Deep Dive: AI, Fathom III

Read the complete summary of the Deep Dive: AI podcasts and panels. Understand the challenges and opportunities for Open Source communities posed by machine learning.

Deep Dive: AI final report
Recap/Summary of the Digital Market Act workshop in Brussels
This Monday, I was in Brussels to attend a stakeholder workshop for the Digital Market…
Meet the 2023 candidates for OSI’s board
The nominations for the Open Source Initiative board of elections just closed, March 6th. It's time for voters to meet the candidates.
Why Open Source should be exempt from Standard-Essential Patents
With the European Commission soon to offer the Parliament a bill relating to Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs),…
ClearlyDefined gets a new community manager with a vision toward the future
Nick Vidal has joined the project hosted by the Open Source Initiative (OSI) that helps Open Source projects thrive by putting essential licensing data at teams’ fingertips.

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As a public charity organization, OSI is supported by donations of corporations and individuals. Thanks to our sponsors that support our vision to be the leading voice on policies and principles of Open Source.

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It’s time to renew the board

Most of OSI’s board of directors are elected by individual members and Affiliate organizations.

  • SCaLE 20X – March 9-12, 2023

    SCaLE is the largest community-run open-source and free software conference in North America. It will take place at the Pasadena Convention Center in Pasadena, CA March 9-12, 2023. Stefano Maffulli,… Read More

We’re a charity organization

We’re uncompromisingly supporting the freedoms of developers worldwide to study, share, modify and monetize software. The OSI relies on donations to carry out its mission to be the independent steward of the Open Source Definition.