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Companies Turned to GAINS to Optimize Inventory and Transform Supply Chain Decisions in 2022
Video Case Study
GAINS & Grimco: A Model for Efficiency
GAINS Achieves Customer Accolades in 2022

Supply Chain Planning Software to Right-Size Your Inventory

Distributors, manufacturers, retailers, and MRO (service parts) businesses need to optimize inventory, make smart supply chain decisions, improve serviced levels, and forecast demand. That’s hard to do in any climate, especially today. The GAINS supply chain planning software is different and precisely what CSCOs and their supply chain need.

  • We are a platform. Our GAINS Performance Optimization Platform goes beyond traditional supply chain planning and scales to support your acquisitions or organic growth.
  • GAINS empowers continuous decisioning. Our supply chain planning software delivers results in 8 weeks or less, using AI and Machine Learning (ML) for continuous improvement.
  • Customers love GAINS. We have a 97% customer retention rate. Learn why we excel in service and innovation.
  • We give back. GAINS is making a difference in our world through solar arrays to offset our carbon footprint, Haitian lunch programs, clean water initiatives, and more.

Trusted by Companies Worldwide

Distributors, manufacturers, retailers, and MRO (service parts) businesses need to optimize inventory, make smart supply chain decisions, improve serviced levels, and forecast demand. That’s hard to do in any climate, especially today. The GAINS supply chain planning software is different and precisely what CSCOs and their supply chain need.

  • We are a platform. Our GAINS Performance Optimization Platform goes beyond traditional supply chain planning and scales to support your acquisitions or organic growth.
  • GAINS empowers continuous decisioning. Our supply chain planning software delivers results in 90 days or less, using AI and Machine Learning (ML) for continuous improvement.
  • Customers love GAINS. We have a 97% customer retention rate. Learn why we excel in service and innovation.
  • We give back. GAINS is making a difference in our world through solar arrays to offset our carbon footprint, Haitian lunch programs, clean water initiatives, and more.

Trusted by Companies Worldwide

Supply Chain Performance Optimization Platform

GAINS offers robust, cloud-based supply chain planning software that delivers scalable and innovative solutions businesses need to manage their inventory, optimize profitability, increase service levels, and support their sustainability initiatives.

Data-driven. In the now.
Complete visibility.

Differentiated experiences.
Unrivaled responsiveness.

Sense. Collaborate. Enact. Recalibrate. Get better every day.

Best Supply Chain Management

“GAINS is a supply chain management system that has provided us with a rapid path for supply chains across multiple locations, giving us an edge around the globe with a solutions platform and real-world knowledge experience.”


Associate Analyst
Industry: Miscellaneous

Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization

“The ease of making adjustments at a global, location, and SKUL level gives our planners the flexibility needed to manage inventory appropriately across all our stores. Finally, as a manager, I’m most excited about the reporting capabilities of the software. Being able to evaluate performance in an instant is a huge time saver.”

Director Of Supply Chain
Industry: Retailers

World-Class Planning and Replenishment

“GAINS Is An Innovative Partner With World Class Planning And Replenishment Capabilities The overall functionality of the demand planning and replenishment product is great, and the innovation is the best in the industry. We would not have been successful supporting our growth without GAINS as a partner.”

Vice President Procurement
Industry: Miscellaneous

Our Customers Pivot Faster and Optimize Continuously

Rapid Onboarding Driving Results

The manufacturer realized immediate savings by transitioning to a cloud-based infrastructure from an on-premise software solution.

A New Level of Efficiency

Next-day order fulfillment increased from 80% to 91-95% on a very consistent basis. 99% of orders are delivered within a week.

Resilient Supply Chain Fueling Growth

Lowered working capital requirements despite company growth over eight years, and a 66% reduction in inventory costs.