UNHCR Syria https://www.unhcr.org/sy UNHCR Regional Site Wed, 15 Mar 2023 20:19:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 INVITATION TO BID: No. ITB/HCR/SYR/2023/13 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22959-invitation-to-bid-no-itb-hcr-syr-2023-13.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22959-invitation-to-bid-no-itb-hcr-syr-2023-13.html#respond Wed, 15 Mar 2023 13:54:33 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22959
https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22959-invitation-to-bid-no-itb-hcr-syr-2023-13.html/feed 0
Request for Quotation RFQ-HCR-SYR-23-11 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22947-request-for-quotation-rfq-hcr-syr-23-11.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22947-request-for-quotation-rfq-hcr-syr-23-11.html#respond Thu, 09 Mar 2023 12:12:11 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22947



Request for quotation: No. RFQ/HCR/SYR/23/11


The office of the United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria seeks quotations from interested in the supply and delivery furniture to UNHCR’s offices in Qamishli.

All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (RFQ) from [email protected] by a formal request to UNHCR on or before 25 March 2023. The email request must include the tender reference number in the subject line.

Offers should be submitted by E-mail or tender box according to the guidelines set forth in part 2 of the tender documents.

The Deadline for submission of your offer is 25 March 2023 at 23:59.



مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين


RFQ/HCR/SYR/23/11لمناقصة رقم

لتقديم وتركيب مفروشات للمكتب الفرعي للمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في القامشلي

يقوم مكتب مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في القامشلي باستدراج عروض من الشركات المختصة لتقديم وتركيب  مفروشات للمكتب الفرعي للمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في القامشلي

[email protected]   تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تطلب أوراق المناقصة بشكل رسمي قبل تاريخ 25/آذار/2023 عن طريق الايميل على العنوان الآتي

  • يجب على الشركة الراغبة باستلام أوراق المناقصة ذكر رقم المناقصة في عنوان الايميل المرسل
  • يجب إرسال العروض عن طريق الايميل كما هو مذكور في أوراق المناقصة الفقرة رقم (2)

الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض: 25/03/2023



https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22947-request-for-quotation-rfq-hcr-syr-23-11.html/feed 0
RFQ-HCR-SYR-2023-10 For the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Testing of Solar Power Station Kits at DDP UNHCR Homs Sub-Office https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22931-rfq-hcr-syr-2023-10-for-the-supply-delivery-installation-and-testing-of-solar-power-station-kits-at-ddp-unhcr-homs-sub-office.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22931-rfq-hcr-syr-2023-10-for-the-supply-delivery-installation-and-testing-of-solar-power-station-kits-at-ddp-unhcr-homs-sub-office.html#respond Thu, 09 Mar 2023 09:12:02 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22931




For the Supply, Delivery, Installation and Testing of Solar Power Station Kits at DPP Homs Sub-Office

The office of the United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria seeks quotations from interested contractors and companies for the provision of the Supply, Delivery, Installation, and Testing of Solar Power Station Kits at DDP Homs Sub-Office  

 All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (RFQ) from [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] by a formal request to UNHCR on or before 22/03/2023. The email request must include the tender reference number in the subject line.

Offers should be submitted by email in according to the guidelines set forth in para 7 of the tender documents.

The Deadline for submitting offers is 22 March 2023 – 23:59 hrs. Syrian Time

The Deadline for submitting Questions is 18 March 2023 – 23:59 hrs. Syrian Time

المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين

إعلان مناقصة


لتقديم خدمات عروض الـشراء و النقل و اختبار مجموعة محطات الطاقة الشمسية   

يقوم مكتب المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين في الجمهورية العربية السورية باستدراج عروض من الشركات المختصة لتقديم عروض الشراء لنقل / تركيب و اختبار مجموعة محطات الطاقة الشمسية في مكتب المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين في مكتب حمص  

 [email protected] و  [email protected]  تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تطلب أوراق المناقصة بشكل رسمي عن طريق الإيميل قبل تاريخ 22/03/2023 من  

على الشركات الراغبة باستلام أوراق المناقصة ذكر رقم المناقصة في عنوان الإيميل المرسل .

يجب إرسال العروض بالايميل كما هو مذكور في أوراق المناقصة الفقرة 7 .

الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض: 2023/22/03 الساعة  23:59 بتوقيت سوريا

الموعد النهائي لتقديم الأسئلة: 2023/3/18 الساعة  23:59 بتوقيت سوريا

https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22931-rfq-hcr-syr-2023-10-for-the-supply-delivery-installation-and-testing-of-solar-power-station-kits-at-ddp-unhcr-homs-sub-office.html/feed 0
DEADLINE EXTENSION-REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL no. RFP/SYR/HCR/23/01 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22877-deadline-extension-request-for-proposal-no-rfp-syr-hcr-23-01.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22877-deadline-extension-request-for-proposal-no-rfp-syr-hcr-23-01.html#respond Mon, 27 Feb 2023 08:45:59 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22877





Reference to the subject tender # RFP/HCR/SYR/23/01 for establishment of frame agreement for the provision of Warehouse Rental, Management & Handling Services in Syria.

Please be informed that the Bid Closing Date has been extended until 12 March 2023 at 23:59 hrs. Syria Time.

All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (RFP) from [email protected] by a formal request to UNHCR on or before 12/03/2023.

The Deadline to submit Bids is 12 March 2023 @23:59 Syria Time

المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين


لتوقيع إتفاق إطاري من أجل تقديم خدمات تأجير مستودعات مع خدمات الإدارة و الإشراف على أعمال التنزيل و التحميل ضمن أراضي الجمهورية العربية السورية

 تمديد موعد تقديم العروض

بالاشارة الى المناقصة رقم RFP/HCR/SYR/23/01 من أجل ابرام اتفاق إطاري لتقديم خدمات تأجير مستودعات مع خدمات الإدارة و الإشراف على أعمال التنزيل و التحميل ضمن أراضي الجمهورية العربية السورية.

يرجى أخذ العلم بأن الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض قد تم تمديده لغاية 12 آذار 2023 الساعة 23:59 بتوقيت سورية.

تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تطلب أوراق المناقصة بشكل رسمي عن طريق الإيميل قبل تاريخ  12/03/2023 من [email protected]


الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض 12 آذار 2023 الساعة 23:59 بتوقيت سورية


https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22877-deadline-extension-request-for-proposal-no-rfp-syr-hcr-23-01.html/feed 0
SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF LAPTOPS, MULTI-FUNCTION PRINTERS, AND MOBILE PHONES TO UNHCR ALEPPO SUB OFFICE https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22409-supply-and-delivery-of-laptops-multi-function-printers-and-mobile-phones-to-unhcr-aleppo-sub-office.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22409-supply-and-delivery-of-laptops-multi-function-printers-and-mobile-phones-to-unhcr-aleppo-sub-office.html#respond Wed, 15 Feb 2023 13:49:36 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22409



Request for quotation: No. RFQ/HCR/SYR/23/06



The office of the United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria invites potential eligible Suppliers to submit an offer for the Supply and delivery of laptops, multifunction printers and mobile phones to UNHCR Aleppo Sub Office, Syria.

Tender documents are uploaded on UNGM which can be downloaded through below link:


Offers should be submitted through dedicated email provided in the tender documents.

The Deadline for submission of offer is on or before 27th February 2023 by 16:00 hrs Syria local time.

For queries related to the subject RFQ, please send email request to [email protected]

Note: Bids will be rejected if not submitted in accordance with the instructions provided in the tender documents.


مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين

 إعلان مناقصة

RFQ/HCR/SYR/23/06  رقم

توريد أجهزة كمبيوتر محمولة، طابعات متعددة المهام، و أجهزة تلفون محمول


يقوم مكتب مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في حلب باستدراج عروض من الشركات المختصة لتوريد أجهزة كمبيوتر محمولة، طابعات متعددة المهام، و أجهزة تلفون محمول للمكتب الفرعي للمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في حلب

 تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تحصل على أوراق المناقصة من موقع UNGM عبر الرابط التالي:


  • يجب ارسال العروض الى عنوان البريد الالكتروني المخصص المذكور في أوراق المناقصة
  • الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض 27 شباط 2023 الساعة الرابعة بعد الظهر بالتوقيت المحلي
  • يرجى ارسال أي استفسار خاص بالمناقصة الى عنوان البريد الالكتروني التالي: [email protected]

ملحوظة هامة: قد يتم استبعاد العروض غير الملتزمة بشروط التقديم الواردة في أوراق المناقصة

https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22409-supply-and-delivery-of-laptops-multi-function-printers-and-mobile-phones-to-unhcr-aleppo-sub-office.html/feed 0
Vital aid reaches Syrian quake survivors who – again – have lost everything https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22717-vital-aid-reaches-syrian-quake-survivors-who-again-have-lost-everything.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22717-vital-aid-reaches-syrian-quake-survivors-who-again-have-lost-everything.html#respond Fri, 10 Feb 2023 07:02:10 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22717

In a covered marketplace in Aleppo’s historic Old City, families sit crammed inside the small retail units, huddled together for warmth and bundled in layers of clothes and thermal blankets – their only insulation from the freezing winter temperatures currently gripping this part of northern Syria.

They arrived here in the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye and northern Syria on 6 February, which has so far claimed the lives of more than 20,000 people in both countries with an unknown number still missing beneath the rubble.

The families now living in the hastily organized collective shelter in Aleppo’s Al-Harir souq are here because they have nowhere else to go, either unable or too afraid to return to homes damaged or destroyed in the earthquakes.

Mazen, a father of four who was previously displaced from his home in the Salahadin neighbourhood of Aleppo for several years during Syria’s long-running crisis, said he thought he and his family were going to die when the earthquake struck in the early hours of Monday.

“I was sleeping at the time. I [felt] something shaking, and I just heard my wife say ‘Earthquake, earthquake!’,” he said. “I got up and covered my child, saying to myself if anything happens, I will get the [impact] and save my child.”

“After one or two minutes, it stopped and I said, ‘thank God we are alive’. [But] maybe one minute after, it started again. That second one was very scary. We went out into the road and after that we didn’t go back to the house,” Mazen added.

Wearing a grey bathrobe over layers of clothing and a scarf wrapped around his woollen hat for extra warmth, Mazen said the earthquake left deep cracks in the walls of his family’s fourth-floor apartment and they do not feel safe going home.

Nearby, dozens more families are sheltering inside a mosque in the Suleiman Al-Halabi district of the city. Adults sit in muted groups on the red-carpeted floor while young children run and play in the space between them. Most have nothing but the clothes they are wearing, having left everything behind as they fled their homes.

On Wednesday, teams from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and its partner the Syrian Arab Red Crescent were able to deliver much-needed aid to those sheltering in the mosque. Since Monday, the agency and its partners have been distributing prepositioned stocks of relief items including thermal blankets, mattresses, solar lamps and winter clothes to Syrians affected by the earthquake.

“This is a crisis within a crisis.”

Many of those affected were already living in a parlous state before the disaster struck. Millions in the northwest of the country close to the Turkish border had already been displaced from their homes during the country’s 12-year crisis. The combination of economic turmoil and soaring prices has left many more struggling for daily survival.

“This is a crisis within a crisis,” UNHCR’s Representative to Syria, Sivanka Dhanapala, told reporters at a news briefing on Friday. “6.8 million people are already internally displaced in the country, and this was before the earthquake. These are people who are living in very difficult conditions, in very fragile housing, and of course, they have been hit the hardest.”

“It is literally the coldest time of the year in Syria, with blizzards raging in the affected areas,” Dhanapala added. “This of course impacts the access, roads have been damaged in terms of trying to reach people – it’s been very, very difficult.”

“We don’t know what is going to happen.”

In the immediate aftermath of the earthquakes, UNHCR partners in the northwest of the country were able to distribute prepositioned stocks of aid to some of the most vulnerable survivors. But damage to the only road used to truck international aid into northwest Syria from Türkiye had hampered efforts to bring more assistance in.

With the road now open, the first UN aid convoy of six trucks went in on Thursday and more are on the way.

For now, the focus is on providing life-saving assistance to those who have lost everything and helping them make it through winter.

Outside the shopfront where his family are staying in the covered market in Aleppo, Mazen knows he is among the lucky ones, and for now prefers not to look too far ahead.

“We can only think about this minute now,” he said. “Tomorrow, we don’t know what is going to happen, but for now, Alhamdulillah [praise God], we are safe.”

https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22717-vital-aid-reaches-syrian-quake-survivors-who-again-have-lost-everything.html/feed 0
UNHCR: Over 5 million may need shelter support in Syria after quake https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22673-unhcr-over-5-million-may-need-shelter-support-in-syria-after-quake.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22673-unhcr-over-5-million-may-need-shelter-support-in-syria-after-quake.html#respond Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:52:02 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22673

Preliminary data suggests that as many as 5.3 million people in Syria may have been affected by the recent earthquake and will need some form of shelter assistance, and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has been rushing aid to the badly impacted parts of the country. UNHCR is focusing very much on shelter and relief items, ensuring that collective centers that displaced have gone to have adequate facilities, as well as tents, plastic sheeting, thermal blankets, sleeping mats, winter clothing and so on.

We have been distributing them since day one – last night we gave out 9440 kits – focusing, of course, on all those impacted by the earthquake, but also trying to understand who among the affected are the most vulnerable: the elderly, those with disabilities, children. And of course, there are some children who’ve been separated from their parents.

We are also leading in the protection sector here. Throughout Syria we have a network of community centres, satellite centres, outreach volunteers, and this helps us reach vulnerable populations. We’ve set up hotlines for all sorts of protection-related issues, which we use.

For Syria, this is a crisis within a crisis. We’ve had economic shocks, COVID and are now in the depths of winter, with blizzards raging in the affected areas.  A number of our own staff are sleeping outside their homes because they are worried about the structural damage to their homes. This is just a microcosm of what is happening throughout the affected areas.

All this, of course, impacts the access for aid. Roads have been damaged and that hampers us trying to reach people. It’s been very, very difficult. There are 6.8 million people already internally displaced in the country. And this was before the earthquake.

For now, we are looking at life-saving activity, you know, the adaptation of the collective centers, tents, non-food items and so on. Then we will look  over the next 8 to 12 weeks  at supporting livelihoods and basic services in affected areas, shelter support provision and the installation of emergency shelter kits and minor repairs to damaged housing. We’ll look at debris removal, trying to support authorities and partners with equipment and capacity, mobilizing engineers, and how we could support the community in assessing some of the structural damage and looking at the way forward also with their livelihood opportunities.

In the northwest of Syria – which is especially badly hit – access has been badly impeded by the damage. What we call ”cross line” supplies (from government areas into the NW) made it through before the quake  and these had been pre-positioned and are being distributed from warehouses. From now, we hope that an agreement with the Government will allow for fast and regular access to these areas.

We have just had a preliminary estimate that 5.37 million people affected by the quake will need shelter assistance in the whole of Syria. That is a huge number and comes to a population already suffering mass displacement.

Next week I will head to Aleppo, Hama and Latakia, where we have the pre-positioned stocks of 30,000 core relief items and 20,000 tents. To echo the words of the UN Secretary General, speaking last night: This is about people. That is all that matters.

Note: The headline and lead of the initial note have been edited to clarify that the figure represents an estimate of people who will need shelter assistance, rather than people who may be displaced from their homes.

For more information on this topic, please contact:

For B-roll, please visit Refugees Media: https://media.unhcr.org/Share/k84ad5y06lh287226utxcr337ir033vk

https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22673-unhcr-over-5-million-may-need-shelter-support-in-syria-after-quake.html/feed 0
UNHCR responds to deadly earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22365-unhcr-responds-to-deadly-earthquakes-in-turkiye-and-syria.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22365-unhcr-responds-to-deadly-earthquakes-in-turkiye-and-syria.html#respond Tue, 07 Feb 2023 10:49:07 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22365

Teams from the UN Refugee Agency are on the ground to provide life-saving assistance to families affected by the disaster.

Two powerful earthquakes that struck south-eastern Türkiye and northern Syria on 6 February have claimed thousands of lives and caused untold destruction to homes and infrastructure across the region.

Among those affected inside Syria are families that were already displaced from their homes by the country’s long-running crisis, living in tents, flimsy shelters and partially destroyed buildings.

In Türkiye, those caught up in the disaster include many thousands of refugees from Syria and the communities that have generously hosted them for nearly 12 years.

With severe winter storms currently sweeping through the region and compounding the vulnerability of survivors, families urgently need life-saving shelter and assistance. UNHCR is already on the ground in Syria providing emergency supplies including tents, thermal blankets, winter clothes mattresses and other supplies.

However, in the northwest of Syria, the combination of the earthquake and a severe snowstorm have damaged or blocked many roads, causing power outages and disruptions to telecommunications networks and hampering the relief efforts.

Humanitarian partners on the ground are working hard to reach all affected areas with much-needed assistance amidst challenging circumstances. One of the main roads used to truck aid to northwestern Syria was damaged in the earthquake on the Turkish side, making it difficult to bring in new supplies. Humanitarian agencies are hopeful it will be repaired within 48 hours.

In the meantime, partners on the ground are using stocks of aid that were prepositioned inside northwest Syria before the earthquake to reach some of those affected and in need of urgent relief.

Another obstacle is the fact that the Turkish city of Gaziantep, near the epicentre of the earthquake, was the main supply hub for the UN agencies and NGOs that oversaw the flow of aid into northwest Syria. Many of their offices were destroyed or damaged in the quake, as well as the homes of some of the staff, who are now working from their vehicles or in open spaces.

In Türkiye, UNHCR teams are assisting refugee and local populations alike in response to the government’s request to provide emergency assistance.

“The situation is tragic,” said UNHCR Representative in Türkiye, Philippe Leclerc. “Right now, UNHCR is providing, with other UN agencies, what the Turkish authorities are requesting, so basically kitchen sets, mattresses, tents, so that we can complement the leading efforts of the Turkish authorities to rescue Turkish citizens and refugees in the same manner.”

At a news briefing in Geneva on Tuesday, UNHCR spokesperson Matthew Saltmarsh described the disaster as a “hammer blow” for displaced Syrians, millions of whom were already reliant on humanitarian aid for survival before the earthquakes struck.

“The refugees and those who have been displaced within Syria itself are already suffering from an economic crisis. We’re in the depths of winter. We’ve been seeing snowstorms. And of course, you know, the war has been going on for over a decade within Syria itself,” he said.

“In terms of UNHCR response in [Syria], we’ve been mobilizing our staff and our stockpiles from our country offices and our regional offices to get much-needed support to the field, to the areas that have been hammered by this earthquake.”

https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22365-unhcr-responds-to-deadly-earthquakes-in-turkiye-and-syria.html/feed 0
Request for Quotation no. RFQ/HCR/SYR/23/05 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22353-request-for-quotation-no-rfq-hcr-syr-23-05.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22353-request-for-quotation-no-rfq-hcr-syr-23-05.html#respond Wed, 01 Feb 2023 07:32:59 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22353



Request for quotation: No. RFQ/HCR/SYR/23/05

For Supply and Delivery of Digestive Biscuits and Juice for PoCs in the Waiting Area -UNHCR Office in Qamishli

The office of the United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria seeks for Quotations from interested companies for Supply and Delivery of Biscuits _ Cakes and Juice for PoCs in the Waiting Area -UNHCR Office in Qamishli

All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (RFQ)from [email protected] by a formal request to UNHCR on or before 07 February 2023. The email request must include the tender reference number in the subject line.

Offers should be submitted by email according to the guidelines set forth in part 2 of the tender documents.

The Deadline for clarifications is 07 February 2023 – 23:59 hrs. Syrian Time

The Deadline for submitting offers is 09 February 2023 – 23:59 hrs. Syrian Time


مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين


RFQ/HCR/SYR/23/05لمناقصة رقم

لتقديم بسكويت  وعصير لللاجئين في منطقة الانتظار للمكتب الفرعي للمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في القامشلي

يقوم مكتب مفوضية الأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في القامشلي باستدراج عروض من الشركات المختصة لتقديم بسكويت  وعصير لللاجئين في منطقة الانتظار للمكتب الفرعي للمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين في القامشلي

 [email protected]   تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تطلب أوراق المناقصة بشكل رسمي قبل تاريخ 07/شباط/2023 عن طريق الايميل على العنوان الآتي

  • يجب على الشركة الراغبة باستلام أوراق المناقصة ذكر رقم المناقصة في عنوان الايميل المرسل
  • يجب إرسال العروض عن طريق الايميل كما هو مذكور في أوراق المناقصة الفقرة رقم (2)

الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض: 09/02/2023



https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22353-request-for-quotation-no-rfq-hcr-syr-23-05.html/feed 0
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL no. RFP/SYR/HCR/23/01 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22135-request-for-proposal-no-rfp-syr-hcr-23-01.html https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22135-request-for-proposal-no-rfp-syr-hcr-23-01.html#respond Tue, 24 Jan 2023 13:30:34 +0000 https://www.unhcr.org/sy/?p=22135





The office of the United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) in Syria seeks quotations from interested and qualified contractors for the establishment of frame agreement for the provision of Warehouse Rental, Management & Handling Services in Syria.

All interested vendors may request the bidding documents (RFP) from [email protected] by a formal request to UNHCR on or before 06/03/2023. The email request must include the tender reference number in the subject line.

Offers should be submitted through UNHCR’s online registration and bid submission tool – eTenderBox in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the tender documents.

The Deadline for submitting offers is 06 March 2023 @23:59 Syrian Time

المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين

إعلان مناقصة


 لتوقيع إتفاق إطاري من أجل تقديم خدمات تأجير مستودعات مع خدمات الإدارة و الإشراف على أعمال التنزيل و التحميل ضمن أراضي الجمهورية العربية السورية

 يقوم مكتب المفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين بدمشق باستدراج عروض من الشركات المختصة و المؤهلة من أجل ابرام اتفاق إطاري لتقديم خدمات تأجير مستودعات مع خدمات الإدارة و الإشراف على أعمال التنزيل و التحميل ضمن أراضي الجمهورية العربية السورية.

تستطيع الشركات المهتمة أن تطلب أوراق المناقصة بشكل رسمي عن طريق الإيميل قبل تاريخ  06/03/2023 من [email protected] على الشركات الراغبة باستلام أوراق المناقصة ذكر رقم المناقصة في عنوان الإيميل المرسل

يجب إرسال العروض عن طريق التسجيل و تقديم العرض عن طريق منصة تقديم العروض الإلكترونية الخاصة بالمفوضية السامية لشؤون اللاجئين و ذلك حسب التعليمات المرفقة ضمن وثائق المناقصة  

 الموعد النهائي لتقديم العروض 06 آذار 2023 الساعة 23:59 بتوقيت سوريا


https://www.unhcr.org/sy/22135-request-for-proposal-no-rfp-syr-hcr-23-01.html/feed 0