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Anti Corruption and Transparency
Policy Issues

Anti-Corruption and Transparency

Globally, corruption saps economic growth, hinders development, destabilizes governments, undermines democracy, and provides openings for dangerous groups such as criminals, traffickers, and terrorists.  The Biden-Harris Administration has designated anti-corruption as a core national security interest and released the first-ever U.S. Strategy on Countering Corruption .  To implement the strategy, the Department is working across the globe to prevent graft, strengthen investigation and prosecution of corruption, promote transparency, and empower civil society and independent media to expose corruption and advance reforms.  This makes it harder for criminality and terrorism that affect American security to take root and spread; promotes more democratic, stable governments as partners for the United States; and levels the playing field for U.S. businesses to compete internationally.

The Department’s implementation of the Strategy is led by the Coordinator for Global Anti-Corruption, a dedicated position housed within the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs and announced by the Secretary on International Anti-Corruption Day 2021.  The Coordinator integrates and elevates the anti-corruption fight across all aspects of U.S. diplomacy and foreign assistance, working closely with State Department embassies, bureaus and offices, interagency collaborators, and international partners.  The Coordinator and his team will work to ensure commitments made during the 2021 Summit for Democracy to combat corruption globally lead to real progress. Read more about the Summit for Democracy. Follow the Coordinator on Twitter @StateCGAC .

Read more about what specific bureaus are doing to support this policy issue:

Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL): INL leads U.S. engagement in many multilateral fora focused on anti-corruption, including the development and promotion of strong international standards; administers anti-corruption deterrence tools; and oversees programs to build partner capacity to prevent and combat corruption. Read more about INL

Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB): EB leads several anti-corruption initiatives, such as enlisting others in the fight against foreign bribery, promoting a level playing field for U.S. firms doing business overseas, and advancing transparency and accountability in public financial management.  EB also oversees the publication of the congressionally mandated Fiscal Transparency Report and manages the Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund. Read more about EB

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL): DRL leads the Department in providing support for civil society and media organizations to expose transnational corruption, advocate for reforms, and demand accountability for corrupt actors. DRL also promotes transparent and accountable governance as a means of preventing and combatting corruption, including by leading U.S. government engagement in the Open Government Partnership (OGP). Read more about DRL

Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR): ENR leads the U.S. commitment to the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) as a Supporting Country. EITI is the global standard to promote the open and accountable management of oil, gas, and mineral resources. As a multi-stakeholder organization, the EITI builds trust between governments, companies, and civil society. The U.S. government has been a strong supporter of EITI since its founding in 2003, recognizing that transparency is a critical component of sound governance in countries’ extractive sectors. Read more about ENR

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