Building the future of work with the new Slack platform

Ship quality code faster, delivering impactful automations that accelerate work for you and your team.

Learn more Start building

Customize your workspace

Connect, simplify, and automate your work with Slack apps.

Save time and automate repetitive tasks

Turn slow, repetitive, manual processes, like onboarding or gathering feedback, into rapid and automated apps and workflows.

Use Bolt or Workflow Builder to quickly transform the way you work.

Nine Publishing used custom tools and apps to simplify newsroom processes and monitor performance analytics.

Reduced day-long processes to 30 minutes

Minimize multitasking

Reduce the number of apps and websites needed to get work done.

Bring data and tasks from external services and internal tools to where everyone is already collaborating: Slack.

Hearst used their HANS Bot to quickly surface data to decide which stories will perform best. HANS saved the team hours per day on searching for custom reports.

Drove a 50% increase in YouTube views
Automatically handle 3800 inquiries per week
Developer tools

Built for builders

Build on our foundations

Convert your ideas into automations quickly by using our Bolt framework.

Explore what's possible

Use testers on our API method reference pages to browse and try the range of app capabilities.

Tools for every purpose

No matter how you choose to build, use our official and community tools to make the process simpler.

No code workflows

To automate easily, no code required, try Workflow Builder.

Your work just works, on any device

Block Kit lets you build app interfaces without a UI designer. It's available for use in app surfaces across all devices without any extra code.

Build and prototype UIs in seconds using our Block Kit Builder tool.

TD Ameritrade built a Slack app called BetterBot to source fast, automated answers to common questions.

Reduced support tickets by 2500 per week
App Directory

Distribute apps to grow your business

Spark discovery

Put your app in front of millions of Slack users. Expand your reach by distributing your app in the App Directory.

Stay top-of-mind

Meet users where they're most engaged throughout the day — in Slack — with interactive app experiences.

Broaden engagement

Share your app's workflow steps with users, empowering them to integrate your services into everyday processes.

Zapier upgraded their App Directory app to allow users to create complex automations - with no code - using Slack Workflow Builder and Zapier’s 3,000+ partner apps. Zapier also added an App Home to allow users to build automated workflows directly in Slack.

Slack users automate more than 500,000 routine actions per day with Zapier
Users of the Slack app are 10% more likely to convert to paid users at Zapier

Updates from us

Mar 23, 2023

Version 1.21.0 of the developer tools for our beta Slack platform is hot off the press! Changes include improved ergonomics around trigger access management and added a new command to export form responses to CSV , both within the CLI, updates to the default manifest, and more.

Feb 23, 2023

We've released v1.20.0 of the developer tools for our beta Slack platform, including a number of user requested improvements to the CLI, as well as details about an upcoming maintenance window in March and breaking changes landing in April that may require you to update your apps. Visit our beta changelog for details about what's changed—and what's changing.

Feb 9, 2023

Version v1.19.0 of the developer tools for the new Slack platform open beta is now available.

Feb 1, 2023

Version v1.18.0 of the developer tools for the new Slack platform open beta is now available! View our new curated collection of sample apps for inspiration and illustration.

Nov 17, 2022

We released version v1.16.4 of the developer tools for our event-driven beta platform. We fixed some pipes behind the scenes to prevent future leaks, check out how we are improving the beta platform experience for our community.

Nov 4, 2022

Three new endpoints for admins to manage role assignments are now available: admin.roles.listAssignments, admin.roles.addAssignments, and admin.roles.removeAssignments. Explore other useful methods for managing your users and workspaces here.