"All In" Stock Buy Alert

Investing August 21, 2022

By: Eric Bleeker

Key Points

  • The “All In” buy signal has happened 101 times over the entire history of Motley Fool Stock Advisor.
  • The average return of stocks selected with the “All In” buy signal is 362%… crushing the S&P 500 by nearly 3x.
  • There’s a tiny internet company showing this buy signal that sits in the middle of the advertising market - a market that's 10X bigger than the online streaming industry (think Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu).

Perhaps you’ve heard about The Motley Fool’s amazing success with its calm, long-term investing approach.

I say that because for all the talk about the current market conditions, our Motley Fool Stock Advisor team has produced these kinds of winners over its 20-year run:

  • Amazon (up 17,957%)
  • Netflix (up 12,906%)
  • Nvidia (up 4,522%)
  • Baidu (up 1,449%)
  • Salesforce.com (up 2,566%)

Yes, those are some (but nowhere near all) of their bigger winners, but that’s my point. Following their advice of buying stocks regularly over the years greatly increases your chances of these types of life-changing, “hey maybe I can retire in comfort after all” kinds of returns!

These types of wealth-building returns don’t happen unless you stay focused on the long term... so let me give you something to focus on (and the reason I’m writing today):

Because this track record, combined with a historically very profitable stock buy signal, could change the way you invest forever.

And that buy signal is flashing right now.

The "All In" Pick

You see, twice every month, the analyst team at The Motley Fool researches a brand-new stock and recommends it to members.

And as you’ve already seen, these picks could lead to life-changing returns.

However, every so often, we come across a stock so good…that we just have to double down on it.

Many of us around the office have come to call this re-recommendation an "All In" buy sign.

And one stock in particular is simply begging for another recommendation.

But this “All In” approach…this isn’t some shot in the dark.

Some last ditch bet at a poker table.

This investing trick is straight from the playbook of one of the greatest investors of all-time: Peter Lynch.

“Selling your winners and holding your losers is like cutting the flowers and watering the weeds,” – Peter Lynch

Here at The Motley Fool, we take that same approach – add to your winners. And this isn’t some everyday occurrence.

But the 101 times it has happened, the results have been spectacular:

  • Netflix is up 8,465since The Motley Fool went "All In" in June 2007
  • Tesla, which received the “All In” buy sign in November 2012, is up 13,876since.

In fact, across the 101 stocks with this total conviction ... the average return is an astounding 362% … crushing the S&P 500 by nearly 3x!


Which brings us back to our current “All In” candidate. Despite this company’s jaw-dropping success over the past few years, many investors have still never even heard of this company’s name!

The Under-the-Radar Stock

Now of course, we would never tell you to go “all-in” on one stock — our research shows the best way to build lasting wealth is own a diversified portfolio of multiple stocks — 30 or more is great.

But the details behind this tiny little internet company are impressive:

  • It’s a fraction the size of Google.
  • Each one of our previous recommendations is crushing the market.

This company stands to profit as more and more people ditch cable for streaming TV. And in fact, we believe this company’s crucial technology could represent the final nail in the coffin for traditional cable.

Now this isn’t some competitor to Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime Video as you might expect. Instead, this company sits in the middle of the advertising market, which is more than 10X bigger than the online streaming industry.

In an interview with Tom Gardner and his team, this company’s CEO called the current moment “the most exciting in the history of advertising.”

Of course, any CEO could say that simply to build up hype and push the company’s stock price higher ... but this CEO is putting his money where his mouth is.

He’s betting his company on what he’s calling cable TV’s “ticking time bomb.”

And here’s the real kicker…

Despite this company’s jaw-dropping success over the past few years, many investors have still never even heard of this company’s name!

That’s right, while everyone on CNBC and in The Wall Street Journal is busy talking about blue-chip stocks like Apple and Facebook, this significantly smaller (yet faster-growing!) company is flying almost completely under the radar.

And, while most investors have been busy pouring more money into only these well-known tech stocks, we at The Motley Fool have been doing what the world's greatest investors do — looking for the next great stock.

That’s why we've recommended the stock I’ve begun to tell you about today – urging the members of our investment community to buy shares before they potentially take off.

There’s just one catch:

I’m sharing the full details of the stock only with members of The Motley Fool's flagship investing service, Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

Now, if you're not familiar with Motley Fool Stock Advisor, it’s the award-winning online investing service created to provide easy-to-follow, monthly stock recommendations to individual investors.

That's right! Each and every month, nearly 1 million investors tune in to discover which stocks we believe investors should be buying shares of today.

Which brings me back to the small, under-the-radar company receiving the “all in” buy signal in today’s market…

Because we want as many investors as possible to potentially profit from this fast-growing stock, we've published a brand-new, comprehensive “buy” report inside Stock Advisor that shows you exactly why this stock is a buy.

Not only does this report dive deep into this “All In” buy recommendation...but you’ll get access to every single “All In” stock ever recommended in Motley Fool Stock Advisor.

Even better, because I’m completely convinced you’ll be impressed by the exclusive research we've put together on this stock, I’ll make sure your one-year Stock Advisor membership is backed by a 30-day 100% membership-fee-back guarantee that allows you to get your money back if you aren’t impressed or ultimately decide Stock Advisor isn't right for you! 

That's right, you can sign up for a year of Stock Advisor today, get the full details on this stock, and then get your full membership fee back within 30 days if you aren't completely satisfied.

This is a chance to get in early on what could prove to be a very special investment recommendation.

Think about how many investing trends you've missed out on even though you knew they were going to be big.

Don't let that happen again. This is a chance to get in early.

I urge you to take action today and decide for yourself if you want to take advantage of this opportunity. Simply enter your email address below to access our secure sign-up page.

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"All In” average returns as of August 8, 2022. The 101 stock occurrences refer to all re-recommendations inside of Motley Fool Stock Advisor. All other returns are updated during market hours.

John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. Eric Bleeker owns shares of Amazon, Baidu, NVIDIA, and Tesla. The Motley Fool owns shares of Amazon, Baidu, Netflix, NVIDIA, Salesforce.com, and Tesla. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

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