Our Community

Our organization runs on the passion of our dedicated community of volunteers. People who are devoted to learning and contributing their quota to bridging the skills, technology, and information gap in Africa. It is this dedication that culminates in our drive to contribute to the Open Movement.

Our Programs

As a non-profit, we desire to impact lives in diverse ways. We’re looking for opportunities to contribute to the African Development story. A story that resonates with the quality, impact, and importance of our programs.

GLAM & Content Creation


Open Education


Partner With Us

Our plethora of mutually beneficial partnerships are vital to the running of our activities. At the heart of our organization is the desire to impact and influence without seeking to make profit. Become a part of our impactful journey and leave your own unique mark on the African continent and its West African sub region.

Event Discovery

Join the Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program Launch Event

March 9, 2023

The Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program is set to launch on the 16th of March 2023, and it promises to be a game-changer in the education sector in Africa. The program aims to bring educational information to the fingertips of students in Africa who do not have access to the internet. For many students in Africa, access to educational resources is a luxury that they cannot afford. With limited access to the internet, these students often struggle to get the educational materials they need to excel in their studies. The Kiwix4Schools Africa Mentorship Program seeks to bridge this gap by providing students with access to educational materials offline. For the past two years, this project has been implemented in Ghana where we shared our learnings and we are optimistic about impacting many more communities across Africa.

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Safer Internet Day 2023 workshop at Labone Senior High School

March 9, 2023

In commemoration of the Safer Internet Day 2023 , the Internet Society Ghana Chapter collaborated with us to host a workshop at the Labone Senior High School. With this year's theme being "together for a better internet" students were trained on how to use the internet in a manner that will be safer and better for them.

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Train the Trainers Workshop 2023

January 31, 2023

For us at OFWA we kickstarted the year with our first in-person program by hosting the annual Train the Trainer workshop (TOT). In our pursuit to extend our reach beyond just the capital of Ghana, we work hand in hand with community volunteers by creating wiki hubs in their respective regions and empowering them to facilitate open activities there.

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