |
PR Purchase Request
| FEMA |
PRA Paperwork Reduction Act
| FEMA |
PRA Patient Reporting Activity
| FEMA |
PRB Performance Review Board
| MGMT |
PRB Procurement Review Board
| FEMA |
PRC Peoples Republic of China
| PLCY |
PRC Permanent Resident Card
PRC Presidential Reserve Call-up
| FEMA |
PRC Postal Rate Commission
| DHS |
PRD Personal Radiation Detection Device
| CBP |
PREP Preparedness [DHS Directorate for] (see NPPD)
| FEMA |
PREPnet National Preparedness Network
| FEMA |
PRER Peacetime Radiological Emergency Response
| FEMA |
PRIME POWER USACE Engineer Battalion
| FEMA |
PRISM Performance and Registration Information Systems Management
| FEMA |
PRIV Privacy Office
| MGMT |
PRIV Office of the Chief Privacy Officer
| DHS |
PRND Preventative Radiological and Nuclear Detection
| CWMD |
PRNG Puerto Rico National Guard
| FEMA |
PRO Personnel Records On-Line
| FEMA |
PROACT Protective and Response Options for Airport Counter Terrorism
| FEMA |
PROC Procurement Unit Leader
| FEMA |
PROFLOW Procedural Flow
| DHS |
PROTECT Program for Response Options and Technology Enhancements for Chemical/Biological Terrorism
| FEMA | S&T |
PRP potentially responsible party
| DHS |
PRP Personnel Reliability Program
| FEMA |
PRP Preferred Risk Policy
| FEMA |
PRS Primary Receiving Site
| FEMA |
PRT Planning and Response Team
| FEMA |
PS Program Support
| FEMA |
PSA Port Security Assessment
| USCG |
PSA Patient Staging Area
| FEMA |
PSA Protective Security Advisor
| FEMA |
PSA Public Service Announcement
| FEMA | OPA |
PSAMS Personnel Security Activity Management System
| MGMT |
PSAPs Public Safety Answering Points
| FEMA |
PSAT Protective Security Assistance Teams
| CISA |
PSB Planning Support Branch
| FEMA |
PSC1 Planning Section Chief Type 1
| FEMA |
PSC2 Planning Section Chief Type 2
| FEMA |
PSCD Protective Security Coordination Division
| FEMA |
PSD Protective Security Division
| CISA |
PSD Plastic Sphere Dispenser
| FEMA |
PSE private sector employer
| MGMT |
PSEAG Physical Security Equipment Action Group
| FEMA |
PSGP Port Security Grant Program
PSI Pounds per square inch
| FEMA |
PSI Proliferation Security Initiative
| CBP |
PSIA Pounds per Square Inch Absolute
| FEMA |
PSIC Public Safety Interoperable Communications
PSIG Pounds per Square Inch Gauge
| FEMA |
PSL (see PSO) Formerly [Office of] Private Sector Liaison (PSO—in PLCY as of October 2005; see PSO)
| FEMA |
PSMA Pre-Scripted Mission Assignment
| FEMA |
PSN Public Switched Network
| FEMA |
PSO Protective Security Officer
| MGMT |
PSO Program Security Officer
| MGMT |
PSO Private Sector [Liaison] Office (PLCY/PSO) (former OPS, and PSL)
| DHS |
PSOB Public Safety Officer Benefits
| FEMA |
PSOTP Protective Security Operations Training Program
PSR Personal Service Radio
| FEMA |
PSR Power Soft Report
| FEMA |
PSRC Presidential Selected Reserve Call-up
| FEMA |
PSS Physical Security Specialist
| FEMA |
PST Pacific Standard Time
| DHS |
PSTA Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (Florida)
| FEMA |
PSTN Public Switch Telephone Network
| FEMA |
PSU Port Security Unit
| USCG |
PSWAC Public Safety Wireless Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
PSWN Public Safety Wireless Network
| FEMA |
PT Part-Time
| FEMA |
PT Payload Transporter
| FEMA |
PT&E Preparedness, Training, and Exercises [Directorate]
| FEMA |
PTA Parent-Teachers Association
| FEMA |
PTA Privacy Threshold Analysis
| FEMA |
PTB Position Task Book
| FEMA |
PTBS Position Task Books
| FEMA |
PTI Positive Threat Identification
| TSA |
PTO Patent and Trademark Office
| FEMA |
PTR Pointer
| FEMA |
PTR Printer
| FEMA |
PTR Property Transfer Report
| FEMA |
PTRC Personnel Time Recorder
| FEMA |
PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
| FEMA |
PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
| FEMA |
PUCA Pueblo Chemical Activity
| FEMA |
PUCD Pueblo Chemical Depot
| FEMA |
PUD Planned Unit Development
| FEMA |
PUDA Pueblo Depot Activity
| FEMA |
PUP Principal User Processor
| FEMA |
PUREX Plutonium Uranium Extraction
| FEMA |
PVA Port Vulnerability Assessment
| USCG |
PVC Permanent Virtual Circuits
| FEMA |
PVCS Polyton Version Configuration System
| FEMA |
PVO Private Voluntary Organization
| FEMA |
PVO Private Volunteer Organization
| FEMA |
PVTSAC Private Sector Senior Advisory Committee
| PLCY |
PW Project Worksheet
| FEMA |
PW Public Works
| FEMA |
PWCS Ports Waters & Coastal Security
| FEMA |
PWD Persons with Disabilities
PWD Password
| FEMA |
PWG Practitioners Working Group
| FEMA |
PWR Power
| FEMA |
PWR Pressurized Water Reactor
| FEMA |
PWS public water system
| DHS |
PY Past Year
| FEMA |
PZ Precautionary Zone
| FEMA |
Q&A Questions and answers
| DHS |
Q3 Quality Level 3; refers to a digital version of a Flood Insurance Rate Map (note: Q3 Data refers to the flood zone information represented on the map)
| FEMA |
QA Quality Assurance
| FEMA |
QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
| FEMA |
QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan
| FEMA |
QASP quality assurance surveillance plan
| MGMT |
QASP Quality Assurance Plan
| FEMA |
QBE Query by Example
| FEMA |
QBO Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
| FEMA |
QC Quality Control
| FEMA |
QD Quantity/Distance
| FEMA |
QFR Questions for the Record
| OGC |
QFR Questions for Review
| FEMA |
QOP Quality of Protection
| FEMA |
QOS Quality of Service
| FEMA |
QRB Quality Review Board
| FEMA |
QRC Quick Reaction Checklist
| FEMA |
QRP Quick Response Program
| FEMA |
QRS Quick Response System
| FEMA |
QRT Quick Response Team
| FEMA |
QRU Quick Response Unit
| FEMA |
QSI Quality Step Increase
| FEMA |
QT Total Activity Released
| FEMA |
QTF Quantitative Temperature Forecast
| FEMA |
QTY Quantity
| FEMA |
QUF6 Uranium Hexafluoride Inventory
| FEMA |
R remotely driven conveyance
| S&T |
R Roentgen
| FEMA |
R&D Research and Development
| DHS |
R&R Response & Recovery
| FEMA |
R/h Roentgens per hour
| FEMA |
RA Regional Administrator
| FEMA |
RA Reimbursable Agreement
| FEMA |
RA Resource Advisor
| FEMA |
RA Risk Assessment
| FEMA |
RAA Regional Airline Association
| TSA |
RAA Radiological Accident Assessment
RAA Request for Allocation Advice
| FEMA |
RAAC Radiological Accident Assessment Concepts
| FEMA |
RAAW Request for Allocation Advice Worksheet
| FEMA |
RAC Reception and Care
| FEMA |
RAC Regional Assistance Committee
| FEMA |
RAC Remedial Action Coordinator
| FEMA |
RAC Risk Assessment Code
| FEMA |
RAC AC Regional Assistance Committee Advisory Council
| FEMA |
RACER™ remedial action cost estimating requirement
| DHS |
RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services
| FEMA |
RACF Resource Access Control Facility
| FEMA |
RAD Radiation-Absorbed Dose
RAD Radiological
| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |
RAD Resource Allocation Decision
| FEMA |
Rad/Nuc Radiological/Nuclear
| FEMA |
Rad/NUc CTEC Radiological/Nuclear Countermeasures Test and Evaluation Complex
| FEMA |
RADCON Radiological Control (Team)
| FEMA |
RADEF Radiological Defense
| FEMA |
RADIAC Radioactivity Detection, Indication and Computation
| FEMA |
RADID Radar Information Display
| FEMA |
RADLAB Radiological Laboratory
| FEMA |
RADNUC Radiological/ Nuclear Enforcement
| S&T | CWMD |
RADO Radio Operator
| FEMA |
RAFACS Receipt and Alien File Accountability and Control System (see NFTS)
RAIC Resident Agent in Charge
| ICE | USSS |
RAID Rapid Assessment and Initial Detection
| FEMA |
RAID Redundant Array of Independent Disks
| FEMA |
RAIO Refugee, Asylum & International Operations (USCIS/RAIO)
| DHS |
RAM Radiological/Radioactive Material
| FEMA |
RAM Random-Access Memory
| FEMA |
RAM Remedial Action Manager
| FEMA |
RAMAC Random Access Method Accounting Control
| FEMA |
RAMCAP Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection
| CISA |
RAM-D Risk Assessment Methodology for Dams
| FEMA |
RAMOS Remote Automated Meteorological Observing System
| FEMA |
RAMP Ramp Manager
| FEMA |
RAMP Remedial Action Management Program
| FEMA |
RAMPID Remedial Action Management Program Issue Database
| FEMA |
RAMPREP Remedial Action Management Program Report
| FEMA |
RAMT Radiological Assessment Medical Team
| FEMA |
RAMTAR Radiological Material Transportation Accident Response
| FEMA |
RAP Risk Assessment Policy
| MGMT |
RAP Radiological Assistance Plan
| FEMA |
RAP Radiological Assistance Program
| FEMA |
RAP Remedial Action Project
| FEMA |
RAP Resource Allocation Plan
| FEMA |
RAPID Recovery Assistance Programs Information and Delivery
| FEMA |
RAPID Risk Assessment Process for Informed Decision Making
| CISA |
RAPS Refugees, Asylum and Parole System
RAPTAD Random Particle Transport And Diffusion
| FEMA |
RAR Regional Analysis and Recommendation
| FEMA |
RARE Roadless Area Review and Evaluation
| FEMA |
RART Regional Assessment and Response Team
| FEMA |
RASCAL Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis
| FEMA |
RASO Radiological Affairs Support Office (United States Navy)
| FEMA |
RASS Radio Acoustic Sounding System
| FEMA |
RAT Radiological Assistance Team
| FEMA |
RAWG Rapid Assessment Work Group
| FEMA |
RAWN Radar Wind Sounding
| FEMA |
RAWS Remote Automated Weather Station
| FEMA |
RAWS Remote Automated Weather System
| FEMA |
RBAC Role-Based Access Control
| FEMA |
RBCS Rural Business Cooperative Service
| FEMA |
RC custom radio controlled
| S&T |
RC Reception Center
| FEMA |
RC Recovery Center
| FEMA |
RC Red Cross (also ARC)
| FEMA |
RC Reserve Component
| FEMA |
RC&D Resource Conservation and Development
| FEMA |
RCA root cause analysis
| MGMT |
RCA Radiological Control Area
| FEMA |
RCA Riparian Conservation Area
| FEMA |
RCA Rural Community Assistance
| FEMA |
RCAC Red Cross Assistance Center
| FEMA |
RCBAP Residential Condominium Building Association Policy
| FEMA |
RCC Reception and Congregate Care
| FEMA |
RCC Regional Climate Center
| FEMA |
RCC Rescue Coordination Center
RCDCB Regional Civil Defense Coordinating Board
| FEMA |
RCDM Receiving/Distribution Manager
| FEMA |
RCF Release Conversion Factor
| FEMA |
RCIED radio controlled improvised explosive device
| S&T |
RCM Radar-Coded Message
| FEMA |
RCP Regional Contingency Plan
| FEMA |
RCP Regional Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
| FEMA |
RCPG Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant
| FEMA |
RCPGP Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program
| FEMA |
RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
| FEMA |
RCS Reactor Coolant System
| FEMA |
RCS Reports Control System
| FEMA |
RCT Response Coordination Team
| FEMA |
RCV Replacement Cost Value
| FEMA |
RD I&A Regional Director
| I&A |
RD Regional Director
| FEMA |
RD Restricted Data
| FEMA |
RDB Resource Database
| FEMA |
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
| I&A | MGMT |
RDC Regional Disaster Coordinator
| FEMA |
RDCD Rapidly Deployable Chemical Detection
| S&T |
RDD radiological dispersal device
| S&T |
RDD Radiological Dispersion/Dispersal Device
| FEMA | S&T | CWMD |
RDO Radiological Defense Officer
| FEMA |
RDO Regional Disaster Office
| FEMA |
RDO Regional Duty Officer
| FEMA |
RDO Regular Day Off
| FEMA |
RDOS Real-Time Disk Operating System
| FEMA |
RDP Regional Delivery Program
| FEMA |
RDPC Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium
| FEMA |
RDS Remote Delivery Site
| FEMA |
RDT Rapid Deployment Team
| FEMA |
RDT&E Research, Development, Testing and Evaluation
| S&T |
RE Real Estate
| FEMA |
REA Radioactive Emergency Area
| FEMA |
REA Rural Electrification Administration
| FEMA |
REAC Radiation or Radiological Emergency Assistance Center
REAC/TS Radiation Emergency Assistance Center - Training Site
| FEMA |
REAC/TS Radiological Emergency Assistance Center - Training Site
| FEMA |
REACT Radio Emergency Assistance Communications Team
| FEMA |
REACT Radio Emergency Associated Communications Team
| FEMA |
READI Response to Emergencies and Disasters Institute
REAL ID Real Identification
REC record of environmental consideration
| DHS |
REC Regional Examination Center
| USCG |
REC Regional Emergency Coordinator
| FEMA |
RECA Residual Capability Assessment
| FEMA |
RECAT Residential Capability Assessment Team
| FEMA |
RECC Regional Emergency Communications Coordinator
| FEMA |
RECCWG Regional Emergency Communications Coordination Working Group
| FEMA |
RECD Rural Economic and Community Development
| FEMA |
RECON Reconnaissance
| FEMA |
RECON Reconsideration
| FEMA |
RECP Regional Emergency Communications Plan/Planner
| FEMA |
RECS Radiological Emergency Communications System
REDAM Radiological Emergency Dose Assessment Model
| FEMA |
REDCAP Readiness and Capability Exercise
| FEMA |
REDI Regional Emergency Disaster Inventory
| FEMA |
REL Recommended Exposure Limit
| FEMA |
REM Roentgen Equivalent Man/Mammal
| FEMA |
REMS Remote Environmental Monitoring System
| FEMA |
REMT Regional Emergency Management Team
| FEMA |
RENC Regional Emergency Notification Center
| FEMA |
REO Regional Environmental Officer
| FEMA |
REOC Regional Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness
| FEMA |
REP Regional Evacuation Plan
| FEMA |
REP Regional Evacuation Point
| FEMA |
REPLO Regional Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
REPP Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program
| FEMA |
REPPM Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program Manual
| FEMA |
REPS Remote EHU Property System
| FEMA |
RER Record of Environmental Review
| FEMA |
RERO Radiological Emergency Response Operations
| FEMA |
RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan
| FEMA |
RERT Radiological Emergency Response Team
| CWMD |
RESL Resource Unit Leader
| FEMA |
RESTAT Resources Status
| FEMA |
RET Regional Emergency Transportation
| FEMA |
RET Retardant
| FEMA |
RET Retirement
| FEMA |
RETCO Regional Emergency Transportation Coordinator
| FEMA |
RETOPS Radiological Emergency Team Operations
| FEMA |
RETREP Regional Emergency Transportation Representative
| FEMA |
REX Readiness Exercise
| FEMA |
RF Radio Frequency
| FEMA |
RFA Request for Federal Assistance
| FEMA |
RFC request for change
| MGMT |
RFC River Forecast Center
| FEMA |
RFD Rescue Floatation Device
| FEMA |
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
| FEMA |
RFI Request for information
| FEMA |
RFI request for information [acquisition]
| S&T |
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RFO Ready for Occupancy
| FEMA |
RFO Regional Field Office
| FEMA |
RFP Request for Proposal
| FEMA | S&T | MGMT | OPA |
RFQ Request for Quote
| I&A | MGMT |
RFS Request for Service
| FEMA |
RFSI Residential Fire Safety Institute (former OLS)
| FEMA |
RG Review Guide
| FEMA |
RGN Region
| FEMA |
RHA Reduced Hazard Ammunition
RHA Regional Health Administrator
| FEMA |
RHA Rural Housing Agency
| FEMA |
RHAVE Risk Hazard and Value Evaluation Program
| FEMA |
RHS Rural Housing Service
| FEMA |
RI Registration Intake
| FEMA |
RI Remedial Investigation
| FEMA |
RIA Requiring Immediate Action
| FEMA |
RIAT Rapid Impact Assessment Team
| FEMA |
RIC Recovery Information Center
| FEMA |
RICCS Regional Incident Communication and Coordination System
| FEMA | OPA |
RICO Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization
| ICE |
RICT Regional Incident Coordination Team
| FEMA |
RIF Reduction in Force
| FEMA |
RIID Radiation Isotope Identifier Device
| CBP |
RIJAN Regional Information Joint Awareness Network
RIO Regional Investment Officer
| FEMA |
RIP Routing Information Protocol
| FEMA |
RIS Regulatory Issue Summary
| FEMA |
RISC Regional Interagency/Interoffice Steering Committee
| FEMA |
RISS Regional Information Sharing Systems Center
| I&A |
RISS or RISSNET Regional Information Sharing System
| CISA |
RIT Rapid Intervention Team (Fire/Rescue)
| FEMA |
RITF Rapid Intervention Task Force (Fire/Rescue)
| FEMA |
RKB Responder Knowledge Base
| FEMA |
RL Recording level
| FEMA |
RL Repetitive Loss
| FEMA |
RLE Run Length Encoding
| FEMA |
RLP Repetitive Loss Property
| FEMA |
RLS Registered Land Surveyor
| FEMA |
RLTG Repetitive Loss Target Group
| FEMA |
RM Radiological Monitor
| FEMA |
RM Records Management
| FEMA |
RM Resource Manager
| FEMA |
RM Risk Management
| FEMA |
RMA Risk Management Agency
| FEMA |
RMA Risk Management and Analysis, Office of (NPPD/RMA)
| DHS |
RMAT Risk Management Assessment Tool
| TSA | CISA |
RMD Risk Management Division
| FEMA |
RMEC Regional Military Emergency Coordinator
| FEMA |
RMG Resource Management Group
| FEMA |
RMI Republic of the Marshall Islands
| FEMA |
RMM River Mile Marker
| FEMA |
RMNCS Regional Manager National Communications System
| FEMA |
RMRIWFCG Rocky Mountain Regional Interagency Wildland Fire Communications Group
| FEMA |
RMS Root Mean Square
| FEMA |
RMSE Root Mean Square Error
| FEMA |
RMSI Regional Maritime Security Initiative
| USCG |
RMT Radiological Monitoring Team
| FEMA |
RMTN Regional Meteorological Telecommunications Network
| FEMA |
RMTO Resources Management Transformation Office
| FEMA |
RN Registered Nurse
| FEMA |
RNA Rapid Needs Assessment
| FEMA |
RNAT Rapid Needs Assessment Team
| FEMA |
RNCSAA Radiological & Nuclear Countermeasure System Architectures Analysis
| S&T |
RNCTEC Radiological/Nuclear Counter-measures Test & Evaluation Complex
| CWMD |
RNMCB Reserve Naval Mobile Construction Battalion
| FEMA |
RO Radiological Officer
| FEMA |
RO Read Only
| FEMA |
RO Receive-Only
| FEMA |
RO Regional Office
| FEMA |
RO Reports Officer
| FEMA |
RO Responsible Officer
| FEMA |
ROB Regional Office Building
| FEMA |
ROBCAT Rules of Behavior and Computer Awareness Training
| FEMA |
ROC Regional Operations Center (see RRCC)
| FEMA |
ROD record of decision [EPA]
| DHS |
ROD Record of Decision
| FEMA |
ROE Right-of Entry
| FEMA |
ROE Rules of Engagement
| FEMA |
ROI return on investment [risk]
| PLCY |
ROI Report of Investigation
| ICE | CWMD |
ROM rough order of magnitude
| MGMT |
ROM Read-Only Memory
| FEMA |
RON Remain Overnight
| DHS |
ROR Released on their Own Recognizance
| FEMA |
RORO Roll On/Roll-Off
| FEMA |
RO-RO roll-on, roll-off ship
| PLCY |
ROS Response Operating System
| FEMA |
ROSS Resource Ordering and Status System
| FEMA |
ROST Regional Office Support Team
| FEMA |
ROST Regional Operations Support Team
| FEMA |
ROTHR Relocatable Over the Horizon Radar
| ICE |
ROWPU Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit
| FEMA |
RP Real Property
| FEMA |
RPA Regional Planning Agent
| FEMA |
RPA Request for Public Assistance
| FEMA |
RPA Resources Planning Act
| FEMA |
RPBP Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer
| FEMA |
RPC Regional Preparedness Committee
| FEMA |
RPG resource planning guidance
| MGMT |
RPG Response Planning Guide
| FEMA |
RPH Resource Priority Header
| FEMA |
RPM Radiation Portal Monitor
RPM Remedial Project Manager
| FEMA |
RPM Revolutions per Minute
| FEMA |
RPO Regional Project Officer
| FEMA |
RPOC Regional Point of Contact
| FEMA |
RPP Radiological Pilot Project
| FEMA |
RPPO Radiological Pilot Program Office
| CWMD |
RPS Radiological Protection System
| FEMA |
RPT Radiation Protection Technician
| FEMA |
RPT Report
| FEMA |
RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle
| CBP | ICE |
RQ Reportable Quantity
| FEMA |
RR Railroad
| FEMA |
RR Response & Recovery (also R&R)
| FEMA |
RR Rest and Relaxation
| FEMA |
RR Rural Route
| FEMA |
RRAC Regional Radiological Assistance Committee
| FEMA |
RRB Railroad Retirement Board
| FEMA |
RRCC Regional Response Coordination Center
| FEMA |
RRF Regional Response Force
| FEMA |
RRIS Rapid Response Information System
| FEMA |
RRP Regional Response Plan
| FEMA |
RRR Readiness, Response and Recovery
| FEMA |
RRRV Regional Rapid Response Vehicle
| FEMA |
RRT Radiological Response Team
| FEMA |
RRT Regional Response Team
| FEMA |
RRWG Reward and Recognition Working Group
| FEMA |
RS Regional Summary
| FEMA |
RS Relay System
| FEMA |
RS Remote Sensing
| FEMA |
RS Response Support
| FEMA |
RSAT Risk Self Assessment Tool (formerly VISAT)
| CISA |
RSC Remote Sensing Coordinator
| FEMA |
RSD Remote Sensing Data
| FEMA |
RSI Repetitive Stress Injury
| FEMA |
RSL Recommended Standard List
| FEMA |
RSO Radiation Safety Officer
| FEMA |
RSOI Reception, Staging, Onward movement, and Integration
| FEMA |
RSP Regular Services Program
| FEMA |
RSP Render Safe Procedures
| FEMA |
RSPA Research and Special Programs Administration
| FEMA |
RSS Really Simple Syndication
| FEMA |
RSS Remote Storage Site
| FEMA |
RSSC Remote Sensing Support Coordinator
| FEMA |
RST Reference Standard Time
| FEMA |
RST Regional Support Team
| FEMA |
RST Remote Sensing Team
| FEMA |
RST Render Safe Team
| FEMA |
RSTA Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisitions
| FEMA |
RSU Response Support Unit
| FEMA |
RSU Reunification Services Unit
| FEMA |
RSVP Retired Senior Volunteer Program
| FEMA |
RT Registered Traveler
| FEMA |
RT Resource Tracker
| FEMA |
RT Resource Tracking
| FEMA |
RTAP Rapid Technology Application Program
| S&T |
RTAP Real-Time Analytical Platform
| FEMA |
RTC Road to Crisis
| FEMA |
RTCC Real Time Crime Center
| I&A |
RTF Responder/Response Task Force
| FEMA |
RTF Rich Text Format
| FEMA |
RTF-E Response Task Force - East
| FEMA |
RTF-W Response Task Force - West
| FEMA |
RTI Regional Technology Integration
RTK Real Time Kinematic
| FEMA |
RTM Regional Training Manager
| FEMA |
RTS Regional Transit System
| FEMA |
RTSWG Regional Transit Security Working Group
| FEMA |
RTT Regional Transition Team
| FEMA |
RUL Resource Unit Leader
| FEMA |
RUS Rural Utilities Service
| FEMA |
RVAC Regional Visual Analytics Center
| FEMA |
RVSS Remote Video Surveillance Systems
| FEMA |
RVT Remote Video Terminal
| FEMA |
RWA Reimbursable Work Authorization
| FEMA |
RWP Regional Work Plan
| FEMA |
RWS Revised Work Schedule
| FEMA |
RX Prescribed (fire)
| FEMA |
RX Prescription (medical)
| FEMA |
RX Reactor
| FEMA |
RXB1 Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 1
| FEMA |
RXB2 Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 2
| FEMA |
RXB3 Prescribed Fire Burn Boss 3
| FEMA |
RXCM Prescribed Fire Crew Member
| FEMA |
RXI1 Ignition Specialist Type 1
| FEMA |
RXI2 Ignition Specialist Type 2
| FEMA |
RXM1 Prescribed Fire Manager Type 1
| FEMA |
RXM2 Prescribed Fire Manager Type 2
| FEMA |
RXPL Prescribed Fire Planner
| FEMA |
S number Supply number
| FEMA |
S&E Salaries and Expenses
| FEMA |
S&L Savings and Loan
| FEMA |
S&L State and Local
| FEMA |
S&T Science and Technology [Directorate]
| DHS |
S-60 DOT Office of Intelligence Security
| DHS |
SA Salvation Army
| FEMA |
SA State agency
| FEMA |
SA Support Agency
| FEMA |
SA Special Agent
| DHS |
SAA State Administrative Agency
| FEMA |
SAAM Special Airlift Assignment Mission
| FEMA |
SAAR Secretary's After Action Report
| FEMA |
SAAT Standardized Awareness Authorized Trainer
| FEMA |
SABA Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus
| FEMA |
SABT Special Agent Bomb Technician
| DHS |
SAC Special Agent in Charge
| FEMA | ICE |
SAC Special Agency in Charge
| FEMA |
SACS Secure Access Control System
| FEMA |
SAD Southern Area District
| FEMA |
SAE Site Area Emergency
| FEMA |
SAE Stafford Act Employee (also DAE)
| FEMA |
SAFE Screening Applied Fairly and Equitably [to truckers]
| TSA |
SAFE Secure All-around Flotation Equipped
| USCG |
SAFE Security and Accountability for Every Port
| USCG |
SAFE Secure Against Fires and Embers
| FEMA |
SAFE TEA Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act
| TSA | USCG |
SAFECOM Safe Community
| S&T |
SAFECOM Safety Communique
| FEMA |
SAFER Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response
| FEMA |
SAFETY ACT Support Anti-terrorism by Fostering Effective Technologies Act (2002)
| S&T |
SAFTI Secure and Facilitated International Travel Initiative
| CBP | TSA |
SAG Senior Advisory Group
| FEMA |
SAIC Special Agent in Charge
| USSS |
SAIC Science Applications International Corporation
SAIL Secure Automobile Inspection Lanes
| TSA |
SAL Salvation Army
| FEMA |
SALEMDUG State and Local Emergency Managers Data Users Group
| FEMA |
SAM Surface to Air Missile
| TSA |
SAM Surface to Air Missile (affiliated with TSA)
| FEMA |
SAME Specific Area Message Encoding
| FEMA |
SAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
| FEMA |
SAML Security Assertion Markup Language
| FEMA |
SAMP Special Area Management Plan
| FEMA |
SAN Storage Area Network
| FEMA |
SANS SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS Institute)
| FEMA |
SANS Ship Arrival Notification System
| USCG | I&A |
SAO Senior Accountable Official [Directive System]
| DHS |
SAO Senior Agency Official [Classified Information]
| MGMT |
SAO Security Advisory Opinions
SAO State Approving Officer
| FEMA |
SAO State Approving Official (affiliated with FEMA)
| FEMA |
SAP Special Access Program
| FEMA |
SAP State Action Plan
| FEMA |
SAP State Administrative Plan
| FEMA |
SAR suspicious activity reporting
| I&A | MGMT |
SAR Safety Analysis Report
| FEMA |
SAR Search and Rescue
| FEMA |
SAR Sector Annual Reports
| FEMA |
SAR Special Access Required
| FEMA |
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
| FEMA |
SAR Suspicious Activity Report
| ICE | I&A |
SARA Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
| FEMA |
SARDA State Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment
| FEMA |
SAREX Search and Rescue Exercise
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
SARS Security Activities Reporting System
| MGMT |
SARSAT Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking
| FEMA |
SART State Animal Response Team
| FEMA |
SAS Scientific Analysis Section
| FEMA |
SAS Secondary Antenna System
| FEMA |
SASS Student Administration and Scheduling System
| FEMA |
SAST Scientific Assessment and Strategy Team
| FEMA |
SAT Satellite
| FEMA |
SAT Search Augmentation Team
| FEMA |
SAT Simplified Acquisition Threshold
| FEMA |
SATCOM Satellite Communications
| FEMA |
SATERN Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network
| FEMA |
SATO Scheduled Airline Ticket Office
| FEMA |
SAV Site Assistance Visit
SAV Staff Assistance Visit
| FEMA |
SAVE Systematic Alien Verification Entitlements
SAVER Systems Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders
| FEMA |
SAVER Systems Assessments Validation and Equipment Response
| FEMA |
SAVI Suspect and Violator Indices
| CBP | ICE | USCIS | I&A |
SBA Shared Border Accord
| CBP | USCG |
SBA Small Business Administration
| DHS |
SBACC Shared Border Accord Coordination Committee
| FEMA |
SBC Southern Baptist Convention
| FEMA |
SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International
| FEMA |
SBCCOM Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (United States Army)
| FEMA |
SBD Smart Border Declaration
| CBP |
SBD Strategic Policy and Budget Division (S&T/SBD)
| DHS |
SBDC Small Business Development Center
| FEMA |
SBI Secure Border Initiative
| CBP |
SBI Special Background Investigation
| FEMA |
SBINET Secure Border Initiative Network
| CBP |
SBIR Small Business Innovation Research
| S&T |
SBL Straight Bill of Lading (also SBOL)
| FEMA |
SBOL Straight Bill of Lading
| FEMA |
S-BOSS Scenario-Based Orientation for Senior Staff
| FEMA |
SBU Sensitive But Unclassified
| DHS |
SC Section Chief
| FEMA |
SC Study Contractor
| FEMA |
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System
| S&T | I&A |
SCAT Security Control of Air Traffic
| FEMA |
SCAT Space Coast Area Transit (Florida)
| FEMA |
SCATANA Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids
| FEMA |
SCBA services and components based architecture
| MGMT |
SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
| FEMA |
SCC Sector Command Center
| PLCY |
SCC Sector Coordinating Council
| FEMA |
SCC Secretary's Command Center
| DHS |
SCC-J Sector Command Center - Joint
| PLCY |
SCD Service Computation Date
| FEMA |
SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center
| FEMA |
SCEPC Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee
| FEMA |
SCG Security Classification Guide
| FEMA |
SCI Sensitive Compartmented Information
| DHS |
SCIC Software Control Integration Center
| FEMA |
SCIF Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
| FEMA | USSS | I&A |
SCION Sensitive Compartmented Information Operational Network
| I&A |
SCIP Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan/Planning
| FEMA |
SCM Survivable Crisis Management
| FEMA |
SCO Screening Coordination Office (PLCY/SCO)
| DHS |
SCO State Coordinating Officer
| FEMA |
SCOTUS Supreme Court of the United States
| FEMA |
SCP Security Control Point
| TSA |
SCR Software (or System) Change Request
| FEMA |
SCRAG Senior Civilian Representative of the Attorney General
| FEMA |
SCRR Special Conversion Recommendation Report
| FEMA |
SCS Soil and Conservation Service
| FEMA |
SCSEP Senior Citizen Service Employment Program
| FEMA |
SCSN Southern California Seismic Network
| FEMA |
SCUB Scuba Diver
| FEMA |
SD Static Data
| FEMA |
SD Security Directive
| DHS |
SD&D System Development and Demonstration
| FEMA |
SDA Seventh Day Adventist
| FEMA |
SDD Software Development Division
| FEMA |
SDF Special Direct Facility
| FEMA |
SDK Software Development Kit
| FEMA |
SDLO Senior Disaster Logistics Officer
| FEMA |
SDLO Senior Disaster Logistics Official
| FEMA |
SDM Scenario Development Message
| FEMA |
SDO Staff Duty Officer
| FEMA |
SDO Standards Development Organization
| FEMA |
SDP Secretarial Development Program
| FEMA |
SDP Service Delivery Point
| FEMA |
SDSFIE Spatial Data Standard for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment
| FEMA |
SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard
| FEMA |
SDTS Spatial Data Transfer System
| FEMA |
SDUSM Special Deputy United States Marshall
| FEMA |
SDVOSB Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
| FEMA |
SDWIS Safe Drinking Water Information System
| FEMA |
SE systems engineering
| S&T |
SEAR special event assessment rating
| I&A |
SEAR Special Events Assessment Rating
| CISA | OPS |
SEAT Single Engine Air Tankers
| FEMA |
SEB Staphylococcus Enterotoxin type B
| FEMA |
SEC Secretary, Office of the
| DHS |
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
| DHS |
SEC1 Security Specialist Level 1
| FEMA |
SEC2 Security Specialist Level 2
| FEMA |
SECARMY Secretary of the Army
| FEMA |
SECC State Emergency Coordination Center
| FEMA |
SECDEF Secretary, Department of Defense
| FEMA |
SECDHS Secretary, Department of Homeland Security
| FEMA |
SECG Security Guard (not LE)
| FEMA |
SECHHS Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services
| FEMA |
SECLAN Secure Local Area Network
| FEMA |
SECM Security Manager
| FEMA |
SECURE Strategic Communications Resources Effort
| DHS |
SED Shippers Export Declaration
| CBP |
SED Systems Engineering and Development
| FEMA |
SEI Software Engineering Institute
| FEMA |
SEL Standardized Equipment List
| FEMA |
SELC systems engineering life cycle
| I&A |
SELS Severe Local Storms
| FEMA |
SEM Seattle Emergency Management
| FEMA |
SEMA State Emergency Management Agency
SEMO State Emergency Management Office
SEMS Standardized Emergency Management System
| FEMA |
SENTINEL Securing the Nation through Infrastructure Enhancements Locally
| CISA |
SENTRI Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection
SEO Senior Energy Official
| FEMA |
SEOC State Emergency Operations Center
SEP State Emergency Plan
| FEMA |
SEPLO State Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
SERC State Emergency Response Commission
| FEMA |
SERF Standard Exercise Report Form/Format
| FEMA |
SERFC (NWS) Southeast River Forecast Center
| FEMA |
SERL Special Events Readiness Level (see below)
| FEMA |
SERL I Unique event requiring full support of United States Government
| FEMA |
SERL II Primary event requiring local resource augmentation and limited predeployment of United States Government assets
| FEMA |
SERL III Secondary event requiring limited local resource augmentation and limited predeployment of United States Government assets
| FEMA |
SERL IV Minor event generally requiring no United States Government asset support
| FEMA |
SERRI Southeast Region Research Initiative
| S&T |
SERT Secretary's Emergency Response Team (DHHS)
| FEMA |
SERT State Emergency Response Team
SES Senior Executive Service
| MGMT |
SES senior executive service position
| MGMT |
SES CDP Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program (DHS)
| FEMA |
SET Source Evaluation Team
| TSA |
SETCP Southeast Transportation Corridor Pilot
| CWMD |
SEUS Snow Estimation and Updating System
| FEMA |
SEVIS Student and Exchange Visitor Information System
| ICE | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
SEVP Student and Exchange Visitor Program
| ICE |
SEWG Special Events Operating Group
| OPS |
SF Security Forces
| FEMA |
SF Special Facility
| FEMA |
SF Special Forces
| FEMA |
SF Standard Form
| FEMA |
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride
| DHS |
SFAR Special Federal Aviation Regulation
| FEMA |
SFDRA Senior Foreign Disclosure and Release Authority
| I&A |
SFHA Special Flood Hazard Area
| FEMA |
SFI Secure Freight Initiative
| CBP |
SFIP Standard Flood Insurance Policy
| FEMA |
SFLEO Senior Federal Law Enforcement Officer
| FEMA |
SFLEO Senior Federal Law Enforcement Official
| FEMA |
SFO Senior Financial Officer
| MGMT |
SFO Senior Federal Official
| FEMA |
SFO Senior FEMA Official
| FEMA |
SFO State Field Office
| FEMA |
SFO State Field Officer
| FEMA |
SFP Supplementary Feeding Program
| FEMA |
SFPE Society of Fire Protection Engineers
| FEMA |
SFSO Senior Financial Services Officer
| FEMA |
SG Surgeon General
| FEMA |
SGE Special Government Employee
| FEMA |
SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language
| FEMA |
SGT Senior Guidance Group
| OPS |
SGTP Society of Government Travel Professionals
| PLCY |
SGTR Steam Generator Tube Rupture
| FEMA |
SGTS Standard Gas Treatment System
| FEMA |
SHA Secure Hash Algorithm
| FEMA |
SHARE Safety, Health, and Return-to-Employment
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
SHCP Strategic Human Capital Plan
| FEMA |
SHEMS safety, health, environmental management system
| S&T |
SHIELD Strategic Hazard Identification Evaluation for Leadership Decisions
| CISA |
SHIRA Strategic Homeland Infrastructure Risk Assessment
| CISA |
SHMO State Hazard Mitigation Officer
| FEMA |
SHMP State Hazard Mitigation Program
| FEMA |
SHO Safety and Health Official
| FEMA |
SHO State Health Officer
| FEMA |
SHPO State Historic Preservation Office
| FEMA |
SHSAS State Homeland Security Assessment and Strategy
| FEMA |
SHSEEP State Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
| FEMA |
SHSGP State Homeland Security Grant Program
| FEMA |
SHSI Sensitive Homeland Security Information
| OPS |
SHSP State Homeland Security Program
| FEMA |
SHSS State Homeland Security Strategy
| FEMA |
SIA Special Interest Alien
| FEMA |
SIAM Structure Ignition Assessment Model
| FEMA |
SICCL State Incident Communications Conference Line
| FEMA |
SICG Senior Interagency Coordination Group
| FEMA |
SID Station Identifier
| FEMA |
SID System Identifier
| FEMA |
SIDA Security Identification Display Area
SIEC State Interoperability Executive Committee
| FEMA |
SIED Special Improvised Explosive Device
| FEMA |
SIES Strategic Industries and Economic Security, Office of
| FEMA |
SIF Standard Interchange Format
| FEMA |
SIGINT Signals Intelligence
SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information
| FEMA |
SII Security/Suitability Investigations Index
| I&A |
SIIA Software and Information Industry Association
SIM subscriber identity module
| MGMT |
SIMBAD Sensor Integration and Modeling for Biological Agent Detection
| FEMA |
SIMCELL Simulation Cell
| FEMA |
SIMCEN (National Exercise) Simulation Center
| FEMA |
SIN standing information need
| I&A |
SIO Senior Infrastructure Officer
| MGMT |
SIOC Strategic Information and Operations Center
| I&A |
SIOC Strategic Intelligence and Operations Center
| FEMA |
SIOP Single Integrated Operational Plan
| FEMA |
SIP state implementation plans
| DHS |
SIP Session-Initiation Protocol (NGN)
| FEMA |
SIP Shelter-In-Place
| FEMA |
SIP Streamlined Inspection Program
| FEMA |
SIPRNet Secure Internet Protocol Router Network
| I&A |
SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |
SIRIXS Secure Infrastructure for Rapid Information Exchange Solution
| FEMA |
SIT Situation Reporting System
| FEMA |
SIT REPORT Interagency Management Situation Report (summary of nationwide fire statistics)
| FEMA |
SITL Situation Unit Leader
| FEMA |
SITMAN Situation Manual
| FEMA |
SITO Senior Insider Threat Official
| I&A |
SITREP Situation Report
| FEMA |
SITROOM Situation Room
| FEMA |
SITSTAT Situation Status
| FEMA |
SL senior level position
| MGMT |
SL Senior-Level
| FEMA |
SL&T State, local, and Tribal (NRF, ESF 13 Annex)
| FEMA |
SLA Service Level Agreement
| FEMA |
SLA State and Local Assistance
| FEMA |
SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar
| FEMA |
SLBM Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile
| FEMA |
SLC Salt Lake City
| FEMA |
SLC Subscriber Line Carrier
| FEMA |
SLE State and Local Exercise
| FEMA |
Sleeping Dragon Term used to identify a barrier of protesters who have linked themselves to one another
| FEMA |
SLEP State and Local Exercise Program
| FEMA |
SLFC State and Local Fusion Center
| I&A |
SLG Senior Leadership Group
| OPS |
SLG State and Local Guide
| FEMA |
SLGCP (see SLGC) State and Local Government Coordination & Preparedness (now NPPD/IGP)
| CISA |
SLLE State and Local Law Enforcement, Office for (PLCY/SLLE)
| DHS |
SLM Sound Level Meter
| FEMA |
SLO State Liaison Officer
| FEMA |
SLOSH Sea, Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes
| FEMA |
SLP State & Local Program
| FEMA |
SLPA Sea Level Pressure Anomaly
| FEMA |
SLPS State & Local Programs & Support Directorate
| FEMA |
SLRFC State, Local and Regional Fusion Center
| FEMA |
SLSAC State and Local Officials Senior Advisory Committee
SLUDGEM Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, Gastric Distress, Emesis and Miosis
| FEMA |
SM Shelter Management
| FEMA |
SM Student Manual
| FEMA |
SMAC State Mapping Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
SMB Secretary's Morning Brief
| FEMA |
SMC Specialty/Specialized Management Center
| FEMA |
SMCC System Management Control Center
| FEMA |
SME Subject Matter Expert
| DHS |
SME PED Secure Mobile Environment Portable Electronic Device
| FEMA |
SMG Specialty Management Group
| FEMA |
SMHA State Mental Health Agency
| FEMA |
SMI Safety Management Institute
| FEMA |
SMI Smithsonian Institute
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
SMMA Standard Mitigation Measures Agreement
| FEMA |
| DHS |
SMP State Mitigation Plan
| FEMA |
SMS Short Message Service
| FEMA |
SMS Software Management System
| FEMA |
SMSA Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
| FEMA |
SMSD State-Managed Small Disaster
| FEMA |
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
| FEMA |
SMU Special Mission Unit
| FEMA |
SMU Special Mission Unit (affiliated with FEMA)
| FEMA |
SMURC Satellite Mobile US&R Resupply Cache
| FEMA |
SN Serial Number
| FEMA |
SNA Survivable Network Analysis
| FEMA |
SNJTK Special Needs Jurisdiction Tool Kit
SNL Sandia National Laboratory
| S&T |
SNM Specific Nuclear Material
| CWMD |
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
| FEMA |
SNOMED Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
| FEMA |
SNPRM Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking [see also ANPRM and NPRM]
| OGC |
SNS Strategic National Stockpile and National Disaster Medical System
SNSEE School for National Security Executive Education (NDU)
| FEMA |
SNWDI Critical Nuclear Weapon Design Information
| FEMA |
SO Safety Officer
| FEMA |
SO Sheriff’s Office
| FEMA |
SOA Service Oriented Architecture
| FEMA |
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
| FEMA |
SOB Souls On Board
| FEMA |
SOC Security Operations Center
| FEMA |
SOC State Operations Center
| FEMA |
SOC Statement of Concern
| FEMA |
| FEMA |
SOCMA Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturers Association
| CISA |
SOE Senior Officials Exercise
| FEMA |
SOE Summary of Expenses
| FEMA |
SOF Special Operations Forces
| FEMA |
SOF1 Safety Officer Type 1
| FEMA |
SOF2 Safety Officer Type 2
| FEMA |
SOFA Status of Forces Agreement
| FEMA |
SOFR Safety Officer, Line
| FEMA |
SOG Seat of Government
| FEMA |
SOG Standard Operating Guideline
| FEMA |
SOI Southern Oscillation Index
| FEMA |
SOIC Senior Official of the Intelligence Community
| FEMA |
SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea
| CBP | USCG |
SOLGEN Solicitor General
| FEMA |
SOLIC Special Operations-Low Intensity Conflict
| FEMA |
SOLRAD Solar Radiation
| FEMA |
SOMA Summary of Map Actions
| FEMA |
SON Statement of Need
| FEMA |
SONAR Sound Navigation and Ranging
| USCG |
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
| FEMA |
SONS Spill of National Significance
SOO Statement of Objective
| DHS |
SOP Safe Operating Procedure
| FEMA |
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
| DHS |
SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
| FEMA |
SOR Statement of Requirements
| S&T |
SORDS Stand-off Radiation Detection System
| CWMD |
SORN System of Record Notice
| I&A | OGC | PLCY | PRIV |
SOS system of systems
| MGMT |
SOS Status of Studies
| FEMA |
SOSC State On-Scene Coordinator
| FEMA |
SOUTHCOM Southern Command
| TSA |
SOW Statement of Work
| DHS |
SP Single Pedestal
| FEMA |
SPAWAR Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center
| CISA | I&A |
SPC Storm Prediction Center
| FEMA |
SPCA Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
| FEMA |
SPD Special Programs Division (S&T/SPD)
| DHS |
SPE Senior Procurement Executive
| MGMT |
SPE Skill Performance Evaluation
| FEMA |
SPE Strategic Planning and Evaluation
| FEMA |
SPEGL Short-term Public Emergency Guidance Level
| FEMA |
SPEN State Police Emergency Network
| FEMA |
SPG Senior Policy Group
| FEMA |
SPG Strategic Planning Guide
| FEMA |
SPII Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information
| FEMA |
SPIRIT Security, Planning, and Integrated Resources for Information Technology
| PLCY |
SPL Single Pedestal Left
| FEMA |
SPLASH Special Program to List the Amplitude of Surge from Hurricanes
| FEMA |
SPM System Programming and Maintenance
| FEMA |
SPOC Single Point of Contact
| FEMA |
SPOC Staffing Point of Contact
| FEMA |
SPOD Seaport of Debarkation
| FEMA |
SPOE Seaport of Embarkation
| FEMA |
SPOT Screening of Passengers by Observation Techniques
| TSA |
SPOT Satellite Positioning and Tracking
| FEMA |
SPOT Systeme Probatoire d’Observation de la Terre (French satellite system)
| FEMA |
SPOTREPS Spot Reports
| OPS |
SPP Security and Prosperity Partnership
| TSA | PLCY |
SPP Screening Partnership Program
| TSA |
SPP Secure Passage Program
| TSA |
SPR Single Pedestal Right
| FEMA |
SPR Special Problem Report
| FEMA |
SPR State Preparedness Report
| FEMA |
SPR Strategic Petroleum Reserve
| FEMA |
SPRB Senior Performance Review Board
| FEMA |
SPRL Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory
| CWMD |
SPSCIF Semi-Permanent Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
| FEMA |
SPUL Supply Unit Leader
| FEMA |
SQL Structured Query Language
| FEMA |
SRA Safe Refuge Area
| FEMA |
SRA Society for Risk Analysis
| FEMA |
SRC Source
| FEMA |
SRD Self-Reading Dosimeter
| FEMA |
SRF Service Response Force
| FEMA |
SRFC Service Response Force Commander
| FEMA |
SRFX Service Response Force Exercise
| FEMA |
SRM service component reference model
| MGMT |
SRM Service Reference Model
| FEMA |
SRSC Strategic Review Steering Committee
| FEMA |
SRT Search Rescue Team
| FEMA |
SRV Safety Relief Value
| FEMA |
SRWG Site Remediation Working Group
| FEMA |
SSA Self Storage Association
| PLCY |
SSA Sector-Specific Agency
| FEMA |
SSA Senior State Advisor
| FEMA |
SSA Social Security Administration
| DHS |
SSA Survivable Systems Analysis
| FEMA |
SSAA System Security Authorization Agreement
| FEMA |
SSAN Social Security Account Number
| FEMA |
SSAS Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Systems
| MGMT |
SSB Single Side Band
| FEMA |
SSBI Single-Scope Background Investigation
| FEMA |
SSC Scientific Support Coordinator
| FEMA |
SSC Senior Site Controller
| FEMA |
SSC Strategic Storage Center
| FEMA |
SSCJ San Diego Sector Command Center Joint
| USCG |
SSD Systems Support Division
| FEMA |
SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake
| FEMA |
SSFSD Secret Service Forensic Sciences Division
| USSS |
SSG Strategic Sourcing Group
| FEMA |
SSHS Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale
| FEMA |
SSI Supplemental Security Income
| FEMA |
SSL Secure Socket Layer
| FEMA |
SSN Social Security Number
| FEMA |
SSO Special Security Officer
| FEMA |
SSP Sector Specific Plan
SSP Species Survival Plan
| FEMA |
SSR Special Security Representative
| MGMT |
SSR Special Security Representative (MD 11039)
| FEMA |
SSS Selective Service System
| DHS |
SSS Small Structure Survey
| FEMA |
SS-SATCOM Slow Speed Satellite Communicator
| FEMA |
SSSE State Support Service Element
| FEMA |
SST Safe Secure Transport
| FEMA |
SST Sea-Surface Temperature
| FEMA |
SST Shelter Survey Technician
| FEMA |
SST Super-Sonic Transport
| FEMA |
ST scientific or professional position
| MGMT |
ST ISAC Surface Transportation Information Sharing and Analysis Center
| FEMA |
STA Special Temporary Authority
| FEMA |
STAC Science and Technology Advisory Committee
| S&T |
STAM Staging Area Manager
| FEMA |
STAR Strategic Threat and Action Report
| CISA |
STAR Science to Achieve Results
| FEMA |
STAR Studies, Training, Analysis and Research
| FEMA |
STAR Science-based Threat Analysis and Response Program
| S&T | I&A |
STARC State Area Command
| FEMA |
STARS Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System
| FEMA |
START Scientific and Technical Advisory and Response Team
| S&T |
START Security Through Advanced Research & Technology
| S&T |
START Scientific and Technical Analysis and Response Team
| FEMA |
START Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team
| FEMA |
STARTEAM Specialized Target Area Registration Team
| FEMA |
STARTEX Start of Exercise
| FEMA |
STATEX Statutory Exclusion
| FEMA |
STATREP Status Report
| FEMA |
STB Surface Transportation Board
| FEMA |
STC Satellite Teleregistration Center
| FEMA |
STC Secure the Cities
| CWMD |
STC State Coordinator
| FEMA |
STCC Standard Transportation Commodity Code
| FEMA |
STCR Strike Team Leader Crew
| FEMA |
STCW Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping [for Seafarers]
| USCG |
STDO Security Technology Deployment Office
| FEMA |
ST-DOSE Source Term to Dose
| FEMA |
STDZ Strike Team Leader Dozer
| FEMA |
STE Secure Telephone Equipment
| DHS |
STEL Short-Term Exposure Limit
| FEMA |
STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
| S&T |
STEN Strike Team Leader Engine
| FEMA |
STEP State Tribal Education Program
| FEMA |
STEP Security Training Exercise Program
| TSA | USCG |
STL Strike team leader
| FEMA |
STLM Strike Team Leader Military
| FEMA |
STO Special Technical Operations
| FEMA |
STOC Sniper Tactical Operations Center
| FEMA |
STOLS System to Locate Survivors
| FEMA |
STOP Strategy for Targeting Organized Piracy
| CBP |
STP Standard Temperature and Pressure
| FEMA |
STPS Structural Protection Specialist
| FEMA |
STQ Screening Threshold Quantities
| CISA |
STR Suspicious Transaction Report
STRATCOM Strategic Command
| FEMA |
STSC Student and Schools System
STU Secure Telephone Unit
| DHS |
STUDS Small Tactical Ubiquitous Detection Sensors
| FEMA |
STU-III Secure Telephone Unit – Third Generation
| FEMA |
STU-IV Secure Telephone Unit – Fourth Generation
| FEMA |
SUA Special Use Airspace
| FEMA |
SUA Specified Unlawful Activities
| FEMA |
SUBD Support Branch Director
| FEMA |
SUI Sensitive Unclassified Information
| FEMA |
SUL Situation Unit Leader
| FEMA |
SUM Software User’s Manual
| FEMA |
SUMA Supply Management
| FEMA |
SUPREPS Supplemental Reports Created by OIC
| FEMA |
SUPSALV Supervisor of Salvage
| FEMA |
SUV Sport Utility Vehicle
| FEMA |
SVBD Service Branch Director
| FEMA |
SVBIED suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device
| S&T |
svc service
| FEMA |
SVC Switched Virtual Circuits
| FEMA |
SVIS Secure Video System
| FEMA |
SVOS Secure Voice System
| FEMA |
SVSS Small Vessel Security Strategy
| USCG |
SVTC Secure Video Teleconference
| DHS |
SVTS Secured Video Teleconferencing System
| DHS |
SW Software
| FEMA |
SW Soil and Water
| FEMA |
SWAT Special Weapons and Tactics
| FEMA |
SWC Severe Weather Center
| FEMA |
SWEL Stillwater Flood Elevation
| FEMA |
SWFL Stillwater Flood Level
| FEMA |
SWG Scenario Working Group
| FEMA |
SWG Security Working Group
| FEMA |
SWGDE Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence
| USSS |
SWGFACT Scientific Working Group for Forensic Analysis of Chemical Terrorism/Threats
| FEMA |
SWIS Satellite Weather Information System
| FEMA |
SWO Senior Watch Officer
| FEMA | S&T | OPS |
SWP State Warning Point
| FEMA |
SWP State Weekends Program
| FEMA |
SWS Severe Weather Statement
| FEMA |
SWSA Semantic Web Services Architecture
| FEMA |
T&A Time and Attendance
| FEMA |
T&C Time and Cost
| FEMA |
T&E Test and Evaluation
| FEMA |
T&E Threatened and Endangered
| FEMA |
T&EPW Training and Exercise Planning Workshop
| FEMA |
T2 Top Officials Exercise/TOPOFF 2
| FEMA |
TA Table of Allowances
| FEMA |
TA Technical Assistance
| FEMA |
TA Time and Attendance
| FEMA |
TA Travel Authorization
| FEMA |
TAC Technical Advisory Committee
| FEMA |
TAC Technical Assistance Contractor
| FEMA |
TACACS Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
| FEMA |
TACC Training Academy Charter Committee
| FEMA |
TAC-DESK Tactical Desk
| FEMA |
TACEX Tactical Exercise
| FEMA |
TACLET Tactical Law Enforcement Team
| USCG |
TACON Tactical Control
| FEMA |
TAC-SMC Tactical Specialized Management Center
| FEMA |
TAD Technical Assistance Division
| FEMA |
TADS Threat Assessment Database System
| FEMA |
TADS Training Aids for Dam Safety
| FEMA |
TAES Tactical Aero-medical Evacuation System
| FEMA |
TAFA Terrorism and Foreign Assassination
| USSS |
TAFIM Technical Architecture Framework for Information Management
| FEMA |
TAFS Treasury appropriation fund symbol
| MGMT |
TAFS Treasury appropriation fund symbol [financial]
| MGMT |
TAFT Test, Analyze, Fix and Test
| FEMA |
TAG Technology & Architecture Group
| FEMA |
TAG The Adjutant General
| FEMA |
TAG Threat Advisory Group
| FEMA |
TAI TSA Approved Instructor
| TSA |
TAIS Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems
| FEMA |
TAOS The Arbiter of Storms
| FEMA |
TAP Task Analysis Plan
| FEMA |
TAPS Trans-Alaska Pipeline System
| FEMA |
TAR Tone-Alert Radio
| FEMA |
TARP Troubled Asset Relief Program
| FEMA |
TARS Tethered Aerostat Radar System
| ICE |
TARS Tone-Alert Radios
| FEMA |
TAS Treasury account symbol
| MGMT |
TAS Treasury account symbol [financial]
| MGMT |
TAT Technical Assistance Team
| FEMA |
TAV Technical Assistance Visit (DPETAP/NDPC)
| FEMA |
TAV Total Asset Visibility
| FEMA |
TAVISS Targeted Violence Information Sharing System
| TSA |
TBA Thyroid Blocking Agent (see KI)
| FEMA |
TBA To be announced
| DHS |
TBD To be determined
| DHS |
TBM Temporary Bench Mark
| FEMA |
TBP To be published
| OPA |
TBR Travel Business Roundtable
| TSA |
TC Technical Committee
| FEMA |
T-CAR Tribal Capability Assessment for Readiness
| FEMA |
TCC TSA Telephone Contact Center
| TSA | CRCL |
TCC Tele-Communications Center
| FEMA |
TCC Telephone Contact Center
| FEMA |
TCC Traffic Control Center
| FEMA |
TCC Transportable Communications Center
TCD Tropical Cyclone Discussion
| FEMA |
TCL Target Capabilities List
| FEMA |
TCO Territorial Coordinating Officer
| FEMA |
TCOP Tactical Common Operating Picture
| FEMA |
TCP Tele-Communications Priorities
| FEMA |
TCP Traffic Control Point
| FEMA |
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
| FEMA |
TCR Total Case Rate
| FEMA |
TCS (Standard Flood Hazard) Tracking and Correspondence System
| FEMA |
TCS Tactical Control System
| FEMA |
TCU Tribal Colleges and Universities
| S&T | CRCL |
TCU Threat Containment Unit
| FEMA |
TCU Transportation Coordination Unit
| FEMA |
TCV Total Containment Vessel
| FEMA |
TDC Theater Deployable Communications
| FEMA |
TDC Travel Document Checker
| FEMA |
TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
| CRCL |
TDFM Traffic Demand Forecast Model
| FEMA |
TDIS Travel Document Issuance System
TDO Typhoon Duty Officer
| FEMA |
TDS Time, Distance and Shielding
| FEMA |
TDY Temporary duty
| DHS |
TEAM-CPR Thermal, Etiological, Asphyxiation, Mechanical, Chemical, Psychological and Radioactive
| FEMA |
TechStat TechStat Accountability Session
| MGMT |
TECS Treasury Enforcement Communications System
| CBP | TSA | I&A |
TED Total Effective Dose
| FEMA |
TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent
| FEMA |
TEEM Training Excellence Emergency Management
| FEMA |
TEEX Texas Engineering Extension Service
TEI Training and Exercise Integration (Division)
| FEMA |
TEL Transporter Erector Launcher
| FEMA |
TELL (Office of) Training, Exercises, and Lessons Learned
| FEMA |
TELNET Tele-conference Network
| FEMA |
TEMA Tennessee Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
TEMCC Tribal Emergency Management Coordinating Council
| FEMA |
TEMP Temporary Employee
| FEMA |
TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan
| FEMA |
TENCAP Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities
| I&A |
TEOAF Treasury Executive Office of Asset Forfeiture
TEOC Tele-Engineering Operations Center
| FEMA |
TEOC Transportation Emergency Operations Center
| FEMA |
TEPD Training, Education, and Professional Development
| FEMA |
TERO Tribal Employment Rights Organization
| FEMA |
TERT Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce
| FEMA |
TEU twenty-foot equivalent unit
| PLCY |
TEU Technical Escort Unit
| FEMA |
TEW Terrorist Early Warning (Group)
| FEMA | I&A |
TF Task Force
| FEMA |
TFAH Trust for America’s Health
| FEMA |
TFCC Task Force Control Center
| FEMA |
TFER Task for Emergency Readiness
| FEMA |
TFL Task Force Leader
| FEMA |
TFL Temporary Fuel Location
| FEMA |
TFLD Task Force Leader
| FEMA |
TFR Temporary Flight Restriction
| USSS |
TFS Texas Forest Service
| FEMA |
TFT Temporary Full-Time
| FEMA |
TH Technological Hazards
| FEMA |
TH Temporary Housing
| FEMA |
THA Temporary Housing Assistance
| FEMA |
THAMIC Toxic Hazard Analysis Model for Industrial Chemicals
| FEMA |
THC Temporary Housing Checkwriter
| FEMA |
THD Technological Hazards Division
| FEMA |
THIRA threat and hazard identification and risk assessment
| I&A |
THO Temporary Housing Officer
| FEMA |
THP Temporary Housing Program
| FEMA |
THREATCON Threat Condition
| FEMA |
THU Temporary Housing Unit
| FEMA |
TIA Terrorism Information Awareness
| DHS |
TIARA Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities
| I&A |
TIAS Training Information Access System
| FEMA |
TIB toxic industrial biological
| S&T |
TIB Temporary Importation Bond
| CBP |
TIC Trusted Internet Connection
| CISA |
TIC Toxic Industrial Chemical
| CISA |
TIC toxic industrial material
| S&T |
TICP Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan
| FEMA |
TIDE Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment
| I&A | OGC | PLCY | PRIV |
TIER Treasury Information Executive Repository
| FEMA |
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
| I&A | MGMT |
TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Reference (System)
| FEMA |
TIH Toxic Inhalation Hazard
| TSA | S&T |
TIM Toxic Industrial Material
| FEMA |
TIMACS Telecommunications Inventory Management and Control System
| FEMA |
TIMS Traffic Incident Management Systems
| FEMA |
TIN Taxpayer Identification Number
| FEMA |
TIN Triangular Irregular Network
| FEMA |
TIOC Transportation Information Operations Center
| FEMA |
TIP Threat Image Protection
| TSA |
TIPOFF Terrorism Information Program [database at DOS]
| I&A | PLCY |
TIPS Terrorism Information and Prevention System
| FEMA | I&A |
TIR toxic industrial radiological
| S&T |
TIROS Television and Infrared Observation Satellite
| FEMA |
TISD Transportation Infrastructure Security Division
| FEMA |
TISP The Infrastructure Security Partnership
TKB Terrorism Knowledge Base
| FEMA |
TL Team Leader
| FEMA |
TL Truckload
| FEMA |
TLC Territory Logistics Centers
| FEMA |
TLC-C Territory Logistics Center- Central
| FEMA |
TLC-E Territory Logistics Center- East
| FEMA |
TLC-W Territory Logistics Center- West
| FEMA |
TLD Thermo Luminescent Dosimeter
| FEMA |
TLO Terminal Learning Objectives
| FEMA |
TLS Transport Layer Security
| FEMA |
TLV Threshold Limit Value
| FEMA |
TM Trademark
| FEMA |
TMARS Team Management and Rostering System
| FEMA |
TMC Transportation Management Center
| FEMA |
TMC Travel Management Center
| FEMA |
TMI Three Mile Island (Nuclear Power Plant)
| FEMA |
TMS Traffic Management Specialist
| FEMA |
TMS Training Management System
| FEMA |
TMT Traffic Management Team
| FEMA |
TMT Training Management Team
| FEMA |
TNA Training Needs Assessment
TNC Terminal Node Controller
| FEMA |
TNF Technical Nuclear Forensics
| CWMD |
TNSP Training Specialist
| FEMA |
TNT Trinitrotoluene
| FEMA |
TOA Time of Arrival
| FEMA |
TOA Transportation Operating Agency
| FEMA |
TOC Table of Contents
| FEMA |
TOC Tactical Operations Center
| FEMA |
TOC Traffic Operations Center
| FEMA |
TOCDF Tooele Chemical Disposal Facility
| FEMA |
TOI track of interest
| PLCY |
TOLC Take-Off and Landing Coordinator
| FEMA |
TOP Technology Opportunities Program
| FEMA |
TOPOFF Top Officials Exercise
TOSC Tactical On-Scene Commander
| FEMA |
TOT Time on Target
| FEMA |
TP Time Period
| FEMA |
TPC Tropical Prediction Center
| FEMA |
TPED Tasking, Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination
| FEMA |
TPEP Terrorism Prevention Exercise Program
| FEMA |
TPFDD Time-Phased Force Deployment Data
| FEMA |
TPFDL Time-Phased Force Deployment List
| FEMA |
TPI Two-Person Integrity
| FEMA |
TPM Trading Partner Management (system)
| FEMA |
TPO Technical Program Officer
| FEMA |
TPO Transition Planning Office
| FEMA |
TPOC Training Point of Contact
| FEMA |
TPOP Tractor Plow Operator
| FEMA |
TPPB Terrorism Production Planning Board (NCTC)
| FEMA |
TPS Temporary Protected Status
TR Transportation Request
| FEMA |
TRAC2ES TRANSCOM’s Regulating and Command and Control Evacuation System
| FEMA |
TRACEM Thermal, Radioactive, Asphyxiation, Chemical, Etiological and Mechanical
| FEMA |
TRADE Training Resources and Data Exchange
TRADOC United States Army Training and Doctrine Command
| FEMA |
TRAGIS Transportation Routing Analysis Geographic Information System
| CISA |
TRAM Transit Risk Assessment Methodology
TransCAER Transportation Community Awareness Emergency Response
| FEMA |
TRAVEL Transportation Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Evaluation Tool
| TSA | CISA |
TRC Technology Review Committee
| FEMA |
TRC Telephone Response Center
| FEMA |
TREAS Department of the Treasury
| DHS |
TRES Department of Treasury (Federal Government)
| FEMA |
TRI Toxic Release Inventory
| FEMA |
TRIA Terrorism Risk Insurance Act
| PLCY |
TRICS Telephone to Radio Interface Communications System
| FEMA |
TRIP Transit (and) Rail Inspection Pilot
| TSA |
TRIP Traveler Redress Inquiry Program
| TSA |
TRIPS Travel Reporting and Information Processing System
| FEMA |
TRM Technical Reference Model
| I&A |
TRO Transient Accommodations Only
| FEMA |
TRO Transitional Recovery Office
| FEMA |
TROPAN Tropical Analysis Facsimile Network
| FEMA |
TROR Treasury Report on Receivables
| FEMA |
TRP Tactical Response Plan
| FEMA |
TRPB Tractor/Plow Boss
| FEMA |
TRR Test Readiness Review
| S&T |
TRT Tactical Response Team
| FEMA |
TS Thunderstorm
| FEMA |
TS Top Secret
| DHS |
TS Transfer System
| FEMA |
TS Tropical Storm
| FEMA |
TS/SCI Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information
| FEMA |
TSA The Salvation Army
| FEMA |
TSA Transportation Security Administration
| DHS |
TSAAC Transportation Security Administration's Access Certificate
| FEMA |
TSAC Towing Safety Advisory Committee
| USCG |
TSAR Transportation Security Administration Representative
| TSA |
TSARM TSA Self-Assessment Risk Module
| TSA |
TSB Technical Services Branch
| FEMA |
TSB Training Support Brigade
| FEMA |
TSC Terrorist Screening Center
| CBP | TSA | I&A |
TSC Technical Support Center
| FEMA |
TSC Transportation Security Clearinghouse
| FEMA |
TSCA Toxic Substance Control Act
| FEMA |
TSCC Transportation Security Command Center
| TSA |
TSCM Technical Surveillance Countermeasures
| TSA |
TSCM Technical Security Countermeasure
| FEMA |
TSCO Top Secret Control Officer
| FEMA |
TSD Test and Evaluation Standards Division (S&T/TSD)
| DHS |
TSDB Terrorist Screening Database
| CBP | I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
TSDN Technical Support Data Notebook
| FEMA |
TSDR Toxic Substance and Disease Registry
| FEMA |
TSGP Transit Security Grant Program
| FEMA | TSA |
TSI national transportation security incident
| PLCY |
TSI Transportation Security Inspector
| FEMA |
TSIS Transportation Security Intelligence Service
| TSA | I&A |
TSL Transportation Security Laboratory
| TSA | S&T |
TSN Trade Support Network
| FEMA |
TSNM Transportation Sector Network Management (TSA/TSNM)
| DHS |
TSO Transportation Security Officer
| TSA |
TSOC Transportation Security Operations Center
| TSA |
TSP Thrift Savings Plan
| MGMT |
TSP Telecommunications Service Priority
| FEMA |
TSP Total Suspended Particulates
| FEMA |
TSP Training Support Package
| FEMA |
TSP Transit Security Program
| FEMA |
TSPSOC Telecommunications Service Priority/System Oversight Committee
TSR Telecommunications Service Request
| FEMA |
TSR Teleregistration Service Representative
| FEMA |
TSS Temporary Storage Site
| FEMA |
TSSP Transportation Sect Specific Plan
| TSA |
TSWA Temporary Secure Working Area
| FEMA |
TSWG Technical Support Working Group
| FEMA |
TT Travel Trailer
| FEMA |
TT&E Test, Training and Exercise
| FEMA |
TTAC Terrorist Threat Assessment and Credentialing
| TSA |
TTC Technical Training Center
| FEMA |
TTC Time To Complete
| FEMA |
| CRCL |
TTF Terrorism Task Force
| FEMA |
TTIC Terrorist Threat Integration Center
| I&A |
TTP Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
| I&A |
TTPP Transportation Threat Protection Program
| FEMA |
TTT Train the Trainer
| FEMA |
TTWS Terrorist Threat Warning System
| OPS |
TTX Tabletop Exercise
| CRCL |
TUAV Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
| FEMA |
TUH Two Unit Housing
| FEMA |
TUSCAN TIPOFF United States-Canada
| I&A | PLCY |
TUTT Tropical Upper Tropospheric Trough
| FEMA |
TV Television
| FEMA |
TV Thomasville, Georgia
| FEMA |
TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
| DHS |
TVIS Threat Vulnerability Integration System
| FEMA |
TVM Threat-Vulnerability Mapper
| FEMA |
TVTA Threat and Vulnerability, Testing and Assessment
| S&T |
TWA Time Weighted Average
| FEMA |
TWD Tropical Weather Discussion
| FEMA |
TWG Technical Working Group
| FEMA |
TWG Terrorist Working Group
| FEMA |
TWIC Transportation Worker Identification Credential
TWOV Transit Without Visa Program
| TSA |
TWPDES Terrorist Watchlist Person Data Exchange Standard
| I&A | PLCY |
| TSA |
U.S. United States (also US)
| FEMA |
UA Unauthorized Absence
| FEMA |
UA Universal Adversary
| FEMA |
UA Upper Air
| FEMA |
UAC Unified Area Command
| FEMA |
UAM user activity monitoring
| I&A |
UASI Urban Areas Security Initiative
| FEMA |
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (drone)
UAV ESG UAV Executive Steering Group
| FEMA |
UAWG Urban Area Working Group
| FEMA |
UBC Uniform Building Code
| FEMA |
UBE unknown bulk explosive
| S&T |
UBR Universal Business Registry
| FEMA |
UC Unemployment Compensation
| FEMA |
UC Unified Command
| FEMA |
UC/IC Unified Command / Incident Command
| FEMA |
UCC Unified Combatant Command
| FEMA |
UCGIS University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
| FEMA |
UCP Unified Command Plan
| FEMA |
UCP Unified Command Post
| FEMA |
UCS Unified Command System
| FEMA |
UCT Unified Command Team
| FEMA |
UCT Universal Coordinated Time (see ZULU)
| FEMA | S&T |
UD Unified Defense
| FEMA |
UDA Undocumented Aliens
| ICE |
UDDI Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration
| FEMA |
UDP Urban Dispersion Program
| FEMA |
UEC Unauthorized Entry into Cuban Territorial Waters
| USCG |
UEL Upper Explosive Limit
| FEMA |
UF6 Uranium Hexafluoride
| FEMA |
UGC Universal Generic Code
| FEMA |
UHF Ultra High Frequency
| FEMA |
UI Unemployment Insurance
| FEMA |
UIC Unified Incident Command
| FEMA |
UICDS Unified Incident Command and Decision Support
| FEMA |
UJTL Universal Joint Task List
| FEMA |
UL Underwriters Laboratories
| FEMA |
ULD Unit Loading Device
| FEMA |
ULF Ultra Low Frequency
| FEMA |
ULN Unit Line Number
| FEMA |
ULO Unliquidated Obligation
| FEMA |
ULP Unfair Labor Practice
| FEMA |
UMCA Umatilla Chemical Activity
| FEMA |
UMCD Umatilla Chemical Depot
| FEMA |
UMCOR United Methodist Committee on Relief
| FEMA |
UMD University of Maryland
| FEMA |
UMDA Umatilla Depot Activity
| FEMA |
UML Unified Modeling Language
| I&A | MGMT | PLCY |
UMOC Unified Medical Operations Center
| FEMA |
UMP Upward Mobility Program
| FEMA |
UMRA Unfunded Mandates Reform Act [1995]
| OGC |
UN United Nations
UNC Universal Naming Convention
| FEMA |
UNCLASS Unclassified
| FEMA |
UNDRO United Nations Disaster Relief Organization
| FEMA |
UNGA 62 62nd Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly
| FEMA |
UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
| FEMA |
UNP Unmet Needs Program
| FEMA |
UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission
| FEMA |
UO2F2 Uranyl Fluoride
| FEMA |
UOC USACE Operations Center
| FEMA |
UOM Unit Of Measure
| FEMA |
UPC Universal Product Code
| FEMA |
UPR User Profile Record
| I&A | MGMT |
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
| FEMA |
UPS United Postal Service
| FEMA |
URA Uniform Relocation Act
| FEMA |
URGENT Uniform Regional Guidance Employing National Teams
| FEMA |
URI Upper Respiratory Infection
| FEMA |
URISA Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
| FEMA |
URL Uniform Resource Locator
| FEMA | I&A | MGMT |
US Under Secretary (also U/S)
| FEMA |
US&R Urban Search & Rescue (see also USAR)
| FEMA |
USA United States Army
USA United States of America
| FEMA |
USA PATRIOT [Act] Uniting & Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept & Obstruct Terrorism
| DHS |
USA; US United States of America [geographical]
| DHS |
USACBDC United States Army Chemical and Biological Defense Command
| DHS | FEMA |
USACDA United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
| DHS | FEMA |
USACDRA United States Army Chemical Demilitarization and Remediation Activity
| DHS | FEMA |
USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers
| DHS |
USACHPPM United States Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
| DHS | FEMA |
USACMDA United States Army Chemical Material Destruction Agency
| DHS | FEMA |
USACOM United States Atlantic Command (see USJFCOM)
| DHS | FEMA |
USADACS United States Army Defense Artillery Center and School
| DHS | FEMA |
USAF United States Air Force
USAFA United States Air Force Academy
| DHS | ICE |
USAHA United States Animal Health Association
| DHS | S&T |
USAID United States Agency for International Development
| DHS |
USAISC United States Army Information Systems Command
| DHS | FEMA |
USA-ITA United States Association for Importers of Textiles and Apparel
| CBP |
USAMRAA United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity
| DHS | FEMA |
USAMRICD United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
USAMRIID United States Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Disease
USANCA United States Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency
| DHS | FEMA |
USAR United States Army Reserve
| DHS | FEMA |
USAR Urban Search and Rescue
| FEMA |
USBP (see CBP) United States Border Patrol
| DHS | CBP |
USBR United States Bureau of Reclamation
| DHS | FEMA |
USC United States Citizen
USC United States Code
| DHS | FEMA | CISA | I&A |
USCAP United States Civilian Aviation Partnership
| DHS | PLCY |
US-CERT United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
| DHS | CISA | S&T | I&A |
USCG U.S. Coast Guard
| DHS | MGMT |
USCG United States Coast Guard
| DHS |
USCGR United States Coast Guard Reserve
| DHS | FEMA |
USCIRF United States Commission of International Religious Freedom
| DHS | FEMA |
USCIS U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
USCM United States Conference of Mayors
| DHS | FEMA |
USCOLD United States Committee on Large Dams
| FEMA |
USCP United States Capitol Police
| DHS | FEMA |
USCS (see CBP) United States Customs Service (now U.S. Customs and Border Protection)
| DHS | FEMA |
USCSCFAC United States Customs Service COBRA Fees Advisory Committee
| DHS | CBP |
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
| DHS |
USDA/CSREES United States Department of Agriculture/ Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (aka: "the Extension Service")
| DHS | FEMA |
USDOI United States Department of the Interior
| DHS | FEMA |
USDOL United States Department of Labor
| DHS | FEMA |
USDOT United States Department of Transportation [ESF-1]
| DHS | FEMA |
USET United South and Eastern Tribes
| DHS | FEMA |
USFA United States Fire Administration (FEMA/USFA)
| DHS |
USFS United States Forest Service
| DHS | FEMA |
USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service
| DHS | FEMA |
USG United States Government
| DHS | FEMA |
USGS United States Geological Survey
USGS-DLG United States Geological Survey Digital Line Graph (Format)
| DHS | FEMA |
USIA Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis
| I&A |
USIA United States Information Agency
| DHS | FEMA |
USIC United States Interdiction Coordinator
| DHS | ICE |
USITC United States International Trade Commission
| DHS | FEMA |
USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command
USMC United States Marine Corps
USMCR United States Marine Corps Reserve
| DHS | FEMA |
USML United States Munitions List
| FEMA |
USMRICD United States Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense
| FEMA |
USMS United States Marshals Service
| DHS | CBP | FEMA | ICE | TSA |
USMTF United States Message Text Format
| DHS | FEMA |
USN United States Navy
USNCB United States National Central Bureau
| I&A |
USNG United States National Grid (NAD83)
| FEMA |
USNG United States National Guard
| FEMA |
| DHS | FEMA |
USNR United States Naval Reserve
| DHS | FEMA |
USOC United States Olympic Committee
| DHS | FEMA |
USP Under Secretary for Preparedness
| FEMA |
USPACOM United States Pacific Command
| DHS | FEMA |
USPHS United States Public Health Service
| DHS | FEMA | S&T |
USPIS United States Postal Inspection Service
| DHS | CISA |
USPP United States Park Police
| DHS | FEMA |
USPS United States Postal Service
| DHS |
USS United States Senate
| DHS | FEMA |
USS United States Ship
| DHS | FEMA |
USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command
| DHS | FEMA |
USSOUTHCOM United States Southern Command
| DHS | FEMA |
USSPACECOM United States Space Command
| DHS | FEMA |
USSS U.S. Secret Service
USSS United States Secret Service
| DHS | USSS |
USSTRATCOM United States Strategic Command
| DHS | FEMA |
UST Underground Storage Tank
| FEMA |
USTR United States Trade Representative
| DHS |
USTRANSCOM United States Transportation Command
| DHS | FEMA |
USVI United States Virgin Islands
| DHS | FEMA |
US-VISIT United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (NPPD/US-VISIT)
| DHS |
UTC Unit Type Code
| FEMA |
UTC Universale Temps Coordinaire (i.e., Coordinated Universal Time)
| FEMA |
UTCP Unified Tactical Communications Program
| DHS |
UTL Universal Task List
| FEMA |
UTM Universal Transverse Mercator
| FEMA |
UUV Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
| S&T |
UV Ultraviolet
| FEMA |
UVI Ultraviolet Index
| FEMA |
UVIED under vehicle improvised explosive device employment
| S&T |
UWB Ultra Wideband
| CISA |
UXO unexploded ordnance
| S&T |
v volt
| FEMA |
V Voltage
| FEMA |
VA United States Department of Veterans Affairs
| DHS |
VA Vulnerability Assessment
| FEMA |
VACF Vetted Anti-Counterfeiting Forces
| USSS |
VACIS Vehicle and Cargo Inspection System
| CBP |
VADM Vice Admiral
| FEMA |
VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
| FEMA |
VAL Validation
| FEMA |
VAL Voluntary Agency Liaison
| FEMA |
VAMC Veteran’s Administration Medical Center
| FEMA |
VAX Virtual Address Extension
| FEMA |
VBIED Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device
| S&T |
VCC Venue Control Cell
| FEMA |
VCOS Volunteer Chief Officer Section
| FEMA |
VCR Video Cassette Recorder
| FEMA |
VCU VOLAG Coordination Unit
| FEMA |
VDEM Virginia Department of Emergency Management
| FEMA |
VDU Visual Display Unit
| FEMA |
VDU Visual Docking Unit
| FEMA |
VEDS Vehicular Emergency Data Set
| FEMA |
VEE Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis
| FEMA |
VEI Volcanic Explosivity Index
| FEMA |
VERA Voluntary Early Retirement Authority
| FEMA |
VFD Volunteer Fire Department
| FEMA |
VFR Visual Flight Rules
| FEMA |
VGA Video Graphics Adapter
| FEMA |
VGTOF Violent Gangs Terrorist Organization File
| I&A | PLCY |
VHA Veterans Health Administration
VHF Very High Frequency
| FEMA |
VI Virgin Islands
| FEMA |
VIA By way of
| FEMA |
VIG Vaccinia Immuno Globulin
| FEMA |
VIK Value in Kind
| FEMA |
VIP Very important person
| DHS |
VIP Volunteer Incentive Program
| FEMA |
VIPR Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Team 
| OPS |
VIPR Visual Intermodal Protection and Response
| TSA | S&T |
VIPS Volunteers in Police Service
VISAT Vulnerability Identification Self-Assessment Tool
| CISA |
VISAT Vulnerability Identification Self-Assessment Tool (now RSAT)
| FEMA |
VISC Visual Information Support Center
| FEMA |
VISIT Visitor & Immigrant Status Indicator Technology
VISN Veteran's Integrated Services Network
| FEMA |
VISTA Volunteers in Service to America
| FEMA |
VITA Volunteers in Technical Assistance
| FEMA |
VITEMA Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency
| FEMA |
VLF Very Low Frequency
| FEMA |
VLN Virtual LAN
| FEMA |
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
| FEMA |
VMAS Vertical Map Accuracy Standard
| FEMA |
VMAT Veterinary Medical Assistance Team
| FEMA | OPS |
VMC Virtual Model Community
| FEMA |
VMI Vendor Managed Inventory
| FEMA |
VMO Veterinary Medical Officer
| FEMA |
VMS Virtual Memory System
| FEMA |
VNN Virtual News Network
| FEMA |
VNPSC Virginia National Processing Service Center
| FEMA |
VOA Volunteers of America
| FEMA |
VOAD Volunteer Organizations Active in a Disaster
| PLCY |
VOIED victim operated switch
| S&T |
VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol
| S&T | I&A | MGMT | PLCY | PRIV |
VOLAG Voluntary Agency
| FEMA |
VOR Visual Omni Ranger
| FEMA |
VORTEX Verification of the Origin of Rotation in Tornadoes Experiment
| FEMA |
VOSS Vessel of Opportunity Skimming System
| USCG |
VPF Vector Product Format
| FEMA |
VPN Virtual Private Network
| I&A | MGMT |
VR Virtual Reality
| FEMA |
VRC Volunteer Reception Center
| FEMA |
VRI video remote interpreting service
VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language
| FEMA |
VRP Vessel Response Plan
| FEMA |
VS Veterinary Services
| FEMA |
VS Victim Support
| FEMA |
VSAB Vehicle Storage Administration Building
| FEMA |
VSL value of statistical life
| PLCY |
VSP Visa Security Program
| TSA |
VST Victim Support Task
| FEMA |
VSU Visa Security Unit
| ICE |
VTC Video Tele-Conference
| FEMA | OPA |
VTS Vessel Traffic Service
| USCG |
VWP Visa Waiver Program
| CBP | ICE | TSA |
VWPPA Visa Waiver Permanent Program Act of 2000
| FEMA |
V-Zone Coastal High Hazard Area
| FEMA |
w watt
| FEMA |
W Wattage
| FEMA |
W/COMB With Combination
| FEMA |
W/LK With Lock
| FEMA |
W/M With Monitor
| FEMA |
W/SH With Shelves
| FEMA |
WACC Weapons and Ammunition Commodity Council
WAE When Actually Employed
| FEMA |
WAN Wide Area Network
| FEMA |
WAPA Western Area Power Administration (part of DOE)
| FEMA |
WAR Weekly Activity Report
| FEMA |
WARN Web Alert & Relay Network
| FEMA |
WARNO Warning Order
| FEMA |
WARP Web Audit and Remediation Program
| FEMA |
WASS Wide Area Surveillance System
| FEMA |
WATS Wide Area Telecommunications Service
| FEMA |
WAWAS Washington Area Warning System
| FEMA |
WAWS Washington Area Warning System
| FEMA |
WAWTAP Wind And Water Technical Assistance Program
| FEMA |
WB Whole Body
| FEMA |
WB Wideband
| FEMA |
WBIED water-borne improvised explosive device
| S&T |
WBS work breakdown structure
| S&T |
WBS activity work breakdown schedule activity
| MGMT |
WBT Web-Based Training
| FEMA |
WC Wet Chemical
| FEMA |
WCATWC West Coast & Alaska Tsunami Warning Center
| FEMA |
WCF Working Capital Fund
| I&A | MGMT |
WCO World Customs Organization
| CBP |
WEB-TA Web-based Time and Attendance
| FEMA |
WEE Western Equine Encephalitis
| FEMA |
WEF World Economic Forum
| PLCY |
WEF Water Environment Federation
| FEMA |
WELP Women’s Executive Leadership Program
| FEMA |
WEM Workshop in Emergency Management
| FEMA |
WER Weapons-Effect Reporting
| FEMA |
WERT Wireless Emergency Response Team
| FEMA |
WFLC Wildland Fire Leadership Council
| FEMA |
WFS Women in the Fire Service, Inc. (see IWOMEN)
| FEMA |
WFSA Wildland Fire Situation Analysis
| FEMA |
WFU Wildland Fire Use
| FEMA |
WG Wage Grade
| FEMA |
WG Working Group
| FEMA |
WGA Western Governors’ Association
| FEMA |
WGI Within Grade Increase
| MGMT |
WH Warehouse
| FEMA |
WH White House
| FEMA |
WHCA White House Communications Agency
| FEMA |
WHITCU White House Initiative for Tribal Colleges and Universities
| FEMA |
WHL White House Liaison Office (SEC/COS/WHL)
| DHS |
WHLO White House Liaison Office
| FEMA |
WHMO White House Military Office
| FEMA |
WHO White House Office
| DHS |
WHO World Health Organization
WHP White House Package
| FEMA |
WHS Washington Headquarters Services
| FEMA |
WHSR White House Situation Room
| FEMA | CISA | I&A |
WHTI Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
WIFLE Women in Federal Law Enforcement
WIMS Weather Information Management System
| FEMA |
WIN Warrant Information Network
| I&A | PLCY | PRIV |
WIN WWMCCS Inter-computer Network
| FEMA |
WISE Water Infrastructure Simulation Environment
| CISA |
WITS Washington Interagency Telecommunications System
| FEMA |
WJIIP Windows Joint Instructional Input Program
| FEMA |
WKS Worksheet
| FEMA |
WLANs wireless local area networks
| FEMA |
WLSP Watch List Service Providers
| TSA |
WM Warehouse Management (system)
| FEMA |
WM Water Mist
| FEMA |
WMA Washington Metropolitan Area
| FEMA |
WMATA Washington Metropolitan Area Transport Authority
| FEMA |
WMD Water Management District
| FEMA |
WMD Weapons of Mass Destruction
| FEMA | CISA | S&T | CWMD | I&A |
WMD COP Weapons of Mass Destruction Common Operational Picture
| FEMA |
WMD detection technology weapon of mass destruction detection technology
| DHS |
WMDBD WMD and Biodefense (OHA/WMDBD)
| DHS |
WMD-DAC WMD Decision Analysis Center
| S&T |
WMD-MCM Weapons of Mass Destruction Medical Countermeasures
| FEMA |
WMDO-IM Weapons of Mass Destruction Office & Incident Management
| S&T |
WMDOU Weapons of Mass Destruction Operations Unit (FBI)
| FEMA |
WMF Windows Metafile
| FEMA |
WMO World Meteorological Organization
WO Warrant Officer
| FEMA |
WO Washington Office (District of Columbia office for NORAD-USNORTHCOM)
| FEMA |
WO Work Order
| FEMA |
WOBS Weather Observer
| FEMA |
WORM Write Once - Read Many (CD-ROM Drive)
| FEMA |
WOSB Woman Owned Small Business
| FEMA |
WP Warning Point
| FEMA |
WP White Phosphorus
| FEMA |
WP Word Processing (or)
| FEMA |
WP Work Packet
| FEMA |
WPL Worker Population Limit
| FEMA |
WPM Wood Packing Material
| CBP |
WPS Wireless Priority Service
| CISA | I&A |
WPS Water Purification System
| FEMA |
WPS Word Processing System
| FEMA |
WPT Workforce Performance Training
| TSA |
WRC Weapons Recovery Center
| FEMA |
WRDA Water Resources Development Act
| FEMA |
WRF Weather Research and Forecasting
| FEMA |
WRIST Weather Radar Identification of Severe Thunderstorms
| FEMA |
WRM War Reserve Material
| FEMA |
WRS Wreck Removal and Salvage
| FEMA |
WRSAME Weather Radio Specific Area Message Encoding
| FEMA |
WS Wildlife Services
| FEMA |
WSDA Washington State Department of Agriculture
| FEMA |
WSDE Washington State Department of Ecology
| FEMA |
WSDH Washington State Department of Health
| FEMA |
WSDIS Washington State Department of Information Services
| FEMA |
WSDL Web Services Description Language
| I&A | MGMT |
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
| FEMA |
WSE Web Service Enhancement
| FEMA |
WSEL Water-Surface Elevation
| FEMA |
WSEMD Washington State Emergency Management Department
| FEMA |
WSF Washington State Ferries
| FEMA |
WSP Washington State Patrol
| FEMA |
WSR Weather Surveillance Radar
| FEMA |
WSSPC Western States Seismic Policy Council
| FEMA |
Wt Weight
| FEMA |
WTA willingness-to-accept
| PLCY |
WTC World Trade Center
| FEMA |
WTI weapons technical intelligence
| S&T |
WTO World Trade Organization
| FEMA | CISA | I&A |
WTP willingness-to-pay
| PLCY |
WUI Wildland-Urban Interface
| FEMA |
WVOES West Virginia Office of Emergency Services
| FEMA |
WWL Wind/Water Line
| FEMA |
WWMCCS World Wide Military Command and Control System (see GCCS)
| FEMA |
WWU Watch and Warning Unit
| FEMA |
| OPA |
WWW World Wide Web
| FEMA |
WYO Write Your Own (Insurance, e.g., NFIP)
| FEMA |
WYOP Write Your Own Program
| FEMA |
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
| FEMA |
XDA Existing Data Study
| FEMA |
XEDO Xedar Heat Detection Unit
| FEMA |
XL Extra Large
| FEMA |
XML Extensible Markup Language
| I&A | MGMT |
XPA Extent of Play Agreement
| FEMA |
XS Extra Small
| FEMA |
XSTF XML Structure Task Force
| FEMA |
YCC Youth Conservation Corps
| FEMA |
yd yard
| FEMA |
YLD Yield
| FEMA |
YLD Young Lawyers Division
| FEMA |
yr year
| FEMA |
YTD Year To Date
| FEMA |
Z Zulu (UTC)
| FEMA |
ZBB Zero-Based Budgeting
| FEMA |
ZECP Zone Emergency Communications Planner
| FEMA |
ZFP Zone Forecast Product
| FEMA |
ZIP Zoning Improvement Plan
| FEMA |
ZONE A Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; base flood elevations are not determined (AE as well as A1-30 included)
| FEMA |
ZONE A99 Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood to be protected from the 100-year flood by a Federal flood protection system under construction; base flood elevations are not determined
| FEMA |
ZONE AH Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually areas of ponding); base flood elevations are determined
| FEMA |
ZONE AO Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; with flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet flow on the sloping terrain); average depths are determined. For areas of alluvial fan flooding, velocities are also determined
| FEMA |
ZONE AR Special Flood Hazard Area that results from the decertification of a previously accredited flood protection system that is in the process of being restored to provide a 100-year or greater level of flood protection
| FEMA |
ZONE B Area of 500-year flood; area subject to the 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with contributing drainage area less than one square mile; and areas protected by levees from the base flood
| FEMA |
ZONE C Area determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain
| FEMA |
ZONE D Area in which flood hazards are undetermined
| FEMA |
ZONE V Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by the 100-year flood; coastal floods with velocity hazards (wave action); base flood elevations are not determined (VE as well as V1-30 included)
| FEMA |
ZONE X If shaded: Area of 500-year flood; area subject to the 100-year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with contributing drainage area less than one square mile; and areas protected by levees from the base flood
| FEMA |
ZONE X If unshaded: Area determined to be outside the 500-year floodplain
| FEMA |
ZULU Indicates use of Universal Coordinated Time (Greenwich)
ZWA Zonal Wind Anomaly
| FEMA |
Last Updated: 02/27/2023
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