
Woman accused of murder in Russia lived lavishly on the lam

A fur-loving Russian temptress befriended an older woman in their homeland, killed her for cash — then fled to Brooklyn and hid in plain sight near her victim’s daughter for more than two years, sources told The Post.

Viktoria Nasyrova was finally nailed Monday with the help of a retired NYPD detective — who used the suspect’s own Facebook postings to track her down.

Alla Alekseenko

Nasyrova, 41, who had been on the lam since the October 2014 slaying, was nabbed by the NYPD’s Warrant Squad in Sheepshead Bay.

“This is some kind of miracle for me. Three years of my life, and finally, this person gets arrested,” Nadezda Ford, the daughter of 54-year-old victim Alla Alekseenko, told The Post. “I was starting to think this day would never come.”

Russian authorities charged Nasyrova with Alekseenko’s murder in November 2014 — and issued an Interpol Red Notice to international authorities when they discovered she’d fled the country shortly after.

The raven-haired suspect had been caught on a traffic camera driving a rental car with Alekseenko’s limp body in the front seat the same day as the murder — and failed a lie-detector test when brought in for questioning, court documents allege.

Nasyrova is suspected of killing Alekseenko over the $52,000 she made from selling her late mother’s house in Krasnodar.

“I just pray to God now that she’s not going to be released,” Ford said. “That’s the scariest thing for me. I’m physically shivering from that one thought. … I’m no longer going to feel this guilt that I’m not doing enough to actually put this person in prison.”

Nasyrova is also suspected of killing the owners of a one-bedroom apartment in Russia that she recently sold.

While she could have gone anywhere in the world to avoid being arrested, she wound up choosing Brooklyn — which is exactly where Ford was living at the time of her mother’s death. The worried daughter said that when she learned Nasyrova had slipped into the city, she moved to Queens, fearing Nasyrova could come after her.

“I was afraid. I’m still afraid,” Ford told The Post before the arrest.

“It’s unbearable to know you’re living next to the person who took everything from you,” she said. “God forbid anyone live in this agony, knowing and understanding the woman who killed your mom is walking around, enjoying life in the same city as you.”

In an affidavit filed in US Immigration Court, Ford described how Nasyrova had been her mother’s neighbor and supposed friend before her death.

Unemployed and in desperate need of cash, she allegedly hatched the murder plot after learning how Alekseenko made the money selling her mom’s house.

From that day forth, the buxom beauty did whatever she could to make sure her plan succeeded — helping Alekseenko look for new apartments and even sending messages to her phone from an unknown number, in an attempt to frame her live-in boyfriend, Evgeniy Shabalin.

Nadezda Ford (left) poses with her mother, Alla Alekseenko.Handout

“On Sept. 24, 2014 my mom received a text message…which stated that she was in danger and that [Shabalin] was a scam artist [who] wanted to take her money and apartment,” Ford wrote in the affidavit.

“That [phone] number was later investigated,” she said. “On the day of the anonymous text message it tracks exactly to the geographical locations where Nasyrova went. It was proved by detectives she used it. Her motive was to kick Shabalin out of apartment.”

Nasyrova allegedly spent months trying to alienate Alekseenko — and eventually got her to break up with Shabalin.

“Nasyrova talked badly about all Mom’s friends in the course of several previous months and manipulated her into distancing from everybody but her,” Ford said.

On Oct. 5, her mother’s alleged killer finally struck.

“That Sunday, I couldn’t get in touch with her,” Ford said. “I called her millions of times, but her phone was off. I couldn’t believe why. For the past eight years, she always answered. We always spoke. She always kept her phone charged.”

Alekseenko was supposed to go to a local monastery with a friend that day, but was nowhere to be found. When her daughter phoned Nasyrova, the woman claimed the last time she saw her mom was the night before.

Phone records later showed that she had been the last person to speak to Alekseenko before she was killed, and that their conversation took place on Oct. 4.

The woman’s badly burned remains wouldn’t be discovered until over a month later, in a village next to Nasyrova’s hometown. Ford said she had to identify her using dental records.

“All that was left basically was a skull and bones,” she said. “No legs, no left hand … I couldn’t believe it.”

Ford added that after her mother’s death, “when I went to Russia, they gave me two small boxes and said, ‘It’s your Mommy.’”

“I had a funeral for her on December 2, 2015, and went back to New York in January 2016, looking for any chance to put [Nasyrova] behind the bars,” she said.

While it is unclear how Alekseenko was killed, Nasyrova was allegedly caught on traffic cams driving with her on Oct. 5. Stills from the video, which were obtained by The Post, show the woman’s lifeless body in the front seat of a rental car that the brunette is driving.

“Nasyrova was shown these images and kept repeating she was in the car alone when questioned,” Ford said in the affidavit, adding that she later failed a lie detector test.

“She was lying when answering negatively if she knew where Alla was and if she knew what happened to her, and took any part in Alla’s disappearance,” Ford explained. “When detectives got lie detector results, they called her in for more questioning, but she left the country by then.”

“Nasyrova was shown these images and kept repeating she was in the car alone when questioned,” the documents say, adding that she later failed a lie detector test.

Interpol’s notice on Nasyrova

“She was lying when answering negatively if she knew where Alla was and if she knew what happened to her, and took any part in Alla’s disappearance,” Ford explained. “When detectives got lie detector results, they called her in for more questioning, but she left the country by then.”

As investigators across the globe attempted to track down Nasyrova, the Russian investigation wound up getting stalled — thanks to a dirty cop who was sleeping with her at the time and holding back investigation efforts, Ford said.

The local officer “admitted having sex with Nasyrova the night after he searched my mom’s apartment” — saying, “I had sex with her, but only after she murdered Alla,” according to the court documents.

He was suspended from the police department later that year, the documents say.

Days after Alekseenko went missing, her son a began receiving creepy messages from someone impersonating his mom.


Ford also received messages from the same unknown number, saying: “Sweetie, don’t worry about me, I’ll notify you about where I am soon enough.”

Upon searching Alekseenko’s home, her children discovered that more than $17,000 in cash and jewelry had been taken from the residence — along with documents pertaining to properties she owned, some IDs and bank details.

Ford said Nasyrova is believed to have fled to a pal’s pad after her mother’s murder with the loot in tow — and a couple bottles of booze, including her mom’s favorite, Hennessy.

“She collects the bottles, and the last time I was at her house, I noticed she had some Hennessy,” Ford said. “Well, that girl she stayed with said she had several bottles of alcohol with her, and one of them was Hennessy. Right when I heard that, my stomach dropped. I got so afraid.”

‘All that was left basically was a skull and bones … No legs, no left hand … I couldn’t believe it.’

 - Nadezda Ford

Alekseenko’s murder case eventually was transferred to the investigation department at the central district of Krasnodar, which apparently gathered enough evidence to charge Nasyrova.

“I mean seriously, you killed my mother over money? Seriously?!” Ford fumed. “My mother never harmed anyone all her life! She worked in fashion, making clothes for older people who can’t afford them. You kidnapped this woman, who raised two children and worked all her life, because you wanted her money?! I hope you are punished for what you’ve done.”

Before Russian authorities could arrest Nasyrova, she fled the country using fake passports, eventually making her way to the Big Apple, the papers say.

“She’s lived in Brooklyn since November 2014,” Ford said.

Instead of lying low, though, the Russian chose to flaunt her freedom on Facebook — shamelessly posting pictures of herself in fur coats and the Manhattan skyline.

“I would love to know if there is any news about Nasyrova,” Ford wrote in an email to ICE agent Jill Goeckner, after spotting the images on social media.

“It’s been almost a year since I first contacted you in regard of my case,” she said. “Please help. Or let me know if I can do anything. It’s just very hard and stressful to live in your own city and be afraid to go places. You know she is a psychopath and I’m afraid for my life. Why I have to feel … like I’m in a cage, when she is illegally living here and enjoying her life after killing my Mom.”

Nasyrova was arrested in May 2016 for stealing two furs from a Century 21 totaling $531.77 — but cops hadn’t connected her to the murder abroad, according to sources.

Her good times on the lam finally came to an end thanks to the help of a private eye, retired NYPD Detective Herman Weisberg, who was hired by relatives and friends of Alekseenko.

“When I heard Ms. Ford’s tragic story and how the investigation had gone cold, I became both frustrated and challenged by the amount of time that had passed,” he told The Post. “The way Nasyrova was flaunting her freedom and quality of life here in New York on social media motivated me. I am glad my team and I were able to assist law enforcement and bring this travesty of justice to a conclusion.”

Nasyrova, who’s been hiding in Brooklyn, apparently went on a lavish spending spree after the alleged murder of 54-year-old Alla Alekseenko.

According to the court documents and authorities, Nasyrova has a record of committing fraud at least twice and has been arrested for shoplifting. In one incident, she allegedly attempted to use her boyfriend’s death certificate to claim his inheritance in Moscow. In doing so, she forged numerous degrees and used fake diplomas, Ford said.

The NYPD is holding Nasyrova on three grand-larceny charges for seducing men through online dating sites, then drugging and robbing them blind, law-enforcement sources said.

While Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issued a detainer for her on Monday night, a spokesperson it would not be able to take her into custody until she faces charges and subsequent sentencing in New York The State Department, aware of the murder rap against her, has been alerted to her arrest.

Describing Nasyrova, Ford said she was someone who always took advantage of people to get what she wanted.

“She tries to be as nice as she can,” Ford said. “She acts like a sweetheart. If she knows anything about you, she will use it to become your friend and manipulate you. She uses everyone, every single person in her life.”

Nasyrova even managed to convince Ford to give her a personal tour of the Big Apple in September 2013.

“My mom called and said that Nasyrova is coming to New York and asked if I had time to show her the city,” Ford recalled, saying she seemed “very friendly.”

“It felt like I knew her for long time,” she said. “I showed her around the city … She was acting like a rich woman. Asking how to obtain green card, etc.”

Each time the pair did something together, Ford said Nasyrova made sure to snap photos and send them back to Alekseenko — in an attempt to maintain the illusion that they were close.

“She made sure that my mom would get all the pictures, to show we are friends,” Ford explained.

According to her, Nasyrova has a son who lives with her parents.

“She barely was visiting him,” Ford said. “I don’t know what kind of mother can kill a mother. Absolute psychopath!”

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Viktoria Nasyrova is taken into custody early Monday.
Gregory P. Mango
Gregory P. Mango
Gregory P. Mango
Gregory P. Mango

Ford found out that Nasyrova was in Brooklyn after the people she was staying with filed a police report against her — claiming she admitted to killing Alekseenko during a heavy night of drinking.

“She told them she killed a person in Russia,” Ford said. “It seemed like a joke to them at first, but she insisted it was true. They then googled her and found out she was wanted and notified police. But they weren’t able to find her.”

One of the former roommates claimed to have caught a glimpse of Nasyrova just a few weeks ago.

“She saw her riding the Q train,” Ford said. “I was like, ‘Are you serious?!’ I couldn’t use the train, because I was afraid of her. I know what she is capable of. I know what she did to my mom. She could have come and put a bullet in my head. Who knows. Or maybe she was looking for another person to take advantage of. Another victim.”

Photos taken by Weisberg and his team showed Nasyrova buying a 50-inch flat-screen TV with her boyfriend, whom she was living with in Sheepshead Bay before her arrest Monday.

“It makes me sick,” Ford said. “I want her to be punished for what she’s done. For me, her death is not going to be enough. What she did to me and my mom, if she dies, it will be too easy. She has to understand what she did. She has to be behind bars, thinking about how people feel. She has to live with that. Knowing my kids aren’t going to know their grandma.”

Additional reporting by Danika Fears