SendLayer Review

SendLayer Review: Is This the Best SMTP Mailer?

Thinking of using SendLayer to improve your email deliverability?

SendLayer promises quick and reliable email delivery and superior ease of use for all kinds of users. But does it deliver on its promises?

Click to see our verdict on SendLayer in this detailed review.

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9 Best WordPress SMS Plugins

Do you want to send SMS notifications to website users directly from your site?

Contacting your website visitors and users with SMS is a great way to communicate in a quick and efficient fashion. And with a slew of WordPress plugins available to integrate with your site, you have all kinds of ways to notify your users via SMS.

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How to Create a Net Promoter Score Survey in WordPress

How to Create an NPS Survey Form in WordPress

NPS surveys are vital for measuring customer satisfaction and improving as a business.

WPForms offers a ready-made template to quickly get you started on building an NPS survey form.

Click to learn how you can create a Net Promoter Score survey and embed it on your website without any code!

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Chatbots vs Forms: How to Choose the Right Solution

Are you having trouble deciding between a chatbot or a form for your website? Both chatbots and forms allow website visitors to interact with your site, and they each help to boost engagement and generate leads. But when is the right time to utilize a chatbot, and when should you use a form? Keep reading to find out.

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