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How does Wikipedia work?
Do you ever wonder how Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia anyone can edit, really works? Or even, who are the people who edit and improve it? This video, which is part of our A Wiki Minute series, will help!
Where your donations go
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How we use your donationsSupport from around the globe
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As a nonprofit, Wikipedia and our related free knowledge projects are powered primarily through donations.
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Wikimedia Enterprise announces Google and Internet Archive as its first customers; allows new customers to self sign-up for free trials
June 21, 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA ― Wikimedia Enterprise, a first-of-its-kind commercial product designed for companies that reuse and source Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects at a high volume, today announced its first customers: multinational technology company Google and nonprofit digital library Internet Archive. Wikimedia Enterprise was recently launched by the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit….
Wikimedia Foundation launches Wikimedia Enterprise: the new, opt-in product for companies and organizations to easily reuse content from Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects
October 25, 2021, San Francisco, CA, USA ― The Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit that operates Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects, today formally launched a new commercial product, Wikimedia Enterprise, for large-scale reusers and distributors of Wikimedia content. The opt-in product, operated by Wikimedia, LLC, is designed for companies and organizations who want to more easily….
More about giving to the Wikimedia Foundation
Thank a volunteer. We use proceeds from the store to send thank you gifts to the volunteers who make Wikipedia possible.
Endowment gifts help us preserve, build, and ensure the future of free knowledge for future generations.
Photo credits
Zack McCune/Wikimedia Foundation
Jason Krüger for Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.