• Hi,

    My timezone is set to Sao Paulo.

    When I publish new entries the date are shown as 3 hours ago


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  • Hi!

    I think you might be able to fix it, by looking at this line (line 964 in mine, but I’ve made som changes, so might be different) in the liveblog.php file:

    ‘utc_offset’ => get_option(‘gmt_offset’) * 120, // in minutes

    I had to change the gmt_offset from 60 to 120 to get the correct time for entries in my CET timezone. No sure what the value would be for Sao Paulo timezone, but you should be able to figure it out, I guess.

    that worked for me thanks! do you know how to increase the number of entries displayed?

    I think you should look in the classes/class-wpcom-liveblog-lazyloader.php

    In line 103 of the code:

    public static function get_number_of_entries() {
    if ( ! isset( self::$number_of_entries ) ) {
    self::$number_of_entries = 5;

    Might work to change the “5” to 10, 15 or whatever number you want.

    Another option might be be to add a fliter to your functions.php file.

    oh it worked thank you so much! I was looking through the classes folder to see where that bit could be. btw did you manage to add the liveblog to pages? i found something add_post_type_support( ‘post’, self::key ); on liveblog.php and if i replace post with page it adds the liveblog to any page in the back end but not front end. thought to ask you if you found something about this. cheers!

    Sorry, don’t know how to do that. I think the developers of the plugin have been looking at how to make it compatible with pages, but as of now its not a priority, I think.

    Maybe something like this could work. A plugin that makes you put a post into a page? Have not tried, but maybe 🙂


    I think the issue with pages has been discussed here, but not sure if there is a working fix for it:


    Thank you for the suggestions. Post in page plugin didn’t work for that type of post…maybe they’ll add this to pages I am glad that at least they are considering this.

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