Entries tagged with “Amnesty International

Policy Issues

Human Rights


Intellectual Disability






Mental Illness


Apr 12, 2018

Amnesty International Report: Death Penalty Use Down Worldwide in 2017

Use of the death penal­ty declined world­wide in 2017, accord­ing to the Amnesty International’s annu­al glob­al report on cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment. The human rights orga­ni­za­tion record­ed 2,591 death sen­tences imposed in 53 coun­tries in 2017, down 1

Policy Issues



Apr 01, 2015

Amnesty International Reports Worldwide Decline in Executions

Executions around the world declined by 22% last year, accord­ing to Amnesty International’s 2014 annu­al report on death sen­tences and exe­cu­tions. The report — released on April 1 — indi­cates that an esti­mat­ed 607 peo­ple were exe…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




Sentencing Data


Jun 06, 2022

Amnesty International: Mixed Global Trends on Death Penalty as More Nations Abolish and Record Few Conduct Executions, But Extreme Practices, Widespread Secrecy Reported in Outlier Nations

More coun­tries aban­doned the death penal­ty and a record low num­ber car­ried it out, but extreme prac­tices in a few out­lier nations caused glob­al exe­cu­tions to rise in 2021, accord­ing to the human rights group Amnesty International.…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




Nov 15, 2021

Death-Row Prisoners in Japan Sue Over Same-Day Notice of Executions

Two Japanese death-row pris­on­ers have filed a law­suit alleg­ing that the country’s long-crit­i­cized prac­tice of noti­fy­ing pris­on­ers of their exe­cu­tion the same day they are to be put to death is inhu­mane” and vio­lates the nation’s constitution.…

Policy Issues



Time on Death Row


Mar 20, 2023

INTERNATIONAL: Longest Serving Death Row Prisoner in the World Has Case Reversed

On March 13, 2023 in Japan, Tokyo’s High Court grant­ed a retri­al for Iwao Hakamada, a for­mer box­er known as the longest serv­ing death row” pris­on­er in the world. He was con­vict­ed of mur­der in 1968. Hideaki Nakagawa, Director of Amnesty Internatio…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




Sep 29, 2020

Kazakhstan Signs Global Treaty to Abolish Death Penalty

The Republic of Kazakhstan has joined the ranks of nations that have for­mal­ly com­mit­ted to abol­ish­ing the death penal­ty. On September 23, 2020, in con­junc­tion with the 75th ses­sion of the United Nations Genera…

Policy Issues

Human Rights


Intellectual Disability




Apr 07, 2022

Singapore Resumes Hangings for Drug Offenses, Provoking Outrage, Rare Public Protest

In a move sharply crit­i­cized by rights advo­cates as a vio­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al human rights law, Singapore has resumed exe­cu­tions for non-vio­lent drug offens­es. On March 30, 2022, the author­i­tar­i­an city/​state hanged Abd…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




Dec 28, 2022

Zambia Becomes 25th Sub-Saharan African Nation to Abolish Death Penalty

Fulfilling a pledge made while cam­paign­ing for office, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema on December 23, 2022 signed leg­is­la­tion abol­ish­ing the nation’s death penal­ty (pic­tured). Zambia’s repeal of its colo­nial-era cap­i­tal pun…

Policy Issues

Human Rights




May 31, 2022

Zambia, Central African Republic Move to Abolish Death Penalty

Two more African nations have tak­en major steps towards abol­ish­ing the death penal­ty. On May 25, 2022, Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema (pic­tured) announced that, in com­mem­o­ra­tion of Africa Freedom Day, he was commuti…