
Where can I find information from the NHLBI about specific heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders or related topics?

3d heart held in handsInformation about specific heart, lung, blood, and sleep disorders can be found on our Health Topics pages. The A to Z index can help you find plain language information about diseases, conditions, tests, procedures, and other relevant topics, which you can also print and share.

How can I be sure of the quality of information provided by NHLBI?

How can I download or order NHLBI publications and materials?

testPublications may be downloaded in PDF format or ordered from the NHLBI’s Center for Health Information through our Publications and Resources Online Catalog. You can also:

  • Order by phone: Call the NHLBI CHI at 1-877-NHLBI4U (1-877-645-2448) between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday (closed Federal holidays).
  • Order by mail: NHLBI Center for Health Information, P.O. Box 30105, Bethesda, MD 20824-0105
  • Order by email: Center for Health Information, [email protected]

Can the NHLBI give me advice about a specific medical condition, provide me with a second medical opinion, or recommend medical specialists or hospitals in my area?

Senior female doctor showing medical records to her young beautiful patientThe NHLBI does not give medical advice, render second opinions, provide referrals to doctors, or counsel individuals on specific medical problems. Advice on treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a physician or other health professional who has examined the patient and is familiar with the patient's medical history.

Can I receive medical treatment at the NHLBI?

Stethoscope and red heart lying on cardiogram.The NHLBI is a biomedical research organization. As such, the NHLBI only enrolls patients who are participating in NHLBI clinical research studies. These studies span a wide range of diseases and conditions. More information on clinical trials can be found on the NHLBI and NIH websites.