Ethics Hotline

X5 Retail Group’s Ethics Hotline enables employees and other stakeholders to report actual, assumed or planned breaches of business conduct and ethics rules at X5. The Ethics Hotline allows anonymous reporting in line with the Company’s whistleblowing principles. X5 Retail Group takes all reports seriously and will conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation.

Witnesses to violations of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics or labour laws are encouraged to report them by: phone: +7 800 200 2613, email: [email protected],  or by filling in the feedback form at the bottom of the page.

X5 Retail Group is committed to the protection of all bona fide whistle-blowers who report in good faith.

The Ethics Hotline is not to be used for score-settling, slandering or other unlawful behaviour. The Company reserves the right to contact relevant government agencies to press charges against persons submitting deliberately false information in full compliance with the applicable laws.

Please note that the Ethics Hotline will not deal with reports relating to in-store operations. To raise concerns about erroneous labelling and unavailability and/or poor quality of products, please use the official websites of our businesses.