Don't Forget: Tricare Open Season for 2023 Runs From Nov. 14 – Dec. 13

Army 1st Lt. Courtney Arthur, a registered nurse, checks patient records in the intensive care unit of Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH).
Army 1st Lt. Courtney Arthur, a registered nurse, checks patient records in the intensive care unit of Guam Memorial Hospital (GMH). (U.S. Navy/MacAdam Kane Weissman)

Tricare open enrollment, also known as Tricare open season, runs from Nov. 14 – Dec. 13, 2022.

What Is Tricare Open Enrollment?

Open enrollment (or open season) is the time each year when you can make changes to your Tricare coverage for the following year.

Open season runs every year from the Monday of the second full week in November to the Monday of the second full week in December.

While most civilians are familiar with insurance open seasons, Tricare has only recently  begun offering members an annual chance to change healthcare plans.

Outside of the annual open enrollment period, active duty and retiree users can only change if they experience a "qualifying life event" (QLE). Those include a move, the birth of a baby or Tricare directed change in primary care provider.

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Pregnancy is not a QLE. That means women who think they might want to have a baby next year and want to switch to a Tricare program with better prenatal coverage should consider switching coverage during this year's open season.

What Can You Do During Tricare Open Enrollment?

During open season, you can enroll in a new Tricare plan or change your coverage. Any changes you make to your Tricare coverage during open season will be effective for the upcoming year.

Open season does not apply to Tricare Reserve Select, Tricare Retired Reserve, Tricare Young Adult, or Tricare For Life.

The Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP), which offers vision and dental benefits for active duty families and retirees also holds an open season during the same dates.

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