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As an organization...

… you will join leading vendors, consultants and enterprise end-users who rely upon the projects of the OpenJS Foundation. Your support helps ensure the ongoing vitality of critical web ecosystem projects, and provides a vendor-neutral home where they can receive financial, marketing, logistical, and event support.

The OpenJS Foundation is supported by organizations who participate as Platinum, Gold, and Silver members. Annual dues enable the OpenJS Foundation to provide all of the services that help our projects remain neutral, including collaboration infrastructure, events, marketing, and operational support.

When you sponsor the OpenJS Foundation, you are making a commitment to ensure these development communities have the resources they need to be stewards of stable, secure, and long-lasting codebases. In addition, membership provides you an opportunity to participate on the OpenJS Foundation Board of Directors. We encourage you to join your industry peers, and help build and sustain these crucial web ecosystem projects!

Of course, as open source projects hosted by the Linux Foundation, we welcome anyone to get involved in our development communities at any time. Contributors may participate in the OpenJS Foundation’s technical governance body, the Cross Project Council, regardless of membership status.

Learn about our missionApply for membership

Membership helps sustain our projects and communities

The OpenJS Foundation is primarily supported by membership dues. With this funding we are able to ensure important open source projects have access to neutrally funded infrastructure, run worldwide developer events, provide legal support, and employ staff to support the collaborative development process.

Platinum membership

Platinum membership is for organizations who wish to have participate directly in the business of running the Foundation. Platinum members have a guaranteed board seat, and have a direct voice in budget and policy decisions.

Benefits of Platinum membership include:

  • Appoint your own representative to the Foundation’s Board of Directors, guaranteeing direct representation.
  • Eligible for role of Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the Foundation
  • Appoint a voting representative to each Member committee.
  • 50% discount on certification

Annual dues

  • $250k

Gold membership

Gold membership is for organizations who wish to support the Foundation’s activities, ensuring financial and operational stability. Gold members provide meaningful financial support for crucial programs that support the project community.

Benefits of Gold membership include:

  • Vote on a representative to the Foundation’s Board of Directors, generally 1 seat for every 3 Gold members *
  • Eligible for other roles (besides Chairperson or Vice Chairperson)
  • Appoint a voting representative to each Member committee.
  • 40% discount on certification

Annual dues (by headcount)

  • Over 5,000 employees: $100k
  • 2,000 to 5,000 employees: $75k
  • Under 2,000 employees: $50k

Silver membership

Silver membership is for organizations who wish to raise their visibility as a tangible supporter of the Foundation’s work. Silver members enable the Foundation to provide support to the projects and people that comprise our community.

Benefits of Silver membership include:

  • Vote on a representative to the Foundation’s Board of Directors, generally 1 seat for every 10 Silver members *
  • Eligible for other roles (besides Chairperson or Vice Chairperson)
  • Appoint a voting representative to each Member committee.
  • 25% discount on certification

Annual dues (by headcount)

  • Over 2,000 employees: $25k
  • 500 to 2,000 employees: $15k
  • 100 to 499 employees: $10k
  • Under 100 employees: $5k

Associate membership

We also offer a no-cost Associate membership for organizations such as non-profits or educational institutions whose mission is substantially aligned with the goals of the Foundation. Associate membership requires approval by the Board of Directors, and entitles members to viewer status in Member committees.

* Please see § 2.4 of our bylaws for details on the allocation of Gold and Silver seats on the Board of Directors.

Apply for membership today!

If you are interested in learning more about corporate membership, please contact us or fill out a membership application!

OpenJS Foundation BylawsApply for membership

As an individual…

… you can join JavaScriptLandia, our individual supporter program. JavaScriptLandia is a place where all JavaScript fans, no matter your flavor or technology preference, can creatively express support for the JavaScript ecosystem and OpenJS communities. The program is $25 USD annually.

Learn more and join!

Have more questions?

We would be happy to have a conversation with you about membership, and how your participation will help support the open source components and communities your organization relies upon. Please reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.