State and Local Programs


The State Physical Activity and Nutrition (SPAN) carries out evidence-based strategies at state and local levels to improve nutrition and physical activity.

About SPAN

SPAN Recipients


The High Obesity Program (HOP) funds land grant universities to work with community extension services in counties where more than 40% of adults have obesity.

About HOP

HOP Recipients


The Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) program addresses racial and ethnic health disparities through local, culturally appropriate projects.


REACH Recipients

Current Funding By State
Funding by State Map

In 2018, partners initiated obesity prevention projects in 37 states. These investments in state and community-level activities and interventions are focused on ensuring healthier environments and options are available to all residents.

Priority State and Local Strategies
African American grandma with her grandchildren

Ways to make physical activity safe and accessible for all; make healthy food choices easier everywhere; make breastfeeding easier to start and sustain; strengthen obesity prevention standards for early care and education settings; and increase number of and access to family healthy weight programs.

Stories from the Field
Lady walking through a farmer's market

Read stories of state and local programs implementing strategies that encourage healthy eating, increasing physical activity, supporting breastfeeding, and preventing obesity.

Additional Funding

Partner Funding
DNPAO works with partners to create and sustain mutually beneficial strategic relationships that promote healthy eating and active living for Americans of all ages.

Childhood Obesity Research Demonstration (CORD)
CORD works with healthcare and community partners to improve obesity screening and counseling services among children families with lower incomes. When appropriate, children are referred to community-based healthy weight programs.

Additional Resources

Health Equity
Resources with information and strategies to help communities, programs, and initiatives work to remove barriers to health and achieve health equity.

A user-friendly data-collection tool and planning resource for community members who want to make their community a healthier one. This tool walks community team members through the assessment process and helps define and prioritize possible areas of improvement.

Connect with Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity