Opinion: Potomac Watch

Opinion: Potomac Watch

From the award-winning opinion pages of The Wall Street Journal, Paul Gigot, Kim Strassel, Bill McGurn and Kyle Peterson discuss the latest from Washington. Get critical perspective and the analysis you need on developments from the nation’s capital. Join them every weekday. Send your feedback to [email protected]


3/1/2023 4:27:00 PM

Lori Lightfoot Loses / The D.C. Crime Bill

Chicago voters fire Mayor Lori Lightfoot, but their next leader will depend on an April runoff. Might Chicago become another example of a blue city that is fed up with crime and dysfunction? Plus, Congress considers whether to override bills by the D.C. Council that would lower criminal penalties in Washington and let noncitizens vote in local elections.

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2/28/2023 5:47:00 PM

Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness at the Supreme Court

The Justices take up Joe Biden's plan to wipe out billions of dollars in student debt, with sparring on the "major questions doctrine" and whether the opponents have legal standing to sue. Meantime, the Commerce Department puts a child care mandate on semiconductor companies that receive federal funding from the Chips Act. 

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2/27/2023 5:12:00 PM

The Election Stakes in Chicago and Wisconsin

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot could lose her bid for re-election as rising crime has voters looking closely at her challengers. Plus, the race for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court has implications for former Gov. Scott Walker's reforms and for national Republicans.   

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2/24/2023 5:50:00 PM

The Trump Grand Juror Who Won't Quit Talking

Foreperson Emily Kohrs gives several interviews revealing details from the Georgia grand jury that investigated 2020 election interference. How much does this taint the state's investigation of Donald Trump's conduct? Plus, the Federal Reserve's favorite price metric, the PCE, shows the inflation beast hasn't yet been slain.

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2/23/2023 3:51:00 PM

Mayor Pete and Donald Trump Go To East Palestine, Ohio

Pete Buttigieg finally visited the site of a major train derailment in rural Ohio, while Donald Trump arrived on the scene with promises of clean water for those he says were forgotten by the current administration. Did Joe Biden make a mistake by not going to the region himself? Plus, tech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy enters the 2024 race for President as Sen. Tim Scott gives a preview of his own possible ambitions in Iowa. 

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2/22/2023 5:03:00 PM

Google, ISIS and the Supreme Court

Under a law called Section 230, internet platforms aren't liable for what their users upload, but does that immunity also protect the algorithms that sort and display content? The High Court considers that question in a case alleging that YouTube's recommendation engine spread the messages of the terrorist group ISIS, though some Justices seem to think changing the status quo is a job for Congress, not the courts.

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2/21/2023 4:27:00 PM

Joe Biden's Surprise Visit to Ukraine

As the one-year anniversary of Russia's invasion nears, President Biden makes a surprise visit to Kyiv, with additional remarks in Poland. What's the importance of his appearance, and what's in the aid package he announced? Plus, Ron DeSantis says Ukraine shouldn't get a "blank check," as Vladimir Putin suspends the New Start nuclear arms treaty.

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2/20/2023 9:00:00 AM

How Public Unions Undermine Effective Government

Paul Gigot speaks with author Philip K. Howard about how public unions have created a lack of accountability and an "anti-merit" system in government, and how legal challenges are needed to restore democratic government that works. 

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2/17/2023 6:07:00 PM

Joe Biden Breaks His Silence on the Flying Objects

President Biden finally addresses the American people about the mysterious objects and the Chinese spy balloon shot down over North America over the past two weeks. But what did we learn? Plus, Joe Biden gets a physical that declares him "fit to serve," but once again raises the question about the age and cognitive fitness of future Presidential candidates. 

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2/16/2023 4:52:00 PM

Possible Perjury Indictments in the Trump Grand Jury Report

In a partial report released by the judge in the investigation into Donald Trump's attempt in Georgia to overturn the 2020 election, the grand jury recommended possible perjury indictments for some unidentified witnesses in the probe. Plus, the Congressional Budget Office's annual budget review shows how much government has grown under Joe Biden. 

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Editor, editorial page, The Wall Street Journal

Paul Gigot is the editorial page editor and vice president of The Wall Street Journal, a position he has held since 2001. He is responsible for the newspaper's editorials, op-ed articles and Leisure & Arts criticism and directs the editorial pages of the Journal's Asian and European editions and the OpinionJournal.com Web site. He is also the host of the weekly half-hour news program, the Journal Editorial Report, on the Fox News Channel.

Mr. Gigot joined the Journal in 1980 as a reporter in Chicago, and in 1982 he became the Journal's Asia correspondent, based in Hong Kong. He won an Overseas Press Club award for his reporting on the Philippines. In 1984, he was named the first editorial page editor of The Asian Wall Street Journal, based in Hong Kong. In 1987, he was assigned to Washington, where he contributed editorials and a weekly column on politics, "Potomac Watch," which won the 2000 Pulitzer Prize for commentary.

Mr. Gigot is a summa cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College, where he was chairman of the daily student newspaper.


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