OSM planet dump high performance data loader. Transform OpenStreetMap World/Region PBF dump into partitioned by H3 regions PostGIS pgsnapshot (lossless) OSM schema representation and/or into ArrowIPC/Parquet dumps with schema. "columnar_storage" option activate Citus columnar storage in PostgreSQL to speedup aggregation queries.
More details is coming on PGConf.Russia 2023 and my blog posts...
~/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3$ mvn install
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------< com.github.igor-suhorukov:osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng >--------
[INFO] Building osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Copying 12 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:compile (default-compile) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding UTF-8, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] Compiling 24 source files to /home/acc/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3/target/classes
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (UTF-8 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/acc/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3/src/test/resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[INFO] No sources to compile
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.12.4:test (default-test) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[INFO] No tests to run.
[INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:2.4:jar (default-jar) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[INFO] Building jar: /home/acc/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3/target/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] --- spring-boot-maven-plugin:2.7.3:repackage (default) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[INFO] Layout: ZIP
[INFO] Replacing main artifact with repackaged archive
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install (default-install) @ osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng ---
[INFO] Installing /home/acc/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3/target/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/acc/.m2/repository/com/github/igor-suhorukov/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng/1.0-SNAPSHOT/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing /home/acc/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3/pom.xml to /home/acc/.m2/repository/com/github/igor-suhorukov/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng/1.0-SNAPSHOT/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng-1.0-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 29.592 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2023-01-29T11:47:33+03:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Usage details:
~/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3$ java -jar target/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The following option is required: [-source_pbf]
Usage: <main class> [options]
* -source_pbf
Source path for OpenStreetMap data in PBF format
Collect only statistics from data - partition distribution
Default: false
Use columnar storage in PostgreSql tables for nodes/ways/multipolygon
Default: false
Filling ratio from maximum size of partition. This parameter change
PostgreSQL partitions count
Default: 0.48
Information about command line parameters
Script count for PostgreSQL parallel COPY
Default: 4
Save data transforming and enrichment in Apache Arrow format
Default: false
Save result data in TabSeparatedValue format for PostgreSQL COPY
Default: true
Approximate scale calculation. Value 'false' - distance in meter
Default: false
Skip any ways with 'building' tag
Default: false
Worker threads count for data processing
Default: 4
~/dev/projects/oss_contrib/openstreetmap_h3$ java -jar target/osm-to-pgsnapshot-schema-ng-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -source_pbf /home/acc/dev/map/thailand/thailand-latest.osm.pbf
[ 0:00] Started osmium add-locations-to-ways
[ 0:00] osmium version 1.14.0
[ 0:00] libosmium version 2.18.0
[ 0:00] Command line options and default settings:
[ 0:00] input options:
[ 0:00] file names:
[ 0:00] thailand-latest.osm.pbf
[ 0:00] file format:
[ 0:00] output options:
[ 0:00] file name: thailand-latest_loc_ways.pbf
[ 0:00] file format: pbf,pbf_compression=none
[ 0:00] generator: osmium/1.14.0
[ 0:00] overwrite: no
[ 0:00] fsync: no
[ 0:00] other options:
[ 0:00] index type (for positive ids): sparse_mem_array
[ 0:00] index type (for negative ids): flex_mem
[ 0:00] keep untagged nodes: no
[ 0:00] keep nodes that are relation members: yes
[ 0:00]
[ 0:00] Getting all nodes referenced from relations...
[ 0:01] Found 7508 nodes referenced from relations.
[ 0:01] Copying input file 'thailand-latest.osm.pbf'...
[ 0:13] About 540 MBytes used for node location index (in main memory or on disk).
[ 0:13] Peak memory used: 2152 MBytes
[ 0:13] Done.
566 time 89572
diff between total and processing 45908
total thread time 358078
total processing time 312170
total save time 9689
total waiting for save time 23255
thread max time 2482
processing max time 2065
nodes 382390
ways 4117237
relations 18317
relation members 191294
multipolygon count 6995
0 [-32768,25648) 67392403 58416
1 [25648,25728) 46338970 80
2 [25728,25744) 87393905 16
3 [25744,25760) 41088683 16
4 [25760,25768) 204997591 8
5 [25768,25880) 78535020 112
6 [25880,25992) 41090100 112
7 [25992,26000) 84484353 8
8 [26000,26008) 17026978 8
9 [26008,26016) 135197249 8
10 [26016,32695) 223367 6679
11 0 73.06987445454546
[ 0:00] Started osmium export
[ 0:00] osmium version 1.14.0
[ 0:00] libosmium version 2.18.0
[ 0:00] Command line options and default settings:
[ 0:00] input options:
[ 0:00] file name: thailand-latest.osm.pbf
[ 0:00] file format:
[ 0:00] output options:
[ 0:00] file name: thailand-latest_loc_ways/multipolygon/source.tsv
[ 0:00] file format: pg
[ 0:00] overwrite: no
[ 0:00] fsync: yes
[ 0:00] attributes:
[ 0:00] type: @type
[ 0:00] id: @id
[ 0:00] version: (omitted)
[ 0:00] changeset: (omitted)
[ 0:00] timestamp: (omitted)
[ 0:00] uid: (omitted)
[ 0:00] user: (omitted)
[ 0:00] way_nodes: (omitted)
[ 0:00] output format options:
[ 0:00] tags_type = hstore
[ 0:00] linear tags: none
[ 0:00] area tags: one of the following:
[ 0:00] @type=relation
[ 0:00] other options:
[ 0:00] index type: sparse_mem_array
[ 0:00] add unique IDs: no
[ 0:00] keep untagged features: no
[ 0:00]
[ 0:00] Create table with something like this:
[ 0:00] CREATE TABLE osmdata (
[ 0:00] geom GEOMETRY, -- or GEOGRAPHY
[ 0:00] osm_type TEXT,
[ 0:00] osm_id BIGINT,
[ 0:00] tags hstore
[ 0:00] );
[ 0:00] Then load data with something like this:
[ 0:00] \copy osmdata FROM 'thailand-latest_loc_ways/multipolygon/source.tsv'
[ 0:00]
[ 0:00] First pass (of two) through input file (reading relations)...
[ 0:01] First pass done.
[ 0:01] Second pass (of two) through input file...
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
Geometry error: Could not build area geometry
[ 0:20] About 540 MBytes used for node location index (in main memory or on disk).
[ 0:20] Second pass done.
[ 0:20] Wrote 156178 features.
[ 0:20] Encountered 9 errors.
[ 0:20] Peak memory used: 2134 MBytes
[ 0:20] Done.
cat /home/acc/dev/map/thailand/thailand-latest_loc_ways/multipolygon/source.tsv | grep $'\trelation\t' | split -l 1749 - /home/acc/dev/map/thailand/thailand-latest_loc_ways/multipolygon/multipolygon_
~/dev/map/thailand/thailand-latest_loc_ways$ tree
├── import_related_metadata
│ ├── osm_file_block_content.tsv
│ ├── osm_file_block.tsv
│ └── osm_file_statistics.tsv
├── multipolygon
│ ├── multipolygon_aa
│ ├── multipolygon_ab
│ ├── multipolygon_ac
│ ├── multipolygon_ad
│ └── multipolygon_ae
├── nodes
│ ├── 16713.tsv
│ ├── 16717.tsv
│ ├── 16744.tsv
│ ├── 16745.tsv
│ ├── 16747.tsv
│ ├── 16748.tsv
│ ├── 16749.tsv
│ ├── 25600.tsv
│ ├── 25601.tsv
│ ├── 25606.tsv
│ ├── 25620.tsv
│ ├── 25622.tsv
│ ├── 25632.tsv
│ ├── 25634.tsv
│ ├── 25636.tsv
│ ├── 25638.tsv
│ ├── 25648.tsv
│ ├── 25649.tsv
│ ├── 25650.tsv
│ ├── 25651.tsv
│ ├── 25652.tsv
│ ├── 25653.tsv
│ ├── 25654.tsv
│ ├── 25728.tsv
│ ├── 25729.tsv
│ ├── 25730.tsv
│ ├── 25731.tsv
│ ├── 25732.tsv
│ ├── 25733.tsv
│ ├── 25734.tsv
│ ├── 25744.tsv
│ ├── 25745.tsv
│ ├── 25748.tsv
│ ├── 25749.tsv
│ ├── 25756.tsv
│ ├── 25760.tsv
│ ├── 25761.tsv
│ ├── 25762.tsv
│ ├── 25763.tsv
│ ├── 25764.tsv
│ ├── 25765.tsv
│ ├── 25766.tsv
│ ├── 25774.tsv
│ ├── 25776.tsv
│ ├── 25777.tsv
│ ├── 25778.tsv
│ ├── 25779.tsv
│ ├── 25780.tsv
│ ├── 25781.tsv
│ ├── 25782.tsv
│ ├── 25873.tsv
│ ├── 25880.tsv
│ ├── 25881.tsv
│ ├── 25882.tsv
│ ├── 25883.tsv
│ ├── 25884.tsv
│ ├── 25885.tsv
│ ├── 25886.tsv
│ ├── 25985.tsv
│ ├── 25989.tsv
│ ├── 25992.tsv
│ ├── 25993.tsv
│ ├── 25994.tsv
│ ├── 25995.tsv
│ ├── 25996.tsv
│ ├── 25998.tsv
│ ├── 26000.tsv
│ ├── 26001.tsv
│ ├── 26003.tsv
│ ├── 26008.tsv
│ ├── 26009.tsv
│ ├── 26010.tsv
│ ├── 26011.tsv
│ ├── 26012.tsv
│ ├── 26013.tsv
│ ├── 26014.tsv
│ ├── 26019.tsv
│ ├── 26026.tsv
│ ├── 26029.tsv
│ └── 26030.tsv
├── relations
│ ├── 00000.tsv
│ └── 00001.tsv
├── sql
│ ├── nodes_import_000.sql
│ ├── nodes_import_001.sql
│ ├── nodes_import_002.sql
│ ├── nodes_import_003.sql
│ ├── ways_import_000.sql
│ ├── ways_import_001.sql
│ ├── ways_import_002.sql
│ ├── ways_import_003.sql
│ ├── y_multipoly_aa.sql
│ ├── y_multipoly_ab.sql
│ ├── y_multipoly_ac.sql
│ ├── y_multipoly_ad.sql
│ └── y_multipoly_ae.sql
├── static
│ ├── database_after_init.sql
│ ├── database_init.sql
│ ├── h3_poly.tsv.gz
│ ├── multipolygon.sql
│ ├── multipolygon_tables.sql
│ └── osmium_export.json
└── ways
├── 16717.tsv
├── 16744.tsv
├── 16745.tsv
├── 16747.tsv
├── 16748.tsv
├── 16749.tsv
├── 25620.tsv
├── 25622.tsv
├── 25634.tsv
├── 25638.tsv
├── 25648.tsv
├── 25649.tsv
├── 25650.tsv
├── 25651.tsv
├── 25652.tsv
├── 25653.tsv
├── 25654.tsv
├── 25728.tsv
├── 25729.tsv
├── 25730.tsv
├── 25731.tsv
├── 25732.tsv
├── 25733.tsv
├── 25734.tsv
├── 25744.tsv
├── 25745.tsv
├── 25748.tsv
├── 25749.tsv
├── 25756.tsv
├── 25760.tsv
├── 25761.tsv
├── 25762.tsv
├── 25763.tsv
├── 25764.tsv
├── 25765.tsv
├── 25766.tsv
├── 25774.tsv
├── 25776.tsv
├── 25777.tsv
├── 25778.tsv
├── 25779.tsv
├── 25780.tsv
├── 25781.tsv
├── 25782.tsv
├── 25873.tsv
├── 25880.tsv
├── 25881.tsv
├── 25882.tsv
├── 25883.tsv
├── 25884.tsv
├── 25886.tsv
├── 25984.tsv
├── 25985.tsv
├── 25989.tsv
├── 25992.tsv
├── 25993.tsv
├── 25994.tsv
├── 25995.tsv
├── 25996.tsv
├── 25998.tsv
├── 26000.tsv
├── 26001.tsv
├── 26003.tsv
├── 26008.tsv
├── 26009.tsv
├── 26010.tsv
├── 26011.tsv
├── 26012.tsv
├── 26013.tsv
├── 26014.tsv
├── 26017.tsv
├── 26019.tsv
├── 26026.tsv
├── 26030.tsv
└── 32767.tsv
7 directories, 184 files
Run PostGIS and import data:
docker run --name postgis14-thailand --memory=12g --memory-swap=12g --memory-swappiness 0 --shm-size=1g -v /home/acc/dev/map/database/thailand:/var/lib/postgresql/data -v /home/acc/dev/map/thailand/thailand-latest_loc_ways:/input -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=osmworld -e LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64/lib/server/ -d -p 5432:5432 -p 5005:5005 5d411c3be57f -c checkpoint_timeout='15 min' -c checkpoint_completion_target=0.9 -c shared_buffers='4096 MB' -c wal_buffers=-1 -c bgwriter_delay=200ms -c bgwriter_lru_maxpages=100 -c bgwriter_lru_multiplier=2.0 -c bgwriter_flush_after=0 -c max_wal_size='32768 MB' -c min_wal_size='16384 MB'
docker logs postgis14-thailand | tail -n 40
initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
--auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
2023-01-29 10:22:09.841 UTC [1] LOG: starting PostgreSQL 14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 10.2.1-6) 10.2.1 20210110, 64-bit
2023-01-29 10:22:09.841 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2023-01-29 10:22:09.841 UTC [1] LOG: listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2023-01-29 10:22:09.847 UTC [1] LOG: listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2023-01-29 10:22:09.855 UTC [163] LOG: database system was shut down at 2023-01-29 10:22:08 UTC
2023-01-29 10:22:09.863 UTC [1] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
Time: 16.011 ms
Time: 49.590 ms
Time: 1.509 ms
Time: 1.110 ms
Time: 1.167 ms
Time: 1.284 ms
COPY 566
Time: 2.092 ms
Time: 1.880 ms
Time: 1.210 ms
COPY 17482
Time: 19.023 ms
Time: 27.044 ms
Time: 8.333 ms
Time: 1.533 ms
Time: 9.650 ms
Time: 1.213 ms
2023-01-29 10:22:07.219 UTC [49] LOG: received fast shutdown request
waiting for server to shut down....2023-01-29 10:22:07.222 UTC [49] LOG: aborting any active transactions
2023-01-29 10:22:07.223 UTC [49] LOG: background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 56) exited with exit code 1
2023-01-29 10:22:07.392 UTC [51] LOG: shutting down
..2023-01-29 10:22:09.631 UTC [49] LOG: database system is shut down
server stopped
PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
docker exec -it postgis14-thailand psql -U postgres -d osmworld
psql (14.1 (Debian 14.1-1.pgdg110+1))
Type "help" for help.
osmworld=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | geography_columns | view | postgres
public | geometry_columns | view | postgres
public | h3_3_bounds_complex | table | postgres
public | multipolygon | partitioned table | postgres
public | multipolygon_000 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_001 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_002 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_003 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_004 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_005 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_006 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_007 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_008 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_009 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_010 | table | postgres
public | multipolygon_32767 | table | postgres
public | nodes | partitioned table | postgres
public | nodes_000 | table | postgres
public | nodes_001 | table | postgres
public | nodes_002 | table | postgres
public | nodes_003 | table | postgres
public | nodes_004 | table | postgres
public | nodes_005 | table | postgres
public | nodes_006 | table | postgres
public | nodes_007 | table | postgres
public | nodes_008 | table | postgres
public | nodes_009 | table | postgres
public | nodes_010 | table | postgres
public | osm_file_block | table | postgres
public | osm_file_block_content | table | postgres
public | osm_file_statistics | table | postgres
public | osm_stat_nodes_3_3 | table | postgres
public | osm_stat_ways_3_3 | table | postgres
public | relation_members | table | postgres
public | relations | table | postgres
public | spatial_ref_sys | table | postgres
public | ways | partitioned table | postgres
public | ways_000 | table | postgres
public | ways_001 | table | postgres
public | ways_002 | table | postgres
public | ways_003 | table | postgres
public | ways_004 | table | postgres
public | ways_005 | table | postgres
public | ways_006 | table | postgres
public | ways_007 | table | postgres
public | ways_008 | table | postgres
public | ways_009 | table | postgres
public | ways_010 | table | postgres
public | ways_32767 | table | postgres
(49 rows)
osmworld=# explain select h3_3, count(*) from ways group by 1;
Gather (cost=34456.99..97465.64 rows=76 width=10)
Workers Planned: 4
-> Parallel Append (cost=33456.99..96458.04 rows=19 width=10)
-> HashAggregate (cost=96457.88..96457.95 rows=7 width=10)
Group Key: ways_4.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_004 ways_4 (cost=0.00..90269.92 rows=1237592 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=60359.46..60359.53 rows=7 width=10)
Group Key: ways_9.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_009 ways_9 (cost=0.00..56666.64 rows=738564 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=39018.48..39018.54 rows=6 width=10)
Group Key: ways_7.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_007 ways_7 (cost=0.00..36567.32 rows=490232 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=33456.99..33457.06 rows=7 width=10)
Group Key: ways_2.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_002 ways_2 (cost=0.00..31580.66 rows=375266 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=30029.44..30029.53 rows=9 width=10)
Group Key: ways_5.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_005 ways_5 (cost=0.00..28346.96 rows=336496 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=26775.62..26775.72 rows=10 width=10)
Group Key: ways.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_000 ways (cost=0.00..25251.75 rows=304775 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=19023.96..19024.03 rows=7 width=10)
Group Key: ways_1.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_001 ways_1 (cost=0.00..17901.97 rows=224397 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=15682.35..15682.43 rows=8 width=10)
Group Key: ways_6.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_006 ways_6 (cost=0.00..14803.23 rows=175823 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=13881.85..13881.90 rows=5 width=10)
Group Key: ways_3.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_003 ways_3 (cost=0.00..13173.90 rows=141590 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=6970.89..6970.92 rows=3 width=10)
Group Key: ways_8.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_008 ways_8 (cost=0.00..6567.26 rows=80726 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=2385.09..2385.10 rows=1 width=10)
Group Key: ways_11.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_32767 ways_11 (cost=0.00..2327.06 rows=11606 width=2)
-> HashAggregate (cost=37.55..37.59 rows=4 width=10)
Group Key: ways_10.h3_3
-> Seq Scan on ways_010 ways_10 (cost=0.00..36.70 rows=170 width=2)
(39 rows)
osmworld=# select h3_3, count(*) from ways group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 20;
h3_3 | count
25764 | 890643
26010 | 329973
25994 | 203645
25730 | 188810
25995 | 139373
26011 | 136930
25780 | 118165
25765 | 105996
26009 | 100196
25762 | 91177
26014 | 75555
26003 | 71479
26008 | 70353
25883 | 60808
25634 | 59705
25777 | 58151
16749 | 57887
25782 | 57509
25638 | 57296
25880 | 56838
(20 rows)