Product analytics

Get real-time insight into how people interact with your product. Make the right decisions based on actual user behavior and use cases.
01 Audience segments and cohorts Over 200 segmentation metrics. Compare segments, watch their dynamics, or use them for retargeting. 02 Preconfigured dashboards Project snapshots based on key metrics: user activity, ad campaign performance, device specs, custom events, retention and financials. 03 User journey funnels Get a handle on the way users interact with your product and monitor factors driving conversion. Analyze each action and event to identify bottlenecks. 04 Unlimited custom events Map and monitor each step, from registering and viewing a specific screen to adding to cart and checkout. There is no cap on the number of parameters for each event. 05 Fraud and scam protection Make use of fraud metrics and indicators to analyze installs. Focus on the product, knowing that your budget is safe.
Ready to start?
Talk to one of our specialists to see how MyTracker can help your business leverage product analytics.
You’ll get comprehensive insights into:
1. Who your most valuable users are
2. How they interact with your product
3. Which of your users leave and why
4. What your users have in common
5. What challenges they’re facing with your product
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