The ECFR Council

About the Council

The ECFR Council is the strongest and most visible expression of ECFR’s pan-European identity. It has grown from 50 founding members in 2007 to over 330 members from across Europe. Currently chaired by Carl Bildt, Lykke Friis and Norbert Röttgen, our unique strategic community brings together renowned European decision-makers, experts, thinkers and influencers who act as goodwill ambassadors for ECFR’s ideas.

Through their individual networks and collective engagement with ECFR policy and advocacy initiatives, Council Members contribute to foster and europeanise national debates on the EU’s foreign policy priorities and challenges. Working alongside ECFR’s senior staff, their expertise, insights and outreach ensure that ECFR has a truly pan-European perspective.

The Council meets once a year as a full body at ECFR’s Annual Council Meeting in a different European capital.

  • 12 Heads of state and govern­ment
  • 39 Prominent European officials
  • 48 Business leaders
  • 94 Civil society leaders
  • 15 Senior officials in international organisations
  • 20 Foreign ministers
  • 18 Government ministers
  • 25 Ambassadors
  • 53 Parliament­arians
  • 7 European commis­sioners
  • 38 Academics
  • 15 Journalists and influencers

Council members


  • Majlinda Bregu – Secretary General, Regional Cooperation Council
  • Ditmir Bushati –  Member of Parliament; former Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs
  • Remzi Lani – Director, Albanian Media Institute
  • Lea Ypi – Professor in Political Theory, London School of Economics


  • Karoline Edtstadler – Federal Minister for the EU and the Constitution
  • Steven Heinz (Austria/US) – Founder, Lansdowne Partners 
  • Gerald Knaus – Founding Chair, European Stability Initiative
  • Alexander Marschik – Ambassador; Permanent Representative of Austria to the United Nations
  • Hannes Swoboda – President, International Institute for Peace; former Member of the European Parliament 
  • Andreas Treichl – Chair, ERSTE Foundation; President, European Forum Alpbach


  • Catherine De Bolle – Executive Director, Europol
  • Claude Kandiyoti – CEO, Krest Real Estate Investments
  • Marc Otte – Senior Associate Fellow, Egmont Institute; Vice-President, European Institute for Peace; former EU Special Representative for the Middle East Peace Process
  • Saskia van Uffelen – Vice-President for Benelux, Gfi world; Digital Champion of Belgium 


  • Kristalina Georgieva – Managing Director, IMF
  • Dzhema Grozdanova – former Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, National Assembly of Bulgaria
  • Ivailo Kalfin – Executive Director, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions; former Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria
  • Ivan Krastev – Chair of the Board, Centre for Liberal Strategies
  • Daniel Lorer – Minister of Innovation and Growth
  • Eva Maydell – Member of the European Parliament
  • Nickolay Mladenov – former UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Monika Panayotova – CEO, Inno Advisers; former Deputy Minister for the Bulgarian EU Council Presidency
  • Julian Popov – Fellow, European Climate Foundation; Chair of the Board, Buildings Performance Institute Europe
  • Svilen Spassov – Businessman and Publisher


  • Caroline Hornstein Tomić – Senior Research Associate, Institute for Social Sciences Ivo Pilar
  • Dario Mihelin – Ambassador of Croatia to China
  • Vesna Pusić – former Member of Parliament; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Romana Vlahutin – Ambassador at Large for Connectivity, European External Action Service

Czech Republic

  • Dita Charanzová – Vice-President, European Parliament
  • Aleš Chmelař – Permanent representative of the Czech Republic, OECD


  • Rebecca Adler-Nissen – Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen
  • Stine Bosse – Director of the Board, Allianz
  • Sofie Carsten Nielsen – Member of Parliament and former leader of the Danish Social Liberal Party
  • Jakob Ellemann-Jensen – Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Defence
  • Lykke Friis – Co-Chair, ECFR; Director, Taenketanken Europa; German correspondent, Berlingske Tidende
  • Connie Hedegaard – Chair, KR Foundation; former European Commissioner for Climate Action
  • Dan Jørgensen – Minister for Development Cooperation and for Global Climate Policy
  • Casper Klynge – Senior Vice President, Danish Chamber of Commerce
  • Nader Mousavizadeh – Co-Founder and Co-CEO, Macro Advisory Partners
  • Søren Pind – Chair, Danish Cyber Defence; former Minister of Justice
  • Helle Thorning-Schmidt – Board Member, Vestas; former Prime Minister of Denmark; former CEO, Save the Children
  • Margrethe Vestager – Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age 


  • Toomas Hendrik Ilves – former President of Estonia
  • Kersti Kaljulaid – Board Member, Yalta European Strategy; former President of Estonia
  • Kaja Kallas – Prime Minister of Estonia; former Member of the European Parliament
  • Riina Kionka – Ambassador; Head of the EU Delegation to Pakistan
  • Marko Mihkelson – Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, Parliament of Estonia
  • Kristi Raik – Director of the Estonian Foreign Policy Institute, International Centre for Defence and Security


  • Martti Ahtisaari – Emeritus Chair, ECFR; Founder, Crisis Management Initiative; former President of Finland
  • Anu Bradford – Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organization & Director, European Legal Studies Center, Columbia Law School
  • Pekka Haavisto – Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • Piia-Noora Kauppi – Managing Director, Federation of Finnish Financial Services
  • Hanna Ojanen – Research Director, Tampere University; Adjunct Professor, Finnish National Defence University 
  • Alexander Stubb – Director, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute; former Prime Minister of Finland
  • Teija Tiilikainen – Director, European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats
  • Erkki Tuomioja – Vice-Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Jutta Urpilainen – European Commissioner for International Partnerships


  • Alexandre Adam – Member of the Council of State; former Europe Advisor to French President Macron
  • Laurence Boone – Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Céline Charveriat – former Executive Director, Institute for European Environment Policy
  • Thierry Déau – CEO, Meridiam
  • Nathalie Delapalme – Director, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
  • Anne-Marie Descôtes – Secretary General, Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs
  • Muriel Domenach – Ambassador of France to NATO
  • Ismaël Emelien – Author; former Special Advisor for strategy and communication to the President of France; Co-Founder, En Marche!
  • Nicole Gnesotto – Vice-President, Jacques Delors Institute; Professor, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
  • Gilles Gressani – President, Group of Geopolitical Studies & Director, Le Grand Continent
  • Jean-Marie Guéhenno – Senior Adviser, Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue; former President & CEO, International Crisis Group; former UN Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations
  • Claude Guibal – Grand Reporter, France Inter
  • Elisabeth Guigou – President, Anna Lindh Foundation
  • Fabienne Hara – Secretary General, Paris Peace Forum 
  • Sylvie Kauffmann – Editorial Director, Le Monde
  • Aurore Lalucq – Member of the European Parliament
  • Pascal Lamy – President, Paris Peace Forum; Coordinator of the Jacques Delors Think Tanks; former Director-General, WTO; former European Commissioner for Trade
  • Jean-David Levitte – President of the Foundation Council, Geneva Centre for Security Policy; former Ambassador of France to the United States and the United Nations
  • Amélie de Montchalin – Permanent Representative of France, OECD
  • Natalie Nougayrède – Columnist and leader writer, The Guardian
  • Cédric O – former Secretary of State for Digital Transition and Electronic Communications
  • Delphine O – Ambassador and Secretary General, UN Women Global Forum, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs; former Member of Parliament
  • Christine Ockrent – Journalist and Presenter of Affaires Etrangères, France Culture Radio
  • Garance Pineau – Advisor, Presidency of the Republic
  • Jean Pisani-Ferry – Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair, European University Institute; Senior Fellow, Bruegel
  • Rémy Rioux – CEO, Agence Française de Développement
  • Justin Vaïsse – Director General, Paris Peace Forum; former Director of Policy Planning, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
  • Shahin Vallée – Head, Geo-Economics Program, German Council on Foreign Relations
  • Pierre Vimont – Senior Advisor, Rasmussen Global; Senior Fellow, Carnegie Europe; former Secretary General, European External Action Service; former Ambassador of France to the United States


  • Henry Alt-Haaker – Senior Vice President, Robert Bosch Stiftung
  • Niels Annen – Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development; Member of the Bundestag
  • Thomas Bagger – Ambassador of Germany to Poland
  • Franziska Brantner – Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action; Member of the Bundestag
  • Sandra Breka – Vice President and COO, Open Society Foundations
  • Reinhard Bütikofer – Member of the European Parliament
  • Julia De Clerck-Sachsse – Senior Non-Resident Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States
  • Anne Duncker – former Director, Centre for Europe in the World, Stiftung Mercator
  • Florian Eder – Managing Editor, POLITICO
  • Joschka Fischer – Emeritus Chair, ECFR; former Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Vice-Chancellor of Germany
  • Alexander Graf Lambsdorff – Member of the Bundestag; Deputy Chair of the FDP
  • Anna Herrhausen – Executive Director, Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft
  • Christoph Heusgen – Ambassador; Chair, Munich Security Conference
  • Ina Heusgen – Director for Multilateral Affairs, United Nations and Africa, German Chancellery
  • Wolfgang Ischinger – Ambassador; former Chair, Munich Security Conference
  • Roderich Kiesewetter – Member of the Bundestag
  • Lars Klingbeil – Member of the Bundestag; Co-Leader of the SPD
  • Stefan Kornelius – Political Editor, Süddeutsche Zeitung
  • Sergey Lagodinsky – Member of the European Parliament 
  • Stefan Mair – Director, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
  • Johannes Meier – Chair of the Advisory Board, Stiftung Mercator
  • Almut Möller – State Secretary and Plenipotentiary to the Federation, the EU and for Foreign Affairs, Senate of the City of Hamburg
  • Hannah Neumann – Member of the European Parliament
  • Dietmar Nietan – Member of the Bundestag
  • Omid Nouripour – Co-Chair,  Bündnis 90/Die Grünen; Member of the Bundestag
  • Cem Özdemir – Minister for Agriculture; Member of the Bundestag
  • Norbert Röttgen – Co-Chair, ECFR; Member of the Bundestag
  • Klaus Scharioth – Dean, Mercator Fellowship on International Affairs; former Ambassador of Germany to the United States
  • Caroline Schmutte – Managing Director, Berlin Global Dialogue
  • Michael Schwarz – Managing Director, Baden-Baden Entrepreneur Talks
  • Daniela Schwarzer – Executive Director for Europe and Eurasia, Open Society Foundations
  • Christoph Steck – Director of Public Policy Spain and Portugal, Amazon
  • Sabine Stricker-Kellerer – Lawyer, SSK Asia
  • Eckart von Klaeden – Head of External Affairs, Daimler AG; former Minister of State at the Federal Chancellery
  • Johann Wadephul – Member of the Bundestag; Deputy Chair of the CDU/CSU 
  • Sabine Weyand – Director-General, Directorate-General for Trade, European Commission
  • André Wilkens – Director, European Cultural Foundation; Co-Founder, Die Offene Gesellschaft
  • Guntram Wolff – Director and CEO, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)


  • Kostas Bakoyannis – Mayor of Athens
  • Anna Diamantopoulou – President, DIKTIO – Network for Reform in Greece and Europe
  • Apostolos Mangiriadis – Political Correspondent, SKAI TV & Radio
  • Kalypso Nicolaïdis (Greece/France) – Chair and Professor of International Affairs, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute; Professor, University of Oxford
  • Alexis Papahelas – Executive Director, Kathimerini
  • George Papandreou – Member of Parliament; former Prime Minister of Greece
  • Alexander Rondos – former EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa
  • Loukas Tsoukalis – Professor, University of Athens; President, ELIAMEP


  • Gordon Bajnai – Chair, Global Advisory Board & Head of Global Infrastructure, Campbell Lutyens; former Prime Minister of Hungary
  • Tibor Dessewffy – President, DEMOS Hungary
  • Klára Dobrev – Member of the European Parliament
  • István Gyarmati – President and CEO, International Centre for Democratic Transition
  • Dávid Korányi​ – Senior Adviser on City Diplomacy, Office of the Mayor of Budapest; Senior Fellow for Energy Diplomacy, Atlantic Council; Energy Policy Adviser, UN DESA
  • Tamás Meszerics – Assistant Professor, Central European University; former Member of the European Parliament
  • Anita Orban – Vice Chairwoman, Director for External Affairs, Vodafone Hungary
  • Alexander Soros (Hungary/USA) –  Chair of the Board of Directors, Open Society Foundations
  • George Soros (Hungary/USA) – Founder, Open Society Foundations
  • Réka Szemerkényi – Senior Advisor, Transatlantic Strategy, International Republican Institute


  • Lucinda Creighton – CEO, Vulcan Consulting; former Minister for European Affairs 
  • Brigid Laffan – Director, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies & Director, Global Governance Programme, European University Institute
  • David McNair – Executive Director for Global Policy, ONE Campaign; Nonresident scholar, Africa programme, Carnegie
  • Louise Richardson – Vice-Chancellor, University of Oxford


  • Giorgia Abeltino – Director of Public Policy and South Europe, Google Italy
  • Giuliano Amato – Former President of the Council of Ministers; former President of the Italian Constitutional Court; former Prime Minister of Italy
  • Vincenzo Amendola – Member of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Deborah Bergamini – Member of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Emma Bonino – former Minister of Foreign Affairs; former European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid
  • Mara Carfagna – Member of the Chamber of Deputies; former Minister for the South and Territorial Cohesion
  • Marta Dassù – Senior Advisor Europe, The Aspen Institute; Editor-in-Chief, Aspenia
  • Massimo Deandreis  General Manager, S.R.M. Economic Research Center related to Intesa Sanpaolo Group
  • Emanuela C. Del Re – EU Special Representative for the Sahel
  • Piero Fassino – President, CeSPI; Member of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Enrico Letta – Member of the Chamber of Deputies; President, Jacques Delors Institute
  • Giampiero Massolo – Ambassador; Chair, Institute for International Political Studies; President, Atlantia SpA
  • Paolo Messa – Executive Vice President, Leonardo
  • Lapo Pistelli – Director for Public Affairs, ENI; former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Lia Quartapelle – Member of the Chamber of Deputies
  • Elisabetta Romano – Chief Network, Operations & Wholesale Officer, TIM
  • Nicolò Russo Perez – Head, International Affairs Programme, Compagnia di San Paolo
  • Giorgio Rutelli – Editor-in-Chief,
  • Pasquale Salzano – President, SIMEST Spa; Chief International Affairs, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
  • Stefano Sannino – Secretary General, European External Action Service
  • Giuseppe Scognamiglio – President and Chair, Eastwest European Institute
  • Alessandro Speciale – Rome Bureau Chief, Bloomberg
  • Fabrizio Tassinari – Executive Director, School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
  • Nathalie Tocci – Director, Istituto Affari Internazionali
  • Valentino Valentini – Deputy Minister for Enterprise and Made in Italy
  • Michele Ziosi – Senior Vice President, IVECO Group 


  • Lolita Cigane – Consultant; former Member of Parliament
  • Zanda Kalnina-Lukasevica – First Deputy Speaker of the Saeima
  • Zaneta Ozolina – Professor, University of Latvia; former Director, Latvian Centre for Human Rights
  • Andris Strazds – Advisor, Bank of Latvia; Lecturer, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga


  • Rasa Juknevičienė – Member of the European Parliament; former Minister of Defence
  • Linas Linkevičius – Ambassador-at-Large for the Eastern Partnership; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Vygaudas Ušackas – Board Member, Avia Solutions Group; former Minister of Foreign Affairs


  • Matthew Caruana Galizia – Co-founder, Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation


  • Dritan Abazović – Deputy Prime Minister
  • Srđan Darmanović​ – Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Montenegro; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Ivan Vuković – Mayor of Podgorica

The Netherlands

  • Yoeri Albrecht – Director, De Balie
  • Caroline de Gruyter – Correspondent, European Affairs, NRC Handelsblad; Contributor, Carnegie Europe
  • Steven Everts – Senior Advisor on Strategy and Communications, European External Action Service
  • Bert Koenders – Special Envoy, Worldbank; Professor for Peace, Justice and Security, University of Leiden; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Rem Koolhaas – Architect and Urbanist; Professor, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
  • Dick Oosting – Chair of the Board, Asylos; former CEO, ECFR; former Europe Director, Amnesty International
  • Kati Piri – Member of Parliament; former Member of the European Parliament
  • Lilianne Ploumen – Former Leader of the Dutch Labour Party; Founder, SheDecides
  • Marietje Schaake – International Director of Policy, Cyber Policy Centre & International Policy Fellow, Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University; President, CyberPeace Institute
  • Han ten Broeke – Director of Political Affairs, The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies; former Member of Parliament
  • Coen van Oostrom – CEO and Founder, OVG Real Estate; CEO, EDGE Technologies
  • Mabel van Oranje – Global Champion, Girls Not Brides – The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage
  • Constantijn van Oranje-Nassau – Special Envoy, StartupDelta; Director for Digital Technology & Macro Strategy, Macro Advisory Partners

North Macedonia

  • Goran Buldioski – Managing Director for Europe and Eurasia, Open Society Foundations
  • Nikola Dimitrov – former Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs 
  • Bujar Osmani – Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Radmila Šekerinska Jankovska – former Minister of Defence; former Deputy Prime Minister


  • Ine Eriksen Søreide – Member of Parliament; former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway
  • Jonas Gahr Støre – Prime Minister of Norway; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Erna Solberg – Member of Parliament; former Prime Minister of Norway
  • Ulf Sverdrup – Director, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs 
  • Henrik Thune – State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Geir Westgaard – Vice President, Political and Public Affairs, Equinor


  • Edwin Bendyk – President of the Board, Stefan Batory Foundation; Journalist, Polityka
  • Mikołaj Dowgielewicz – Director General and Permanent Representative, European Investment Bank
  • Danuta Hübner – Member of the European Parliament; former European Commissioner for Regional Policy
  • Henryka Mościcka-Dendys – Director, Bureau of Investments, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Andrzej Olechowski – former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nałęcz – Head, Strategie 2050; former Ambassador of Poland to Russia
  • Marek Prawda – Former Head of the European Commission Representation in Poland
  • Patrycja Sasnal – Head of Research, Polish Institute of International Affairs 
  • Radosław Sikorski – Member of the European Parliament; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Wawrzyniec Smoczyński – Independent Analyst; Founder, Polityka Insight
  • Aleksander Smolar – former President of the Board, Stefan Batory Foundation
  • Rafal Trzaskowski – Mayor of Warsaw; former Secretary of State for European Affairs
  • Karolina Wigura – Member of the Board, Kultura Liberalna Foundation
  • Maciej Witucki – President, Konfederacja Lewiatan


  • Luís Amado – former Minister of Defence; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Fernando Andresen Guimarães – Diplomatic Adviser to the President of the European Commission; former Head of Policy Coordination, European External Action Service
  • Claudia Azevedo – CEO, Sonae
  • António Feijó – President, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
  • Carlos Gaspar – Member of the Board of Directors, Portuguese Institute of International Relations 
  • João Gomes Cravinho – Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Minister of Defence
  • Teresa Gouveia – former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Bruno Maçães – Author; former Secretary of State for European Affairs 
  • Miguel Maduro – Professor, European University Institute; former Minister for Regional Development
  • Carlos Moedas – Mayor of Lisbon; former European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation
  • Isabel Mota – former President of the Board of Trustees, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
  • Pedro Norton – CEO, Finerge; Member of the Board of Trustees, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
  • Diana Soller – Researcher, Portuguese Institute for International Relations
  • António Vitorino – Director-General, International Organization for Migration; former European Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs


  • Sorin Ducaru – Director, European Union Satellite Centre; former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges
  • Ion Sturza – Founder and Chair, Fribourg Capital; former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
  • Ilinca von Derenthall – Independent Non-Executive Director, Chimcomplex Borzesti S.A.


  • Milica Delević – Director, Governance and Political Affairs, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Željko Jovanović – Director, Roma Initiative Office, Open Society Foundations
  • Sonja Licht – President, Foreign Policy Council at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; President, Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence
  • Hedvig Morvai – Director, Strategy and Europe, ERSTE Foundation
  • Ivan Vejvoda – Acting Rector & Head of the Europe’s Futures Programme, Institute for Human Sciences


  • Ivan Korčok – Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
  • Miroslav Lajčák – EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue; former Minister of Foreign and European Affairs
  • Katarina Mathernova – Deputy Director General, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission
  • Tomáš Valášek – Chair, European Affairs Committee, National Council of the Slovak Republic
  • Karla Wursterova – Ambassador of Slovakia to Italy


  • Alja Brglez – Head of Cabinet, Office of the President of Slovenia
  • Samuel Žbogar – Former Head of the EU Delegation to North Macedonia; former Minister of Foreign Affairs 


  • Joaquín Almunia – President of the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS); former Vice-President of the European Commission; former European Commissioner for Competition; former European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs
  • Carme Artigas – Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation
  • María Sicilia de Bruyelle – Strategy Director of Enagás
  • José M. de Areilza Carvajal – Secretary General of the Aspen Institute España; Professor at ESADE
  • Lluís Bassets – Journalist and former deputy director of El País
  • Cristina Gallach – Journalist; Special Commissioner for the New Language Economy Alliance
  • Arancha González Laya – Dean, Paris School of International Affairs; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Government of Spain
  • Diego Hidalgo – Co-founder of ECFR Madrid; co-founder of El País newspaper; founder of Club de Madrid, CITpax and FRIDE
  • Hana Jalloul – Secretary of International Policy and Development Cooperation of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party; Member of the Madrid Assembly
  • Alejandra Kindelán Oteyza – President, Spanish Banking Association
  • Javi López – Member of the European Parliament
  • Cristina Manzano – Director, Esglobal
  • Valentina Martínez Ferro – Member of Parliament; Spokesperson for the Foreign Affairs Committee, Partido Popular (Popular Party)
  • Rocío Martínez-Sampere – Director of the Felipe González Foundation
  • Enrique Mora – Political Director of the European External Action Service (EEAS); former Director General of Foreign Policy and Security of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
  • Andrés Ortega – Emeritus Senior Research Fellow, Real Instituto Elcano; author and journalist; former Director of the Department of Studies and Analysis, Office of the President of the Spanish Government
  • Ana Palacio – Lawyer and founder, Palacio y Asociados; former Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Vice-President and General Counsel, World Bank
  • Eva Piera – Director of External Relations, MAPFRE; President of the Internationalization Commission of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce
  • Charles Powell (Spain/UK) – Director of the Real Instituto Elcano
  • José María Robles Fraga – Minister Counsellor for Cultural and Scientific Affairs at Spanish Embassy in London; former Director of International Relations, Banco Santander
  • Toni Roldán Monés – Director, ESADE Centre for Economic Policy; former Member of Parliament, former Spokesperson for Economy and Secretary of Programs and Sectorial Areas, Ciudadanos
  • Alejandro Romero – Co-founder and COO of Constella Intelligence
  • Narcís Serra – President of IBEI (Institut Barcelona d’EstudisInternacionals); former vice-president of the Spanish Government
  • Javier Solana – Former High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union; former NATO Secretary General
  • Anna Terrón Cusí – Director of FIIAPP


  • Urban Ahlin – Ambassador of Sweden to Canada
  • Erik Berglof – Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; Director, Institute of Global Affairs, London School of Economics
  • Carl Bildt – Co-Chair, ECFR; Vice-Chair, KREAB; former Prime Minister of Sweden; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Gunilla Carlsson – Vice-Chair, Global Fund Strategy Committee; former Deputy Director, UNAIDS; former Minister for International Development Cooperation
  • Nicola Clase – Ambassador of Sweden to Finland
  • Björn Fägersten – Senior Research Fellow, Swedish Institute of International Affairs; CEO, Politea
  • Karin Forseke (Sweden/USA) – Non-Executive Director, Greater Than AB
  • Jytte Guteland – Member of the Swedish Riksdag
  • Carin Jämtin – Director General, Swedish International Development Cooperation Authority 
  • Diana Janse – State Secretary for Development Cooperation
  • Ann Linde – Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
  • Gustav Lindstrom – Director, European Union Institute for Security Studies 
  • Cecilia Malmström – Senior Advisor, Covington & Burling LLP; former European Commissioner for Trade
  • Elisabeth Ringqvist – Member of the Swedish Riksdag
  • Jessika Roswall – Minister for European Affairs
  • Daniel Sachs – CEO, Proventus
  • Torbjörn Sohlström – Head of the European Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Maria Weimer – Counselor, Swedish Embassy to Spain; former Member of Parliament


  • Flavia Kleiner – Co-Founder, Operation Libero; Artistic Director, Kosmos
  • Martina Larkin – Senior Advisor to the Chair and President, World Economic Forum 
  • Maria Livanos Cattaui – Member of the Global Board, OSF; former Secretary General, International Chamber of Commerce
  • Beatrice Weder di Mauro – President, Centre for Economic Policy Research


  • Senem Aydin-Düzgit – Professor of International Relations, Sabanci University; Academic Affairs Coordinator, Istanbul Policy Centre 
  • Umit Boyner – Board Member, Boynergrup
  • Hanzade Doğan Boyner – Chair, Doğan Online; Founder and Chair, Hepsiburada
  • Ece Güner Toprak – Chair, Democratic Constitution Platform; Founder and Managing Partner, Güner Law Office
  • Bahadır Kaleağası – President, Paris Bosphorus Institute 
  • Ibrahim Kalin – Presidential Spokesperson and Special Advisor to the President of Turkey
  • Suat Kınıklıoğlu – Senior Fellow, Center for Applied Turkey Studies; Executive Director, Center for Strategic Communications 
  • Soli Özel – Professor of International Relations and Political Science, Istanbul Kadir Has University
  • Sinan Ülgen – Chair, Centre for Economics and Foreign Policy Studies
  • Can Yücaoğlu – Board Member, Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSIAD)

United Kingdom

  • Douglas Alexander – Visiting Professor, New York University (Abu Dhabi) and King’s College London; General Council Assessor to Court, University of Edinburgh; former Secretary of State for International Development
  • Valerie Amos – Director, SOAS University of London; former UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator
  • Alistair Burt – Pro-Chancellor, Lancaster University; former Minister of State for the Middle East  
  • Ian Clarkson – Founder, Celerant Consulting
  • Robert Cooper – Diplomat; former Special Adviser, European External Action Service
  • Alessandra Galloni (UK/Italy) – Editor-in-Chief, Reuters
  • Timothy Garton Ash – Professor of European Studies, University of Oxford
  • Anthony Giddens – Life Fellow, University of Cambridge
  • Heather Grabbe – Director, Open Society European Policy Institute
  • Charles Grant – Director, Centre for European Reform
  • Jo Johnson – Chair, TES Global; former Minister for Universities and Science
  • Mary Kaldor – Professor Emeritus of Global Governance and Director of the Conflict Research Programme, London School of Economics
  • David Lammy – Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs
  • Mark Leonard – Director, European Council on Foreign Relations
  • Daniel Levy – President, US Middle East Project
  • Adam Lury – CEO, Menemsha Ltd
  • Mark Malloch-Brown – President, Open Society Foundations
  • Rana Mitter – Professor of the History and Politics of Modern China, Oxford University
  • Kirsty McNeill – Director of Policy, Advocacy and Campaigns, Save the Children
  • Anand Menon – Director, UK in a Changing Europe; Professor of European Studies, King’s College London
  • David Miliband – President and CEO, International Rescue Committee; former Foreign Secretary
  • Andrew Puddephatt – Chair, Internet Watch Foundation; Executive Chair, Global Partners Digital
  • Nicola Reindorp – CEO, Crisis Action
  • Janet Royall – Principal, Somerville College, University of Oxford; former Leader of the House of Lords
  • Adam Tooze – Shelby Cullom Davis Chair of History & Director of the European Institute, Columbia University