Get equipped for a smooth transition to SKAdNetwork with a privacy-driven iOS 14.5+ solution you can trust

01 SKAdNetwork support in the SDK On the first launch after app installation, MyTracker SDK 2.1.2 and higher will automatically launch the attribution process using SKAdNetwork. 02 Data collection via the API MyTracker provides aggregated data on conversions returning from advertising platforms as part of standard API reports. 03 SKAdNetwork postback collection Postbacks available from partner platforms are captured in MyTracker, enabling further analysis and reporting. 04 Fraud Protection
with Fraud Scanner
We verify installations using our unique ML algorithms.
Even in the absence of IDFA, the key fraud metrics in Fraud Scanner will not be affected.
05 Free LTV forecast based on SKAdNetwork data Predict the LTV of users who came from iOS 14.5+ campaigns, with a prediction horizon of up to 180 days. 06 ATT Status Find out how many users of your app opt in for or out of tracking permission. Use this data to optimize your pre-prompt screen.
New in iOS 14.5+, IDFA, ATT and SKAdNetwork
What has changed with iOS 14.5+?
Starting with iOS 14.5+, Apple devices will be following ATT and requesting user permission to share their IDFAs. The rate of user opt-in to use IDFA may be quite low depending on the specific app and the way the pop-up window is implemented.
What is an IDFA?
IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) is a unique identifier for iOS devices that is used for targeting and measuring the effectiveness of ads on the user level across mobile devices.
What are App Tracking Transparency (ATT) and SKAdNetwork?
App Tracking Transparency (ATT) is a new privacy protection framework by Apple that prevents app publishers from accessing IDFAs without obtaining explicit consent from users.

From iOS 14.5+ on, using ATT in apps will be mandatory for working with IDFAs. Advertisers will also have to comply with updated user privacy and data use policies.
What are ATT pre-prompts and post-prompts?
A post-prompt is the final notice presented to the user regarding the sharing of IDFAs.

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However, Apple enables apps to show another notice, a pre-prompt, before the final ATT permission prompt has been displayed.

A pre-prompt is a notice explaining why an app is going to request permission to share user data. In pre-prompts, advertisers can customize the image, text, translations and branding.

How do I integrate ATT into an app?
If you have chosen to ask your users for permission to use their IDFAs, the first thing you need to do is implement an ATT pop-up dialog. For that, you will need to share Apple’s ATT documentation with your developers.

Then make sure that your app shares the consent dialog outcome with any SDK or technology it can impact, including MMPs such as MyTracker.

To integrate ATT into MyTracker, it is important that you update our SDK to 2.1.2 or higher for iOS or 2.0.3 or higher for Unity as these have special functions required to support IDFAs and SKAdNetwork.
What is SKAdNetwork?
SKAdNetwork is a new solution by Apple to measure the marketing metrics of an app without ATT. Whenever SKAdNetwork is used, Apple will handle attribution on their end and share only some of the data with an ad network. This is a way for Apple to limit the amount of user data shared with third parties.
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Working with MyTracker
How will iOS 14.5+ affect MyTracker products?

MyTracker has always maintained a strong focus on user privacy, so if a user consents to sharing IDFAs, attribution measurement accuracy will not change, even for iOS 14.5+ devices.

If a user has not consented to sharing IDFAs, you can still get the fullest picture of how effective your campaigns are by using and combining MyTracker capabilities. We will be collecting reports based on data returning from ad platforms via the API and also using the SKAdNetwork framework.

Working with partners

At MyTracker, we are committed to providing flexible solutions that secure both user privacy and correct attribution. For this reason, we screen all our advertising partners to make sure they comply with Apple’s updated privacy policy.
How will Apple’s new IDFA policy affect user tracking?
It will not affect registered users: even if the ID of their device changes, events will still be tracked by MyTracker based on the user’s ID in the app.

New users and those who remove or reinstall the app will have to consent to sharing their IDFAs.

The MyTracker SDK (version 2.1.2 and up for iOS or 2.0.3 and up for Unity) will automatically accept IDFAs if the user has consented to sharing them.
Can MyTracker track installs when IDFAs have been disabled?
Until more effective solutions are available, MyTracker will be using IDFV (Identifier for Vendors) to track installs and measure user activity within an app.

IDFV means non-deterministic attribution, so whenever IDFA sharing has been blocked, we recommend using SKAdNetwork.
How do I enable SKAdNetwork in MyTracker?
We recommend making sure that your apps use the latest version of the MyTracker SDK (2.1.2 or higher for iOS and 2.0.3 or higher for Unity) that supports Apple iOS 14.5+ and SKAdNetwork. All configuration is already taken care of.
What advertising partners at MyTracker support SKAdNetwork?
Please note that SKAdNetwork is still a new system, so many partners are still working to integrate it. If you are not sure whether your partner supports SKAdNetwork, we advise contacting them and sharing the MyTracker integration documentation to speed things up.
How will MyTracker reports change post iOS 14.5+?
Reports on attribution via IDFA and data provided by their ad networks via the API will remain unchanged. Soon we will be adding conversion metrics for data from API and SKAdNetwork postbacks. The data will be available in the Report builder and RAW API.

You will be able to merge SKAdNetwork data with ad network statistics to calculate the ROI of your campaigns and get other information to help you in making decisions.
Are there any alternative ways of using IDFAs without user consent?
Apple is against tracking users of mobile apps based on email, Touch ID or any other identifier other than IDFA. MyTracker follows the best practices of user data security and does not allow for tracking or collecting IDFAs without user consent, which is fully aligned with the policies of platforms, including Apple iOS.

To use IDFAs without breaching Apple’s privacy policy, you need to get user consent to track their data in an app.

What can I expect from a demo?

  • A live product demo with insights into MyTracker’s most relevant features
  • A discussion of your goals and how MyTracker can help you achieve them
  • No commitment required

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