Ocean Conservancy is working with you to protect the ocean from today’s greatest challenges.
  • Our Ocean Is Not Partisan
    We come from all walks of life and beliefs, but we are brought together by one thing: a desire to protect the ocean that we love. Together, we can ensure our ocean, and the wildlife and communities that depend on it, receive the attention and funding it requires. Tell the 118th Congress to take action for our ocean today.
  • Will You Donate?
    Ocean Conservancy is tackling our ocean’s greatest global challenges, like climate change and plastic pollution. Will you donate today? Our ocean—and the animals and communities that rely on it—depend on your help.
  • Combat the Ocean’s Biggest Threat
    Climate change is the single biggest challenge the ocean faces. Fortunately, climate change is a problem with a known solution: significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We need you to urge our leaders to pass policies to combat climate change before it’s too late.
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Green Sea Turtle
Chelonia mydas

Green sea turtles are unique—they are one of the largest species of turtle and the only turtle that is strictly herbivorous as an adult (although juvenile green sea turtles will also eat crabs, sponges and jellyfish). Green sea turtles eat sea grasses and algae, which results in the green-colored fat and cartilage that inspired their name. Like all sea turtles, green turtles have a protective shell but can’t pull their head and flippers inside like land turtles can.

Green sea turtles nest on the same beach where they hatched. Since they don’t reach sexual maturity until at least 20 years old, this is even more impressive. So, how do they find their way home more than 20 years later? Green sea turtles actually use the Earth’s magnetic forces to navigate their way home. At night, they crawl onto the beach and lay somewhere between 85-200 eggs under the sand. After two months, the juvenile sea turtles will emerge to dodge predators like birds and crabs in a mad dash to the ocean.

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