1. Program Joint Degree

Faculties and Program Our Partner Lecture Format
Faculty of Economics
Business Management NXU, China (2 + 2), Joint Degree
TAR UC, Malaysia (1,5 + 1,5 + 1), Joint Degree
AU, Taiwan (2 + 2), Joint Degree
Accounting AU, Taiwan (2 + 2), Joint Degree
TAR UC, Malaysia (1,5 + 1,5 + 1), Joint Degree

2. Program International Class

Faculties and Program Lecture Format
Faculty of Economics 
Business Management 4 Years in Esa Unggul
Accounting 4 Years in Esa Unggul
Faculty of Communication
Public Relations 4 Years in Esa Unggul

3. Program Credit Transfer

Faculties and Program Our Partner Lecture Format
Faculty of Communication
Public Relations AU, Taiwan ICT / 1 semester (20 SKS)
UiTM, Malaysia ICT / 1 semester (20 SKS)
INTI, Malaysia ICT / 1 semester (20 SKS)
  1. Copy of academic report from 1st semester – 4th semester
  2. Postal stamp (Materai) Rp 10.000,- (2 pieces)
  3. Copy of Parents ID Card
  4. Recommendation Letter from school
  5. Coloured photo 3cmx4cm
  6. Copy of student ID card
  7. Copy of Family card
  8. Fill in the verification letter : verification letter International
  1. Payment for registration form is Rp 500.000,-
  2. First Instalment payment is Rp 6.000.000,- , For the next 1st semester payment could be installed 5 times (every month included the first instalment payment).
  3. 2nd semester fee and the next semester fee could be installed 2 times
  4. Please do the payment through :
  • Bank Mandiri, Account number : 165.0000.379.488 of Universitas Esa Unggul.

5. Please check www.esaunggul.ac.id for Host to Host (H2H) Payment.

6. Scholarships are available, please check beasiswa.esaunggul.ac.id

7. If student is accepted in state university through State University National Examination (SBMPTN and SNMPTN), the tuition fee that has been paid will be returned and deducted Rp 2.000.000,- (exclude registration form fee).


For inbound students mobility. IELTS, TOEFL and Duolingo https://englishtest.duolingo.com/applicants are accepted.

We accept Duolingo English Proficiency Test.

The Duolingo English Test is an online English proficiency test that can be taken online, on-demand, in under an hour for only $49. The test is taken via a computer with a camera and includes a proficiency score, video interview, and writing sample which are shared with Universitas Esa Unggul when you send your results. Certified results are available within 48 hours of the test session.




Jalan Arjuna Utara No.9, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta 11510
Tlp: (021) 556 83 700 (direct)
Call/WA: 0811 878 3806 / 0813 2000 3807
Email: [email protected] dan [email protected]

Program Internasional