for startups

MyTracker is a free, easy-to-embed analytics tool.
Key to your app's success, analytics can help you improve your product and boost user acquisition.

for new

01 Easy
to integrate
Embedding MyTracker into your iOS or Android app is quick and easy.
02 Insightful
user data
Gain insights into audience activity, age, geography and, most importantly, performance in terms of profitability – by traffic source.
03 At the core
of your analytics
Save information for later use – MyTracker has no limits on how long data
can be stored or how many apps can be monitored.
04 Optimised
Find out which channels bring in your most loyal users so you can build a more effective promotion strategy.
05 No fees MyTracker: a free platform with no hidden fees or limits.
Boost your projects with MyTracker free solutions