To match our communication guidelines, we provide information about our branding, naming convention, and corporate identity as we stated in each section below.

Logo and Naming

Download Official Logo: Download


Our naming is “SPACETH.CO” or “” or “Spaceth”. We use capitalization to the first letter only. The name is a single word, we do not separate any texts to create new words. We highly need to notice that we do not use “SpaceTH”, “Space-TH”, “Space-Thai”.

The typeface we use is “Avenir Next”. Our logo requires typographic accuracy. You must not modify any letter spacing, letter weight, or use another typeface to represent the logo. We recommend using our high-resolution image that can be downloaded above this section.

  • Black typeface logo need to be on white plain background only. Avoid placing black typeface logo on any image.
  • Avoid adding any modification, shadow, color adjustment to make logo visible on any light background. We recommend using white typeface when placing logo on an image, colored background.
  • Do not create gradients, inner-shadows, on the logo.


Using white typeface on plain black or plain dark background.


Using black typeface on plain white or light plain background.


Using only white logo when placing the logo on any images, gradients, texture.


Spaceth is an online media based in Bangkok, Thailand. We create content focusing on space, space exploration, and astronomy with the link between culture, philosophy, business, and scientifically thinking.

Our Chanels are

Website | Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Blockdit


Our team member and executives can be found here.


Spaceth sustains its finances through business-type activity. We do not receive any initial, annual funding from any government organizations, NGOs, or States or State Embassy.

All business assets, advertorials, and partnering content are labeled.