• Resolved alirezakhodaeii


    hi. the random post show on this plugin stopped working after i install Post Types Order plugin.
    Post Types Order is a popular plugin which has over 500.000 user.

    please correct this if you can, thanks

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  • Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    What do you mean with “stopped working”? Is there no output? Please describe it in more detail.

    Thread Starter alirezakhodaeii


    i set my Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails to show random post in widget

    after i installed Types Order plugin , the random function of your plugin stopped working and only first top 5 post is shown in the widget (i traid re enabling random post in your plugin but did not make difference)
    there is a description in types order plugin:

    ((plug-in automatically update the WordPress queries to use the new order (No code update is necessarily)
    If only certain queries need to use the custom sort, keep this unchecked and include ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’ into query parameters.
    Additional Description and Example))
    although this is not your plugin fault but if we can use this two awesome plugins together it would be perfect.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    In “Settings” > “Post Types Order” please deactivate Autosort. That prevents Post Types Order applying the sort order to all queries, among others RPWWT, too.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Deactivating that option might also turn off the manually specified sort order on other pages. For those page the parameter 'orderby' => 'menu_order' is needed.

    Thread Starter alirezakhodaeii


    where should i add ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’ on those pages
    can you help me

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Sorry, I can not help you without knowing your site. Please contact your website developer.

    Hello Martin,

    I am also facing same problem in my WordPress website.

    My page link – http://mpadevelopment.wpengine.com/test-page/?a16
    (Note :- test-page/?a16 (?a17, ?a18 Like this) –> add random values after page URL to avoid catch problem.)

    I used custom post order plugin to manage my custom post sequence.

    Also, I want to display custom post with random order, bust it’s not working.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    The plugin can not adopt custom post orders. Which custom post order plugin do you use?

    Plugin URL -> https://wordpress.org/plugins/post-types-order/

    When I use this plugin my WordPress default query with order by not working in custom post type and without this plugin it’s working.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Thank you! I am looking for solution to make both work together.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    As far as I understand the code of “Post Types Order”, it intervenes wherever a list of posts is retrieved from the database. So it overwrites the settings of “Recent Posts Widget With Thumbnails”. Sorry, there is no solution.

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