About the Office

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent division of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC). The OIG was created in 2005 and operates under the authorities vested in it by the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended (IG Act).  The mission of the OIG to safeguard the Federal investment in our electoral system by conducting objective and meaningful oversight. For more information on OIG goals and objectives, read the updated strategic plan.


According to its authority under the IG Act, the OIG must conduct Audits, Inspections and Evaluations of the EAC and its programs.  These include annual audits of the EAC’s financial statements as well as periodic audits of recipients of Federal funds distributed by the EAC.  In addition, the OIG reports annually on the top management challenges facing EAC. The OIG also conducts reviews and evaluations of EAC programs.  Through these tools, the OIG provides feedback and suggestions to assist the EAC with running more effective, efficient programs.  

The OIG receives and investigates complaints of fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in EAC programs or by EAC grant recipients.  In order to facilitate filing complaints, the OIG maintains an on-line complaint submission form.  Complaints are taken from EAC employees, EAC funding recipients and any member of the public. Persons making complaints can do so confidentially.  Their names will not be released by the OIG without their consent unless the Inspector General determines that it is necessary to do so in the course of the investigation or audit.  If you believe that you have information regarding fraud, waste, abuse or mismanagement of EAC programs or of funding distributed by EAC, you can file a complaint.

The OIG is also responsible to report to Congress. Twice each year, the OIG issues a report to Congress detailing its audits, inspections, evaluations, and investigations.  These Semi-Annual Reports list the OIG recommendations that have not been implemented by the EAC.  These reports also contain statistical information concerning the amount of questioned costs, the number of referrals made for prosecution, and the number of reports made to the agency head of the agency’s failure to cooperate or assist with an audit. 

All audits issued by the OIG comply with the standards established by the Comptroller General of the United States:  the Government Auditing Standards (GAS).  Likewise, evaluations conducted by the OIG comply with the standards adopted by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) for evaluations and inspections. Audits and evaluations are conducted by the OIG staff or by contracted auditors on behalf of the OIG.

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