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Featurt airticle
The Reid Road wis a hoosin schame intae Balornock and Barmulloch, Glesga. Biggit in the mid-late 1960s, the Reid Road wis biggit wi steel and asbestos. Sax touers wis happit wi sheet-airn in the late 70s an early 80s. The flats wis amang the heichest biggins in Glesga, wi the sax tradietional touer-shapit anes bein 91 metre heich. The schame wis caaed for Reid Road (English: Red Road), a street on the wastren boonds o the schame. The touerblocks wis caaed doun wi explosives atween 2012 and 2015, houaniver the caain doun o 123 Petershill Drive and 10 Reid Road Court gaed agley, sae thay haed tae be caaed doun wi machine.
The Reid Road wis designed by Sam Bunton. Oot on the aicht touers, twa o thaim wis wide muckle slab blocks. Ilka slab block haed 3 sections. The lave o thaim wis 30-fluir tradietional touer-shapit blocks. The flats wis the heichest residential biggins in Europe in the time, tho heicher anes wad be biggit no lang efterhaund.
The flats wis proponed in 1961. The flats wis orieginally gaun tae be biggit wi reinforced concrete structurs wi 1,470 hooses. Houaniver, this wis chynged tae steel the follaein year.
- An earthquake strikes Turkey an Syrie, killin ower 37,000 fowk and injurin mair nor 94,000 ithers.
- A Chinese balloon suspectit o surveillance an espionage is shot doun efter fleein ower Canadae an The Unitit States.
- Croatie adopts the Euro an jynes the Schengen zone.
- Pape emeritus Benedict XVI (picturt) dees at 95 year auld.
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