Educational platforms

We take a comprehensive approach to developing online education services ranging from preschool to vocational training. Thanks to GeekBrains, Skillbox, SkillFactory, Sphereum and online educational platforms, users of all ages can learn new skills online, building up their knowledge of school subjects or pursuing new qualifications.

  • Skillbox

    Skillbox is a platform bringing together hundreds of teachers and dozens of partners who help develop online courses and offer students assistance in finding employment.

  • GeekBrains

    Over 1,000 webinars to help students improve their professional skills.

  • Skillfactory

    An online education platform providing training in digital skills: data science, machine learning and more.

  • Sferum

    Over 2.5 million users throughout Russia.


    450 thousand teachers, 5.5 million parents and 10 million students from all over the country.

  • Tetrika

    The platform connects students with tutors for exam preparation.

  • Algoritmika

    Mathematics and programming school for children.

  • Umschool

    Helping students prepare for state exams on all school subjects.

  • For school students

    To help high school students navigate through various career trajectories in IT, we run IT Knowledge Day, Data Lesson, VK Lessons and other activities. 2020 saw 260 thousand students from 5.5 thousand schools participate in IT Knowledge Day.In the same year, over 2 million students took part in Data Lesson. while educational lectures for students as part of the VK Lessons garnered over 9 million views. Jointly with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Bauman Moscow State Technical University, we annually run Technocup , a global Olympiad in competitive programming, with winners given the possibility to enroll in the university without passing exams.

  • For students

    There are VK educational centers in 12 leading technical universities across the country. Alongside getting a degree, students can also master web development, data analysis, information security, and other profession.

    More than 10,000 students have taken part in our projects.

  • 70


  • 200

    practicing instructors

  • 3 500

    students every year

  • Digital Camp

    For students pursuing non-technical careers, VK has an educational project called Digital Camp. It trains digital marketers, below-the-line advertising specialists, usability specialists, and IT recruiters.

  • VK Lab

    There is an AI laboratory – VK Lab – opened at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. This is the venue where students and VK experts join forces to carry out research and create experimental AI products.

  • VK Ambassadors

    We have been expanding our volunteer educational program – the VK Ambassadors. For three years, the initiative has attracted over 200 students, postgraduate students and university employees from across Russia.


    For junior students, we offer a summer internship program – IT diving. The internship gives students an opportunity to dive in and explore the world of IT and have a sneak peek at how the VK ecosystem projects from social media and music to clouds and games work.

Those showing the best performance on any of our university programs will be invited to join VK in junior positions.

  • For professionals

    For seasoned professionals, VK offers a bottom up training path MADE composed of Big Data Academy and Product Management Academy . After going through the qualification stage, they can benefit from tuition-free programs taught by VK’s and industry experts.

  • Courses and championships

    For people willing to improve their skills or learn a new profession online, VK offers a wealth of opportunities. We teach over 20 courses on most popular topics on Stepik platform. Over 50,000 people watch and complete our courses annually. On top of that, VK runs online contests dedicated to machine learning, competitive programming and designing high-load projects on its All Cups platform.

    300,000 contest participants

    The All Cups platform is where IT specialists and experts come together to solve sophisticated problems of major championships and hackathons.

  • Educational content

    Our VK Team channel features over 1,100 hours of video lessons on Java, С/С++, databases, app and web development, Linux, UI, security, testing, product management and more. For those interested in educational technologies, we have a podcast called No Rocket Science. Follow us on VK and OK to learn about latest VK educational opportunities.

Services and technologies for educational institutions

  • Remote interaction and learning

    Students, parents and teachers have been actively using the OK and VK platforms for remote interaction and learning: video calls are helpful for learning and teaching, the streaming service provides an opportunity to watch lectures, widgets come in handy for quizzes while mini-apps are useful for solving problems.

  • Communication and remote working

    VK provides schools and universities with a range of services for communication and remote working such as email service, messenger, cloud storage, calendar, etc.

  • The cloud technology

    The VK Cloud Platform gives educational institutions an opportunity to tap into cloud storage solutions. The cloud technology ensures uninterrupted work of educational projects at any time.