Frequently Asked Questions | Newzoo


Custom Gamer Research

  • Is custom research the right fit for me?

    Custom (bespoke) research is intended for clients who are looking to dive deeper into a specific topic, target audience, or market that is not currently addressed in our syndicated research offerings. While a few common custom solutions we provide include Brand Health Tracking, Concept Testing, Brand Partnership Testing, and Audience Profiling or Segmentation, the possibilities and solutions are nearly limitless. As the name suggests, the solution we provide will be customized to your specific goals and objectives.

    Learn more.

  • How does custom research work?

    Custom research projects are set up in close collaboration with the client to ensure alignment throughout the project process. Newzoo manages every aspect of the research, from start to finish, with key client touchpoints throughout.

    In general, custom research projects involve the following steps:

    • Scoping of the research: identifying the right solution, methodology, target audience, and key topics.
    • Drafting the survey: survey drafting and iterations based on client feedback.
    • Localization: translating and localization for country-specific questions (e.g., currencies, education levels, (social) media, and more).
    • Programming and survey design: includes routing and survey layout.
    • Data collection: collecting a representative sample of respondents based on the client’s target audience.
    • Data processing: data labelling, cleaning, and validation.
    • Data access: setting up Newzoo’s Consumer Insights Dashboard.
    • Reporting:  the reporting method is set up based on the client’s preference (e.g., a comprehensive insights deck, infographic, or corporate presentation) and has multiple iterations based on client feedback.
  • What does custom research cost?

    The final price is dependent on several factors, including the target audience (e.g., how niche the audience is), the number of desired respondents, geographical focus (number of countries), and desired deliverables. These projects normally have a duration of 4 to 10 weeks. We would be happy to provide an estimate based on your specific goals. Get in touch here.


  • How can I add myself to your press list?

    Please send an email to [email protected]. We will add you to the list and ensure that you get our most important updates. To receive all Newzoo’s latest material, we recommend you sign up for our newsletter.

  • How can I arrange an interview or acquire additional data points for a story?

    Please send an email to [email protected]. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible.

  • I have a different question

    Always feel free to send your question over to [email protected].

Quoting Newzoo’s Insights

  • Can I reprint Newzoo’s data or graphs in a publication?

    Yes, you are allowed reprint any of the insights you find on our website as long as you quote Newzoo correctly as the source.

  • Does Newzoo have a special subscription for agencies?

    Newzoo has a special partnership program for a select number of creative media agencies. We find it very important to work with agencies that have the right fit with our brand. This type of cooperation involves a fee to justify direct data access.

  • Can I use Newzoo’s data or graphs in presentations, pitches, etc.?

    We encourage you to use the insights you find on our website. Just make sure that Newzoo is quoted correctly as the source, mentioning our name and preferably including a link to our website.


  • Can I use Newzoo’s free insights in my thesis or reporting?

    Yes, you can use any of the data on our website from the insights section as long as you quote Newzoo correctly as the source.

  • Can I purchase Newzoo’s data as a student or get a discounted rate?

    We can only provide data access or reports to registered companies. We advise you to have a look at the free insights we publish frequently on our website:

  • Where can I learn more about Newzoo’s job openings and internship positions?

    All current openings can be accessed on our company careers page. At Newzoo, we carve our own path, we are eager to explore and to level up. We keep our eyes on the prize and we always play co-op mode.