File a Food Safety Complaint about a S.C. Food Service

Do you believe food served by a S.C. restaurant or food establishment, or milk, frozen dairy foods, a soft drink or bottled water:

If so, you can file a consumer complaint with DHEC by answering the questions below. We also accept complaints by e-mail, phone, fax or regular mail. If you would like for us to contact you after we complete our investigation, make sure to provide your contact information.

File a food safety complaint involving a hospital, nursing home, treatment center or medical facility in South Carolina.

If you have a complaint regarding a restaurant and COVID-19, please note the following:

COVID-19 is not a foodborne illness and complaints related to the potential spread of COVID-19 at a restaurant are not enforceable by DHEC. Please do not use this complaint form for COVID-19 complaints. COVID-19 is not spread by eating food handled by a person that is positive for COVID-19.

If you are a food worker at a restaurant and are concerned about safety due to potential exposure to COVID-19, please contact the SC Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations (LLR). Employees with concerns can file a complaint online at:

If you have COVID-19-related complaints, call the DHEC Care Line at 1-855-472-3432 between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday-Friday.

Online Complaint

To file a complaint about an out-of-state food businesses, please contact the public health department in that state.


If the request concerns a restaurant or grocery store, please give the name and address of the facility.


You are not required to provide contact information, but must do so if you want a response or update on the outcome of DHEC's investigation. Contact information is also useful in cases where we need to verify details. (You may also want to read DHEC's website privacy policy).

Fields marked with * are required.