March 13 11 min

Five Tips for Your SKAdNetwork 4.0 Marketing Strategy

In this article, we are going to highlight changes in the 4.0 version and differences vs 3.0, explain why you might consider migrating to SKAN 4.0 and provide tips on how to get ready for that.

    August 29, 2022 4 min

    Everything You Need to Know About SKAdNetwork 4.0

    SKAdNetwork 4.0 will bring dramatic changes to ad campaigns for iOS 16 apps: there will be privacy thresholds, hierarchical source identifiers and the ability to attribute web-based ads that direct to the advertised app’s App Store product page. Read more!

    July 11, 2022 9 min

    ATT Opt-In Rates in iOS 14.5+ by Country and App Category after 1 Year

    See how well your app obtains ATT consents compared to the market average using our ATT opt in rates benchmarks for each region, country and app genre.

    September 15, 2021 8 min

    3 Easy Steps to Predicting App Revenue Based on SKAdNetwork Data

    Learn how to predict app revenue based on SKAdNetwork data when classic mobile marketing analytics tools no longer work: 3 easy steps with screenshots!

    September 07, 2021 3 min

    MyTracker Introduces Free LTV Predictions Based on SKAdNetwork Data

    MyTracker introduces free LTV predictions based on SKAdNetwork data, with a prediction horizon of up to 180 days.

    August 31, 2021 6 min

    Predictive Analytics and SKAdNetwork | How to Predict LTV in iOS 14.5+

    In this article, we will explain LTV’s significance for your business, discuss SKAdNetwork’s impact on the mobile ad market, and talk about various LTV forecasting solutions for the new reality.

    August 10, 2021 11 min

    The Complete Guide to SKAdNetwork Conversion Value

    In this post, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about the SKAdNetwork’s conversion values and how you can use that data to your benefit.