VI Slice Moderate-Income Homeownership Program Webinar: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 – Register Here!

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Latest News

19,308 Jobs Created Through the EDC Tax Incentive Program(direct, indirect and induced jobs from 2013 to 2015)

+$1.01 Billion in Wages and Salaries by EDC Beneficiaries(from 2013 to 2015)

$9.6 Million in Charitable Contributions by EDC Beneficiaries(from 2013 to 2015)

Why we Love the U.S. Virgin Islands

Financing Options

World-class Broadband
No Passport Required
For US Citizens
Favorable Climate
Year Round
US Accredited University
1+ MIL
Passenger Arrivals
Top Cruise Ship Ports
International Airports
Deepwater Seaports
44,000+, Workforce