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bbPress single topic + Elementor

  • rinh


    This may be more of a request for Elementor, but I thought I try and see if someone figured this out.

    From this topic here:
    I was able to make Elementor work on forum index, forums and the list of topics inside those, but not for single topic (those you can reply on). Technically those must be posts and post comments.

    It’s not entirely essential, but would be great if there was a way to do this. I use a barebones theme (_s) and the theme parts themselves are built with Elementor’s theme builder and custom CSS. So without a template for single topics I’m unable to get a header or a sidebar on those.

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Robin W


    if you are using the hello theme, then try

    Hello Elementor bbPress fix



    Thanks again Robin. I tried Hello Elementor theme plus your plugin. Unfortunately it doesn’t work, and Hello Elementor seems to also breaks the template on forums which is pretty odd as the template works with Underscores theme.

    I’m thinking now if there would be a way to manually put the template into bbPress files. Probably not XD



    Some correction. I do have the header working. Not sure how I didn’t see that… And also widgets do appear at the bottom below the reply form. So perhaps just a lot of CSS is the easiest way to go here.

    Robin W



    Robin W


    If you do fix, please do post back your solution here to help others



    Will do 🙂



    My post disappeared and I’m unable to post it again: I’ll try again

    I messed around with the conditions in the theme builder last night and I found working solutions 🙂

    Elementor template for single topic and single forum

    This template will work for single topics (those pages where you read a topic and can reply) and single forum (where you see a list of topics, sometime called boards or category). Both of these act as single posts. Make a Single post template according to your needs and in the container/section where you want bbPress itself put an Archive Posts widget and set the skin to Full Content. It’s going to look like your blog posts in Elementor editor, but it’s normal.

    Save the template with the following conditions:

    Include: All Singular
    Exclude: Posts (unless you want the same template for your posts)
    Exclude: any custom post types you may have
    Exclude: Pages (just to be safe)
    Exclude: you may need to exclude additional things according to your needs.

    Elementor template for forum index

    This template will work for the forum index only. Create and Archive template according to your needs. In the container/section where you want bbPress itself put bbPress forum index shortcode which can be found here:

    Save the template with the following conditions:

    Include: Forums Archive

    Robin W


    Great – thanks for posting your solution 🙂 🙂



    Thanks @rinh – can confirm this worked for me too.

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