Top 5 Frauds Sweeping the Country

Updated December 7, 2010

Avoid getting snookered by shady service providers who publish misleading ads or employ deceptive sales tactics.

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Every January, Angie's List Magazine offers a look at some of the worst contractors in the country, and for 2010 we decided to take it a step further by highlighting some of the ongoing scams we identified during our research. Hopefully, our efforts will help you avoid getting snookered by shady service providers who publish misleading ads, employ deceptive sales tactics, deliver shoddy service or take the money and run.

These cases caught our attention in the last year due to the high volume of consumer complaints and subsequent enforcement actions. They include air duct cleaners accused of luring customers with too-good-to-be-true coupons, aggressive door-to-door alarm salesmen, allegedly lawless locksmiths, real estate floppers and Internet car sales scammers.

Learn more about the top 5 frauds by reading the stories below:

Air Duct Cleaners - Beware of air duct cleaners who 'blow and go'

Locksmith - Complaints stem from upselling, false advertising - tips to prevent

Security Companies - Be alarmed by some shady security salesmen

Short sale fraud turns up in down housing market

Car Repair Scams - Don't get run over by online car scams

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