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(Greetings from The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences!)

A044407 as a simple table

n a(n)
1 75
2 175
3 275
4 375
5 475
6 575
7 675
8 750
9 775
10 875
11 975
12 1075
13 1175
14 1275
15 1375
16 1475
17 1575
18 1675
19 1750
20 1775
21 1875
22 1975
23 2075
24 2175
25 2275
26 2375
27 2475
28 2575
29 2675
30 2750
31 2775
32 2875
33 2975
34 3075
35 3175
36 3275
37 3375
38 3475
39 3575


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Last modified June 2 00:00 EDT 2023. Contains 363078 sequences. (Running on oeis4.)