Today VA and the U.S Digital Service announced their launch of an improved Appeals Status tool to increase transparency and enable Veterans to track the progress of their benefits claims appeals.

“It’s important that our Veterans have the opportunity to track their appeals process in a timely and efficient manner,” said VA Secretary Dr. David Shulkin. “For the first time ever, Veterans can see their place on the Board of Veterans’ Appeals’ docket, including the number of appeals that are ahead of them.”

The tool, which went live March 21 on VA’s website, will allow Veterans to access detailed information about the status of their benefits appeals and will include alerts about needed actions, as well as estimates of how long each step of the process takes.

Some Veterans who have previewed the new tool said it had given them hope and helped them understand that the process might take longer than expected.

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  1. Gregory Abernathy April 3, 2018 at 15:08

    I can’t get into the system to check my appeal status, the message said to check back in an hour, but again I can
    not get any information.

  2. tracie sassano April 1, 2018 at 14:47

    My NOD was supposed to be completed in just over 350 days. That was almost two years ago. I have had a lawyer and he has put in paperwork for extreme financial need (Oct. 2017) and reminds them frequently. My SSD hearing is June 1. Calling St. Petersburg, FL just gets you, “your file has been pulled for fast tracking.” Meanwhile I’m 70% sd which means I don’t qualify for public benefits. I have a 7-yr old child that I can’t feed and I’ve lost our home to Deed in Lieu of foreclosure. I’m about to be evicted from my apt. I’ve had every agency under the VA and civilian community say they can help. All with the same referrals and the same answers. Nothing can be done. Meanwhile my case sits somewhere, just like so many others. This is pathetic.

  3. Max Lilly March 30, 2018 at 16:28

    Big mistake privatizing the VA, Mr. Trump. Your narrow mind does not account for Family services, home for homeless Vets, compensation for disabled Vets, Doctors who are more knowledgable about PTSD, TRAUMA, WAR and other Vet issues. If you want to impress your Party and save money, stop going to Mar a Lago every weekend. You said you love your Vets after you tried to do this before. Which is it President Trump, who do you love most?

  4. Carlos Leon Rivera March 30, 2018 at 15:02

    I need you help me. My compesation is only 20%. In the Vietnam Era 1965 to1967 I start in Camp Geiger but I sink and Was hospitalized about one year or more on Camp Lejeune. Because my skin was yellow and my kidney was afected 28th hepatitis by the infected water. About 1975 to this time appelated for my condition.

  5. Carlos Leon Rivera March 30, 2018 at 14:44

    Estuve en la época de Vietnam. Me enfermé y me hospitalizaron en Camp Lejuene. Me enfermé más al recluirme y me enviaron con un porciento de compensación. Aunque me informaron que regresaría nunca llamaron. Epoca del 1965-1967. Me afectó el hígado,prostata y otros problemas de salud…He apelado desde entonces porque sólo recibo el 20%. Pero no logró nada.

  6. THOMAS COLLIMORE March 30, 2018 at 12:29

    Unable to use this system. Why doesn’t it have a section to input my name, last four of SS and hit enter to see my file?Maybe the Admiral can get this working ok.

  7. Sidney Leroy mcnally March 30, 2018 at 10:35

    Can’t get in to check my appeal status. Just not working!

  8. Roger Borroel March 30, 2018 at 10:23

    I hope it’s not like the CHOICE program, which was one big MESS!

    • Gary B Ferguson March 30, 2018 at 12:57

      The Choice program is the worse thing I’ve experienced. I had to have a hip replacement 65 miles from my hometown, Shreveport, La. That made no sense.

    • Jerry Wayne Gist April 3, 2018 at 17:20

      The choice program is a damn joke. Better off calling VA Hospital Chief Administrator, and, or, Head Medical Physician, in charge of referrrals. JWG

  9. Joseph Marino March 30, 2018 at 10:00

    Tried, failed to get any status.

  10. Darnell Seals March 26, 2018 at 23:25

    I can not get into thecsystem to check my appeal status. Won’t take social security number.

  11. Beth Carey March 24, 2018 at 21:39

    It is not working right. Click o 1 claim it gives a different claims details.

    • stephen e gildow March 30, 2018 at 12:12

      I can’t get a straight answer out of my regional office st Pete FL or Louisville ,KY about why my
      p.t.s.d. appeal is in ky.

      I know my name is on the camp Lejeune containment water register and I am part of the federal lawsuit that is a whole another complaint. some one needs to call me with in the next week.
      or I am going back to the news here in FL again

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